The snowball effect of ignorance and politics....shame on you all!!

It's easy to demonize white people for what appears to be a myriad of denial about their varying racial resentments.

Conservatives especially, who can view self reflection as a weakness.

I personally find it childish for white people to be the first in the room to become outraged about anything racial, when throughout America's history, the racism they have institutionalized has been far more damaging to non whites in terms of outcomes, than racism practiced by any other racial demographic.

That's right...I went there...racism from whites is more potent, that that of non whites.

I think that concept is a huge part of both the denial by whites, and also that applies to white wine Liberals who champion the cause of racial equality, but still clutch their purses, or cross the street, when a non white approaches them.

Ego defense for white people will always include a demon of their own creation that isn't anybody but themselves. For conservatives these days, it's the liberal who wants blacks to be poor, to cultivate their votes. For liberals, it's the traditional neo confederate-post segregation racist.

I myself, had a seminal moment regarding my own racism, when in 1995, I was in a Supermarket, and guarding the shopping cart that had my sister's purse. White people walked by, and it didn't change my approach to my duty. Then without really thinking about it, I caught myself pulling the cart closer to myself when a black couple walked by. It was not a conscious act. But I noticed it.

A liberal in denial might not have noticed what they did, and a conservative in denial might say it was street smarts.

You may see white people becoming unglued and desperate, but that's the reaction any race would display when being called out on their own BS.

Black on white crime verses white on black crime flies in the face of your implication that whites are more racist than blacks.
I didn't say whites are more racist than blacks...I said racism practiced by whites is more potent in terms of outcomes, or to be more specific, tangible disadvantages, than the same amount of racism practiced by non whites.

Here is an example...

Throughout segregation days, black racism didn't prevent whites from buying a house in a black neighborhood, but white racism prevented blacks from buying houses in white neighborhoods

Is it the same today? NO. And it's because of the efforts of the Republican party (rich old white men).

What you're referring to is Jim Crow laws, which ended when the Republicans overwhelming voted for the Civil rights Act.
You've subscribed to revisionist history, and I'm wasting my time.

When someone creates their own reality, it's impossible to speak with them about another one.
FFS, they picked cotton. That is not building a country.

(sigh).....uh, the wealth that these plantation owners achieved are the direct result of generations being able to pass on this wealth to future innovators of this nation, like the Vanderbuilts, Morgans, etc....please educate yourself before you send for me, I'm busy!!

Shipping and railroad tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794-1877) was a self-made multi-millionaire who became one of the wealthiest Americans of the 19th century. As a boy, he worked with his father, who operated a boat that ferried cargo between Staten Island, New York, where they lived, and Manhattan. After working as a steamship captain, Vanderbilt went into business for himself in the late 1820s, and eventually became one of the country’s largest steamship operators. In the process, the Commodore, as he was publicly nicknamed, gained a reputation for being fiercely competitive and ruthless. In the 1860s, he shifted his focus to the railroad industry, where he built another empire and helped make railroad transportation more efficient. When Vanderbilt died, he was worth more than $100 million.

John Pierpont "J.P." Morgan (April 17, 1837 – March 31, 1913) was an American financier, banker, philanthropist and art collector who dominated corporate finance and industrial consolidation during his time. In 1892, Morgan arranged the merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company to form General Electric. After financing the creation of the Federal Steel Company, he merged it in 1901 with the Carnegie Steel Company and several other steel and iron businesses, including Consolidated Steel and Wire Company, owned by William Edenborn, to form the United States Steel Corporation.

Connecting these two to slavery is quite a stretch.
slavery was the engine of American economic growth...all the wealth of this nation from 1776 to present stemmed from slavery....and Morgan, Vandy, Edison, etc...all products of slave wealth.

Your stupidity is astounding.
Don't look now, but yours is.
What the GOP-igs, the racist bastards that they are, what they are attempting to do is snowball and once again create divide in this country with this obsurbness of now wanting to remove everything that's racist in this country, but WHITE PEOPLE themselves...(now that's a problem solved)!! Mitch McConnell the biggest racist in Ky, is now calling for the removal of Jefferson Davis from the state capital. Now, just about every damned thing in Ky. is named after the man and now this boozo, this clown this useless turkey neck white fuck is trying to bring chaos and mayham to a state of redneck ignorant hillbillies who live and breath confederate shit.

I am sooooo convinced that white people in this country, despite all the gains of electing our first black president are slowly becoming unglued and desperate. And if ever the mental health industry needed a boost, its now, because this country is on the brink of becoming one big cesspool of nuts!!

