The Seven States That Will Cost Obama The Election.Based On Current Polling

Oct 10, 2011

Although Conservatives know of the states Obama is in serious trouble with, The GOP candidate will only have to flip one of these states to take the victory.
First Seven States GOP shouldn't have any problem flipping from 2008:
Virginia, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Carolina

Now, this leaves three other swing states:
Michigan, Florida, New Jersey.

GOP candidate will only need to take one of these states to win in 2012.
Check out this web-page and try to find any way Obama can win. It seems impossible!
2012 Electoral Map - Create Your Prediction!
and regarding Nevada, Obama would lose so long as we don't have any Harry Reid Organized Union Voter Fraud next time around.

Although Conservatives know of the states Obama is in serious trouble with, The GOP candidate will only have to flip one of these states to take the victory.
First Seven States GOP shouldn't have any problem flipping from 2008:
Virginia, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Carolina

Now, this leaves three other swing states:
Michigan, Florida, New Jersey.

GOP candidate will only need to take one of these states to win in 2012.
Check out this web-page and try to find any way Obama can win. It seems impossible!
2012 Electoral Map - Create Your Prediction!

I don't think NJ is a swing state....national elections are VERY different than statewide elections. Just because they have a Republican governor doesn't mean they're a swing state-Massachusetts was never a swing state in recent history...and they had Romney. I also don't think Iowa, New Hampshire, or Pennsylvania are give mes for the GOP (they're swing for sure though).

Although Conservatives know of the states Obama is in serious trouble with, The GOP candidate will only have to flip one of these states to take the victory.
First Seven States GOP shouldn't have any problem flipping from 2008:
Virginia, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Carolina

Now, this leaves three other swing states:
Michigan, Florida, New Jersey.

GOP candidate will only need to take one of these states to win in 2012.
Check out this web-page and try to find any way Obama can win. It seems impossible!
2012 Electoral Map - Create Your Prediction!

I don't think NJ is a swing state....national elections are VERY different than statewide elections. Just because they have a Republican governor doesn't mean they're a swing state-Massachusetts was never a swing state in recent history...and they had Romney. I also don't think Iowa, New Hampshire, or Pennsylvania are give mes for the GOP (they're swing for sure though).

well in IOWA, they have a smaller percentage of registered Democrats,many of them have switched to independent over the years. the percentage of Registered Democrats is in the 30's in IOWA. But I do my homework with Penn/Ohio. He is in big trouble in both states,its reported on FOX and many credible web-sights. Romney should take New Hampshire handily. Yes, its a year away, but for now, with a 39/40% approval, it still looks dire for Obama.
Michigan went republican in 2010...after 8 year of democrat. I think he'll loose Michigan this time around!!
anyone out there from Ohio and Pennsylvania? can you give us the real deal on Obama? you will never get it from MSNBC, They are too busy bashing Mitt Romney.

Although Conservatives know of the states Obama is in serious trouble with, The GOP candidate will only have to flip one of these states to take the victory.
First Seven States GOP shouldn't have any problem flipping from 2008:
Virginia, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Carolina

Now, this leaves three other swing states:
Michigan, Florida, New Jersey.

GOP candidate will only need to take one of these states to win in 2012.
Check out this web-page and try to find any way Obama can win. It seems impossible!
2012 Electoral Map - Create Your Prediction!

I don't think NJ is a swing state....national elections are VERY different than statewide elections. Just because they have a Republican governor doesn't mean they're a swing state-Massachusetts was never a swing state in recent history...and they had Romney. I also don't think Iowa, New Hampshire, or Pennsylvania are give mes for the GOP (they're swing for sure though).

I think Jersey is in play..

Although Conservatives know of the states Obama is in serious trouble with, The GOP candidate will only have to flip one of these states to take the victory.
First Seven States GOP shouldn't have any problem flipping from 2008:
Virginia, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Carolina

Now, this leaves three other swing states:
Michigan, Florida, New Jersey.

GOP candidate will only need to take one of these states to win in 2012.
Check out this web-page and try to find any way Obama can win. It seems impossible!
2012 Electoral Map - Create Your Prediction!

MI and FL will not go Obama this time:cool:
Fl. will again decide this election. He's pissed off a rather large community of Jewish people.
Not to mention a large community of seniors who sat and watched him steal 960 billion dollars from Medicare. and just wait til Jan. when obie care starts paying doctors 30% less for taking care of medicare patients. that's not gonna sit well either.
Fl. will again decide this election. He's pissed off a rather large community of Jewish people.

Obama barley won FL last time, it aint gonna happen this time. The economy is much worst down there, home values are way down, forclosers are high and Rubio will be down there campaining against him. Plus like you said the Jews won't be so stong for Obama like last time, he will lose FL:cool:
Obama will win in a landslide. Mitt will be crushed a la Bob Dole. The republican movers and shakers realize it, as does Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels and all the other bypassers.
I think Obama-Care was secretly intended to kill as many "White Elderly Voters" before the 2012 election. Hmmm, is that why we have Death Panels in the bill?
If Herman Cain is on either end of the ticket, Obama is Toast! and conservatives all(or most of them) would agree. Bye Bye to a chunk of the 95% of Obama's Black Vote!
if you start with the 2010 map, give the GOP Texas, and give Obama everything else, he still comes up short.
anyone out there from Ohio and Pennsylvania? can you give us the real deal on Obama? you will never get it from MSNBC, They are too busy bashing Mitt Romney.

I am originally from PA and have many friends and family from there and they are voting REP and hate OBAMA .. Every other year they were Dems . Many friend who were in unions have left them because they got laid off and got jobs that was not unionized and said they would never join another union as long as they live.
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