The Smearing of Ilhan Omar

Corporate Democrats like Pelosi are well aware that "dual loyalty" has lost its effectiveness over the past three decades as an "anti-Semitic slur" because over that period support for Israel "has become increasingly associated with conservative evangelicals and the Republican Party."

"In the latest round of controversy, Omar said during a town hall, regarding U.S. policy toward Israel, 'I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.'

"This comment was roundly condemned by members of Congress and many others for being anti-Semitic. Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.) called her statement 'a vile anti-Semitic slur' and accused her of questioning 'the loyalty of fellow American citizens.'"

Democrats who have ignored Israel's human rights violations over the past fifty years were quick to call for a resolution of condemnation.

"Now, back to Omar. Here’s the truth: The whole purpose of the Democrats’ resolution is to enforce dual loyalty not among Jews, but among members of Congress, to make sure that criticism of Israel is punished in the most visible way possible.

"This, of course, includes Omar.

"As it happens, this punishment of criticism of Israel is exactly what the freshman congresswoman was complaining about, and has on multiple occasions.

"The fact that no one seems to acknowledge that this is her complaint shows how spectacularly disingenuous Omar’s critics are being."

"When the most prominent supporters of Israel are people like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin, 'dual loyalty' loses any meaning as a slur against Jews."
That is a lie, and that make you a liar. You do realize that liars cannot enter in to the kingdom of heaven, right?

Abraham was tested by God, and asked of God whether Abraham loved God enough to sacrifice his onlys on. Abraham took Isaac to a place that we now call Golgotha, or Calvary in Israel. God stopped Abraham because he knew Abraham was obedient, and then declared "I will provide The Lamb" This was about 4,000 years ago.

Fast Forward to about 2,000 years ago, when John The Baptist saw Jesus for the first time, he said, "Behold The Lamb of God."

"For God so loved The World, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, and whomever believes in Him, shall not perish but have Everlasting Life!"

Yashshua - Messiah - Immanuel - Jesus The Christ was crucified on Golgotha - Calvary, died, descended in to Hell to defeat death and confiscate the keys to The Pit, was Resurrected, and Ascended in to Heaven 40 days after His Resurrection. He will be coming again in The End Times to defend Israel during the last great tribulation against them.

The Jews will undergo one last terrible persecution which will be so horrific that that they will have flee to Sela and God will protect them while God The Son (The Resurrected Jesus-Yahshua) descends to Earth, goes to Basra, and soaks his robes in the blood of the wicked who are arrayed to destroy Israel there.

He, The Lion of The Tribe of Judah, will wage war all through The Middle East destroying the massive armies arrayed before Him with The Sword of His Mouth, The Word, which will utterly cut the wicked & the liars to the ground.

He will do this in defense of His People, Israel, until He finally Comes to Jerusalem to destroy The Anti-Christ and False Prophet, and cast them, all the wicked of the Earth and Satan in to Hell and then He will sit upon the Throne of David -The Throne of Adam in Jerusalem to rule the Earth in Peace for 1,000 years, because He is The Prince of Peace.

At the end of that 1,000 years, He will let loose Satan - Lucifer one more time, and ask The Earth whom they would rather serve, The Father of Truth, or the father of lies?

Even after 1,000 years of Perfect Peace, some will choose Satan - Lucifer who appears as an Angel of Light to deceive wicked men in to thinking he is God. Jesus- Messiah Bin David, destroys the wicked remnant siding with Lucifer, and then casts him, his followers in to The Pit for eternity and throws away the key. Then comes Heaven on Earth.

So I ask you, in that day, whom do you want to be numbered with? The Liars, or The Lovers of Truth? Whom do you want to serve? The Father of Truth, or the father of lies?

There is Zero Mention of The Palestinians in The Bible. There are no genetic Palestinians in the world. The So Called Palestinians are a fictitious people, made of of Jordanians, Egyptians & Syrians. Both DNA and History show that The Promised Land, promised to Abraham, and his descendants Isaac, then Jacob-Israel, was given to Abraham by The Abrahamic Convenant mad by Jehovah Himself has belonged to Israel for 4,000 years and possibly longer.

There is ZERO mention of Palestinians in The Koran either.

The Roman Empire made up the term" Palestine," and "Palestinian" to refer to The Jews in a derogatory manner similar to calling a black man the "N" word. The purpose was to belittle them, marginalize them, and to separate them rhetorically from the land named after Jacob-Israel. When you use the term "Palestine" or "Palestinian" you are calling all those people you think you are talking about the "N" word.

