The secret to ending race wars


What country does America hate more? Mexico or Japan?.....

America doesn't hate either country, of course. Both are our allies.
Mexico is an ally of convenience because borders(which is more than shaky at this point).

Japan is an ally of mutual respect...despite the fact that we dropped 2 atomic bombs on 2 fairly populous cities in their country as their mortal enemy.

ALL allies are allies because of self interest. Always. That having been said, Mexico and Japan are our allies and we certainly do not hate either country.
Mexico is more of an enemy to us than Russia is.

Why else do Mexicans try destroy our sovereignty and then actually attack us for defending it?

Do you really think Mexico gives a shit if drug cartels kill our youth or not?
You end the race "wars" by respecting and understanding the experience of the other races besides your own. Whites have consistently refused to do this and In fact they have tried to force everyone into seeing the world as they do. They have tried to force all non whites in America o r to deny their own experiences and ignore them to follow and believe a narrative made by whites about their experiences. This is only going to make things worse. And it's time we learned that.
And yet you don't respect or understand the experiences of white people at all.

Sorry but we are forced to do that. We are taught the experiences of whites. But the experience of whites in America includes racism against all others who were not white.

Nice try but the false equivalence doesn't work here.
You don't know shit about white experiences; that is why you ignorantly deny the genocide of white people as we calmly and clearly point it out to you.

Because there is a huge difference between someone black calling a white person a name than a white person developing policies such as voter ID laws purposefully made to reduce the ability for non whites to vote. ....

So, you're OK with some forms of racism but not others? Not a very consistent stance, morally or logically.

I'm not OK with any form of racism. But the things you have fallen like a sucker for that whites tell you is racism is not.

Let me guess, you call the kind of racism you accept "realism," right?

No. Because I don't accept racism. .You are simple minded and cannot understand what I talk about when I say what I do.
You end the race "wars" by respecting and understanding the experience of the other races besides your own. Whites have consistently refused to do this and In fact they have tried to force everyone into seeing the world as they do. They have tried to force all non whites in America o r to deny their own experiences and ignore them to follow and believe a narrative made by whites about their experiences. This is only going to make things worse. And it's time we learned that.
And yet you don't respect or understand the experiences of white people at all.

Sorry but we are forced to do that. We are taught the experiences of whites. But the experience of whites in America includes racism against all others who were not white.

Nice try but the false equivalence doesn't work here.
You don't know shit about white experiences; that is why you ignorantly deny the genocide of white people as we calmly and clearly point it out to you.

There is no white genocide. Like I said the false equivalence doesn't work here.

What country does America hate more? Mexico or Japan?.....

America doesn't hate either country, of course. Both are our allies.
Mexico is an ally of convenience because borders(which is more than shaky at this point).

Japan is an ally of mutual respect...despite the fact that we dropped 2 atomic bombs on 2 fairly populous cities in their country as their mortal enemy.

ALL allies are allies because of self interest. Always. That having been said, Mexico and Japan are our allies and we certainly do not hate either country.
Mexico is more of an enemy to us than Russia is.

Why else do Mexicans try destroy our sovereignty and then actually attack us for defending it?

Do you really think Mexico gives a shit if drug cartels kill our youth or not?


What country does America hate more? Mexico or Japan?.....

America doesn't hate either country, of course. Both are our allies.
Mexico is an ally of convenience because borders(which is more than shaky at this point).

Japan is an ally of mutual respect...despite the fact that we dropped 2 atomic bombs on 2 fairly populous cities in their country as their mortal enemy.

ALL allies are allies because of self interest. Always. That having been said, Mexico and Japan are our allies and we certainly do not hate either country.
Mexico is more of an enemy to us than Russia is.


No, it is not.

What country does America hate more? Mexico or Japan?.....

America doesn't hate either country, of course. Both are our allies.
Mexico is an ally of convenience because borders(which is more than shaky at this point).

Japan is an ally of mutual respect...despite the fact that we dropped 2 atomic bombs on 2 fairly populous cities in their country as their mortal enemy.

ALL allies are allies because of self interest. Always. That having been said, Mexico and Japan are our allies and we certainly do not hate either country.
Mexico is more of an enemy to us than Russia is.

Why else do Mexicans try destroy our sovereignty and then actually attack us for defending it?


They don't

Because there is a huge difference between someone black calling a white person a name than a white person developing policies such as voter ID laws purposefully made to reduce the ability for non whites to vote. ....

So, you're OK with some forms of racism but not others? Not a very consistent stance, morally or logically.

I'm not OK with any form of racism. But the things you have fallen like a sucker for that whites tell you is racism is not.

Let me guess, you call the kind of racism you accept "realism," right?

No. Because I don't accept racism. .You are simple minded and cannot understand what I talk about when I say what I do.

It is very simple to understand.

Because there is a huge difference between someone black calling a white person a name than a white person developing policies such as voter ID laws purposefully made to reduce the ability for non whites to vote. ....

So, you're OK with some forms of racism but not others? Not a very consistent stance, morally or logically.

I'm not OK with any form of racism. But the things you have fallen like a sucker for that whites tell you is racism is not.

Let me guess, you call the kind of racism you accept "realism," right?

No. Because I don't accept racism. .You are simple minded and cannot understand what I talk about when I say what I do.

It is very simple to understand.

If you want to make simplistic conclusions based upon something that has never been then maybe so.
The secret to ending race wars? Getting the blacks to realize that they've already lost badly to whites and asians.

Because there is a huge difference between someone black calling a white person a name than a white person developing policies such as voter ID laws purposefully made to reduce the ability for non whites to vote. Lets not be stupid, you don't mistreat races of people time after time as whites have done then call them racists for expressing their displeasure with whites for doing it.
What's your problem with voter ID laws? Don't they accept incarceration records or food stamp cards at the voting booths?

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