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The Second American Revolution - We The People

Half of you on here will be the first casuilties of any civil unrest. You have no clue, look around you you are in the first stage of the coming revolution divid and comnqure. They our government is now in the process of dividing us all through what ever means possible. Tell on your friend for being radical, or every negative comment obout obama is racially motivated so they want us to believe. We are letting them divide us through what we dont understand, by the wording they use to minipulate their agenda when do we all wake up and what side will we be on once again will it be brother against brother, or WE THE PEOPLE against the ones the our turning us against one another. I ask you all the ones who believe and those who dont believe of the next revolution to pick a bill any bill and read it with an open mind and with your childerns future in mind is this what you want for them our children are broke and will remain broke in their futures remember some one has to foot the bill it will be them andone last thing any dont fear our military for they me being one have an oath that they have taken we do not pledge our allegience to anyone accept you the american people. here is our pledge and in my opinion every true americans pledge. Please keep in mind this is our duty as amercians and to our family.

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." We have the right to disobey any order that we deem unconstitutional and killing americans, disarming americans is unconstitutional.


I can't seem to find my tin foil hat....Do you have an extra?
Obama has seen this video and contacted Mr. Basso and said he was very disturbed by his and invited him to the White House. He told him not to discuss the invitation with anyone.

Sounds like a perfect thread for conspiracy theories.

Hello ... there's been a LOT of talk about revolution lately. Think you can make it go away by trying to marginalize and hide it?

But you wouldn't know anything about it, would you? YOU are the type person the revolution would be against.

Is our loyalty to this Nation and the ideals that embody it? Or to a government that does not embody either one? Simple question.

You are correct. This president has shown less respect for this country than do the enemy. He is leading us, not to greater things, but to destruction.

He is not an American, and refuses to wear even a pin that has an American flag on it. His plane had an American flag painted on it, but he had it removed.

He apologized to the Muslim world for America's "arrogance."

He bragged about how much the Muslims have contributed to America, while on the same tour where he claimed we are not a Christian nation. Soon after that he said that America might [someday] be the largest Muslim country in the world.

Where do you think he is going with that?

He claims to be a Christian but hides Christian symbols while at college speeches.

He is spending money we don't have for children not yet born to pay back. They will have to do that with money they won't have because he wants to allow illegals to have all of our benefits for free.

I am for the revolution, the peaceful one that includes marches and demands without apology. I am for free speech to talk about this person who was elected by deceiving the people who voted for him.

When will we stand up? Political Correctness will not stop me from telling it the way I see it.

With that said, I believe God also has a mighty hand in the events that are happening, and have been happening. I believe there is a direction we are headed that has far greater impact on the world than most people can imagine. I believe God is not controlling these events, but He may have a Judas in the office of President of the United States of America.

I don't mind praying for the president. I would help him to get out of the mess he has caused if he would just step down. If he was drowning, I would absolutely do what I could to help him. I don't hate him, but I do hate what he is doing.

I am an American and I stand with the ones who will walk in the revolution. I like what the video speaker said at the end of the speech, which indicated that he is not preaching a violent revolution. He said that we need to do something now, OR get a gun because if things keep going as they are, we will need one.

Sounds like a perfect thread for conspiracy theories.

Hello ... there's been a LOT of talk about revolution lately. Think you can make it go away by trying to marginalize and hide it?

But you wouldn't know anything about it, would you? YOU are the type person the revolution would be against.

Is our loyalty to this Nation and the ideals that embody it? Or to a government that does not embody either one? Simple question.

You are correct. This president has shown less respect for this country than do the enemy. He is leading us, not to greater things, but to destruction.

He is not an American, and refuses to wear even a pin that has an American flag on it. His plane had an American flag painted on it, but he had it removed.

He apologized to the Muslim world for America's "arrogance."

He bragged about how much the Muslims have contributed to America, while on the same tour where he claimed we are not a Christian nation. Soon after that he said that America might [someday] be the largest Muslim country in the world.

Where do you think he is going with that?

He claims to be a Christian but hides Christian symbols while at college speeches.

He is spending money we don't have for children not yet born to pay back. They will have to do that with money they won't have because he wants to allow illegals to have all of our benefits for free.

I am for the revolution, the peaceful one that includes marches and demands without apology. I am for free speech to talk about this person who was elected by deceiving the people who voted for him.

When will we stand up? Political Correctness will not stop me from telling it the way I see it.

With that said, I believe God also has a mighty hand in the events that are happening, and have been happening. I believe there is a direction we are headed that has far greater impact on the world than most people can imagine. I believe God is not controlling these events, but He may have a Judas in the office of President of the United States of America.

I don't mind praying for the president. I would help him to get out of the mess he has caused if he would just step down. If he was drowning, I would absolutely do what I could to help him. I don't hate him, but I do hate what he is doing.

