The Smearing of Ilhan Omar

Islam killed 10 Million Jews. Go live in your Transjordan East of The Jordan and leave Israel alone in Israel before God decides its time for The End Times and rains down Hellfire and Brimstone upon a wicked world and those who hate Jews and Christians.
That is amusing.

There is no 'dual loyalty'. Isreal is a friend and ally of the US, and as such, are deserving of support in our government. At least they are not lighting off bombs targeting women and children in innocent marketplaces.
Why do you believe Jews have the right to steal land and water from non-Jews in Palestine?

New York Times lets Israel do its "fact checking"

"According to the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, which keeps meticulous statistics, 823 Israeli civilians were killed from 29 September 2000 until the end of January this year, along with 433 'Israeli security force personnel.'

"In the same period, nearly 10,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel – the equivalent of dozens of September 11s, to use Stephens’ yardstick – although for him, Palestinian casualties apparently don’t matter at all."
The non-Jews in Palestine didn't have any land to steal. It wasn't theirs.

Do you want to know when the marketplace bombings by Arabs stopped being a thing?

IT was when they built the wall.

Until then, Palestinians and other assorted terror filth routinely blew up children, mothers, and innocents in market places, coffee bazaars, and public transportation.
Do you want to know when the marketplace bombings by Arabs stopped being a thing?

IT was when they built the wall.

Until then, Palestinians and other assorted terror filth routinely blew up children, mothers, and innocents in market places, coffee bazaars, and public transportation.
Do you care why Palestinians refused to turn the other cheek after greedy Jews stole the land, businesses, and bank accounts of 700,000 Palestinians in 1948?


"In early 1948, Jewish paramilitary forces began to seize more land in Palestine. By the end of July, more than 400,000 Palestinians had been forced to flee their homes, and their plight as refugees had just begun.

"In May of that year, Swedish diplomat Count Folke Bernadotte had been appointed as the UN Mediator in Palestine. His mission was to seek a peaceful settlement.

"The Count surveyed devastated Palestinian villages and visited refugee camps in both Palestine and Jordan.

"The scale of the humanitarian disaster became apparent, as he witnessed cramp living conditions, long queues for basic food and scarce medical aid.

"Count Bernadotte was no stranger to human disaster; with the Red Cross he had rescued over 30,000 prisoners of war from Nazi concentration camps.

"Now he advocated the Palestinian's right to return to their homes.

"In a report dated 16 September 1948, he wrote:

"'It would be an offence against the principles of elementary justice if these innocent victims were denied the right to return to their homes, while Jewish immigrants flow into Palestine, and, indeed, at least offer the threat of permanent replacement of the Arab refugees who have been rooted in the land for centuries.'

"The Count's first proposal argued for fixed boundaries through negotiation, an economic union between both states, and the return of Palestinian refugees - the proposal was turned down.

How did the Jews of Israel respond?

"On 17 September, the day following his UN report, Count Bernadotte's motorcade was ambushed in Jerusalem. He was shot at point blank range by members of the Jewish Stern gang."

In the same murderous ways they respond today.
Islam killed 10 Million Jews. Go live in your Transjordan East of The Jordan and leave Israel alone in Israel before God decides its time for The End Times and rains down Hellfire and Brimstone upon a wicked world and those who hate Jews and Christians.
Obviously, you are not a person of good faith.

The House Democrats’ “Rebuke” of Rep. Ilhan Omar Is a Fraud for Many Reasons, Including Its Wild Distortion of Her Comments

"Hillary Clinton’s key political consultant for her 2008 presidential run, Hank Sheinkopf, who is Jewish, said this to the New York Sun in 2007 when asked why Democratic presidential candidates who were otherwise anti-war were so hawkish when it came to Iran: 'New York is the ATM for American politicians. Large amounts of money come from the Jewish community. If you’re running for president and you want dollars from that group, you need to show that you’re interested in the issue that matters most to them.'"

"That AIPAC – along with the NRA, Wall Street and Silicon Valley – is one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington, and works to ensure that members of Congress act favorably toward Israel, is so obviously true that no person in good faith could dispute it."
Islam and anyone that Allies with it to destroy Israel will be wiped out by Unexplainable Reasons even if they outnumber Israel 10,000 to one at The End of Days.

