"The Slut Walk" - Where Women Try To Be Enticing and Repulsive At The Same Time


May 4, 2012
This is an old story from last year, but I thought that it would be worth reporting.

The basic message that you get from the from the sexily dressed women at the Slut Walk is - "What are you looking at pervert?". They seem to be saying saying - "look at me" and "don't look at me" simultaneously.

Everything about the woman at the Slut walk is contradictory. The First Thing You Need to Know: SlutWalk is a protest against something that doesn't exist. We're all supposed to be angry that society blames the victim for being raped. This rarely happens in today's America.

The SlutWalk is a set of mutually contradictory statements and attitudes that all cancel each other out and make no logical sense. For example, they are against women being used as sex objects, yet they are in favor of legalizing prostitution.

These women are liberals first and feminists second. Implicit in much of the SlutWalk verbiage is that cops and "men" and "conservatives" and "Christians" and "right-wingers" are all pro-rape to some degree, and that only STRONG! FEMINIST! WOMEN! truly oppose rape.

Click on the link to see the absurd pictorial article about the San Francisco SlutWalk: Deconstructing SlutWalk: San Francisco, August 6, 2011
Should be renamed the ugly sluts walk. And I'd sure like to have the dildo concession there.
Some women want to be able to dress any way, act any away, or speak any way without condemnation.

Not going to happen. Dress like a slut, you are a slut. Act like a slut, you are a slut. Speak like a slut, you are a slut.

That is simply the way it is and will continue to be.

Hint: don't act, dress, or speak like a slut.
Should be renamed the ugly sluts walk. And I'd sure like to have the dildo concession there.

LOL. They claim to be against "lookism".

Rush Limbaugh has always said that the purpose of feminism is to allow ugly angry women access to the mainstream of society.
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Should be renamed the ugly sluts walk. And I'd sure like to have the dildo concession there.

I noticed that, they are a little uglier than average. And, it's beyond credibility that many of them could have success with men given their embarrassing feminist behavior.
Some women want to be able to dress any way, act any away, or speak any way without condemnation.

Not going to happen. Dress like a slut, you are a slut. Act like a slut, you are a slut. Speak like a slut, you are a slut.

That is simply the way it is and will continue to be.

Hint: don't act, dress, or speak like a slut.

Today's young women are succeeding in making it cool to be a slut. Look how most young women dress today. Listen to their language. Look at their favorite musicians and actresses.
Yeah boy ... If you show any skin, you deserve and are asking to be raped.

Serious questions - is that really what any of you believe? If your sister, daughter, etc wore shorts and a tank top and was raped, who would you blame for the crime?
Yeah boy ... If you show any skin, you deserve and are asking to be raped.

Serious questions - is that really what any of you believe? If your sister, daughter, etc wore shorts and a tank top and was raped, who would you blame for the crime?

Who thinks that way? I don't know anyone who blames the victim, do you?

I don't know anyone who condones rape, do you?
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Yeah boy ... If you show any skin, you deserve and are asking to be raped.

Serious questions - is that really what any of you believe? If your sister, daughter, etc wore shorts and a tank top and was raped, who would you blame for the crime?

Who thinks that way? I don't know anyone who blames the victim, do you?

I don't know anyone who condones rape, do you?

I would suspect that you condone date rape....since you don't understand the term...and seem to feel that going out on a date is an invitation to BE raped.

I never understood the term "date rape". Why would the girl go back to his place or have him come up to hers if she didn't want to get laid? Maybe I have it wrong. Where do most date rapes occur?
Yeah boy ... If you show any skin, you deserve and are asking to be raped.

Serious questions - is that really what any of you believe? If your sister, daughter, etc wore shorts and a tank top and was raped, who would you blame for the crime?

Who thinks that way? I don't know anyone who blames the victim, do you?

I don't know anyone who condones rape, do you?

I would suspect that you condone date rape....since you don't understand the term...and seem to feel that going out on a date is an invitation to BE raped.

I never understood the term "date rape". Why would the girl go back to his place or have him come up to hers if she didn't want to get laid? Maybe I have it wrong. Where do most date rapes occur?

What is date rape? This is a relatively new term. I never knew anyone who was date raped? Do you? I know it is personal, but can you describe the circumstances of a date rape that you know about??
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Who thinks that way? I don't know anyone who blames the victim, do you?

