The Smearing of Ilhan Omar

How did Jews acquire their 55% of Palestine?

Remember when Obama said elections have consequences?

Losing wars also have consequences. The Ottoman Empire was on the losing side.
They lost a bunch of territory.
The winning side got to decide what to do with it.
They decided to give the Jews their own country.

Deal with it. Or whine for another 100 years...….

At the rate the "Palestinians" keep fucking up, instead of making peace, they'll be lucky to have
6% of the original land that was reserved for a Jewish and Arab country

Because they cowered behind British bayonets for a generation before creating their racist, apartheid state:

No fair, only Arabs can have racist, apartheid states, eh?
Losing wars also have consequences. The Ottoman Empire was on the losing side.
They lost a bunch of territory.
The winning side got to decide what to do with it.
They decided to give the Jews their own country.
Actually, "they" decided to give the Jews a homeland (not a country) in Palestine subject to one strict condition:

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Actually, "they" decided to give the Jews a homeland (not a country) in Palestine

A homeland didn't mean a country? That's funny!

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

And then the Arabs went and fucked it up.

How'd that work out for them?
And then the Arabs went and fucked it up.

How'd that work out for them?
Jews are more adept at terrorism than Arabs?
Who knew?

Zionist political violence - Wikipedia

  • "June 30, 1924. Dutch Jew Jacob Israël de Haan was assassinated by Avraham Tehomi on the orders of Haganah leader Yitzhak Ben-Zvi[39] for his anti-Zionist political activities and contacts with Arab leaders.[40]
  • 1937–1939 The Irgun conducted a campaign of violence against Palestinian Arab civilians resulting in the deaths of at least 250.[41][42]
  • July 15, 1938* A bomb left in the vegetable market in Jerusalem by the Irgun injured 28.[43]
  • July 25, 1938* The Irgun threw a bomb into the melon market in Haifa resulting in 49 deaths.[44]
  • November 6, 1944 Lehi assassinated British minister Lord Moyne in Cairo, Egypt. The action was condemned by the Yishuv at the time, but the bodies of the assassins were brought home from Egypt in 1975 to a state funeral and burial on Mount Herzl.[45]
  • 1944–1945 The killings of several suspected collaborators with the Haganah and the British mandate government during the Hunting Season.
  • 1946 Letter bombs sent to British officials, including foreign minister Ernst Bevin, by Lehi.[46]
  • July 26, 1946 The bombing of British administrative headquarters at the King David Hotel, killing 91 people — 28 British, 41 Arab, 17 Jewish, and 5 others. Around 45 people were injured. In the literature about the practice and history of terrorism, it has been called one of the most lethal terrorist attacks of the 20th century....[47]"

45% wasn't enough, what percentage do the Arabs have now?
45% wasn't enough, what percentage do the Arabs have now?
  • April 16, 1947* An Irgun bomb placed at the Colonial Office in London failed to detonate.[49]The woman arrested for planting the bomb, alias "Esther," was identified as a Jewess claiming French nationality by the Scotland Yard unit investigating Jewish terrorist activities. The attack was linked to the 1946 Rome embassy bombing.[50][51]
  • 14 June 1947 The Reuters office in Tel Aviv was raided by "Jewish terrorists."[52]
  • July 25, 1947 The Sergeants affair: When death sentences were passed on two Irgun members, the Irgun kidnapped Sgt. Clifford Martin and Sgt. Mervyn Paice and threatened to kill them in retaliation if the sentences were carried out. When the threat was ignored, the hostages were killed. Afterwards, their bodies were taken to an orange grove and left hanging by the neck from trees. An improvised explosive device was set. This went off when one of the bodies was cut down, seriously wounding a British officer.[53]
  • December 1947 – March 1948 Numerous attacks on Palestinian Arabs in the context of civil war after the vote of the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine.
  • 1947 Letter bombs sent to the Truman White House by Lehi.[54]
  • January 5–6, 1948 The Semiramis Hotel bombing, carried out by the Haganah (or, according to some sources, Irgun) resulted in the deaths of 24 to 26 people.
Zionist political violence - Wikipedia

10%? 5%?

They're moving in the right direction, morons.
No fair, only Arabs can have racist, apartheid states, eh?
Mention that to your president

Why would I mention Arab apartheid policies to the President?
Why would I mention Arab apartheid policies to the President?
Shit clumps?

