The seeds of millennials' love for Sanders/socialism were planted in the 60s...

I doubt the Millennials will vote for Sanders, I believe this is just more propaganda.

No Democrat has a chance to win after 8 years of Obama, that is why they got Trump to run as a Republican.
The young will vote, mostly, for the D even if the D is (D) Ficus Tree. They can't vote for whatever scum the GOP runs.
The only thing missing from your reasoning is that the millennials have lived under Obama for 8 years, hence they see what damage Socialists do while in charge.
What damage? And they sure seem to like the socialist Bernie eh?

Your "reasoning" needs work, a lot of it.
I doubt the Millennials will vote for Sanders, I believe this is just more propaganda.

No Democrat has a chance to win after 8 years of Obama, that is why they got Trump to run as a Republican.

Well here are some surveys...

It would hardly be worth asking if Bernie were outpolling Hillary by, say, 60-40 percent among millennials, but lately he seems to be outpolling her by about 85-15 percent. That's crazy. Santa Claus would have a hard time pulling numbers like that against the Grinch.
Why are millennials in love with Bernie Sanders?

As he stands, Sanders has the youth vote locked up. Among voters under the age of 35, Sanders enjoys a cool 11-point lead over Clinton. Though these voters tend to be unpredictable about turnout, their support is significant. President Barack Obama was elected to the White House twice due in large part to his ability to garner support from millennial voters.

Why Millennials Can't Get Enough Of Bernie Sanders

Seems counter to your observation...
The system is rigged, but it can still be worked with.

And there is already the dreaded Socialism here, just a very poor version of it...

Yeah that's because of our Constitution and also why they hate it.
waaaa........ we can't get full Socialism - this outdated document needs to go waaa.........
It will work if we do that, and it will work when get enough money.
Yet it never does.
The system is rigged, but it can still be worked with.

And there is already the dreaded Socialism here, just a very poor version of it...

Yeah that's because of our Constitution and also why they hate it.
waaaa........ we can't get full Socialism - this outdated document needs to go waaa.........
It will work if we do that, and it will work when get enough money.
Yet it never does.
Socialism, especially what you'd call it, works all over the damn world. It even works here Grow up, please, and get past the dogma Socialism = Bad.
The system is rigged, but it can still be worked with.

And there is already the dreaded Socialism here, just a very poor version of it...

Yeah that's because of our Constitution and also why they hate it.
waaaa........ we can't get full Socialism - this outdated document needs to go waaa.........
It will work if we do that, and it will work when get enough money.
Yet it never does.
Socialism, especially what you'd call it, works all over the damn world. It even works here Grow up, please, and get past the dogma Socialism = Bad.

I was giving you an explanation of what you said why it's poor version here.
The system is rigged, but it can still be worked with.

And there is already the dreaded Socialism here, just a very poor version of it...

Yeah that's because of our Constitution and also why they hate it.
waaaa........ we can't get full Socialism - this outdated document needs to go waaa.........
It will work if we do that, and it will work when get enough money.
Yet it never does.
Socialism, especially what you'd call it, works all over the damn world. It even works here Grow up, please, and get past the dogma Socialism = Bad.

No it is not working all over the world and it isn't working here.
The system is rigged, but it can still be worked with.

And there is already the dreaded Socialism here, just a very poor version of it...

Yeah that's because of our Constitution and also why they hate it.
waaaa........ we can't get full Socialism - this outdated document needs to go waaa.........
It will work if we do that, and it will work when get enough money.
Yet it never does.
Socialism, especially what you'd call it, works all over the damn world. It even works here Grow up, please, and get past the dogma Socialism = Bad.

Socialism works?
Explain how it works in spite of killing 149 million people since 1918.
Communist Body Count
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Screen Shot 2016-02-13 at 1.09.18 PM.png
The system is rigged, but it can still be worked with.

And there is already the dreaded Socialism here, just a very poor version of it...

Yeah that's because of our Constitution and also why they hate it.
waaaa........ we can't get full Socialism - this outdated document needs to go waaa.........
It will work if we do that, and it will work when get enough money.
Yet it never does.
Socialism, especially what you'd call it, works all over the damn world. It even works here Grow up, please, and get past the dogma Socialism = Bad.

I was giving you an explanation of what you said why it's poor version here.
You gave no example. An example of poor socialism would be how we do healthcare here.
The system is rigged, but it can still be worked with.

And there is already the dreaded Socialism here, just a very poor version of it...

Yeah that's because of our Constitution and also why they hate it.
waaaa........ we can't get full Socialism - this outdated document needs to go waaa.........
It will work if we do that, and it will work when get enough money.
Yet it never does.
Socialism, especially what you'd call it, works all over the damn world. It even works here Grow up, please, and get past the dogma Socialism = Bad.

Socialism works?
Explain how it works in spite of killing 149 million people since 1918.
Communist Body Count
View attachment 63337
View attachment 63338
Save the dogma. Stick with Sweden, not the USSR.
There is nothing special about sweden and giving up gross amounts of money to corrupt govts to make bad decisons for an entire populace.
Did socialism create the Internet? Computers? Cell phones? what kind of devices and services have been created in socialistic states that have improved
humankind? Did socialism create Salk Vaccine?