I don't know anyone who condones rape, do you?

I would suspect that you condone date rape....since you don't understand the term...and seem to feel that going out on a date is an invitation to BE raped.

I never understood the term "date rape". Why would the girl go back to his place or have him come up to hers if she didn't want to get laid? Maybe I have it wrong. Where do most date rapes occur?

What is date rape? This is a relatively new term. I never knew anyone who was date raped? Do you? I know it is personal, but can you describe the circumstances?

Anything past the word


is rape.

Is that to hard for you to understand?

So since you don't seem to understand...lets set it up for you. You go out with a couple of your buddies.... have a few drinks and go to his apartment to relax, talk, watch a movie...whatever. Since you went into his apartment your buddy now thinks its an open invitation....and your opinion is now null and void. He fucks you in the ass and then shoves his dick down your throat.

Were you raped? Or are you just gay and deserved it?

Yeah boy ... If you show any skin, you deserve and are asking to be raped.

Serious questions - is that really what any of you believe? If your sister, daughter, etc wore shorts and a tank top and was raped, who would you blame for the crime?

Who thinks that way? I don't know anyone who blames the victim, do you?

I don't know anyone who condones rape, do you?

It's very common for the victim of sexual assault to be blamed and for their private lives to be put on trial instead of the actions of the rapist but I was posting in responses above mine. They all seem to be saying the women are asking to be raped.

I'm constantly shocked at the backward and barbaric attitudes we see here from a particular segment of posters. In this case, the real message of this protest went right over their empty ans incredibly sexist heads.
Some women want to be able to dress any way, act any away, or speak any way without condemnation.

Not going to happen. Dress like a slut, you are a slut. Act like a slut, you are a slut. Speak like a slut, you are a slut.

That is simply the way it is and will continue to be.

Hint: don't act, dress, or speak like a slut.

Today's young women are succeeding in making it cool to be a slut. Look how most young women dress today. Listen to their language. Look at their favorite musicians and actresses.

Then they will bear the result of that behavior.
Yeah boy ... If you show any skin, you deserve and are asking to be raped.

Serious questions - is that really what any of you believe? If your sister, daughter, etc wore shorts and a tank top and was raped, who would you blame for the crime?

Who thinks that way? I don't know anyone who blames the victim, do you?

I don't know anyone who condones rape, do you?

Dead straight.
If you women are saying "do you have a legal right to act, dress, and talk like a slut?", sure you do.

And those who wish to call you out for that behavior have the legal right to do so.

I would suspect that you condone date rape....since you don't understand the term...and seem to feel that going out on a date is an invitation to BE raped.

What is date rape? This is a relatively new term. I never knew anyone who was date raped? Do you? I know it is personal, but can you describe the circumstances?

Anything past the word


is rape.

Is that to hard for you to understand?

So since you don't seem to understand...lets set it up for you. You go out with a couple of your buddies.... have a few drinks and go to his apartment to relax, talk, watch a movie...whatever. Since you went into his apartment your buddy now thinks its an open invitation....and your opinion is now null and void. He fucks you in the ass and then shoves his dick down your throat.

Were you raped? Or are you just gay and deserved it?

That is a forcible gang rape. What does that have to do with a date? I still don't understand.

Also, no doesn't always mean no. I learned this when I worked as a door to door salesman. The prospect always say no at first. As a salesman, I kept trying to sell my product, no matter what they said, unless they asked me to leave or closed the door in my face. Many times they would say no over a dozen times before I finally convinced them to purchase my product. Then they would pay me and thank me very much.

Most women act the same way when you first try to have sex with them. Although Sluts will say yes immediately, most women play coy, protest and say no many times until they finally acquiesce.

In any case, only a rapist will force himself on a woman.

Women do need to take precautions so they are not in a position where they may be alone with a potential rapist. Reasonable precautions include:

1) not walking home alone late at night, especially if you are drunk
2) not accepting a ride from a stranger
3) not inviting man home alone with you that you don't completely trust

Of course if you don't take precautions and you do get raped, it is not your fault and the rapist should be punished. All I am saying is that everyone needs to take reasonable precautions to protect themselves.

I used to drive a Taxi in Chicago. I never got robbed, mostly because I took reasonable precautions. Other drivers told me stories about how they got robbed. In every case I noticed that they did not take reasonable precautions. It wasn't their fault, but it could have been avoided because criminals look for easy targets.