But then again, you knew this, and you know that Israel has been in Israel for 4,000 years and survived The Babylonian Captivity, The Assyrian Captivity, The Egyptian Captivity and The Roman Occupation of Israel where they exterminated approximately 1 million Jews. Then came The Armenian Genocide under The Ottoman Empire, where 2 Million Jews were Exterminated, and then the Nazi Germany Holocaust where 7 Million Jews were Exterminated.

The term "Palestine" is a Racial Slur that has been used by people that hate The Jews to humiliate them and remind them of the cruel Roman Occupation of Israel and the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 AD by Titus. Literally the streets of Israel were lined by crucified Jews during The Roman Occupation.

They survived all of that. They will survive your lies, and God Promised they will never cease from being a people, and that He will establish His Kingdom from Jerusalem in The Latter Days. They will survive The Last Holocaust that is to come as well, because Yahweh promised they would. The whole world will be blessed through Jerusalem. God's Word is Truth. Believe it, and accept it.

God has promised to Curse those who Curse Israel, and Bless them that Bless Israel.
Yaweh promised that Israel would be an immovable stone, and that all who come against it, shall dash themselves in to pieces. Israel - Jerusalem is a cup of trembling to "The Nations". It should be a cup of trembling for the wicked, and a cup of blessing for the righteous. It is your choice which cup you drink.

You are cursed, but you do not have to remain cursed. Messiah - Yahshua is for all people, Jew, Gentile, Arab, and all others.

Change your lying ways before it is too late for you. God is patient, but He also must be Righteous, and at the end of His Patience, He must Judge The World. Do not be numbered with those He must cast aside!

Though God weeps for The Lost Wicked, He must in Justice & By His Holy Law, Separate them from His Children. Choose to be a Child of God, instead a child of Satan, and all The Promises of God are yours.
At the time of the Zionist migration, there was approximately 800,000 Arabs and only 10,000 Jews living in that area.
"Direct descendants" that are virulently Muslim and violently opposed to Israel, it seems.
What's wrong with that? If someone you never met came up to your home and told you your house was now his and you'd have to leave, because God told him so; wouldn't you be opposed to that? Or would you say, "Okay, sure. Just let me get my things and I'll be out of your hair!"

If somebody came up to my home and said that shit to me, I'd beat them into a fucking coma!

BTW, a population under the occupation of a foreign force has every legal right in the world to resist said occupation. Even militarily.
"Direct descendants" that are virulently Muslim and violently opposed to Israel, it seems.
What's wrong with that? If someone you never met came up to your home and told you your house was now his and you'd have to leave, because God told him so; wouldn't you be opposed to that? Or would you say, "Okay, sure. Just let me get my things and I'll be out of your hair!"

If somebody came up to my home and said that shit to me, I'd beat them into a fucking coma!

BTW, a population under the occupation of a foreign force has every legal right in the world to resist said occupation. Even militarily.

What's wrong with that? If someone you never met came up to your home and told you your house was now his and you'd have to leave, because God told him so; wouldn't you be opposed to that?

But enough about the Muslim invaders.
Send them all to Saudi Arabia.
Corporate Democrats like Pelosi are well aware that "dual loyalty" has lost its effectiveness over the past three decades as an "anti-Semitic slur" because over that period support for Israel "has become increasingly associated with conservative evangelicals and the Republican Party."

"In the latest round of controversy, Omar said during a town hall, regarding U.S. policy toward Israel, 'I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.'

"This comment was roundly condemned by members of Congress and many others for being anti-Semitic. Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.) called her statement 'a vile anti-Semitic slur' and accused her of questioning 'the loyalty of fellow American citizens.'"

Democrats who have ignored Israel's human rights violations over the past fifty years were quick to call for a resolution of condemnation.

"Now, back to Omar. Here’s the truth: The whole purpose of the Democrats’ resolution is to enforce dual loyalty not among Jews, but among members of Congress, to make sure that criticism of Israel is punished in the most visible way possible.

"This, of course, includes Omar.

"As it happens, this punishment of criticism of Israel is exactly what the freshman congresswoman was complaining about, and has on multiple occasions.

"The fact that no one seems to acknowledge that this is her complaint shows how spectacularly disingenuous Omar’s critics are being."

"When the most prominent supporters of Israel are people like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin, 'dual loyalty' loses any meaning as a slur against Jews."

I love Sarah Palin and Huckabee.....

