The Senate-House Impeachment Battle

Looks to me like the Senate is going to hold Pelosi to her own house rules..... Got to love it!

That would be so nice.
I can see democrats crying and this ending up in federal court, SCOTUS to be precise...
There is no SCOTUS role in an impeachment trial, the Senate has SOLE authority over impeachment trials. "SOLE" means that no one else has a role.

Report: Senate GOP eyeing “aggressive” trial timetable that could see Trump acquitted within two weeks

Before the State of the Union?
I heard that the Senate will work 6-days a week, so that shortens the trial a few days.
I'd also recommend that the defense shorten their presentations to a few hours instead of a full day, i.e. keep it short and decisive.
It would be great to acquit Trump before the State of the Union speech.
There will be a vote to dismiss right before the vote to have witnesses a few days into the trial.
To avoid the "Senate Circus" I'm hearing that all Republicans are going to vote to dismiss....we'll see.

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