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The Second American Revolution - We The People

Computer problem, double post deleted.

But not to waste this post. Ravi maybe you should change your reading material to comic books, since you are having trouble with this adult material.
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Some people are so doctrinaire/dogmatic that they completely deny themselves any new information. Conservatives can't do that because they are so surrounded by liberal media sources that they actually do evaluate contesting ideas.
Awesome...then could you show me some evidence to support this guy's claim that Obama fears his message, asked for a secretive meeting, and then canceled the meeting?


For the second time I will address your false statement claiming the meeting was secretive. Show me where I said it was a secret meeting. Stop repeating your lies. The White House requested that Basso not make the invitation public news. Basso has no motive for making up this story. And as far as the report Obama was disturbed by Basso's video message, knowing Obama's agenda, I do not find it too difficult to come to the conclusion he wouldn't be happy with Basso's video message. I didn't say Obama feared his message. You obvious hear what you want to hear.
If it isn't public news, it is secretive. Do you need me to buy you a brain?

Do you honestly think Obama sits around in the White House and watches youtube videos and worries about them? Of course you do. :lol:

So, are you telling me you agree this meeting was a figment of Basso's imagination?
The gentlemen who made this video is Dr. Bob Basso. Obama has seen this video and contacted Mr. Basso and said he was very disturbed by his video and invited him to the White House. He told him not to discuss the invitation with anyone. Dr. Basso was suppose to make a second appearance on the Jerry Doyle talk radio show, but had to back out because of The White House request. I know this because I was listening to the radio show as this developed.

I would be very afraid if I was this guy.

Obama's politics uses a thug mentality and I believe they are going to try and destroy him.

Look what that did the Joe the Plumber. This guy is calling for a revolution and people are getting fired up. Is our government finally feeling a bit fearful?


Dude, that was fucking awesome! Thanks!!
Awesome...then could you show me some evidence to support this guy's claim that Obama fears his message, asked for a secretive meeting, and then canceled the meeting?


For the second time I will address your false statement claiming the meeting was secretive. Show me where I said it was a secret meeting. Stop repeating your lies. The White House requested that Basso not make the invitation public news. Basso has no motive for making up this story. And as far as the report Obama was disturbed by Basso's video message, knowing Obama's agenda, I do not find it too difficult to come to the conclusion he wouldn't be happy with Basso's video message. I didn't say Obama feared his message. You obvious hear what you want to hear.
If it isn't public news, it is secretive. Do you need me to buy you a brain?

Do you honestly think Obama sits around in the White House and watches youtube videos and worries about them? Of course you do. :lol:

So, are you telling me you agree this meeting was a figment of Basso's imagination?

Huh... I see an assertion made wherein the speaker from the OP made a claim and I see Ravi denying that the claim is legitimate, on absolutely no basis beyond she chooses not to believe it.

It's a small irrelavant point, so because it has the value of distracting from the left having been fed to their American opponents, it's the best she can hope for.

How this member is suppose to know the veracity of the speakers claim is known only to Ravi, yet she stands on it as if it were the purest essence of reason...

The gentlemen who made this video is Dr. Bob Basso.

Indianapolis expects 8,000 for its Indiana Tea Party, April 15th, and Dr. Bob Basso will be the guest of honor, when making an appearance there. We're having one of our own here in Bloomington, 50 miles to the south....

Here's the BLOG alert: Indiana Tea Party- Check it out; it's pretty cool, how far this all has developed already.
Awesome...then could you show me some evidence to support this guy's claim that Obama fears his message, asked for a secretive meeting, and then canceled the meeting?


For the second time I will address your false statement claiming the meeting was secretive. Show me where I said it was a secret meeting. Stop repeating your lies. The White House requested that Basso not make the invitation public news. Basso has no motive for making up this story. And as far as the report Obama was disturbed by Basso's video message, knowing Obama's agenda, I do not find it too difficult to come to the conclusion he wouldn't be happy with Basso's video message. I didn't say Obama feared his message. You obvious hear what you want to hear.

If it isn't public news, it is secretive. Do you need me to buy you a brain?

Do you honestly think Obama sits around in the White House and watches youtube videos and worries about them? Of course you do. :lol:

So, are you telling me you agree this meeting was a figment of Basso's imagination?

You are such a waste of time. You don't believe the media is biased, unless of course it's Fox. There is no way the liberal media outlets are going to give Basso any type of publicity. Basso stated in an interview, the only way to get the attention of the media is to stage an event with millions of people. When the media covers the National Tea Party events, they will claim there to be few hundred people when in fact there were a few thousand. And they make sure to find an Obama supporter in the vicinity to interview.