The Battle of Gog and Magog is just one such confrontation in prophecy, and that essentially is Russia, Turkey, Syria and perhaps Iran and their combined armies are obliterated as they cross in to the mountains of Israel.

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"Many on the right have called for her to be removed from that committee (see here, or here, or here, or here).

"Her argument, to repeat, isn’t about how Jews feel about Israel, it’s about what is being demanded of her."
Yes. It is being demanded of her (though not nearly strongly enough) that she not attack Israel as a de facto representative of Hamas and other Muslim front groups for terrorism.

If that's too strict a path for her to follow she should resign her post on the sensitive Foreign Affairs Committee.
Yes. It is being demanded of her (though not nearly strongly enough) that she not attack Israel as a de facto representative of Hamas and other Muslim front groups for terrorism.
The House Democrats’ “Rebuke” of Rep. Ilhan Omar Is a Fraud for Many Reasons, Including Its Wild Distortion of Her Comments
Demanding Israel conform to standards of international law doesn't make one a terrorist; building illegal settlements on occupied land and giving Israeli Jews superior legal status over indigenous Palestinians does.

"How can anyone possibly pretend that it’s invalid or offensive to observe, as Congresswoman Omar did, that some in America demand allegiance to a foreign nation when American citizens are allowed to boycott American states but are punished for boycotting this one specific foreign nation?"

Text - S.170 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Combating BDS Act of 2017
Why? There has NEVER been a Palestinian State. There are no "Palestinians." They are a creation of the Left. You should know better. But you are young.

There was NEVER an Israel State also, it is a Man-Made State a creation of America and the Commie UN. I already know better, this because I am immune to all brainwashing. The Palestinians have a right to their own State, they are part of that land also historically via their Ancestors. Also I am not Pro or Anti on either side, this is what is needed an even hand approach to this situation and not the embarrassing Israel First Lick Israel Buttocks Fetish and do a smear campaign against ANYONE who does not blind their eyes and be brainwashed into NEVER criticising ANYTHING.

The Palestinians have a right to their own State,

I hear Syria has room.

The Palestinians are not Syrian.

They're all Muslims. They can go live on Muslim land.

George is an anti semite, Israel hating muzzie lover

You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll

"You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll"

Who does this refer to me? WTF Sassy, so in general you have liked me since I join, but as SOON as decide NOT to lick Israel buttocks 24/7 you think I am, an uneducated ill informed troll. I am not going to begin name calling of course, but I would rather be thought of as a troll than thought of as a Brainwashed Kool-Aid Drinker devoid of Independent Thinking as ALL of the Israel First crowd are, if the Israeli's crowd told HALF of Americans to slit their own throats and murder their entire family the Israel First crowd would DO it.
There was NEVER an Israel State also, it is a Man-Made State a creation of America and the Commie UN. I already know better, this because I am immune to all brainwashing. The Palestinians have a right to their own State, they are part of that land also historically via their Ancestors. Also I am not Pro or Anti on either side, this is what is needed an even hand approach to this situation and not the embarrassing Israel First Lick Israel Buttocks Fetish and do a smear campaign against ANYONE who does not blind their eyes and be brainwashed into NEVER criticising ANYTHING.

The Palestinians have a right to their own State,

I hear Syria has room.

The Palestinians are not Syrian.

They're all Muslims. They can go live on Muslim land.

George is an anti semite, Israel hating muzzie lover

You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll
Debate is to sway the open minded lurker. Nobody cares about George's opinion.

Yes but do YOU have an open mind on this issue? I think most open minded have the opinion that this thing is ONE SIDED and LOADED to favour ONE SIDE, I think most open minded would think that the Two State Solution is the only option and that ALL Western nations should NOT interfere in the Middle East shit hole anymore and ANY Western troops should GTFO and The West just FORGET about the ENTIRE Middle East, we get ZERO for any involvement ALL we get is trouble.
Islam and anyone that Allies with it to destroy Israel will be wiped out by Unexplainable Reasons even if they outnumber Israel 10,000 to one at The End of Days.