This country just needs to get rid of all the white people.
I agree. All the racist white monkeys that parade as people.
It's easy to demonize white people for what appears to be a myriad of denial about their varying racial resentments.

Conservatives especially, who can view self reflection as a weakness.

I personally find it childish for white people to be the first in the room to become outraged about anything racial, when throughout America's history, the racism they have institutionalized has been far more damaging to non whites in terms of outcomes, than racism practiced by any other racial demographic.

That's right...I went there...racism from whites is more potent, that that of non whites.

I think that concept is a huge part of both the denial by whites, and also that applies to white wine Liberals who champion the cause of racial equality, but still clutch their purses, or cross the street, when a non white approaches them.

Ego defense for white people will always include a demon of their own creation that isn't anybody but themselves. For conservatives these days, it's the liberal who wants blacks to be poor, to cultivate their votes. For liberals, it's the traditional neo confederate-post segregation racist.

I myself, had a seminal moment regarding my own racism, when in 1995, I was in a Supermarket, and guarding the shopping cart that had my sister's purse. White people walked by, and it didn't change my approach to my duty. Then without really thinking about it, I caught myself pulling the cart closer to myself when a black couple walked by. It was not a conscious act. But I noticed it.

A liberal in denial might not have noticed what they did, and a conservative in denial might say it was street smarts.

You may see white people becoming unglued and desperate, but that's the reaction any race would display when being called out on their own BS.

Black on white crime verses white on black crime flies in the face of your implication that whites are more racist than blacks.
I didn't say whites are more racist than blacks...I said racism practiced by whites is more potent in terms of outcomes, or to be more specific, tangible disadvantages, than the same amount of racism practiced by non whites.

Here is an example...

Throughout segregation days, black racism didn't prevent whites from buying a house in a black neighborhood, but white racism prevented blacks from buying houses in white neighborhoods

Is it the same today? NO. And it's because of the efforts of the Republican party (rich old white men).

What you're referring to is Jim Crow laws, which ended when the Republicans overwhelming voted for the Civil rights Act.
You've subscribed to revisionist history, and I'm wasting my time.

When someone creates their own reality, it's impossible to speak with them about another one.

Facts are facts whether you believe them or not.
It's easy to demonize white people for what appears to be a myriad of denial about their varying racial resentments.

Conservatives especially, who can view self reflection as a weakness.

I personally find it childish for white people to be the first in the room to become outraged about anything racial, when throughout America's history, the racism they have institutionalized has been far more damaging to non whites in terms of outcomes, than racism practiced by any other racial demographic.

That's right...I went there...racism from whites is more potent, that that of non whites.

I think that concept is a huge part of both the denial by whites, and also that applies to white wine Liberals who champion the cause of racial equality, but still clutch their purses, or cross the street, when a non white approaches them.

Ego defense for white people will always include a demon of their own creation that isn't anybody but themselves. For conservatives these days, it's the liberal who wants blacks to be poor, to cultivate their votes. For liberals, it's the traditional neo confederate-post segregation racist.

I myself, had a seminal moment regarding my own racism, when in 1995, I was in a Supermarket, and guarding the shopping cart that had my sister's purse. White people walked by, and it didn't change my approach to my duty. Then without really thinking about it, I caught myself pulling the cart closer to myself when a black couple walked by. It was not a conscious act. But I noticed it.

A liberal in denial might not have noticed what they did, and a conservative in denial might say it was street smarts.

You may see white people becoming unglued and desperate, but that's the reaction any race would display when being called out on their own BS.

Black on white crime verses white on black crime flies in the face of your implication that whites are more racist than blacks.
I didn't say whites are more racist than blacks...I said racism practiced by whites is more potent in terms of outcomes, or to be more specific, tangible disadvantages, than the same amount of racism practiced by non whites.

Here is an example...

Throughout segregation days, black racism didn't prevent whites from buying a house in a black neighborhood, but white racism prevented blacks from buying houses in white neighborhoods

Is it the same today? NO. And it's because of the efforts of the Republican party (rich old white men).

What you're referring to is Jim Crow laws, which ended when the Republicans overwhelming voted for the Civil rights Act.
You've subscribed to revisionist history, and I'm wasting my time.

When someone creates their own reality, it's impossible to speak with them about another one.

Facts are facts whether you believe them or not.
Your opinions are not facts.
FFS, they picked cotton. That is not building a country.

(sigh).....uh, the wealth that these plantation owners achieved are the direct result of generations being able to pass on this wealth to future innovators of this nation, like the Vanderbuilts, Morgans, etc....please educate yourself before you send for me, I'm busy!!

