The Senate should have a secret vote of impeachment.

The Senate rules regarding the conduct of an impeachment trial, including ballot secrecy, require a simple majority (though a two-thirds majority is required for conviction).
Donald Trump should be convicted unanimously by secret ballot | TheHill
a regular jury has a secret vote.

Bullshit. Nothing should be secret about this waste of tax dollars and time. Every part of this bull shit should be out there for any American who wants to watch it.

What an idiot you are.
Well, they don't.

Suck it.
Those who excuse criminal behavior are just as guilty as those who commit it.
Does that include our selected VP Kamala Harris who not only excused the behavior of those burning and looting American businesses but also provided material support to them?
Fake news, kiddo
Really? Kamala Harris on Twitter: "If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota." / Twitter

It's right there in the stuff you quoted.
You need bail if all you're doing is protesting? By your standards she is guilty of whatever crimes happened during those protests she supported.
At least one of those bailed out has been picked up for being a pedo...

Was that what he was bailed out for?
You should really stop with the attempts to equivocate. If you truly believe that those who support an act are equally guilty of the act then Kamala is guilty as well. There is no gray here.

It not a gray area or an equivocation. It's a question. Can you answer it?
The Senate rules regarding the conduct of an impeachment trial, including ballot secrecy, require a simple majority (though a two-thirds majority is required for conviction).
Donald Trump should be convicted unanimously by secret ballot | TheHill
a regular jury has a secret vote.
If it's unanimous, then what's the point of the vote being secret? :lol:
They'd vote their conscience, vs fears of being the contention of the op.... and she is likely right.

But, we shouldn't change things for cowards.....imo.

Well said.

Still a hot avatar, BTW
you know you love me as I do you.

Very similar in everyday life....but ideologically different as it pertains to the less important thing in life.
Nothing inspires confidence in a process more than a secret vote behind closed doors. If you are confident in your case and the evidence presented you don’t need to vote behind closed doors.
Well, they don't.

Suck it.
Those who excuse criminal behavior are just as guilty as those who commit it.
Does that include our selected VP Kamala Harris who not only excused the behavior of those burning and looting American businesses but also provided material support to them?
Fake news, kiddo
Really? Kamala Harris on Twitter: "If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota." / Twitter

It's right there in the stuff you quoted.
I see you dont watch news. You watch opinion shows.

Just an FYI....10's of thousands protested this summer. The ones arrested were the looters and the arsons.

10's of thousands rallied on 1/6/.2021. The ones arrested were the anarchists.

No one set up a fund to bail out the anarchists.

Harris supported the fund to bail out the looters and arsonists.

It is what it is.
But she did NOT set up the fund for THEM.....not specifically for protesters...

The charity already existed, for poor people charged, who did not have the means, to get bail money....
Nothing inspires confidence in a process more than a secret vote behind closed doors. If you are confident in your case and the evidence presented you don’t need to vote behind closed doors.

Especially when the voting place is surrounded by barbed wire fences and 25,000 National Guard troops.
Well, they don't.

Suck it.
Those who excuse criminal behavior are just as guilty as those who commit it.
Does that include our selected VP Kamala Harris who not only excused the behavior of those burning and looting American businesses but also provided material support to them?
Fake news, kiddo
Really? Kamala Harris on Twitter: "If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota." / Twitter

It's right there in the stuff you quoted.
I see you dont watch news. You watch opinion shows.

Just an FYI....10's of thousands protested this summer. The ones arrested were the looters and the arsons.

10's of thousands rallied on 1/6/.2021. The ones arrested were the anarchists.

No one set up a fund to bail out the anarchists.

Harris supported the fund to bail out the looters and arsonists.

It is what it is.
But she did NOT set up the fund for THEM.....not specifically for protesters...

The charity already existed, for poor people charged, who did not have the means, to get bail money....
So? Does that change her support for the protest that resulted in looted and burned businesses and the death of at least one person inside one of those burned buildings?
Well, they don't.

Suck it.
Those who excuse criminal behavior are just as guilty as those who commit it.
Does that include our selected VP Kamala Harris who not only excused the behavior of those burning and looting American businesses but also provided material support to them?
Fake news, kiddo
Really? Kamala Harris on Twitter: "If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota." / Twitter

It's right there in the stuff you quoted.
I see you dont watch news. You watch opinion shows.

Just an FYI....10's of thousands protested this summer. The ones arrested were the looters and the arsons.

10's of thousands rallied on 1/6/.2021. The ones arrested were the anarchists.

No one set up a fund to bail out the anarchists.

Harris supported the fund to bail out the looters and arsonists.

It is what it is.
But she did NOT set up the fund for THEM.....not specifically for protesters...

The charity already existed, for poor people charged, who did not have the means, to get bail money....
So? Does that change her support for the protest that resulted in looted and burned businesses and the death of at least one person inside one of those burned buildings?
My point was, and still is, to address the point made earlier in this thread that " Those who excuse criminal behavior are just as guilty as those who commit it. "
The United States Senate has been called into closed session 54 times since 1929.

Under the Standing Rules of the Senate, a closed session may be called by any Senator through a simple motion. Once the motion is seconded, the presiding officer of the Senate directs the Capitol Police to clear the public galleries of spectators and close all doors of the chamber. The Senate floor will be cleared of all persons except the senators and listed parliamentary officers, including the Secretary, the Sergeant at Arms, the Parliamentarian, and certain clerks. These officers are sworn to secrecy. All sitting senators present are called to the floor, and they must surrender any electronic communications equipment including mobile phones and other electronic devices.

