The Shooting Was Justified:New Evidence In Pictures Show Cincinnati Cop Was Dragged By Samuel DuBose


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This educated breakdown in detail clearly proves Tensing didn’t “accidently” fire his weapon and most certainly proves that he was assaulted with a deadly weapon driven by black feral savage Samuel DuBose

This educated breakdown in detail clearly proves Tensing didn’t “accidently” fire his weapon and most certainly proves that he was assaulted with a deadly weapon driven by black feral savage Samuel DuBose

I guess he got fired for nothing then?
You should tell the crime scene investigators that you've been watching a CSI Marathon and got it all figured out then
All that happened after he shot the driver. Nice try.

That will be yours and the lefts stance.

How about we wait and see what a grand jury says when presented with all the facts.

When are you little black boys gonna learn when the man says get out you don't say fuck you and drive off??
The question that nobody has asked yet is where was the closest donut shop, and was Dubose between Tensing and it.
Looks to me like the car is still positioned in front of that driveway until after the shot is fired.
So questions for those who don't get it.

Do you think that stain is the victims blood or a gauge to give perspective as to distant??

In the first frame the officer is approaching the car, the stain can be seen in the distance.

According to your assertions when the officer fired he fell backwards from the recoil.

So if your assertions are true, and I don't say they aren't, then ...............

We never see the officer walk or run the distance from where he was to where he ended up on the ground.

Perhaps if the car were moving as he claims, when he shot, he fell the appropriate distance from the initial point of contact.

I realize your point was the black boy was shot in the head dead and the car continued to roll.

If only he had not attempted to flee and learned you can ask all day long, what did I do, but when the man with the gun says Step Out, you might want to comply.

As a law abiding white man it works great for me .......................

I recently got stopped by ADOT for running 75 in a 65 ..............

Blew the doors right off the unmarked truck, when he got to the window he was huffing and puffing, I looked in my rear view mirror and notice his gun was unsnapped and his shaking hand was not far from his gun.

The first words out of my mouth were, "What the fuck is your problem??" ...............

His eyes got big and after a short rant, he gave me my license back and let me go, not ticket, nada ..............
Drove off.....Is that a reason to kill a person?

Is that what you simpleton minded call assault with a 3000 lb vehicle??

Interesting way the left wants to defy authority and then use a moralist argument to term it as wrong.............

Hey shit for brains, the black boy tried to drag the officer, that would be eluding and fleeing, resisting, battery with a deadly weapon ...............

Never fucking mind, way too far above stupid peoples pay grades ................
The footage was played over and over again last night on the Nancy Grace show. The officer's defense attorney was a guest on the show. The officer's defense isn't that he was actually dragged by the car ... it was his alleged fear that he might be dragged by the car. The "evidence" in the opening post fails to show that the officer shot (and killed) the driver and the car went rolling off down the street (with the dead man's foot apparently on the accelerator). The "evidence" in the opening post also fails to show that the officer then chased after the car and the body cam footage shows everything bobbing up and down. The officer then FELL down when he was chasing after the car. He was not dragged by the car.

All of this will be sorted out in court and a jury will determine if this was a justifiable homicide.

I think the officer might have been poorly trained and/or used poor judgment in reaching his left hand into the car in an attempt to remove the key from the ignition while simultaneously pulling for his gun. How will shooting the man in the head prevent the car from rolling away? This was a traffic stop for a civil violation of the motor vehicle code ... and if the driver truly was attempting to drive away ... then why not just step away? The officer was not a city police officer ... he was a university employee. In most states, he would be overstepping his jurisdiction. The officer could report the incident to the city police and perhaps assist them to get a warrant for the guy's arrest for whatever offense(s) were committed.

Both the law and common sense dictates that officers/university employees, et al., shouldn't use deadly force with so little provocation when non-deadly options are available. After all, the dead man was not a fleeing felon. This situation is exceedingly bad for the university employee (and his family) and especially for the family of the dead man.
The Shooting Was Justified:New Evidence In Pictures Show Cincinnati Cop Was Dragged By Samuel DuBose

How? Was the gun barrel stuck in DuBose's head?
Oh shit. Well....another kangaroo court trial to avoid mob riots. He too will go free.
We never see the officer walk or run the distance from where he was to where he ended up on the ground.

That's true.

I found the body cam video on youtube and watched it a couple of times.

The guy is shot in the head ... and the next moment we see the officer is lifting himself from the pavement and then running down the street...

But in that very brief time frame ... lasting about as long as a blink of an eye ... where did the car go? It should have been in the immediate eyesight of the officer careening down the street ... but it wasn't ... the car was already at the end of the block ...

what reasonable inferences can be drawn from that?

I originally thought the officer was running after the car and fell ... but now I'm thinking the officer shot the man and immediately switched off his body cam ... and it wasn't turned back on until the officer is lifting himself from the pavement and the car is already out of sight.

and how could other officers be at the scene is such a short (blink of an eye) timeframe?
Drove off.....Is that a reason to kill a person?

Is that what you simpleton minded call assault with a 3000 lb vehicle??

Interesting way the left wants to defy authority and then use a moralist argument to term it as wrong.............

Hey shit for brains, the black boy tried to drag the officer, that would be eluding and fleeing, resisting, battery with a deadly weapon ...............

Never fucking mind, way too far above stupid peoples pay grades ................

Apparently shit head like you do not have a clue about analyzation. A simian like you do not understand how the video played. Watch the video again and see how he was dragged. But it's okay to murder people.
According to the police at the scene that witness this murder took place. He was NEVER DRAG. Watch CNN asshole.

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