Fluck all of you Jew Hating Tards….:fu:
Corporate Democrats like Pelosi are well aware that "dual loyalty" has lost its effectiveness over the past three decades as an "anti-Semitic slur" because over that period support for Israel "has become increasingly associated with conservative evangelicals and the Republican Party."

"In the latest round of controversy, Omar said during a town hall, regarding U.S. policy toward Israel, 'I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.'

"This comment was roundly condemned by members of Congress and many others for being anti-Semitic. Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.) called her statement 'a vile anti-Semitic slur' and accused her of questioning 'the loyalty of fellow American citizens.'"

Democrats who have ignored Israel's human rights violations over the past fifty years were quick to call for a resolution of condemnation.

"Now, back to Omar. Here’s the truth: The whole purpose of the Democrats’ resolution is to enforce dual loyalty not among Jews, but among members of Congress, to make sure that criticism of Israel is punished in the most visible way possible.

"This, of course, includes Omar.

"As it happens, this punishment of criticism of Israel is exactly what the freshman congresswoman was complaining about, and has on multiple occasions.

"The fact that no one seems to acknowledge that this is her complaint shows how spectacularly disingenuous Omar’s critics are being."

"When the most prominent supporters of Israel are people like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin, 'dual loyalty' loses any meaning as a slur against Jews."
/—-/ When Jews start throwing Gaye’s off of roof tops - give us “dual-loyalist” a call.
Let us know when Israel throws dissidents in the wood chipper
Shot any kids lately?

Israeli sniper fatally wounds Gaza child

"A 15-year-old boy died hours after being shot during protests Wednesday evening in the Malika area east of Gaza City, the health ministry in the territory announced early Thursday.

"Israeli snipers shot Saif al-Din Imad Nasir Abu Zaid in the head and wounded six others with live bullets, according to Wattan TV...."

"Targeting children

"Israeli forces have killed at least 40 children in the context of the Great March of Return protests along the Gaza-Israel boundary since their launch on 30 March last year.

"About 190 Palestinians have been killed during the protests.

"A United Nations independent commission of inquiry recently published its preliminary report stating that it had collected evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity by Israel which has used lethal military force against unarmed protesters."
/——-/ “United Nations independent commission “ No Jew hating bias going on there. Move along folks.
Let us know when Israel throws dissidents in the wood chipper
Shot any kids lately?

Israeli sniper fatally wounds Gaza child

"A 15-year-old boy died hours after being shot during protests Wednesday evening in the Malika area east of Gaza City, the health ministry in the territory announced early Thursday.

"Israeli snipers shot Saif al-Din Imad Nasir Abu Zaid in the head and wounded six others with live bullets, according to Wattan TV...."

"Targeting children

"Israeli forces have killed at least 40 children in the context of the Great March of Return protests along the Gaza-Israel boundary since their launch on 30 March last year.

"About 190 Palestinians have been killed during the protests.

"A United Nations independent commission of inquiry recently published its preliminary report stating that it had collected evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity by Israel which has used lethal military force against unarmed protesters."
I'm sure none of the members of this independent commission are from a country known for their anti-Israel stances or from nations with questionable human rights records ?
Let us know when Israel throws dissidents in the wood chipper
Shot any kids lately?

Israeli sniper fatally wounds Gaza child

"A 15-year-old boy died hours after being shot during protests Wednesday evening in the Malika area east of Gaza City, the health ministry in the territory announced early Thursday.

"Israeli snipers shot Saif al-Din Imad Nasir Abu Zaid in the head and wounded six others with live bullets, according to Wattan TV...."

"Targeting children

"Israeli forces have killed at least 40 children in the context of the Great March of Return protests along the Gaza-Israel boundary since their launch on 30 March last year.

"About 190 Palestinians have been killed during the protests.

"A United Nations independent commission of inquiry recently published its preliminary report stating that it had collected evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity by Israel which has used lethal military force against unarmed protesters."
I'm sure none of the members of this independent commission are from a country known for their anti-Israel stances or from nations with questionable human rights records ?
'm sure none of the members of this independent commission are from a country known for their anti-Israel stances or from nations with questionable human rights records ?
Can you name any states without "questionable human rights records"? (P. 10)

1. In May 2018, the Human Rights Council ('Council') established the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on the 2018 protests in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (“Commission”) in resolution S-28/1.

"The Council requested the Commission to investigate all alleged violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), including East Jerusalem and particularly in the occupied Gaza Strip, which were related to large-scale protests by Palestinian civilians that began on 30 March 2018.