Trump calling Hillary Clinton a bigot is the tactic of a 5-year-old

Just remember, you have to wipe with your left hand.
Actually, "they" decided to give the Jews a homeland (not a country) in Palestine subject to one strict condition:

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Actually, "they" decided to give the Jews a homeland (not a country) in Palestine

A homeland didn't mean a country? That's funny!

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

And then the Arabs went and fucked it up.

How'd that work out for them?
And then the Arabs went and fucked it up.

How'd that work out for them?
Jews are more adept at terrorism than Arabs?
Who knew?

Zionist political violence - Wikipedia

  • "June 30, 1924. Dutch Jew Jacob Israël de Haan was assassinated by Avraham Tehomi on the orders of Haganah leader Yitzhak Ben-Zvi[39] for his anti-Zionist political activities and contacts with Arab leaders.[40]
  • 1937–1939 The Irgun conducted a campaign of violence against Palestinian Arab civilians resulting in the deaths of at least 250.[41][42]
  • July 15, 1938* A bomb left in the vegetable market in Jerusalem by the Irgun injured 28.[43]
  • July 25, 1938* The Irgun threw a bomb into the melon market in Haifa resulting in 49 deaths.[44]
  • November 6, 1944 Lehi assassinated British minister Lord Moyne in Cairo, Egypt. The action was condemned by the Yishuv at the time, but the bodies of the assassins were brought home from Egypt in 1975 to a state funeral and burial on Mount Herzl.[45]
  • 1944–1945 The killings of several suspected collaborators with the Haganah and the British mandate government during the Hunting Season.
  • 1946 Letter bombs sent to British officials, including foreign minister Ernst Bevin, by Lehi.[46]
  • July 26, 1946 The bombing of British administrative headquarters at the King David Hotel, killing 91 people — 28 British, 41 Arab, 17 Jewish, and 5 others. Around 45 people were injured. In the literature about the practice and history of terrorism, it has been called one of the most lethal terrorist attacks of the 20th century....[47]"

45% wasn't enough, what percentage do the Arabs have now?
45% wasn't enough, what percentage do the Arabs have now?
  • April 16, 1947* An Irgun bomb placed at the Colonial Office in London failed to detonate.[49]The woman arrested for planting the bomb, alias "Esther," was identified as a Jewess claiming French nationality by the Scotland Yard unit investigating Jewish terrorist activities. The attack was linked to the 1946 Rome embassy bombing.[50][51]
  • 14 June 1947 The Reuters office in Tel Aviv was raided by "Jewish terrorists."[52]
  • July 25, 1947 The Sergeants affair: When death sentences were passed on two Irgun members, the Irgun kidnapped Sgt. Clifford Martin and Sgt. Mervyn Paice and threatened to kill them in retaliation if the sentences were carried out. When the threat was ignored, the hostages were killed. Afterwards, their bodies were taken to an orange grove and left hanging by the neck from trees. An improvised explosive device was set. This went off when one of the bodies was cut down, seriously wounding a British officer.[53]
  • December 1947 – March 1948 Numerous attacks on Palestinian Arabs in the context of civil war after the vote of the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine.
  • 1947 Letter bombs sent to the Truman White House by Lehi.[54]
  • January 5–6, 1948 The Semiramis Hotel bombing, carried out by the Haganah (or, according to some sources, Irgun) resulted in the deaths of 24 to 26 people.
Zionist political violence - Wikipedia

10%? 5%?

They're moving in the right direction, morons.
10%? 5%?

They're moving in the right direction, morons.
Heroic Jew direction

30 Days Jail Term for Israeli Sniper who "Killed 13 Gaza Children in One Day" to Terrorize Palestinians
No fair, only Arabs can have racist, apartheid states, eh?
Mention that to your president

Why would I mention Arab apartheid policies to the President?
Why would I mention Arab apartheid policies to the President?
Shit clumps?

Trump calling Hillary Clinton a bigot is the tactic of a 5-year-old

Just remember, you have to wipe with your left hand.
Just remember, you have to wipe with your left hand.
While shooting with your right
Actually, "they" decided to give the Jews a homeland (not a country) in Palestine

A homeland didn't mean a country? That's funny!

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

And then the Arabs went and fucked it up.

How'd that work out for them?
And then the Arabs went and fucked it up.

How'd that work out for them?
Jews are more adept at terrorism than Arabs?
Who knew?

