Left biased The Hill reports Trump "in a strong position to recapture the White House"...

Exhaustive fact check finds little evidence of voter fraud, but 2020’s ‘Big Lie’ lives on

Your fault, my fault, nobodies fault.

Thankfully we have Joe Biden, who has
...........not committed impeachable offenses, been indicted in 4 jurisdictions, been a cuck, worn makeup, orchestrated a failed coup, declared his next admin will violate constitutional norms, attacked officers of the court, been an incompetent prez surrounded by incompetent staff, associated with numerous felons and soon to be felons, etc., etc., etc.
...........not committed impeachable offenses, been indicted in 4 jurisdictions, been a cuck, worn makeup, orchestrated a failed coup, declared his next admin will violate constitutional norms, attacked officers of the court, been an incompetent prez surrounded by incompetent staff, associated with numerous felons and soon to be felons, etc., etc., etc.

The filthy-rich, Washington elites love suckers like you. Biden could be choking you to death and you'd still be faithfully sucking his cock.
"Recent polls show former President Trump leading President Biden in key swing states that will likely decide the 2024 election, indicating Trump is not just the overwhelming favorite to secure the GOP nomination but is in a strong position to recapture the White House less than a year before Election Day.

Trump leads Biden in hypothetical match-ups both with and without third-party options on the ballot in states including Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, according to fresh polling. Biden carried each of those states in 2020, and Trump will need to flip at least a few of those states if he is to win in 2024."

Commentary: The Democrats and their ally the Mainstream Media propaganda machine has thrown everything they have at defeating Donald Trump and have only managed to make him stronger than ever. This is what happens when you destroy trust in media to take down one man.

No one believes you anymore.

This is good to see.

Biden's right of center Presidency is seen as a betrayal by his base. His only hope is Trump's coming prison sentence and/or RFK Jr. stealing enough votes away from whoever the eventual GOP nominee is.
"Right of Center?" You must be joking. He's as woke as you can get. Susan right is making all the decisions, not Biden.

Exhaustive fact check finds little evidence of voter fraud, but 2020’s ‘Big Lie’ lives on

Fact check operations are all fake news. AP is one of the most corrupt news operations in the country.
"Right of Center?" You must be joking. He's as woke as you can get. Susan right is making all the decisions, not Biden.
Will you please fix your signature? That cut off of Biden's head is annoying.
"Recent polls show former President Trump leading President Biden in key swing states that will likely decide the 2024 election, indicating Trump is not just the overwhelming favorite to secure the GOP nomination but is in a strong position to recapture the White House less than a year before Election Day.

Trump leads Biden in hypothetical match-ups both with and without third-party options on the ballot in states including Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, according to fresh polling. Biden carried each of those states in 2020, and Trump will need to flip at least a few of those states if he is to win in 2024."

Commentary: The Democrats and their ally the Mainstream Media propaganda machine has thrown everything they have at defeating Donald Trump and have only managed to make him stronger than ever. This is what happens when you destroy trust in media to take down one man.

No one believes you anymore.

This is why it is important to put Trump into prison for the rest of his life and to deny him the ability to communicate with his cult followers. Poorly educated angry white men must not be allowed to return that dangerous, evil man to the White House.

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