"The Council requested that the Commission report its findings at the Council’s fortieth session in March 2019.

"2. Mr. Santiago Canton (Argentina), Ms. Sara Hossain (Bangladesh) and Ms. Kaari Betty Murungi (Kenya) serve as the three members of the Commission, with Mr. Canton as Chair."

Whatever the human rights violations committed by Kenya, Argentina, and Bangladesh, they don't exonerate those of the Jewish state.

"'[Israeli forces] have intentionally shot children, they’ve intentionally shot people with disabilities, they’ve intentionally shot journalists, knowing them to be children, people with disabilities and journalists,' Sara Hossain, one of the other three investigators appointed by the UN Human Rights Council, said"

UN investigators call for arrests over Gaza war crimes
Let us know when Israel throws dissidents in the wood chipper
Shot any kids lately?

Israeli sniper fatally wounds Gaza child

"A 15-year-old boy died hours after being shot during protests Wednesday evening in the Malika area east of Gaza City, the health ministry in the territory announced early Thursday.

"Israeli snipers shot Saif al-Din Imad Nasir Abu Zaid in the head and wounded six others with live bullets, according to Wattan TV...."

"Targeting children

"Israeli forces have killed at least 40 children in the context of the Great March of Return protests along the Gaza-Israel boundary since their launch on 30 March last year.

"About 190 Palestinians have been killed during the protests.

"A United Nations independent commission of inquiry recently published its preliminary report stating that it had collected evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity by Israel which has used lethal military force against unarmed protesters."
/——-/ “United Nations independent commission “ No Jew hating bias going on there. Move along folks.
Corporate Democrats like Pelosi are well aware that "dual loyalty" has lost its effectiveness over the past three decades as an "anti-Semitic slur" because over that period support for Israel "has become increasingly associated with conservative evangelicals and the Republican Party."

"In the latest round of controversy, Omar said during a town hall, regarding U.S. policy toward Israel, 'I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.'

"This comment was roundly condemned by members of Congress and many others for being anti-Semitic. Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.) called her statement 'a vile anti-Semitic slur' and accused her of questioning 'the loyalty of fellow American citizens.'"

Democrats who have ignored Israel's human rights violations over the past fifty years were quick to call for a resolution of condemnation.

"Now, back to Omar. Here’s the truth: The whole purpose of the Democrats’ resolution is to enforce dual loyalty not among Jews, but among members of Congress, to make sure that criticism of Israel is punished in the most visible way possible.

"This, of course, includes Omar.

"As it happens, this punishment of criticism of Israel is exactly what the freshman congresswoman was complaining about, and has on multiple occasions.

"The fact that no one seems to acknowledge that this is her complaint shows how spectacularly disingenuous Omar’s critics are being."

"When the most prominent supporters of Israel are people like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin, 'dual loyalty' loses any meaning as a slur against Jews."
/—-/ When Jews start throwing Gaye’s off of roof tops - give us “dual-loyalist” a call.

You're not that special.
What's wrong with that? If someone you never met came up to your home and told you your house was now his and you'd have to leave, because God told him so; wouldn't you be opposed to that? Or would you say, "Okay, sure. Just let me get my things and I'll be out of your hair!"
Squatters own nothing, even if they've been there for generations. And if you simply move into someone else's home that doesn't make it yours.
Early Zionists bought up land from absentee Turkish landlords so as to have legal claim to their nation.
Palestinians not so much. Or not at all, actually.

The Palestinians were given their own land the same time the Jews were by the U.N.
They simply couldn't stand to have Jews for neighbors and while Israel's energies were spent building up their democratic nation and making the desert bloom the Palestinians were more interested in waging war on Israel, turning their children into walking bombs and blowing up buses, pizza parlors and other public Israeli places killing as many Jews as possible.
Then they, and their thick skulled supporters, whine and call Israel an apartheid nation when a wall goes up and terrorist incidents go down.
That's the height of impudence.

And if you want to look at the historical record it was Islam that drove the Jews away from their land to begin with. Karma is a bitch, ain't it!

If somebody came up to my home and said that shit to me, I'd beat them into a fucking coma!
Even if it wasn't really your home.

BTW, a population under the occupation of a foreign force has every legal right in the world to resist said occupation. Even militarily.
Palestine has lost some strategic land by waging war on Israel.
They'd still have it today if they had simply said thank you to the U.N. and lived legitimately on their own land in peace.
But they couldn't stand the Jews! So they reap what they have sown. Why should anyone cry over their plight?
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What's wrong with that? If someone you never met came up to your home and told you your house was now his and you'd have to leave, because God told him so; wouldn't you be opposed to that?

