The shutdown is tiny?

The shutdown proves that we don't need such a bloated government at all

That's why the Dems are Freakin'. They're terrified that the public is figuring this out.
No, 500,000 people in the context of 350 million really isn't that many.
If I lost 1% of my body I'd consider that tragic. But so what? That isnt the issue. You claim 18% is not a small portion. It obviously is, despite your backtracking.
What is pathetic is that you are too stupid to realize how stupid you are.

Am I really to believe you don't think 500,000 is a large number in any context? You are so full of shit. Coming up with random numbers that are bigger to create a random context does nothing to further your point. You really can't accept when you lose an argument, can you?

Backtracking? Youre the one who brought it up that bullshit again. I responded to it. Obviously I needed to explain what it meant if you were still whining about it. My god you are stupid. How about you call it a day? You'll be late for school.

350 Million is the number of people in this country, idiot. It wasn't random.
You cannot substantiate what you wrote. That is so for two reasons: what you wrote is nonsense. And even if it weren't you lack the brains to mount an effective argument. S o you just call names and ignore the point.

Hurry. The bus is leaving.
I've finally open my eyes about just how fucking dumb republicans really are. You fuckers don't understand that "Most" every nation today is some kind of hybrid? This is developing and developed nation...Idiots don't understand that most of our edge in science, tech and infrastructure is because of a public, private partnership. This was even more so in the 1940's, 1950's and 1960's that helped develop the edge we're enjoying today. Hell, we want to the moon and did some amazing shit that we couldn't do today.

You fuckers are as crazy as the far left and their anti-corporation mindset.

The very fact that we're a first world nation is linked to this.

Except you are so stupid, that you are unable to realize that our left is probig corporations as it is pro-big government - and both approaches are killing this country.
What kind of "science, tech and infrastructure" you get at this stage of degeneration if you allow it under bloated government of ours is the way obamacare is getting implemented - THAT is your idea of science and tech?!?
You are too brainwashed and too obtuse to analyze the information you are being provided - as any person the least educated in science would do - otherwise you would be able to realize that what was good in the settings of 50s is not good anymore in the XXI century - but this conclusion, based on critical analysis of the data you have at hand is beyond your ignorant sloganeering and parroting of the leftard agenda.

Matthew is a faux conservative. He is actually as much of a big gov't liberal statist as any of the other brain dead morons here. This is why he bleats about science, tech and infrastructure with every post.

oh, I know. He is a younger version of fakey.

this parroting of "science, infrastructure and tech"by the big government while we have the on-going avalanche of proof that nowadays government can only damage science, tech and infrastructure ( strating with solyndra and all the way to this debacle with IT company which was responsible for obamacare software) - becaseu if the governemnt gets too big - it is getting too corrupted and works only for itself - that is exactly what is happening in this country. And if the "winners" for the supposedly "science and tech" are chosen from the donors to the very same political party which creates this corruption - it is a death sentence on ANY science, tech or infrastructure.
For those of you who think the government shutdown is tiny and meaningless, check out the percentage of agency employees are furloughed.

Updated: Agencies Post Shutdown Plans Online - Pay & Benefits -

Agriculture Department (84 percent of employees furloughed)

Commerce Department (85 percent of employees furloughed)

Defense Departments (50 percent of civilian employees furloughed)

Education Department (95 percent of employees furloughed)

Energy Department (69 percent of employees furloughed)

Environmental Protection Agency (95 percent of employees furloughed)

Federal Communications Commission (98 percent of employees furloughed)

Federal Labor Relations Authority

General Services Administration (76 percent of employees furloughed)

Health and Human Services Department (51 percent of employees furloughed)

Homeland Security Department (14 percent of employees furloughed)

Housing and Urban Development Department (96 percent of employees furloughed)

Interior Department (81 percent of employees furloughed)

Justice Department (16 percent of employees furloughed)

Labor Department (81 percent of employees furloughed)


National Science Foundation (99 percent of employees furloughed)

National Transportation Safety Board

Office of Personnel Management

Peace Corps

Small Business Administration (63 percent of employees furloughed)

Smithsonian Institution

Social Security Administration (29 percent of employees furloughed)

State Department

Transportation Department (33 percent of employees furloughed)

Treasury Department (90 percent of employees furloughed)

U.S. Agency for International Development

Veterans Affairs Department (4 percent of employees furloughed)

but hey, they're just Federal employees. They don't really do anything, right?

all these folks getting furloughed has no real affect on govt. functioning and services, right?

It's 18%, period. No point trying to spin it.
Has the world ended?
If Obama hadn't ordered open air monuments closed no one would have noticed.

I'm saddened that a lot of those numbers aren't bigger
If you think this is wrong you must of thought the moon, the highways and the continental rail road was out of this world.

I am happy to see you in the lower 20's. ;) It is where you belong.

The moon actually is out of this world. Just saying.

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