Shipping and railroad tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794-1877) was a self-made multi-millionaire who became one of the wealthiest Americans of the 19th century. As a boy, he worked with his father, who operated a boat that ferried cargo between Staten Island, New York, where they lived, and Manhattan. After working as a steamship captain, Vanderbilt went into business for himself in the late 1820s, and eventually became one of the country’s largest steamship operators. In the process, the Commodore, as he was publicly nicknamed, gained a reputation for being fiercely competitive and ruthless. In the 1860s, he shifted his focus to the railroad industry, where he built another empire and helped make railroad transportation more efficient. When Vanderbilt died, he was worth more than $100 million.

John Pierpont "J.P." Morgan (April 17, 1837 – March 31, 1913) was an American financier, banker, philanthropist and art collector who dominated corporate finance and industrial consolidation during his time. In 1892, Morgan arranged the merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company to form General Electric. After financing the creation of the Federal Steel Company, he merged it in 1901 with the Carnegie Steel Company and several other steel and iron businesses, including Consolidated Steel and Wire Company, owned by William Edenborn, to form the United States Steel Corporation.

Connecting these two to slavery is quite a stretch.
slavery was the engine of American economic growth...all the wealth of this nation from 1776 to present stemmed from slavery....and Morgan, Vandy, Edison, etc...all products of slave wealth.

Your stupidity is astounding.
Don't look now, but yours is.

Really? That the best you can do? No I'm not you are! HAHAHAHAHAHA you're as lame as your comebacks.
It's easy to demonize white people for what appears to be a myriad of denial about their varying racial resentments.

Conservatives especially, who can view self reflection as a weakness.

I personally find it childish for white people to be the first in the room to become outraged about anything racial, when throughout America's history, the racism they have institutionalized has been far more damaging to non whites in terms of outcomes, than racism practiced by any other racial demographic.

That's right...I went there...racism from whites is more potent, that that of non whites.

I think that concept is a huge part of both the denial by whites, and also that applies to white wine Liberals who champion the cause of racial equality, but still clutch their purses, or cross the street, when a non white approaches them.

Ego defense for white people will always include a demon of their own creation that is anybody but themselves. For conservatives these days, it's the liberal who wants blacks to be poor, to cultivate their votes. For liberals, it's the traditional neo confederate-post segregation racist.

I myself, had a seminal moment regarding my own racism, when in 1995, I was in a Supermarket, and guarding the shopping cart that had my sister's purse. White people walked by, and it didn't change my approach to my duty. Then without really thinking about it, I caught myself pulling the cart closer to myself when a black couple walked by. It was not a conscious act. But I noticed it.

A liberal in denial might not have noticed what they did, and a conservative in denial might say it was street smarts. Then you have Lonestar in post #8, who seems to be simply in favor of racism

You may see white people becoming unglued and desperate, but that's the reaction any race would display when being called out on their own BS.

OK you admit to be a racist, good for you.

What exactly did you read in post #8 you felt was racism? Pointing out that the democrat party indeed was and, in my opinion still, the party of racism?

The truth is that you example of racism is just human nature, or natural. You may not believe it but "birds of a feather do flock together." That is the natural tendency that needs to be modified in people. There is nothing racist about understanding or pointing out the truth. You may have also pulled the cart a little closer if a biker's gang walked by. Fear of the unknown is natural and can be changed.
Post #8 defends the idea that whites have not ever been racists.

Now you, and I'm still tickled every time I see somebody do it...expect people to believe that conservatives have the interests of minorities in better care than liberals.

One thing you and Lonestar need to grasp, is the fact that Democrats and Republicans used to have liberals, moderates, and conservatives in their ranks.

Not any more
(sigh).....uh, the wealth that these plantation owners achieved are the direct result of generations being able to pass on this wealth to future innovators of this nation, like the Vanderbuilts, Morgans, etc....please educate yourself before you send for me, I'm busy!!

Shipping and railroad tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794-1877) was a self-made multi-millionaire who became one of the wealthiest Americans of the 19th century. As a boy, he worked with his father, who operated a boat that ferried cargo between Staten Island, New York, where they lived, and Manhattan. After working as a steamship captain, Vanderbilt went into business for himself in the late 1820s, and eventually became one of the country’s largest steamship operators. In the process, the Commodore, as he was publicly nicknamed, gained a reputation for being fiercely competitive and ruthless. In the 1860s, he shifted his focus to the railroad industry, where he built another empire and helped make railroad transportation more efficient. When Vanderbilt died, he was worth more than $100 million.