The Battle if Gog and Magog is just one such confrontation in prophecy, and that essentially is Russia, Turkey, Syria and perhaps Iran and their combined armies are obliterated as they cross in to the mountains of Israel.

It is The Anti-Christ Army that EVERYONE should be concerned with, the Gog and Magog thing does not involve The Anti-Christ Army and as I have commented already in this thread when the SHTF I am NOT going to reject Jesus Christ Our Lord, The Messiah and our Saviour. Many are going to have a problem at that time especially the Israel First Crowd, the Athiest Jews ALREADY shit on Jesus Christ and are PROUD to reject Him, they await their messiah who will be The Anti-Christ so the Israel First Crowd DEVOID of ability to criticise are going to automatically accept The Anti-Christ as The Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Why should I as a Child of Jesus Christ SIDE with ANYONE who REJECTS and HATES Jesus Christ?

Wake up already now! Re affirm your Faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Messiah and our Saviour, promise Him you will NEVER accept what Athiests say, our Bible already tells us that the ONLY way to Salvation is through Our Lord Jesus Christ and also that THEY who REJECT the Son do NOT have the Father on their side and the opposite of something is Anti- IF you are AGAINST Jesus Christ you ARE of The Anti-Christ.
There was NEVER an Israel State also, it is a Man-Made State a creation of America and the Commie UN. I already know better, this because I am immune to all brainwashing. The Palestinians have a right to their own State, they are part of that land also historically via their Ancestors. Also I am not Pro or Anti on either side, this is what is needed an even hand approach to this situation and not the embarrassing Israel First Lick Israel Buttocks Fetish and do a smear campaign against ANYONE who does not blind their eyes and be brainwashed into NEVER criticising ANYTHING.

The Palestinians have a right to their own State,

I hear Syria has room.

The Palestinians are not Syrian.

They're all Muslims. They can go live on Muslim land.

George is an anti semite, Israel hating muzzie lover

You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll

"You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll"

Who does this refer to me? WTF Sassy, so in general you have liked me since I join, but as SOON as decide NOT to lick Israel buttocks 24/7 you think I am, an uneducated ill informed troll. I am not going to begin name calling of course, but I would rather be thought of as a troll than thought of as a Brainwashed Kool-Aid Drinker devoid of Independent Thinking as ALL of the Israel First crowd are, if the Israeli's crowd told HALF of Americans to slit their own throats and murder their entire family the Israel First crowd would DO it.

George is an anti semite, Israel hating muzzie lover

You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll

Who does this refer to me?

Is your name George?
The Palestinians have a right to their own State,

I hear Syria has room.

The Palestinians are not Syrian.

They're all Muslims. They can go live on Muslim land.

George is an anti semite, Israel hating muzzie lover

You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll

"You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll"

Who does this refer to me? WTF Sassy, so in general you have liked me since I join, but as SOON as decide NOT to lick Israel buttocks 24/7 you think I am, an uneducated ill informed troll. I am not going to begin name calling of course, but I would rather be thought of as a troll than thought of as a Brainwashed Kool-Aid Drinker devoid of Independent Thinking as ALL of the Israel First crowd are, if the Israeli's crowd told HALF of Americans to slit their own throats and murder their entire family the Israel First crowd would DO it.

George is an anti semite, Israel hating muzzie lover

You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll

Who does this refer to me?

Is your name George?

No but the format of those responses was confusing and so I thought Sassy was meaning me, all I got with the response was:

"You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll"
Palestinians are the ones who have had their land, farms, businesses, and bank accounts stolen by (mostly) European Jews anxious to turn a 10:1 Non-Jew majority in Palestine into a Jewish state with a Jewish majority:

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, also known as the Nakba... al-Nakbah, literally 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs — about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population — fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Palestine war.[2]

"Between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were sacked during the war, while urban Palestine was almost entirely extinguished.[3] The term nakba also refers to the period of war itself and events affecting Palestinians from December 1947 to January 1949."
"Due to the war, around 10,000 Jews fled or were expelled from their homes in Palestine. In the three years following the war, about 700,000 Jews fled from Europe and Arab lands and immigrated to Israel, with one third of them having left or been expelled from their previous countries of residence in the Middle East. These Jewish refugees were absorbed into Israel in the One Million Plan.1947–1949 Palestine war - Wikipedia

Your one sided history acts as though Jews were not displaced or removed from Arab lands losing whatever they had.
When you have to tell only half the tale you lose much credibility.
Your one sided history acts as though Jews were not displaced or removed from Arab lands losing whatever they had.
When you have to tell only half the tale you lose much credibility.
It was Jewish terror that drove 700,000 non-Jews off their land and into refugee camps while giving the abandoned property to Jews from outside of Palestine.