I am an American and I stand with the ones who will walk in the revolution. I like what the video speaker said at the end of the speech, which indicated that he is not preaching a violent revolution. He said that we need to do something now, OR get a gun because if things keep going as they are, we will need one.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama is one of the finest American Presidents of the last hundred years.

"We the People" saw this when we elected him by a 2:1 margin over the candidate of that failed party. It is malcontents like Smartt33 who are undermining this great country that "We the People" have created.
Hello ... there's been a LOT of talk about revolution lately. Think you can make it go away by trying to marginalize and hide it?

But you wouldn't know anything about it, would you? YOU are the type person the revolution would be against.

Is our loyalty to this Nation and the ideals that embody it? Or to a government that does not embody either one? Simple question.

You are correct. This president has shown less respect for this country than do the enemy. He is leading us, not to greater things, but to destruction.

He is not an American, and refuses to wear even a pin that has an American flag on it. His plane had an American flag painted on it, but he had it removed.

He apologized to the Muslim world for America's "arrogance."

He bragged about how much the Muslims have contributed to America, while on the same tour where he claimed we are not a Christian nation. Soon after that he said that America might [someday] be the largest Muslim country in the world.

Where do you think he is going with that?

He claims to be a Christian but hides Christian symbols while at college speeches.

He is spending money we don't have for children not yet born to pay back. They will have to do that with money they won't have because he wants to allow illegals to have all of our benefits for free.

I am for the revolution, the peaceful one that includes marches and demands without apology. I am for free speech to talk about this person who was elected by deceiving the people who voted for him.

When will we stand up? Political Correctness will not stop me from telling it the way I see it.

With that said, I believe God also has a mighty hand in the events that are happening, and have been happening. I believe there is a direction we are headed that has far greater impact on the world than most people can imagine. I believe God is not controlling these events, but He may have a Judas in the office of President of the United States of America.

I don't mind praying for the president. I would help him to get out of the mess he has caused if he would just step down. If he was drowning, I would absolutely do what I could to help him. I don't hate him, but I do hate what he is doing.

I am an American and I stand with the ones who will walk in the revolution. I like what the video speaker said at the end of the speech, which indicated that he is not preaching a violent revolution. He said that we need to do something now, OR get a gun because if things keep going as they are, we will need one.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama is one of the finest American Presidents of the last hundred years.

"We the People" saw this when we elected him by a 2:1 margin over the candidate of that failed party. It is malcontents like Smartt33 who are undermining this great country that "We the People" have created.

I really believe you are wrong, but if I am proven to be the one who is wrong, I will gladly move over to that which is right.

Until then, I believe I am standing on the solid ground of truth and right.
Smartt33 is wrong, I think, but I defend his and almost everyone else's right to free speech, though I am wavering on William Joyce. If he really thinks as he posts, he is as dangerous to society as agna.
You are correct. This president has shown less respect for this country than do the enemy. He is leading us, not to greater things, but to destruction.

He is not an American, and refuses to wear even a pin that has an American flag on it. His plane had an American flag painted on it, but he had it removed.

He apologized to the Muslim world for America's "arrogance."

He bragged about how much the Muslims have contributed to America, while on the same tour where he claimed we are not a Christian nation. Soon after that he said that America might [someday] be the largest Muslim country in the world.

Where do you think he is going with that?

He claims to be a Christian but hides Christian symbols while at college speeches.

He is spending money we don't have for children not yet born to pay back. They will have to do that with money they won't have because he wants to allow illegals to have all of our benefits for free.

I am for the revolution, the peaceful one that includes marches and demands without apology. I am for free speech to talk about this person who was elected by deceiving the people who voted for him.

When will we stand up? Political Correctness will not stop me from telling it the way I see it.

With that said, I believe God also has a mighty hand in the events that are happening, and have been happening. I believe there is a direction we are headed that has far greater impact on the world than most people can imagine. I believe God is not controlling these events, but He may have a Judas in the office of President of the United States of America.

I don't mind praying for the president. I would help him to get out of the mess he has caused if he would just step down. If he was drowning, I would absolutely do what I could to help him. I don't hate him, but I do hate what he is doing.

I am an American and I stand with the ones who will walk in the revolution. I like what the video speaker said at the end of the speech, which indicated that he is not preaching a violent revolution. He said that we need to do something now, OR get a gun because if things keep going as they are, we will need one.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama is one of the finest American Presidents of the last hundred years.

"We the People" saw this when we elected him by a 2:1 margin over the candidate of that failed party. It is malcontents like Smartt33 who are undermining this great country that "We the People" have created.

I really believe you are wrong, but if I am proven to be the one who is wrong, I will gladly move over to that which is right.

Until then, I believe I am standing on the solid ground of truth and right.

It's my privilige to stand right beside you.
Smartt33 is wrong, I think, but I defend his and almost everyone else's right to free speech, though I am wavering on William Joyce. If he really thinks as he posts, he is as dangerous to society as agna.