John Pierpont "J.P." Morgan (April 17, 1837 – March 31, 1913) was an American financier, banker, philanthropist and art collector who dominated corporate finance and industrial consolidation during his time. In 1892, Morgan arranged the merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company to form General Electric. After financing the creation of the Federal Steel Company, he merged it in 1901 with the Carnegie Steel Company and several other steel and iron businesses, including Consolidated Steel and Wire Company, owned by William Edenborn, to form the United States Steel Corporation.

Connecting these two to slavery is quite a stretch.
slavery was the engine of American economic growth...all the wealth of this nation from 1776 to present stemmed from slavery....and Morgan, Vandy, Edison, etc...all products of slave wealth.

Your stupidity is astounding.
Don't look now, but yours is.

Really? That the best you can do? No I'm not you are! HAHAHAHAHAHA you're as lame as your comebacks.
I know you're not really laughing.

The truth hurts, and I don't expect you to do anything but languish in your lack of self awareness and denial
The More You Know! fact of the day:

Lincoln had intended to "deport" freed black slaves from the US, he set up colonies and shipped them off, and continued the desire to do so even after the first colony resulted in starvation.

~ Should we thank Booth for ending the Presidents Black Colonies project and/or for continuing down the path that Lincoln was trying to avoid with his colonization efforts - that blacks and whites wouldn't be able to peacefully co-exist. :(
No, what this country needs to do is get real with white people and stop placing these people on pedestals of superiority and judge them for what they are. Not all white people are racist, but I will tell you this, if you support the GOP-igs, chances are your a damned racist, own it and keep it moving!!

These people on pedestals are the people that helped shape this country. Morons like you refuse to accept the fact that the racist party was the Democrats not the Republicans.

The political enforcement of Jim Crow was entirely in Democratic hands. The Ku Klux Klan functioned as the paramilitary wing of the Democratic party, and it was used to drive Republicans out of the South after the Civil War.

While Richard Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” is constantly referenced in the media as a tool to attract white voters, less well remembered are Woodrow Wilson’s segregation of the entire federal civil service; FDR’s appointment of a member of the KKK to the Supreme Court; John F. Kennedy’s apathy toward civil-rights legislation; and the rise of Robert Byrd, a former member of the KKK, to the post of Democratic leader in the Senate in the 1980s.

Is it fair to remind people of the awful historical antecedents that can lurk within a political party? The study quotes author Bruce Bartlett as asking, “If the Republican party is to bear responsibility for Joe McCarthy through all time, why doesn’t the Democratic party have to bear responsibility for a century of racist leaders?”

Read more at: Setting the Record Straight on Jim Crow National Review Online

The Truth About Jim Crow The American Civil Rights Union

FFS, they picked cotton. That is not building a country.

(sigh).....uh, the wealth that these plantation owners achieved are the direct result of generations being able to pass on this wealth to future innovators of this nation, like the Vanderbuilts, Morgans, etc....please educate yourself before you send for me, I'm busy!!

Shipping and railroad tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794-1877) was a self-made multi-millionaire who became one of the wealthiest Americans of the 19th century. As a boy, he worked with his father, who operated a boat that ferried cargo between Staten Island, New York, where they lived, and Manhattan. After working as a steamship captain, Vanderbilt went into business for himself in the late 1820s, and eventually became one of the country’s largest steamship operators. In the process, the Commodore, as he was publicly nicknamed, gained a reputation for being fiercely competitive and ruthless. In the 1860s, he shifted his focus to the railroad industry, where he built another empire and helped make railroad transportation more efficient. When Vanderbilt died, he was worth more than $100 million.

John Pierpont "J.P." Morgan (April 17, 1837 – March 31, 1913) was an American financier, banker, philanthropist and art collector who dominated corporate finance and industrial consolidation during his time. In 1892, Morgan arranged the merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company to form General Electric. After financing the creation of the Federal Steel Company, he merged it in 1901 with the Carnegie Steel Company and several other steel and iron businesses, including Consolidated Steel and Wire Company, owned by William Edenborn, to form the United States Steel Corporation.

Connecting these two to slavery is quite a stretch.
JP Morgan was cruel bastard, and not one person who knew him ever saw him express happiness with anything in life... except when he indulged his sadistic side when he beat someone, at something
The More You Know! fact of the day:

Lincoln had intended to "deport" freed black slaves from the US, he set up colonies and shipped them off, and continued the desire to do so even after the first colony resulted in starvation.