1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia

"The Haganah, a Jewish paramilitary organization, was initially involved in the post-war attacks against the British in Palestine but withdrew following the outrage caused by the 1946 Irgun bombing of the British Army Headquarters in the King David Hotel.

"In May 1946, on the assumption of British neutrality in the future hostilities, a Plan C was formulated that envisaged guidelines for retaliation if and when Palestinian Arab attacks took place on the Yishuv.

"As the countdown ticked down, the Haganah implemented assaults involving the torching and demolition by explosives against economic infrastructures, the property of Palestinian politicians and military commanders, villages, town neighbourhoods, houses and farms that were deemed to be bases or used by inciters and their accomplices.

"The killing of armed irregulars and adult males was also foreseen. On 15 August 1947, on suspicion it was a terrorist headquarters, they blew up the house of the Abu Laban family, prosperous Palestinian orange growers, near Petah Tikva.

"Twelve occupants, including a woman and six children, were killed.[11]

"After November 1947, the dynamiting of houses formed a key component of most Haganah retaliatory strikes."
Agree completely about
Gog and Magog as it is actually an earlier
Battle. There are actual multiple battles in the end times fought in an attempt to exterminate Israel and all of them fail miserably.

Armageddon is just one of several.

Megiddo, The Place of Battles

Israel has been under continual attack since their return to the land.

Wars and Battles of Israel

Multiple Battles by world powers will be fought against Israel during The End Days.

The Wars of the End Times | Tribulation | Lamb and Lion Ministries
Islam and anyone that Allies with it to destroy Israel will be wiped out by Unexplainable Reasons even if they outnumber Israel 10,000 to one at The End of Days.

The Battle if Gog and Magog is just one such confrontation in prophecy, and that essentially is Russia, Turkey, Syria and perhaps Iran and their combined armies are obliterated as they cross in to the mountains of Israel.

It is The Anti-Christ Army that EVERYONE should be concerned with, the Gog and Magog thing does not involve The Anti-Christ Army and as I have commented already in this thread when the SHTF I am NOT going to reject Jesus Christ Our Lord, The Messiah and our Saviour. Many are going to have a problem at that time especially the Israel First Crowd, the Athiest Jews ALREADY shit on Jesus Christ and are PROUD to reject Him, they await their messiah who will be The Anti-Christ so the Israel First Crowd DEVOID of ability to criticise are going to automatically accept The Anti-Christ as The Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Why should I as a Child of Jesus Christ SIDE with ANYONE who REJECTS and HATES Jesus Christ?

Wake up already now! Re affirm your Faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Messiah and our Saviour, promise Him you will NEVER accept what Athiests say, our Bible already tells us that the ONLY way to Salvation is through Our Lord Jesus Christ and also that THEY who REJECT the Son do NOT have the Father on their side and the opposite of something is Anti- IF you are AGAINST Jesus Christ you ARE of The Anti-Christ.
Islam and anyone that Allies with it to destroy Israel will be wiped out by Unexplainable Reasons even if they outnumber Israel 10,000 to one at The End of Days.

The Battle of Gog and Magog is just one such confrontation in prophecy, and that essentially is Russia, Turkey, Syria and perhaps Iran and their combined armies are obliterated as they cross in to the mountains of Israel.

