The Senate border bill died due to bipartisan opposition. Why is it still a new story?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
The pork for dictators bill died in the Senate, due to bipartisan opposition. But Democrats and the media will continue to bring it up over and over again. And continue to lie about it.

The bill would have included some of the most significant changes in immigration policy seen in decades, along with aid for Ukraine and Israel. But any hope for the deal seemed to be dashed after Trump came out against it, apparently so he could campaign on Biden’s perceived weakness on the border.

Look for the Democrat dominated media to run story after story about illegal immigration, a topic they have preferred to back burner. But they will end Every story with “this would’ve been addressed in the bipartisan Senate border bill, voted down at the insistence of Donald Trump.”

Until they start that, they are still running stories about the defeat of the bill as if it is news.

Most people drop an issue when it is dead, but not Democrats. They will continue to bring it up, and we will do little more than roll our eyes.
The pork for dictators bill died in the Senate, due to bipartisan opposition. But Democrats and the media will continue to bring it up over and over again. And continue to lie about it.

The bill would have included some of the most significant changes in immigration policy seen in decades, along with aid for Ukraine and Israel. But any hope for the deal seemed to be dashed after Trump came out against it, apparently so he could campaign on Biden’s perceived weakness on the border.

Look for the Democrat dominated media to run story after story about illegal immigration, a topic they have preferred to back burner. But they will end Every story with “this would’ve been addressed in the bipartisan Senate border bill, voted down at the insistence of Donald Trump.”

Until they start that, they are still running stories about the defeat of the bill as if it is news.

Most people drop an issue when it is dead, but not Democrats. They will continue to bring it up, and we will do little more than roll our eyes.
The issue is not dead. We still need to fix the problem. Unfortunately, MAGAs just aren't interested in doing that until they think they can claim all the credit. Typical for cult members.
The issue is not dead. We still need to fix the problem. Unfortunately, MAGAs just aren't interested in doing that until they think they can claim all the credit. Typical for cult members.
Yes, we need to fix a problem. That so-called “bi-partisan“ “border bill“ would not have solved the problem.
Yes, we need to fix a problem. That so-called “bi-partisan“ “border bill“ would not have solved the problem.
Not a perfect fix. It wouldn't have fixed every aspect of the problem, and the bill did address things you MAGAs have been whinng about for years. You might also note how many of your cult members were for it until trump said no. That man is your king.
The issue is not dead. We still need to fix the problem. Unfortunately, MAGAs just aren't interested in doing that until they think they can claim all the credit. Typical for cult members.
HR2 will fix the problem.
Not a perfect fix. It wouldn't have fixed every aspect of the problem, and the bill did address things you MAGAs have been whinng about for years. You might also note how many of your cult members were for it until trump said no. That man is your king.
Who was for it, other than Lankford?
Not a perfect fix. It wouldn't have fixed every aspect of the problem, and the bill did address things you MAGAs have been whinng about for years. You might also note how many of your cult members were for it until trump said no. That man is your king.

Yes, I know that is the lie y’all are going to keep repeating. That bill had nothing that the “Maga” wanted. Name one “MAGA” anywhere on this board that ever said that they wanted a 5000 illegal alien crossing per day limit.

Even when that limit would’ve been crossed it only “allowed” Biden to shut down the border. It did not require him to, so of course he would not.

Since Biden is refused to enforce existing law, it is foolish to believe a new one would change anything. All the bill did was tie, a bunch of pork for foreign dictators to a small amount of border money that would’ve been squandered under this administration.

Trump never said, “don’t pass his bill, so I can look good later on getting my own bill passed.” He said “a bad bill is worse than no bill at all, and he was spot on.”

But please keep lying. I would be disappointed if you did not.
Yes, I know that is the lie y’all are going to keep repeating. That bill had nothing that the “Maga” wanted. Name one “MAGA” anywhere on this board that ever said that they wanted a 5000 illegal alien crossing per day limit.

Even when that limit would’ve been crossed it only “allowed” Biden to shut down the border. It did not require him to, so of course he would not.

Since Biden is refused to enforce existing law, it is foolish to believe a new one would change anything. All the bill did was tie, a bunch of pork for foreign dictators to a small amount of border money that would’ve been squandered under this administration.

Trump never said, “don’t pass his bill, so I can look good later on getting my own bill passed.” He said “a bad bill is worse than no bill at all, and he was spot on.”

But please keep lying. I would be disappointed if you did not.
It would have allowed him at 4000. It would have required him at 5000.
It would have allowed him at 4000. It would have required him at 5000.
Another lie.

It says that with 5,000 per day for seven consecutive days the "border authority shall be activated." Border authority does not require anyone to do anything. It grants the Secretary of Homeland Security the authority to do some things, that he has always had the authority to do, and has chosen not to.

It doesn't say anyone will be deported, or that the border will be shut down. It has several paragraphs of exceptions, to even those vague authorities..

You pass on a lie because you are not willing to read what you are talking about, you are just as guilty of the lie.

Check it out before you lie again:

Read starting at page 205.

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