All business is considered secret, including senatorial remarks, votes, and other parliamentary proceedings. The Senate can vote during the session or later to lift the secrecy, at which time the vote and the session proceedings will be published in the Congressional Record.

If a senator discloses any of the proceedings except as directed by the Senate, the body can vote for expulsion of the member; any officer that does the same would be subject to dismissal. In extreme cases, the Senate could vote the member or official in contempt of Congress.

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The Senate rules regarding the conduct of an impeachment trial, including ballot secrecy, require a simple majority (though a two-thirds majority is required for conviction).
Donald Trump should be convicted unanimously by secret ballot | TheHill
a regular jury has a secret vote.
If it's unanimous, then what's the point of the vote being secret? :lol:
They'd vote their conscience, vs fears of being the contention of the op.... and she is likely right.

But, we shouldn't change things for cowards.....imo.
Care4all Penelope dblack
Let's do both a secret vote and a public vote posted

Then let all national party chairs conduct a vote of their members by preferential ballot
to calculate proporational representation:
Biden as President, Harris VP
Trump as President, Pence as VP
No Confidence, None of the above

Then conduct a Constitutional Convention to define separate administrations and assign duties of govt to respective parties that agree to fund them with their taxes proportionally while reserving policies to federal govt that everyone agrees should be national, while delegating other areas to state jurisdiction and electoral district, or to people to manage democratically by party precincts
My comment #72 above is not to support the wisdom or lack thereof of holding a “closed trial” of the President. I think in the present situation the greater interest of our Republic is served by an open trial, since the urgency of the crisis caused by Trump’s unwillingness to step down has passed.

But we should remember that Congress is the fundamental, the first branch, of our Republican government, with rights that have been too often abandoned to an imperial executive. The corruption and partisanship and cowardliness of politicians in Congress needs no further discussion here. But if the country is to be ruled and intimidated in future by mob action urged on by future presidents, the Congress will have to protect itself against the executive in ways we would all prefer they never have to resort to.
The Senate rules regarding the conduct of an impeachment trial, including ballot secrecy, require a simple majority (though a two-thirds majority is required for conviction).
Donald Trump should be convicted unanimously by secret ballot | TheHill
a regular jury has a secret vote.

Sorry, the public has a right to know, this isn't a national security issue. I don't like government working behind closed doors. I voted for my representatives and I have a right to know how they vote on any issue.
Well, they don't.

Suck it.
Those who excuse criminal behavior are just as guilty as those who commit it.
Does that include our selected VP Kamala Harris who not only excused the behavior of those burning and looting American businesses but also provided material support to them?
Fake news, kiddo
Really? Kamala Harris on Twitter: "If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota." / Twitter

It's right there in the stuff you quoted.
I see you dont watch news. You watch opinion shows.

Just an FYI....10's of thousands protested this summer. The ones arrested were the looters and the arsons.

10's of thousands rallied on 1/6/.2021. The ones arrested were the anarchists.

No one set up a fund to bail out the anarchists.

Harris supported the fund to bail out the looters and arsonists.

It is what it is.
But she did NOT set up the fund for THEM.....not specifically for protesters...

The charity already existed, for poor people charged, who did not have the means, to get bail money....
So? Does that change her support for the protest that resulted in looted and burned businesses and the death of at least one person inside one of those burned buildings?
My point was, and still is, to address the point made earlier in this thread that " Those who excuse criminal behavior are just as guilty as those who commit it. "
You still have to enforce due process and equal protections of the laws from discrimination by creed and profiling by association

Otherwise you end up with the same problem of "blaming and targeting all Muslims as guilty of enabling terrorists" merely by association with Islam.

Or the blaming of Liberal prochoice Democrats for legalizing and funding "murder" by not criminalizing abortion.

Liberals claim defending right to abortion isn't the same as PROMOTING it, but abortions are going to happen anyway.
And it is only the people ACTUALLY pushing and recommending abortion, who admit they are FOR abortion, who are pro abortion.

You can't assume that ALL prochoice people are also pro abortion.
You would have to prove which are which.

Likewise with lawabiding peaceful Muslims who respect govt authority vs "violent terrorists who violate due process"

Likewise with law abiding MAGA and election challengers who respect Constitutional process and law enforcement vs "violent protesters who will even attack police and threaten govt officials"
The Senate rules regarding the conduct of an impeachment trial, including ballot secrecy, require a simple majority (though a two-thirds majority is required for conviction).
Donald Trump should be convicted unanimously by secret ballot | TheHill
a regular jury has a secret vote.

Sorry, the public has a right to know, this isn't a national security issue. I don't like government working behind closed doors. I voted for my representatives and I have a right to know how they vote on any issue.
Let the people and parties vote on accepting or rejecting the vote, either way, by No Confidence and hold a Constitutional Council Convention to address contested issues, resolve conflicts, and propose solutions
Sure, here's the 'secret' ballot

Please select one, as to Guilty on charges, how do you vote?

Not this stupid shit again ___
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...

Republicans have already made it clear they value loyalty to Trump over loyalty to country or loyalty to party.

They will condemn the attacks but not mention Trump.
The vote should be open, but it will be a farce as Republicans have no spine

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