Left biased The Hill reports Trump "in a strong position to recapture the White House"...

Anyone on an internet forum can claim impressive degrees and other achievements.
Degrees of Separation From Reality

Typical college-level stupidity. Actual graduates get away with ignorance of logic, history, and grammar simply because they agreed to enslave themselves in the ruling class's form of "education." I've seen very few posters on this Netrix that deserve to be respected for their education, so I don't question their claims to be actual graduates of the CliffsNotes colleges.
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This is why it is important to put Trump into prison for the rest of his life and to deny him the ability to communicate with his cult followers. Poorly educated angry white men must not be allowed to return that dangerous, evil man to the White House.
There are millions of retarded lefties who think like this ^^^ and believe every word of it.

These people are dangerous. They're dumb, stupid, dangerous assholes who think throwing the opposition in jail is the answer.

Believe what they tell you. They want to deny an unconvicted man his rights and prevent him from communicating. This is leftards and leftardism. These people are dumb, stupid, retarded. Don't let them get anywhere near the reins of power.
My posts speak for themselves. Head on over to the Science section and check them out. I'm one of those uneducated white men you're complaining about. You want to go up against me?
I have looked at a few of your posts, and you do seem to know a lot about science.

Nevertheless, there is a reason Trump claims to love the poorly educated people.
"Recent polls show former President Trump leading President Biden in key swing states that will likely decide the 2024 election, indicating Trump is not just the overwhelming favorite to secure the GOP nomination but is in a strong position to recapture the White House less than a year before Election Day.

Trump leads Biden in hypothetical match-ups both with and without third-party options on the ballot in states including Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, according to fresh polling. Biden carried each of those states in 2020, and Trump will need to flip at least a few of those states if he is to win in 2024."

Commentary: The Democrats and their ally the Mainstream Media propaganda machine has thrown everything they have at defeating Donald Trump and have only managed to make him stronger than ever. This is what happens when you destroy trust in media to take down one man.

No one believes you anymore.
A true global embarrassment.

But the polls will change.
I have looked at a few of your posts, and you do seem to know a lot about science.

Nevertheless, there is a reason Trump claims to love the poorly educated people.
The poorly educated equation is the same as mine. I have kids, I want to send them to (a good) college, and meanwhile I have to feed them and care for them. I want them to feel the middle class, neither too rich nor too poor. Maintaining that middle class niche is getting harder by the day.
The poorly educated equation is the same as mine. I have kids, I want to send them to (a good) college, and meanwhile I have to feed them and care for them. I want them to feel the middle class, neither too rich nor too poor. Maintaining that middle class niche is getting harder by the day.
And has been for 40 years, due to the bill of goods sold to this country by Republicans.

This is the result of trickle down theory. And it's still marching ahead, full steam.
If this is the choice we're giving ourselves, we deserve what we get.

Our children won't, but we will.
Biden is the best choice. Name a candidate with more knowledge and experience.

If people quit falling for false narratives and looked at reality, given the times we live in right now, we need a leader with experience and knowledge, who has seen crisis and how they were handled, who has relationships with other world leaders, and has a sane handle on domestic affairs.

Now name a politician from any party that has more of this than Biden. Manchin doesn't. RFK Jr.? Lol! Gavin Newsom doesn't. And none of the clowns who entered the Republican primaries do.

This is not the time to put a rank amateur in charge because people have fantasiies about how somebody young should be president. People worry about age, but JFK wasn't 90 when he died in office.
Biden is the best choice. Name a candidate with more knowledge and experience.

If people quit falling for false narratives and looked at reality, given the times we live in right now, we need a leader with experience and knowledge, who has seen crisis and how they were handled, who has relationships with other world leaders, and has a sane handle on domestic affairs.

Now name a politician from any party that has more of this than Biden. Manchin doesn't. RFK Jr.? Lol! Gavin Newsom doesn't. And none of the clowns who entered the Republican primaries do.

This is not the time to put a rank amateur in charge because people have fantasiies about how somebody young should be president. People worry about age, but JFK wasn't 90
Biden is the worst possible choice in 2024. When he was young he was "always wrong", and he is even more stupid now.

Name more qualified candidates for 2024: TRUMP, NIKKI, DESANTIS

Biden is senile and has no clue how to run the US. He would be even worse at age 86 when he would leave office.

Here's your "best choice". Just shows how stupid you are.


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