I think for anyone interested in Biblical Prophecy one time it would be good if we had a thread just devoted to that, this where anyone interested can give their opinions especially about The Anti-Christ, Mystery, Babylon, The Whore of Babylon etc I am not happy to comment that I already think 99% that The Anti-Pope Francis is a very good candidate for The False Prophet, he is NOT MY Pope, he has commented many things that are Anti-Christian and the opposite of what Our Lord preached, he also is attempting to create a One World Religion by licking the buttocks of Non-Christians who do not accept that Jesus Christ was and IS The Messiah, he has stated that Athiests can go to Heaven, he has called The Bible just a book, he has said that Our Lord did not work miracles and he compared ISIS Terrorists going into Western nations as Economic Migrants to Jesus Christs Disciples, I am now tired so after sleep I will post a link in this thread to an interview article where The Anti-Pope Francis commented some of these things, it is an interview article with a Catholic newspaper.

I do NOT think he is The Anti-Christ though I also do NOT think that The Whore of Babylon is my own Roman Catholic church and I do not think Rome is Mystery, Babylon. The Anti-Christ is going to be accepted and promoted by International Jewry as their messiah, so this suggest The Anti-Christ has to be a Jew himself if not then why would they accept him as their messiah? There is ONLY ONE Messiah and that IS Jesus Christ and ANY OTHER messiah that appear and gets promoted is going to be The Anti-Christ, our Bible tells us that The Anti-Christ will enter a rebuilt Temple and declare himself as Jesus Christ and this I think is the Abomination of Desolation, the declaration of Satan in human form declaring himself as Jesus Christ.
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Poor George can not contain his hatred of Israel.

Poor George cannot stop Himself from lying because he believes the lies he is told.

Poor George will probably accept the Mark of The Beast in the end times and forfeit his soul to Hell.

Multiple times have I tried to give him correct information and he posts the same postings over and over like a bot.

Palestinians are the ones who have had their land, farms, businesses, and bank accounts stolen by (mostly) European Jews anxious to turn a 10:1 Non-Jew majority in Palestine into a Jewish state with a Jewish majority:

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, also known as the Nakba... al-Nakbah, literally 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs — about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population — fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Palestine war.[2]

"Between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were sacked during the war, while urban Palestine was almost entirely extinguished.[3] The term nakba also refers to the period of war itself and events affecting Palestinians from December 1947 to January 1949."
"Due to the war, around 10,000 Jews fled or were expelled from their homes in Palestine. In the three years following the war, about 700,000 Jews fled from Europe and Arab lands and immigrated to Israel, with one third of them having left or been expelled from their previous countries of residence in the Middle East. These Jewish refugees were absorbed into Israel in the One Million Plan.1947–1949 Palestine war - Wikipedia

Your one sided history acts as though Jews were not displaced or removed from Arab lands losing whatever they had.
When you have to tell only half the tale you lose much credibility.
Your one sided history acts as though Jews were not displaced or removed from Arab lands losing whatever they had.
When you have to tell only half the tale you lose much credibility.
It was Jewish terror that drove 700,000 non-Jews off their land and into refugee camps while giving the abandoned property to Jews from outside of Palestine.

1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia

"The Haganah, a Jewish paramilitary organization, was initially involved in the post-war attacks against the British in Palestine but withdrew following the outrage caused by the 1946 Irgun bombing of the British Army Headquarters in the King David Hotel.

"In May 1946, on the assumption of British neutrality in the future hostilities, a Plan C was formulated that envisaged guidelines for retaliation if and when Palestinian Arab attacks took place on the Yishuv.

"As the countdown ticked down, the Haganah implemented assaults involving the torching and demolition by explosives against economic infrastructures, the property of Palestinian politicians and military commanders, villages, town neighbourhoods, houses and farms that were deemed to be bases or used by inciters and their accomplices.

"The killing of armed irregulars and adult males was also foreseen. On 15 August 1947, on suspicion it was a terrorist headquarters, they blew up the house of the Abu Laban family, prosperous Palestinian orange growers, near Petah Tikva.

"Twelve occupants, including a woman and six children, were killed.[11]

"After November 1947, the dynamiting of houses formed a key component of most Haganah retaliatory strikes."
I think the False Prophet May actually be Muhammad or one possessed with the spirit of Muhammad. We won’t know who it is. We will only know when The False Prophet starts his preaching against Israel, Judaism, and Christianity and offering an alternative of a Worldwide religion, and promoting a globally minded leader to be thrust to the forefront.