Zionist political violence - Wikipedia

  • "June 30, 1924. Dutch Jew Jacob Israël de Haan was assassinated by Avraham Tehomi on the orders of Haganah leader Yitzhak Ben-Zvi[39] for his anti-Zionist political activities and contacts with Arab leaders.[40]
  • 1937–1939 The Irgun conducted a campaign of violence against Palestinian Arab civilians resulting in the deaths of at least 250.[41][42]
  • July 15, 1938* A bomb left in the vegetable market in Jerusalem by the Irgun injured 28.[43]
  • July 25, 1938* The Irgun threw a bomb into the melon market in Haifa resulting in 49 deaths.[44]
  • November 6, 1944 Lehi assassinated British minister Lord Moyne in Cairo, Egypt. The action was condemned by the Yishuv at the time, but the bodies of the assassins were brought home from Egypt in 1975 to a state funeral and burial on Mount Herzl.[45]
  • 1944–1945 The killings of several suspected collaborators with the Haganah and the British mandate government during the Hunting Season.
  • 1946 Letter bombs sent to British officials, including foreign minister Ernst Bevin, by Lehi.[46]
  • July 26, 1946 The bombing of British administrative headquarters at the King David Hotel, killing 91 people — 28 British, 41 Arab, 17 Jewish, and 5 others. Around 45 people were injured. In the literature about the practice and history of terrorism, it has been called one of the most lethal terrorist attacks of the 20th century....[47]"

45% wasn't enough, what percentage do the Arabs have now?
45% wasn't enough, what percentage do the Arabs have now?
  • April 16, 1947* An Irgun bomb placed at the Colonial Office in London failed to detonate.[49]The woman arrested for planting the bomb, alias "Esther," was identified as a Jewess claiming French nationality by the Scotland Yard unit investigating Jewish terrorist activities. The attack was linked to the 1946 Rome embassy bombing.[50][51]
  • 14 June 1947 The Reuters office in Tel Aviv was raided by "Jewish terrorists."[52]
  • July 25, 1947 The Sergeants affair: When death sentences were passed on two Irgun members, the Irgun kidnapped Sgt. Clifford Martin and Sgt. Mervyn Paice and threatened to kill them in retaliation if the sentences were carried out. When the threat was ignored, the hostages were killed. Afterwards, their bodies were taken to an orange grove and left hanging by the neck from trees. An improvised explosive device was set. This went off when one of the bodies was cut down, seriously wounding a British officer.[53]
  • December 1947 – March 1948 Numerous attacks on Palestinian Arabs in the context of civil war after the vote of the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine.
  • 1947 Letter bombs sent to the Truman White House by Lehi.[54]
  • January 5–6, 1948 The Semiramis Hotel bombing, carried out by the Haganah (or, according to some sources, Irgun) resulted in the deaths of 24 to 26 people.
Zionist political violence - Wikipedia

10%? 5%?

They're moving in the right direction, morons.
10%? 5%?

They're moving in the right direction, morons.
Heroic Jew direction

30 Days Jail Term for Israeli Sniper who "Killed 13 Gaza Children in One Day" to Terrorize Palestinians

Sounds like more muzzie lies.
That is amusing.

There is no 'dual loyalty'. Isreal is a friend and ally of the US, and as such, are deserving of support in our government. At least they are not lighting off bombs targeting women and children in innocent marketplaces.

There should not be "dual loyalty". People that apply and get accepted for US citizenship are expected to be Americans first. But it goes both ways, if you as American accept citizenship of any other country, than you are not considering yourself of being American first, you're more loyal to your new country.

I am not against US support to Israel, but I am against having people who are not "American first" to represent me in Congress.

When Ted Cruz was running for president, he was criticized for having dual citizenship, so he denounced his Canadian citizenship that he claim he didn't even know he had. I think that all our representatives should do the same.

Does anyone knows, is Omar still citizen of Somalia?
There is no debate.

There are a 100 years of international law and treaty that defines Israel as a state and its borders.

Then there is 5,000 years of history of Jews living in Israel continuously even during The Babylon Captivity, Assyrian Captivity, and Egyptian Captivity & Roman Empire’s Occupation of Israel.

There were no such thing as Arab Palestinians all through those thousands of years!

They are made up of Syrians, Egyptians and Jordanians. And all those people can move back to Syria, Jordan or Egypt or they can move to The Palestinian homeland, Transjordan which is East of Jordan and leave The West Bank and Gaza.

Wrong. Arabs have been living there just as long as the Jews.
There is no debate.

There are a 100 years of international law and treaty that defines Israel as a state and its borders.

Then there is 5,000 years of history of Jews living in Israel continuously even during The Babylon Captivity, Assyrian Captivity, and Egyptian Captivity & Roman Empire’s Occupation of Israel.