Take a bow, capitalism — nearly 1 billion people have been taken out of extreme poverty in 20 years, thanks to markets
Take a bow, capitalism - nearly 1 billion people have been taken out of extreme poverty in 20 years, thanks to markets - AEI
Capitalism is the answer to many things, just not all things. And was Salk working at home in his garage or for a corporation? Oh right, he was at the University of Pittsburgh, a public university...
Did socialism create the Internet? Computers? Cell phones? what kind of devices and services have been created in socialistic states that have improved
humankind? Did socialism create Salk Vaccine?

Take a bow, capitalism — nearly 1 billion people have been taken out of extreme poverty in 20 years, thanks to markets
Take a bow, capitalism - nearly 1 billion people have been taken out of extreme poverty in 20 years, thanks to markets - AEI
Capitalism is the answer to many things, just not all things. And was Salk working at home in his garage or for a corporation? Oh right, he was at the University of Pittsburgh, a public university...

And how was he paid? Charity? Or did he get a salary from the University which got it's funding from taxes paid by working people, corporations, etc.
NOT generated by the state! Collected by the state!
Did socialism create the Internet? Computers? Cell phones? what kind of devices and services have been created in socialistic states that have improved
humankind? Did socialism create Salk Vaccine?

Take a bow, capitalism — nearly 1 billion people have been taken out of extreme poverty in 20 years, thanks to markets
Take a bow, capitalism - nearly 1 billion people have been taken out of extreme poverty in 20 years, thanks to markets - AEI
Capitalism is the answer to many things, just not all things. And was Salk working at home in his garage or for a corporation? Oh right, he was at the University of Pittsburgh, a public university...

And how was he paid? Charity? Or did he get a salary from the University which got it's funding from taxes paid by working people, corporations, etc.
NOT generated by the state! Collected by the state!
If the Salk vaccine is your example of capitalism at work, you're in a shit-load of trouble. Next time us Viagra, that's capitalism.
Socialism began in the Sixties?

good one
Where did I state socialism started in the 60s? You are just proving what I've stated though is people like you that have bought into the garbage of Sanders/Hillary/Obama that the state will take care of you have been doing this since at least 1918 when the first socialist state started murdering people.
With the socialists agenda being followed for over now a century and 149 million dead people due strictly to socialism's advocating the State is supreme and
people must abide by whatever the state says, we have a generation of people influenced by those people I mentioned that hated the USA in the 60s and now are in positions of great influence. Positions at newspapers/television/universities. These people that have their pseudo-intellectual discussions of how bad the USA has treated the world and espouse the same crap that was espoused in the 1920s causing 149 million deaths in socialist countries are now influencing the millennials.
That's why these truly poorly educated millennials love Bernie/Hillary. To them there is a "free lunch". They just don't know that history has shown to get that free lunch millions have to die!

What do you want that you don't have, exactly?

For all your bitching and moaning, you never offer an alternative.
Did socialism create the Internet? Computers? Cell phones? what kind of devices and services have been created in socialistic states that have improved
humankind? Did socialism create Salk Vaccine?

Take a bow, capitalism — nearly 1 billion people have been taken out of extreme poverty in 20 years, thanks to markets
Take a bow, capitalism - nearly 1 billion people have been taken out of extreme poverty in 20 years, thanks to markets - AEI
Capitalism is the answer to many things, just not all things. And was Salk working at home in his garage or for a corporation? Oh right, he was at the University of Pittsburgh, a public university...

And how was he paid? Charity? Or did he get a salary from the University which got it's funding from taxes paid by working people, corporations, etc.
NOT generated by the state! Collected by the state!

The state is the government. The government is of the People. The State is the People.
The system is rigged, but it can still be worked with.

And there is already the dreaded Socialism here, just a very poor version of it...

Yeah that's because of our Constitution and also why they hate it.
waaaa........ we can't get full Socialism - this outdated document needs to go waaa.........
It will work if we do that, and it will work when get enough money.
Yet it never does.
Socialism, especially what you'd call it, works all over the damn world. It even works here Grow up, please, and get past the dogma Socialism = Bad.

I was giving you an explanation of what you said why it's poor version here.
You gave no example. An example of poor socialism would be how we do healthcare here.

or welfare which has done more harm than good.
The system is rigged, but it can still be worked with.

And there is already the dreaded Socialism here, just a very poor version of it...

Yeah that's because of our Constitution and also why they hate it.
waaaa........ we can't get full Socialism - this outdated document needs to go waaa.........
It will work if we do that, and it will work when get enough money.
Yet it never does.
Socialism, especially what you'd call it, works all over the damn world. It even works here Grow up, please, and get past the dogma Socialism = Bad.

Socialism works?
Explain how it works in spite of killing 149 million people since 1918.
Communist Body Count
View attachment 63337
View attachment 63338
Save the dogma. Stick with Sweden, not the USSR.
You need to stick with Africa America to see explicitly how socialism fails in this country. Every black jurisdiction in this country is an abysmal failure as a result of confiscated capital being divvied to an entitlement class.

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