Islam and anyone that Allies with it to destroy Israel will be wiped out by Unexplainable Reasons even if they outnumber Israel 10,000 to one at The End of Days.

The Battle of Gog and Magog is just one such confrontation in prophecy, and that essentially is Russia, Turkey, Syria and perhaps Iran and their combined armies are obliterated as they cross in to the mountains of Israel.

I think for anyone interested in Biblical Prophecy one time it would be good if we had a thread just devoted to that, this where anyone interested can give their opinions especially about The Anti-Christ, Mystery, Babylon, The Whore of Babylon etc I am not happy to comment that I already think 99% that The Anti-Pope Francis is a very good candidate for The False Prophet, he is NOT MY Pope, he has commented many things that are Anti-Christian and the opposite of what Our Lord preached, he also is attempting to create a One World Religion by licking the buttocks of Non-Christians who do not accept that Jesus Christ was and IS The Messiah, he has stated that Athiests can go to Heaven, he has called The Bible just a book, he has said that Our Lord did not work miracles and he compared ISIS Terrorists going into Western nations as Economic Migrants to Jesus Christs Disciples, I am now tired so after sleep I will post a link in this thread to an interview article where The Anti-Pope Francis commented some of these things, it is an interview article with a Catholic newspaper.

I do NOT think he is The Anti-Christ though I also do NOT think that The Whore of Babylon is my own Roman Catholic church and I do not think Rome is Mystery, Babylon. The Anti-Christ is going to be accepted and promoted by International Jewry as their messiah, so this suggest The Anti-Christ has to be a Jew himself if not then why
Islam and The So called Palestinians have REFUSED To occupy Transjordan, the homeland designated for the collection of Syrians, Egyptians, and Jordanians called Palestinians for the past 100 years since their homeland was negotiated through treaty and signed in to international law.

The conflict would be over if they just settled their territory which is East of Jordan and left The West Bank and Gaza.

The Palestinians have a right to their own State,

I hear Syria has room.

The Palestinians are not Syrian.

They're all Muslims. They can go live on Muslim land.

George is an anti semite, Israel hating muzzie lover

You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll
Debate is to sway the open minded lurker. Nobody cares about George's opinion.

Yes but do YOU have an open mind on this issue? I think most open minded have the opinion that this thing is ONE SIDED and LOADED to favour ONE SIDE, I think most open minded would think that the Two State Solution is the only option and that ALL Western nations should NOT interfere in the Middle East shit hole anymore and ANY Western troops should GTFO and The West just FORGET about the ENTIRE Middle East, we get ZERO for any involvement ALL we get is trouble.
There was NEVER an Israel State also, it is a Man-Made State a creation of America and the Commie UN. I already know better, this because I am immune to all brainwashing. The Palestinians have a right to their own State, they are part of that land also historically via their Ancestors. Also I am not Pro or Anti on either side, this is what is needed an even hand approach to this situation and not the embarrassing Israel First Lick Israel Buttocks Fetish and do a smear campaign against ANYONE who does not blind their eyes and be brainwashed into NEVER criticising ANYTHING.

The Palestinians have a right to their own State,

I hear Syria has room.

The Palestinians are not Syrian.

They're all Muslims. They can go live on Muslim land.

George is an anti semite, Israel hating muzzie lover

You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll

"You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll"

Who does this refer to me? WTF Sassy, so in general you have liked me since I join, but as SOON as decide NOT to lick Israel buttocks 24/7 you think I am, an uneducated ill informed troll. I am not going to begin name calling of course, but I would rather be thought of as a troll than thought of as a Brainwashed Kool-Aid Drinker devoid of Independent Thinking as ALL of the Israel First crowd are, if the Israeli's crowd told HALF of Americans to slit their own throats and murder their entire family the Israel First crowd would DO it.

I was referring to George not you
Agree completely about
Gog and Magog as it is actually an earlier
Battle. There are actual multiple battles in the end times fought in an attempt to exterminate Israel and all of them fail miserably.

Armageddon is just one of several.

Megiddo, The Place of Battles

Israel has been under continual attack since their return to the land.

Wars and Battles of Israel

Multiple Battles by world powers will be fought against Israel during The End Days.