I think you are wrong, but I will also defend your right to speak as you feel inclined.
"Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama is one of the finest American Presidents of the last hundred years." - Smartt33

Please define finest. His prize is based on what actions on his part? What campaign promises are now complete?
"Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama is one of the finest American Presidents of the last hundred years." - Smartt33

Please define finest. His prize is based on what actions on his part? What campaign promises are now complete?

Actually, it wasn't Smart33, it was "Rightwinger" (who I might add is most definitely not a RIGHTwinger).....

But the point is valid. WTF? On what planet can anyone - assuming it is a serious comment - claim Obama is one of the finest POTUS in the last 100 years, after only nine months in office.

I can now confidently completely ignore anything that Righwinger says because this 'logic' is most defintely flawed beyond salvation.
what is happening in America right now is why Socrates and Plato where against democracy as a form of gvernment. The founding fathers thought they craeted the solution to the problems they pointed out-the right to bear arms they assumed would mean periodic revolution, not to change forms of gov but to get rid of the coruption they knew would occur due to power and money. Unfortunatly there are very few people in this country who are men like our foundung fathers, willing to fight and die if necessary for their principles and beliefs. We should have had a revolutiom long ago maybe now finally we can right this terrible wrong brought us by these corrupt politicians who care only for their wallets and could care less about America. I say revolution NOW!:clap2:cuckoo:
The proscriptions for what needs to be done are pretty much right on.

What this man appearss to be lacking is any REAL WAY to get to that happy state of affiars which most real liberals and conservative American patriots want.

A tea-letter to our representatives will scare them?

Please, do not make me laugh.

When millions of Americans went to the streets to protest the illegal and immoral war in Viet Nam, they gassed the American people, and they beat them, and the imprisoned them without charges or constitutional protections.

And many of you on this board who THINK you're patriotic Americans probably STILL applaude your government for doing that, too, don't you?

Apparently the right is just now beginning to understand what the left has ALWAYS understood about the people in POWER in AMERICA.

They are NOT conseervatives, they are NOT liberals, they are neither left nor right, they are not CAPITALISTS neither are they socialists.

They are an insiders party arrogant with power that a LOT of Americans not only give them, but continue to give them.

Take a look around you.

This nation now has more ARMED GUARDS working for corporations (the insiders' corporations, not every corporation) than the rest of the nation COMBINED. The SERVANT CLASS PROTECT THE MASTER CLASS, folks.

No TYRANT ever had any difficulty finding men willing to kill for his tyranny, and America is NO EXCEPTION to that rule of political nature.

And, while I admire our military, I do NOT think that the military BRASS (who are after all well paid members of the insiders party) are about to stand up against the criminal class which control them, either.

You say you revolution?
Well, you know, we'd all love to see your plan.
But if you talking about destruction?
Well, don't you know that you can count me out.​

The solution, the ONLY solution that will bring us the America we ALL THINK is what we want is POLTICAL REVOLUTION.

And how does that POLITICAL MOVEMENT really take hold?

Well it has to start by convincing one hell of a LOT of Americans that this is not now, nor has it EVER been a problem of liberals V conservatives.

That confusion most of you people on this board have is the result of DECADES AND DECADES of propaganda.

Some of you folks are SO ANGRY that you want to shoot you NEIGHBORS!!!

As though, the poor schmuck living next door to you is RESPONSIBLE for what EITHER PARTY's MASTERS did?!

Until you folks are ready to admit that YOU were PLAYED FOR FOOLS, until you understand that what we are living with is -- not capitalism, it's not socialism, it's not democracy, it's not communism, it's a long standing ongoing RAPE of our society by the INSIDER PARTY -- you will continue to be SLAVES to these people.

Now which of you SERVANTS who are well PAID FUNCTIONARIES to the system is willing to give up YOUR RICE BOWL?

Not a single fucking one of you will do that would be MY guess.

And that is why they will continue to win the battle for the hearts and minds of Americans until this nation is bankrupted and most of us are living like third world refugees.

This obscene ripoff by our bankers SHOULD have been all you need to understand who the bastards are.

But STILL the idiots on this board (and every one like it) think the problem is liberalism or conservatism.

You fucking idiots don't know what EITHER poltical philosophy stands for because you have been lied to, and most of you are too god damned lazy (and many of you too filled with smug conceit, too) to READ what those things actually mean.

WAke up and smell the CHAINS you folks are mostly WILLINGLY wearing.

right on bit as you said most people here and in america are too stupid to get it because they LIKE the lies lies make them COMFORTABLE, along with their amex visa and volvos
obamas a frickin idiot, a politician like all the rest, corrupted. Finest president, based on what? that he's black? Thats gotta be it because he has done nothing else. I am so sick of african americans saying obama is the best simply because he's black. Leave the racisim behind for ounce

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