For example:
1)If the customer asked if I had change of a hundred, I always said no. I would stop on the way to get change for them, even if I had the money because I didn't want them to see my big money.

2) If they wanted me to take them to a bad neighborhood, I would insist on being paid up-front, before we left a busy part of town. (if they had the fare, they probably weren't looking to rob me)

3) I would be suspicious if they changed the destination after we left a busy area.

4) I would never take a lone drunk woman in my cab because she might fall asleep and I won't be able to get her out. If I touch her to wake her up, she might accuse me of molesting her. Sometimes a bartender would call and try to put a drunk woman in my cab. I would refuse to take her unless someone else came along.

Reasonable people take reasonable precautions. You can't protect yourself against everything, but I don't understand how you can get raped on a date. Dates start out in public places.
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Jake, I am DEEPLY disappointed in you.

Why? Because I express my right to be disappointed in women believing whatever they do is OK? It's not. It's sexism in the worst way to demand that such behavior be "off limits" to criticism.
What is date rape? This is a relatively new term. I never knew anyone who was date raped? Do you? I know it is personal, but can you describe the circumstances?

Anything past the word


is rape.

Is that to hard for you to understand?

So since you don't seem to understand...lets set it up for you. You go out with a couple of your buddies.... have a few drinks and go to his apartment to relax, talk, watch a movie...whatever. Since you went into his apartment your buddy now thinks its an open invitation....and your opinion is now null and void. He fucks you in the ass and then shoves his dick down your throat.

Were you raped? Or are you just gay and deserved it?

That is a forcible gang rape. What does that have to do with a date? I still don't understand.

Also, no doesn't always mean no. I learned this when I worked as a door to door salesman. The prospect always say no at first. As a salesman, I kept trying to sell my product, no matter what they said, unless they asked me to leave or closed the door in my face. Many times they would say no over a dozen times before I finally convinced them to purchase my product. Then they would pay me and thank me very much.

Most women act the same way when you first try to have sex with them. Although Sluts will say yes immediately, most women play coy, protest and say no many times until they finally acquiesce.

In any case, only a rapist will force himself on a woman.

Women do need to take precautions so they are not in a position where they may be alone with a potential rapist. Reasonable precautions include:

1) not walking home alone late at night, especially if you are drunk
2) not accepting a ride from a stranger
3) not inviting man home alone with you that you don't completely trust

Of course if you don't take precautions and you do get raped, it is not your fault and the rapist should be punished. All I am saying is that everyone needs to take reasonable precautions to protect themselves.

I used to drive a Taxi in Chicago. I never got robbed, mostly because I took reasonable precautions. Other drivers told me stories about how they got robbed. In every case I noticed that they did not take reasonable precautions. It wasn't their fault, but it could have been avoided because criminals look for easy target.

For example:
1)If the customer asked if I had change of a hundred, I always said no. I would stop on the way to get change for them, even if I had the money because I didn't want them to see my big money.

2) If they wanted me to take them to a bad neighborhood, I would insist on being paid up-front, before we left a busy part of town. (if they had the fare, they probably weren't looking to rob me)

3) I would be suspicious if they changed the destination after we left a busy area.

4) I would never take a lone drunk woman in my cab because she might fall asleep and I won't be able to get her out. If I touch her to wake her up, she might accuse me of molesting her. Sometimes a bartender would call and try to put a drunk woman in my cab. I would refuse to take her unless someone else came along.

Reasonable people take reasonable precautions. You can't protect yourself against everything, but I don't understand how you can get raped on a date. Dates start out in public places.

I did not say anything about a gang rape I said you go out with one of your buddies and go back to his place to watch a game on the TV...... you go to watch the game...and your buddy has other plans. Are you gay and asking for it when he rapes you?

Just an FYI... women are not prospects. And unless you want to go to jail...when they say no to sex you better put your dick back in your pants.

I also take away from this...that you are just fine with rape since you are a salesman. And when a woman says no...it does not mean no and any man can just do as he pleases.

A date consists of:
1) not walking home alone late at night, especially if you are drunk
2) not accepting a ride from a stranger
3) not inviting man home alone with you that you don't completely trust

Drunk or not.... a date should take you safety home. A date is not a stranger...and one you should trust.

That is not always the case.

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