The Wars of the End Times | Tribulation | Lamb and Lion Ministries
Islam and anyone that Allies with it to destroy Israel will be wiped out by Unexplainable Reasons even if they outnumber Israel 10,000 to one at The End of Days.

The Battle if Gog and Magog is just one such confrontation in prophecy, and that essentially is Russia, Turkey, Syria and perhaps Iran and their combined armies are obliterated as they cross in to the mountains of Israel.

It is The Anti-Christ Army that EVERYONE should be concerned with, the Gog and Magog thing does not involve The Anti-Christ Army and as I have commented already in this thread when the SHTF I am NOT going to reject Jesus Christ Our Lord, The Messiah and our Saviour. Many are going to have a problem at that time especially the Israel First Crowd, the Athiest Jews ALREADY shit on Jesus Christ and are PROUD to reject Him, they await their messiah who will be The Anti-Christ so the Israel First Crowd DEVOID of ability to criticise are going to automatically accept The Anti-Christ as The Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Why should I as a Child of Jesus Christ SIDE with ANYONE who REJECTS and HATES Jesus Christ?

Wake up already now! Re affirm your Faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Messiah and our Saviour, promise Him you will NEVER accept what Athiests say, our Bible already tells us that the ONLY way to Salvation is through Our Lord Jesus Christ and also that THEY who REJECT the Son do NOT have the Father on their side and the opposite of something is Anti- IF you are AGAINST Jesus Christ you ARE of The Anti-Christ.

There also has previously been several Battles at Megiddo but obviously not THE Battle at Meggido ie. Armageddon that occur in Revelations, the others in 15th C BCE that was between Thutmose II one of the Egyptian Pharoahs vs a Canaanite army and then in 609 BCE between Necho II another Egyptian Pharoah and the Kingdom of Judah and Necho II met King Josiah at this battle and killed him, this is written about in 2 Kings 28:30:

2 Kings 28:30

28 As for the rest of the acts of Josiah, along with all his accomplishments, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

29 While Josiah was king, Pharaoh Necho king of Egypt went up to the Euphrates River to help the king of Assyria. King Josiah marched out to meet him in battle, but Necho faced him and killed him at Megiddo.

30 From Megiddo his servants carried his body in a chariot, brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own tomb. Then the people of the land took Jehoahaz son of Josiah, anointed him, and made him king in place of his father.…
The Palestinians have a right to their own State,

I hear Syria has room.

The Palestinians are not Syrian.

They're all Muslims. They can go live on Muslim land.

George is an anti semite, Israel hating muzzie lover

You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll

"You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll"

Who does this refer to me? WTF Sassy, so in general you have liked me since I join, but as SOON as decide NOT to lick Israel buttocks 24/7 you think I am, an uneducated ill informed troll. I am not going to begin name calling of course, but I would rather be thought of as a troll than thought of as a Brainwashed Kool-Aid Drinker devoid of Independent Thinking as ALL of the Israel First crowd are, if the Israeli's crowd told HALF of Americans to slit their own throats and murder their entire family the Israel First crowd would DO it.

I was referring to George not you

Okay good I got confused with the format as it appear.
Islam and The So called Palestinians have REFUSED To occupy Transjordan, the homeland designated for the collection of Syrians, Egyptians, and Jordanians called Palestinians for the past 100 years since their homeland was negotiated through treaty and signed in to international law.

The conflict would be over if they just settled their territory which is East of Jordan and left The West Bank and Gaza.

The Palestinians are not Syrian.

They're all Muslims. They can go live on Muslim land.

George is an anti semite, Israel hating muzzie lover

You're wasting your time with an uneducated ill informed troll
Debate is to sway the open minded lurker. Nobody cares about George's opinion.

Yes but do YOU have an open mind on this issue? I think most open minded have the opinion that this thing is ONE SIDED and LOADED to favour ONE SIDE, I think most open minded would think that the Two State Solution is the only option and that ALL Western nations should NOT interfere in the Middle East shit hole anymore and ANY Western troops should GTFO and The West just FORGET about the ENTIRE Middle East, we get ZERO for any involvement ALL we get is trouble.

How do you do this where your responses are ABOVE the Quote Boxes?

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