The Sleeping Giant Is Awake: A Quiet States' Rights Revolution Is Happening...

Yep! If you're not going to pay attention to the constitution you might as well completely ignore it.
I think it would go like this:
If the government cut off funds then the state could quit collecting federal income tax - 14th amendment - and then the stae would have plenty of money for STATE programs.
The states don't collect federal income tax except for state employees.
Guns kill people, and that's why people 8:1 prefer guns to baseball bats and whisk brooms.
Yes, a quiet peaceful Revolution is well underway. More & more States are now reasserting their rights. It really is great to see. Thank you Mr. President for waking this Sleeping Giant.

Wyoming House Approves Bills Exempting State From Federal Gun Control Measures

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Faced with the prospect of new federal gun restrictions, the Wyoming House gave initial approval Wednesday to bills that sponsors say would exempt guns in the state from new regulations while possibly taking the fight to criminals who might choose to attack public schools.

The House voted in favor of a bill that would seek to block the federal government from restricting assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. It amended the bill to specify that federal officials who tried to enforce any ban would be subject to state misdemeanor charges instead of felony charges.

President Barack Obama has called for reinstituting a federal assault weapons ban following the massacre of 20 Connecticut first-graders by a gunman last month.

The House on Wednesday also gave preliminary approval to a bill that would allow citizens who hold concealed carry permits to carry guns on campuses of public schools, colleges and the University of Wyoming.

Rep. Kendell Kroeker, R-Evansville, sponsored the bill to exempt assault rifles and magazines from federal control. He said Wyoming should get its position on record before a new federal ban comes down.

“It is clearly a different case than trying to nullify something that’s already in existence,” Kroeker said...

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Wyoming House Approves Bills Exempting State From Federal Gun Control Measures « CBS DC

News must come slow to you in your bunker.

This was already posted and debunked days ago.

Federal law is supreme, and all officers of a given state are compelled to obey that law, the Constitution, and the rulings of the Federal courts.
The quiet revolution of putting states rights to rest is growing throughout the country.
Unfortunately these laws being passed have no real affect other than make people feel good.

Federal Laws supersede State law, just as State laws supersede County or City laws/ordinances.

Only when the law is constitutional. When they repeal the 2nd Amendment, you might have a point.
The half dozen red states, including Texas, would be conquered in the first sixteen minutes of their nationhood by the Mexican gang cartels.

Wishful thinking. I would not be surprised to see them annex Mexico, though. It's not like it would be the first time, eh?
News must come slow to you in your bunker.

This was already posted and debunked days ago.

Federal law is supreme, and all officers of a given state are compelled to obey that law, the Constitution, and the rulings of the Federal courts.

If you would bother to read the bill as passed you would see that it states that guns manufactured and sold within the states boundaries are exempt from the "interstate commerce act" as long as they do not leave the state in which they were manufactured and thus all control by the federal government. The feds were granted the power to "regulate" interstate commerce but not what goes on within the borders of any single state.

Yes, I know they can regulate the shipper if it is an interstate shipper but not if it never travels outside the state.
when States oppose him what Obammy does is run to the UN.....

Fuck the U.N. They are a joke. And Obama should be impeached if he gives them any control over this country. He has the same goals they do, like the One World Order shit. Look at the countries that the U.N. members come from. No one in their right mind wants to be more like them.
We can only pray that none of the five "True American Judges" die or leave the Supreme Court till after 2016. If O'Lamma had to choose between Hitler and Rush, who do you think he would pick to replace a retiring Judge?
We can only pray that none of the five "True American Judges" die or leave the Supreme Court till after 2016. If O'Lamma had to choose between Hitler and Rush, who do you think he would pick to replace a retiring Judge?

I would guess the liberal judge who looks like the wicked witch of the west is the oldest one. right? the conservative ones don't look like they are going anywhere anytime soon.
News must come slow to you in your bunker.

This was already posted and debunked days ago.

Federal law is supreme, and all officers of a given state are compelled to obey that law, the Constitution, and the rulings of the Federal courts.

If you would bother to read the bill as passed you would see that it states that guns manufactured and sold within the states boundaries are exempt from the "interstate commerce act" as long as they do not leave the state in which they were manufactured and thus all control by the federal government. The feds were granted the power to "regulate" interstate commerce but not what goes on within the borders of any single state.

Yes, I know they can regulate the shipper if it is an interstate shipper but not if it never travels outside the state.


The Commerce Clause authorizes Congress to regulate intrastate commerce as well.

See: Wickard v. Filburn (1942), Gonzales v. Raich (2005):

Our case law firmly establishes Congress’ power to regulate purely local activities that are part of an economic “class of activities” that have a substantial effect on interstate commerce. See, e.g., Perez, 402 U.S., at 151; Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111, 128—129 (1942). As we stated in Wickard, “even if appellee’s activity be local and though it may not be regarded as commerce, it may still, whatever its nature, be reached by Congress if it exerts a substantial economic effect on interstate commerce.” Id., at 125.

