The smoking gun: Democrats scramble to suppress leaks about actual objectives with he


Jul 28, 2009
This site won't let me post links because I just started here, but if you Google the terms, "Macon County Examiner Smoking Gun Robert Moon," you will see incontrovertible proof that Democrats are out to destroy free market insurance altogether, contrary to everything they keep saying.

This site won't let me post links because I just started here, but if you Google the terms, "Macon County Examiner Smoking Gun Robert Moon," you will see incontrovertible proof that Democrats are out to destroy free market insurance altogether, contrary to everything they keep saying.


You thought otherwise?
This site won't let me post links because I just started here, but if you Google the terms, "Macon County Examiner Smoking Gun Robert Moon," you will see incontrovertible proof that Democrats are out to destroy free market insurance altogether, contrary to everything they keep saying.


I'm not sure about what the democrats want but destroying free market insurance is a great start. The entire concept of turning a profit from what ever you can get folks to fear is sickening. Nothing in this life is a sure thing. The entire concept of insurance is a fucking joke. We wonder why people don't save more? Shit, they've got insurance. Who needs to take care of themsleves, I'll elect not to plan for lifes inevitabilities and rely on insurance to do it for me! Those insurance guy are in it for ME!

Gimme a break.
This site won't let me post links because I just started here, but if you Google the terms, "Macon County Examiner Smoking Gun Robert Moon," you will see incontrovertible proof that Democrats are out to destroy free market insurance altogether, contrary to everything they keep saying.


I googled it, and since I can post links, here you go,

"Macon County Examiner Smoking Gun Robert Moon" - Google Search


TFF :lol:

I'm helpful like that.
This site won't let me post links because I just started here, but if you Google the terms, "Macon County Examiner Smoking Gun Robert Moon," you will see incontrovertible proof that Democrats are out to destroy free market insurance altogether, contrary to everything they keep saying.


I googled it, and since I can post links, here you go,

"Macon County Examiner Smoking Gun Robert Moon" - Google Search

Round and round and round we go where it stops nobody knows.
This site won't let me post links because I just started here, but if you Google the terms, "Macon County Examiner Smoking Gun Robert Moon," you will see incontrovertible proof that Democrats are out to destroy free market insurance altogether, contrary to everything they keep saying.


I googled it, and since I can post links, here you go,

"Macon County Examiner Smoking Gun Robert Moon" - Google Search


Good one.

The smoking gun: Democrats scramble to suppress leaks about actual objectives with health care
Democrats ultimate objective. To see that all Americans have health coverage. To see than no American family goes bankrupt because of medical bills.

Rightwingnut freakzoids objective. See that Health industry thieves make billions off of keeping 50 million Americans uninsured, and seeing hundreds of thousands of American familys go bankrupt every year, many losing their homes.
Democrats ultimate objective. To see that all Americans have health coverage. To see than no American family goes bankrupt because of medical bills.

This is pure bullshit right here... The Democrats ultimate objective is to control every aspect of your life.
Democrats ultimate objective. To see that all Americans have health coverage. To see than no American family goes bankrupt because of medical bills.

This is pure bullshit right here... The Democrats ultimate objective is to control every aspect of your life.

:lol:Democrats cannot even control other Democrats, let alone everyone else's lives.:lol:

That doesn't mean it's not their objective though.
This site won't let me post links because I just started here, but if you Google the terms, "Macon County Examiner Smoking Gun Robert Moon," you will see incontrovertible proof that Democrats are out to destroy free market insurance altogether, contrary to everything they keep saying.

Two things.

I never doubted that and I'm not so sure thats a bad thing!:eusa_think:
So you'd rather have to pay some guys lawyer yourself rather than have insuranace? Brilliant.
So you'd rather have to pay some guys lawyer yourself rather than have insuranace? Brilliant.

I just don't see the sense in paying a middle man to tell Me what healthcare service I should be allowed to have. I don't like it with the insurance companies and I am positive that with the Government, it will be a form of medical enslavement.

The cost of healthcare was much more affordable before the advent of insurance when doctors and hospitals knew that their patients could only pay so much for their care when they paid in cash or by monthly payments.

It may not be realistic, but to Me, insurance company or big government. Both are out to fuck the little guy.
Private HC insurance probably needs to be put down.

It worked for a while, but its not working anymore.

Seriously, if we do nothing, I promise you that more and more of you who are currently getting coverage through work are going to find that your employers can't continue paying for it.

For many employers now find that the cost of insuring their employees costs them 30% of what they pay their people.

And since those insurancce costs continue to rise, eventually they're going to stop offering HC simply because they can no longer afford it.

If we do nothing and ten years from now not one in ten workers will get HC insurance through their employers if the rising costs of HC doesn't start to come down.

That is why, incidently, we find that many Republicans who are clearly believers in the free market are considering voting for some kind of government insurance scheme.

It's not that they KNOW what is being considered will work.

It's that they KNOW that what we have now isn't going to work much longer.
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