And yes, I do believe Obama was made aware of the Youtube video. You will find multiple links to Mr. Basso's video on Youtube. The original is under funbobbasso. His video alone has already gotten over 1.7 million views. And you don't think the WH isn't aware of this? :dig: Time for you to go bury your head.

And for the record and to correct a previous statement of mine. The day Mr. Basso received the call from the WH he was suppose to call the Jerry Doyle Show. He didn't call and I was under the impression, it was because of the WH's request. When Basso called the next day, he said when the story leaked out, he was bombarded with media calls and that was the reason he didn't call in.
If he lies about this then he's really only in it for the attention, IMO. There is no credible reason for me to believe a president would set up a meeting with a crack pot, nor should they.

So until he offers proof I will think of him as nothing but a crack pot.

It'd be a lot more effective, btw, to just not pay your taxes this year...

Also, are you this Basso dude?
If he lies about this then he's really only in it for the attention, IMO. There is no credible reason for me to believe a president would set up a meeting with a crack pot, nor should they.

So until he offers proof I will think of him as nothing but a crack pot.

It'd be a lot more effective, btw, to just not pay your taxes this year...

Also, are you this Basso dude?

So in your view you consider Basso a liar and crackpot. But what about his message in the video? Do you agree with any of his points made? Please do tell.
Half of you on here will be the first casuilties of any civil unrest. You have no clue, look around you you are in the first stage of the coming revolution divid and comnqure. They our government is now in the process of dividing us all through what ever means possible. Tell on your friend for being radical, or every negative comment obout obama is racially motivated so they want us to believe. We are letting them divide us through what we dont understand, by the wording they use to minipulate their agenda when do we all wake up and what side will we be on once again will it be brother against brother, or WE THE PEOPLE against the ones the our turning us against one another. I ask you all the ones who believe and those who dont believe of the next revolution to pick a bill any bill and read it with an open mind and with your childerns future in mind is this what you want for them our children are broke and will remain broke in their futures remember some one has to foot the bill it will be them andone last thing any dont fear our military for they me being one have an oath that they have taken we do not pledge our allegience to anyone accept you the american people. here is our pledge and in my opinion every true americans pledge. Please keep in mind this is our duty as amercians and to our family.

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." We have the right to disobey any order that we deem unconstitutional and killing americans, disarming americans is unconstitutional.
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Half of you on here will be the first casuilties of any civil unrest. You have no clue, look around you you are in the first stage of the coming revolution divid and comnqure. They our government is now in the process of dividing us all through what ever means possible. Tell on your friend for being radical, or every negative comment obout obama is racially motivated so they want us to believe. We are letting them divide us through what we dont understand, by the wording they use to minipulate their agenda when do we all wake up and what side will we be on once again will it be brother against brother, or WE THE PEOPLE against the ones the our turning us against one another. I ask you all the ones who believe and those who dont believe of the next revolution to pick a bill any bill and read it with an open mind and with your childerns future in mind is this what you want for them our children are broke and will remain broke in their futures remember some one has to foot the bill it will be them andone last thing any dont fear our military for they me being one have an oath that they have taken we do not pledge our allegience to anyone accept you the american people. here is our pledge and in my opinion every true americans pledge. Please keep in mind this is our duty as amercians and to our family.

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." We have the right to disobey any order that we deem unconstitutional and killing americans, disarming americans is unconstitutional.

They started the "divide and conquer" back in the 60's with Teddy's immigration bill which limited people from first world nations from immigrating here in favor of people from third world nations. People who were used to doing EXACTLY what their government, their police said. At the same time they started teaching population control in our schools, convincing Americans to limit their population growth. As a result we have a country now that is heavily on the immigrant side. Few real Americans are left to fight for our freedom and the immigrants don't care. You think the government didn't know what they were doing in the 60's when they changed the immigration laws? Yeah, I know, another conspiracy. Just because it's a conspiracy doesn't mean it's not true.
If he lies about this then he's really only in it for the attention, IMO. There is no credible reason for me to believe a president would set up a meeting with a crack pot, nor should they.

So until he offers proof I will think of him as nothing but a crack pot.

It'd be a lot more effective, btw, to just not pay your taxes this year...

Also, are you this Basso dude?

So in your view you consider Basso a liar and crackpot. But what about his message in the video? Do you agree with any of his points made? Please do tell.

According to the left wing bible 'Rules for Radicals', standard procedure - attack the messenger.

