The Second Gilded Age

Feb 20, 2013
Heart of Republica
We can sit here and belittle each other's politics (and both would be right) until rapture, but my recent readings and studies have led me to think "there's something deeper at work" than "decisions" by weak and partisan politicians. With a book I'm currently reading ("Plutocrats"), I'm starting to find out that the politicians are even more irrelevant than I initially supposed, only important to the extent they're bought and sold by the real powers that be.

Yea, we are in a second "Gilded Age" caused more or less by the transformation of an industrialized economy to an economy I don't think has been really defined yet, aside from obvious names like "global" and "technological." It's interesting stuff and explains the ever increasing rise of the 1% and the marginalization of the rest of us.

You who fear "redistribution of wealth" have NOTHING to worry about. It isn't going to happen. This is just a sample of what's online to read (since reading books seems to be a thing of the past............)

Brad DeLong : The Second Gilded Age Once Again

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