But enough about the Muslim invaders.
Send them all to Saudi Arabia.
Muslim conquest of the Levant - Wikipedia
Imagine how the original Israelis felt in the early seventh century when Muslims drove the Jews out of their ancestral homes and claimed a caliphate over the whole region.

Karma is a bitch, as we all know.
Squatters own nothing, even if they've been there for generations. And if you simply move into someone else's home that doesn't make it yours.
Early Zionists bought up land from absentee Turkish landlords so as to have legal claim to their nation.
Palestinians not so much. Or not at all, actually.

The Palestinians were given their own land the same time the Jews were by the U.N.
They simply couldn't stand to have Jews for neighbors and while Israel's energies were spent building up their democratic nation and making the desert bloom the Palestinians were more interested in waging war on Israel, turning their children into walking bombs and blowing up buses, pizza parlors and other public Israeli places killing as many Jews as possible.
Then they, and their thick skulled supporters, whine and call Israel an apartheid nation when a wall goes up and terrorist incidents go down.
That's the height of impudence.

And if you want to look at the historical record it was Islam that drove the Jews away from their land to begin with. Karma is a bitch, ain't it!

If somebody came up to my home and said that shit to me, I'd beat them into a fucking coma!
Even if it wasn't really your home.

BTW, a population under the occupation of a foreign force has every legal right in the world to resist said occupation. Even militarily.
Palestine has lost some strategic land by waging war on Israel.
They'd still have it today if they had simply said thank you to the U.N. and lived legitimately on their own land in peace.
But they couldn't stand the Jews! So they reap what they have sown. Why should anyone cry over their plight?
You cannot move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.
You cannot move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.
The people illegally squatting in the area that was and is Israel have the right to take their belongings and leave.
If they resist with violence they have the right to a swift burial. To the people who strapped dynamite to their children's
bodies they have the right to go to Hell.
Squatters own nothing, even if they've been there for generations. And if you simply move into someone else's home that doesn't make it yours.
Early Zionists bought up land from absentee Turkish landlords so as to have legal claim to their nation.
Palestinians not so much. Or not at all, actually.

The Palestinians were given their own land the same time the Jews were by the U.N.
They simply couldn't stand to have Jews for neighbors and while Israel's energies were spent building up their democratic nation and making the desert bloom the Palestinians were more interested in waging war on Israel, turning their children into walking bombs and blowing up buses, pizza parlors and other public Israeli places killing as many Jews as possible.
Then they, and their thick skulled supporters, whine and call Israel an apartheid nation when a wall goes up and terrorist incidents go down.
That's the height of impudence.

And if you want to look at the historical record it was Islam that drove the Jews away from their land to begin with. Karma is a bitch, ain't it!

If somebody came up to my home and said that shit to me, I'd beat them into a fucking coma!
Even if it wasn't really your home.

BTW, a population under the occupation of a foreign force has every legal right in the world to resist said occupation. Even militarily.
Palestine has lost some strategic land by waging war on Israel.
They'd still have it today if they had simply said thank you to the U.N. and lived legitimately on their own land in peace.
But they couldn't stand the Jews! So they reap what they have sown. Why should anyone cry over their plight?
You cannot move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.

I agree, the Muslims should all move to Saudi Arabia.
All of them.
"Direct descendants" that are virulently Muslim and violently opposed to Israel, it seems.
What's wrong with that? If someone you never met came up to your home and told you your house was now his and you'd have to leave, because God told him so; wouldn't you be opposed to that? Or would you say, "Okay, sure. Just let me get my things and I'll be out of your hair!"

If somebody came up to my home and said that shit to me, I'd beat them into a fucking coma!

BTW, a population under the occupation of a foreign force has every legal right in the world to resist said occupation. Even militarily.
Poor baby!
You really ought to do some research into why the LON gave Israel to the Jews after the fucking sand monkeys had joined Germany TWICE to attempt to exterminate the Jews from the face of the earth.
The sand monkeys climbed into bed with the fucking Nazis and they both LOST!!!!!!!
The people illegally squatting in the area that was and is Israel have the right to take their belongings and leave.
If they resist with violence they have the right to a swift burial. To the people who strapped dynamite to their children's
bodies they have the right to go to Hell.
But that land is not Israel's. And there isn't a single country on the planet that agrees with you.

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