The problem is that every one else has read the book now too so we are familiar with the tactic. Unfortunately, because our education system no longer teaches us HOW to think and focuses on WHAT to think, the left are not smart enough to work out a new tactic.
I wonder if anyone realizes that this thread was necroed and has been dead for the past 6 months. Responding to the points now is like asking to remember a conversation six months ago. :lol:
What's wrong with bringing it up again for another look?

That's like necroing threads from three years ago and responding to points three years ago. It's something that's just not suppose to be done.

If you want to talk about it, start a new thread. Though I'm not sure why people even go so far back to find these threads and respond to them with points not even worth reopening the thread for.
What's wrong with bringing it up again for another look?

That's like necroing threads from three years ago and responding to points three years ago. It's something that's just not suppose to be done.

If you want to talk about it, start a new thread. Though I'm not sure why people even go so far back to find these threads and respond to them with points not even worth reopening the thread for.

Perhaps someone new comes along and responds and we respond to them?
Perhaps someone new comes along and responds and we respond to them?

*Shrugs* So be it. I'm just saying that new people to message boards ought to know better than to respond to threads from 6 months, 3 years ago, etc when there are new threads daily.

However, when you begin to respond to the original points made over six months ago, it's a bit dishonest. Especially since those people may not even be around anymore to defend their points. See my point?
Obama has seen this video and contacted Mr. Basso and said he was very disturbed by his and invited him to the White House. He told him not to discuss the invitation with anyone.

Sounds like a perfect thread for conspiracy theories.

Hello ... there's been a LOT of talk about revolution lately. Think you can make it go away by trying to marginalize and hide it?

But you wouldn't know anything about it, would you? YOU are the type person the revolution would be against.

Is our loyalty to this Nation and the ideals that embody it? Or to a government that does not embody either one? Simple question.

Looks to me like the simple question is why do you Conservatives believe that you have the right to talk armed revolution just because you were put out of office as per our Constitution, because you are such a bunch of stupid incompetants.

Show me where the present government is doing anything that is either Unconstitutional, or infringing on the right of the citizens. Just because it is liberal, not Conservative, does not give you the right to consider armed revolution.

This kind of talk is the very kind of thing that sets up the Timothy McVieghs to feel justified in the kind of insanity that they engage in. And this kind of talk is setting up a climate for fruitcakes to feel justified in assinating an American President.
If he lies about this then he's really only in it for the attention, IMO. There is no credible reason for me to believe a president would set up a meeting with a crack pot, nor should they.

So until he offers proof I will think of him as nothing but a crack pot.

It'd be a lot more effective, btw, to just not pay your taxes this year...

Also, are you this Basso dude?

So in your view you consider Basso a liar and crackpot. But what about his message in the video? Do you agree with any of his points made? Please do tell.

He starts out by quipping "the largest spending bill in history." If you check out the CBO every spending bill has been the largest spending bill in history. In fact you would have to go back to the end of WWII to find a YoY decrease in spending. Basso is a nut...though I do agree we have the largest spending bill in history...

Sounds like a perfect thread for conspiracy theories.

Hello ... there's been a LOT of talk about revolution lately. Think you can make it go away by trying to marginalize and hide it?

But you wouldn't know anything about it, would you? YOU are the type person the revolution would be against.

Is our loyalty to this Nation and the ideals that embody it? Or to a government that does not embody either one? Simple question.

Looks to me like the simple question is why do you Conservatives believe that you have the right to talk armed revolution just because you were put out of office as per our Constitution, because you are such a bunch of stupid incompetants.

Show me where the present government is doing anything that is either Unconstitutional, or infringing on the right of the citizens. Just because it is liberal, not Conservative, does not give you the right to consider armed revolution.

This kind of talk is the very kind of thing that sets up the Timothy McVieghs to feel justified in the kind of insanity that they engage in. And this kind of talk is setting up a climate for fruitcakes to feel justified in assinating an American President.

Let them consider armed revolution.They will soon find out they are not the only ones armed...

Sounds like a perfect thread for conspiracy theories.

Hello ... there's been a LOT of talk about revolution lately. Think you can make it go away by trying to marginalize and hide it?

But you wouldn't know anything about it, would you? YOU are the type person the revolution would be against.

Is our loyalty to this Nation and the ideals that embody it? Or to a government that does not embody either one? Simple question.
Are you threatening me, Gunny? Still with the rightwingnut claim that anyone that doesn't agree with your view is a traitor?

I was commenting on his claim that Obama called this guy and told him not to tell anyone.

Revolution is treason, unless you win.

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