There were no such thing as Arab Palestinians all through those thousands of years!

They are made up of Syrians, Egyptians and Jordanians. And all those people can move back to Syria, Jordan or Egypt or they can move to The Palestinian homeland, Transjordan which is East of Jordan and leave The West Bank and Gaza.

Wrong. Arabs have been living there just as long as the Jews.
Bull. The Levant was made up of tribes similar to the Phoenicians, Indoeuropeans. The Arabs were in Arabia. WTF do you think they are called Arabs?
Bull. The Levant was made up of tribes similar to the Phoenicians, Indoeuropeans. The Arabs were in Arabia. WTF do you think they are called Arabs?
Palestinian-Arabs are the direct decendents of the Israelites.

Zionists moved into the area at the beginning of the last century.
Bull. The Levant was made up of tribes similar to the Phoenicians, Indoeuropeans. The Arabs were in Arabia. WTF do you think they are called Arabs?
Palestinian-Arabs are the direct decendents of the Israelites.

Zionists moved into the area at the beginning of the last century.
Kid, you have no idea what you're talking about. Rhetoric does not make history.
There is no debate.

There are a 100 years of international law and treaty that defines Israel as a state and its borders.

Then there is 5,000 years of history of Jews living in Israel continuously even during The Babylon Captivity, Assyrian Captivity, and Egyptian Captivity & Roman Empire’s Occupation of Israel.

There were no such thing as Arab Palestinians all through those thousands of years!

They are made up of Syrians, Egyptians and Jordanians. And all those people can move back to Syria, Jordan or Egypt or they can move to The Palestinian homeland, Transjordan which is East of Jordan and leave The West Bank and Gaza.

Wrong. Arabs have been living there just as long as the Jews.
That is a lie, and that make you a liar. You do realize that liars cannot enter in to the kingdom of heaven, right?

Abraham was tested by God, and asked of God whether Abraham loved God enough to sacrifice his onlys on. Abraham took Isaac to a place that we now call Golgotha, or Calvary in Israel. God stopped Abraham because he knew Abraham was obedient, and then declared "I will provide The Lamb" This was about 4,000 years ago.

Fast Forward to about 2,000 years ago, when John The Baptist saw Jesus for the first time, he said, "Behold The Lamb of God."

"For God so loved The World, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, and whomever believes in Him, shall not perish but have Everlasting Life!"

Yashshua - Messiah - Immanuel - Jesus The Christ was crucified on Golgotha - Calvary, died, descended in to Hell to defeat death and confiscate the keys to The Pit, was Resurrected, and Ascended in to Heaven 40 days after His Resurrection. He will be coming again in The End Times to defend Israel during the last great tribulation against them.

The Jews will undergo one last terrible persecution which will be so horrific that that they will have flee to Sela and God will protect them while God The Son (The Resurrected Jesus-Yahshua) descends to Earth, goes to Basra, and soaks his robes in the blood of the wicked who are arrayed to destroy Israel there.

He, The Lion of The Tribe of Judah, will wage war all through The Middle East destroying the massive armies arrayed before Him with The Sword of His Mouth, The Word, which will utterly cut the wicked & the liars to the ground.

He will do this in defense of His People, Israel, until He finally Comes to Jerusalem to destroy The Anti-Christ and False Prophet, and cast them, all the wicked of the Earth and Satan in to Hell and then He will sit upon the Throne of David -The Throne of Adam in Jerusalem to rule the Earth in Peace for 1,000 years, because He is The Prince of Peace.

At the end of that 1,000 years, He will let loose Satan - Lucifer one more time, and ask The Earth whom they would rather serve, The Father of Truth, or the father of lies?

Even after 1,000 years of Perfect Peace, some will choose Satan - Lucifer who appears as an Angel of Light to deceive wicked men in to thinking he is God. Jesus- Messiah Bin David, destroys the wicked remnant siding with Lucifer, and then casts him, his followers in to The Pit for eternity and throws away the key. Then comes Heaven on Earth.

So I ask you, in that day, whom do you want to be numbered with? The Liars, or The Lovers of Truth? Whom do you want to serve? The Father of Truth, or the father of lies?

There is Zero Mention of The Palestinians in The Bible. There are no genetic Palestinians in the world. The So Called Palestinians are a fictitious people, made of of Jordanians, Egyptians & Syrians. Both DNA and History show that The Promised Land, promised to Abraham, and his descendants Isaac, then Jacob-Israel, was given to Abraham by The Abrahamic Convenant mad by Jehovah Himself has belonged to Israel for 4,000 years and possibly longer.