What effect do manufactured good strictly bought and sold at a state level have on interstate commerce?

Loonies on the left like to make up the law as they go along.
There is one truth in the OP. There are certainly alot of sleeping giants on the right.

In fact, I've seen a good many of them, shopping at Walmart,

in their pajamas.

Note to fat rednecks: yes, we know, it's just the Walmart, but please, for the sake of common decency, America's children,

and the blessed baby Jesus,

when you go to the Walmart, put on some outside clothes, take a bath, comb your hair.

Don't abuse your liberties.
What effect do manufactured good strictly bought and sold at a state level have on interstate commerce?

Loonies on the left like to make up the law as they go along.

Why don’t you simply read the case law linked above.

And the issue has nothing to do with ‘making up the law,’ it has to do with libertarians and those on the extreme right remaining willfully ignorant of Constitutional case law because it conflicts with their subjective political dogma.
The half dozen red states, including Texas, would be conquered in the first sixteen minutes of their nationhood by the Mexican gang cartels.

Wishful thinking. I would not be surprised to see them annex Mexico, though. It's not like it would be the first time, eh?

The US annexed 1/3rd of Mexico. From 1836 to 1843, the Mexicans beat the Texans down in 13 of 17 battles, executed hundreds of Texan soldiers, and so forth.

Texas could not stand against Mexico for more than a day.
Aside from foolishly unconstitutional laws which violate the supremacy clause, the "sleeping giant" seems mostly concerned with replacing income taxes with sales taxes, keeping poor kids off Medicaid and keeping their parents off the voting rolls. This isn't a program with much of future.
Yes, a quiet peaceful Revolution is well underway. More & more States are now reasserting their rights. It really is great to see. Thank you Mr. President for waking this Sleeping Giant.

Wyoming House Approves Bills Exempting State From Federal Gun Control Measures

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Faced with the prospect of new federal gun restrictions, the Wyoming House gave initial approval Wednesday to bills that sponsors say would exempt guns in the state from new regulations while possibly taking the fight to criminals who might choose to attack public schools.

The House voted in favor of a bill that would seek to block the federal government from restricting assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. It amended the bill to specify that federal officials who tried to enforce any ban would be subject to state misdemeanor charges instead of felony charges.

President Barack Obama has called for reinstituting a federal assault weapons ban following the massacre of 20 Connecticut first-graders by a gunman last month.

The House on Wednesday also gave preliminary approval to a bill that would allow citizens who hold concealed carry permits to carry guns on campuses of public schools, colleges and the University of Wyoming.

Rep. Kendell Kroeker, R-Evansville, sponsored the bill to exempt assault rifles and magazines from federal control. He said Wyoming should get its position on record before a new federal ban comes down.

“It is clearly a different case than trying to nullify something that’s already in existence,” Kroeker said...

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Wyoming House Approves Bills Exempting State From Federal Gun Control Measures « CBS DC

I dunno, I suspect it is as much about partisan politics as anything. Would these same politicians be as enthusiastic about reducing state power and reach (my own state of Texas included) and leaving the citizenry the hell alone?
Yes, a quiet peaceful Revolution is well underway. More & more States are now reasserting their rights. It really is great to see. Thank you Mr. President for waking this Sleeping Giant.

Wyoming House Approves Bills Exempting State From Federal Gun Control Measures

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Faced with the prospect of new federal gun restrictions, the Wyoming House gave initial approval Wednesday to bills that sponsors say would exempt guns in the state from new regulations while possibly taking the fight to criminals who might choose to attack public schools.

The House voted in favor of a bill that would seek to block the federal government from restricting assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. It amended the bill to specify that federal officials who tried to enforce any ban would be subject to state misdemeanor charges instead of felony charges.

President Barack Obama has called for reinstituting a federal assault weapons ban following the massacre of 20 Connecticut first-graders by a gunman last month.

The House on Wednesday also gave preliminary approval to a bill that would allow citizens who hold concealed carry permits to carry guns on campuses of public schools, colleges and the University of Wyoming.

Rep. Kendell Kroeker, R-Evansville, sponsored the bill to exempt assault rifles and magazines from federal control. He said Wyoming should get its position on record before a new federal ban comes down.

“It is clearly a different case than trying to nullify something that’s already in existence,” Kroeker said...

Read More:
Wyoming House Approves Bills Exempting State From Federal Gun Control Measures « CBS DC

I dunno, I suspect it is as much about partisan politics as anything. Would these same politicians be as enthusiastic about reducing state power and reach (my own state of Texas included) and leaving the citizenry the hell alone?

Good question, one libertarians and others on the right seem unwilling or unable to answer:

How can they decry the ‘tyranny’ of the Federal government yet embrace the tyranny of the states?
The half dozen red states, including Texas, would be conquered in the first sixteen minutes of their nationhood by the Mexican gang cartels.

In a futile attempt, your AG Holder will continue arming the Mexicans, but they are outmanned and outgunned and will be crushed

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