There is ZERO mention of Palestinians in The Koran either.

The Roman Empire made up the term" Palestine," and "Palestinian" to refer to The Jews in a derogatory manner similar to calling a black man the "N" word. The purpose was to belittle them, marginalize them, and to separate them rhetorically from the land named after Jacob-Israel. When you use the term "Palestine" or "Palestinian" you are calling all those people you think you are talking about the "N" word.

But then again, you knew this, and you know that Israel has been in Israel for 4,000 years and survived The Babylonian Captivity, The Assyrian Captivity, The Egyptian Captivity and The Roman Occupation of Israel where they exterminated approximately 1 million Jews. Then came The Armenian Genocide under The Ottoman Empire, where 2 Million Jews were Exterminated, and then the Nazi Germany Holocaust where 7 Million Jews were Exterminated.

The term "Palestine" is a Racial Slur that has been used by people that hate The Jews to humiliate them and remind them of the cruel Roman Occupation of Israel and the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 AD by Titus. Literally the streets of Israel were lined by crucified Jews during The Roman Occupation.

They survived all of that. They will survive your lies, and God Promised they will never cease from being a people, and that He will establish His Kingdom from Jerusalem in The Latter Days. They will survive The Last Holocaust that is to come as well, because Yahweh promised they would. The whole world will be blessed through Jerusalem. God's Word is Truth. Believe it, and accept it.

God has promised to Curse those who Curse Israel, and Bless them that Bless Israel.
Yaweh promised that Israel would be an immovable stone, and that all who come against it, shall dash themselves in to pieces. Israel - Jerusalem is a cup of trembling to "The Nations". It should be a cup of trembling for the wicked, and a cup of blessing for the righteous. It is your choice which cup you drink.

You are cursed, but you do not have to remain cursed. Messiah - Yahshua is for all people, Jew, Gentile, Arab, and all others.

Change your lying ways before it is too late for you. God is patient, but He also must be Righteous, and at the end of His Patience, He must Judge The World. Do not be numbered with those He must cast aside!

Though God weeps for The Lost Wicked, He must in Justice & By His Holy Law, Separate them from His Children. Choose to be a Child of God, instead a child of Satan, and all The Promises of God are yours.
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No fair, only Arabs can have racist, apartheid states, eh?
Mention that to your president

Why would I mention Arab apartheid policies to the President?
Why would I mention Arab apartheid policies to the President?
Shit clumps?

Trump calling Hillary Clinton a bigot is the tactic of a 5-year-old

Just remember, you have to wipe with your left hand.
Just remember, you have to wipe with your left hand.
While shooting with your right
No it's not at all true. Israeli military today is trained to shoot to kill only as a last resort. They are trained to shoot at legs blowing them off.

I would disagree anything that leaves a Palestinian alive should be discouraged.
Mention that to your president

Why would I mention Arab apartheid policies to the President?
Why would I mention Arab apartheid policies to the President?
Shit clumps?

Trump calling Hillary Clinton a bigot is the tactic of a 5-year-old

Just remember, you have to wipe with your left hand.
Just remember, you have to wipe with your left hand.
While shooting with your right
No it's not at all true. Israeli military today is trained to shoot to kill only as a last resort. They are trained to shoot at legs blowing them off.

I would disagree anything that leaves a Palestinian alive should be discouraged.
I would disagree anything that leaves a Palestinian alive should be discouraged.
That's because you are a racist piece of shit who should have been an abortion statistic or sniper victim.
Palestinians sue settlers over stolen property listed on Airbnb

"Two Palestinians in the United States are suing Israeli settlers for profiting from property stolen from their families in the occupied West Bank, by listing them on the home rental website Airbnb.

"The lawsuit is in the form of a counterclaim against the settlers, who themselves filed a lawsuit against Airbnb over its decision last year to remove listings of settlement properties.

"The two Palestinians, Ziad Alwan and Randa Wahbe, are being joined in their lawsuit by two towns in the occupied West Bank, the municipality of Anata, east of Jerusalem, and the village council of Jalud, near Nablus.

"They are being represented by the Center for Constitutional Rights, which filed the counterclaim in federal court in Delaware on Monday.

"In their original lawsuit , the settlers claim that Airbnb is discriminating against them under the Fair Housing Act, a civil rights-era US law that guarantees people access to housing regardless of their race, ethnicity or religion."


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