~ Should we thank Booth for ending the Presidents Black Colonies project and/or for continuing down the path that Lincoln was trying to avoid with his colonization efforts - that blacks and whites wouldn't be able to peacefully co-exist. :(
Thats commonly known knowledge. What you neglected to mention is that Lincoln changed his mind roughly a year before being killed.
Black on white crime verses white on black crime flies in the face of your implication that whites are more racist than blacks.
I didn't say whites are more racist than blacks...I said racism practiced by whites is more potent in terms of outcomes, or to be more specific, tangible disadvantages, than the same amount of racism practiced by non whites.

Here is an example...

Throughout segregation days, black racism didn't prevent whites from buying a house in a black neighborhood, but white racism prevented blacks from buying houses in white neighborhoods

Is it the same today? NO. And it's because of the efforts of the Republican party (rich old white men).

What you're referring to is Jim Crow laws, which ended when the Republicans overwhelming voted for the Civil rights Act.
You've subscribed to revisionist history, and I'm wasting my time.

When someone creates their own reality, it's impossible to speak with them about another one.

Facts are facts whether you believe them or not.
Your opinions are not facts.

I didn't give an opinion. I gave facts. I'm sorry you're not bright enough to know the difference.
What the GOP-igs, the racist bastards that they are, what they are attempting to do is snowball and once again create divide in this country with this obsurbness of now wanting to remove everything that's racist in this country, but WHITE PEOPLE themselves...(now that's a problem solved)!! Mitch McConnell the biggest racist in Ky, is now calling for the removal of Jefferson Davis from the state capital. Now, just about every damned thing in Ky. is named after the man and now this boozo, this clown this useless turkey neck white fuck is trying to bring chaos and mayham to a state of redneck ignorant hillbillies who live and breath confederate shit.

I am sooooo convinced that white people in this country, despite all the gains of electing our first black president are slowly becoming unglued and desperate. And if ever the mental health industry needed a boost, its now, because this country is on the brink of becoming one big cesspool of nuts!!
Gotta love your honesty...All white people are racist....
And then you go on through your post with a racist rant.
So Sen Mc Connell is a racist how?....Please, by all means post factual examples of where Mc Connell is or has been 'racist'...
It is people such as yourself that dilute the meaning of racism. You do this because you cry 'racism' so often the term has taken on an insignificance equal to or less than the fleeting concern given to the blaring car alarm heard in the shopping center parking lot.
Nobody cares.
Funniest of all is your use of racism to label others as racist.
Nice chattin with ya there, Angela Davis. The New Black Panthers await your membership application....
Fuck off. You racist bigoted twat.
I didn't say whites are more racist than blacks...I said racism practiced by whites is more potent in terms of outcomes, or to be more specific, tangible disadvantages, than the same amount of racism practiced by non whites.

Here is an example...

Throughout segregation days, black racism didn't prevent whites from buying a house in a black neighborhood, but white racism prevented blacks from buying houses in white neighborhoods

Is it the same today? NO. And it's because of the efforts of the Republican party (rich old white men).

What you're referring to is Jim Crow laws, which ended when the Republicans overwhelming voted for the Civil rights Act.
You've subscribed to revisionist history, and I'm wasting my time.

When someone creates their own reality, it's impossible to speak with them about another one.

Facts are facts whether you believe them or not.
Your opinions are not facts.

I didn't give an opinion. I gave facts. I'm sorry you're not bright enough to know the difference.
No you gave an opinion which are not facts. Must be that prison grade education you received as a convict.
Shipping and railroad tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794-1877) was a self-made multi-millionaire who became one of the wealthiest Americans of the 19th century. As a boy, he worked with his father, who operated a boat that ferried cargo between Staten Island, New York, where they lived, and Manhattan. After working as a steamship captain, Vanderbilt went into business for himself in the late 1820s, and eventually became one of the country’s largest steamship operators. In the process, the Commodore, as he was publicly nicknamed, gained a reputation for being fiercely competitive and ruthless. In the 1860s, he shifted his focus to the railroad industry, where he built another empire and helped make railroad transportation more efficient. When Vanderbilt died, he was worth more than $100 million.

John Pierpont "J.P." Morgan (April 17, 1837 – March 31, 1913) was an American financier, banker, philanthropist and art collector who dominated corporate finance and industrial consolidation during his time. In 1892, Morgan arranged the merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company to form General Electric. After financing the creation of the Federal Steel Company, he merged it in 1901 with the Carnegie Steel Company and several other steel and iron businesses, including Consolidated Steel and Wire Company, owned by William Edenborn, to form the United States Steel Corporation.

Connecting these two to slavery is quite a stretch.
slavery was the engine of American economic growth...all the wealth of this nation from 1776 to present stemmed from slavery....and Morgan, Vandy, Edison, etc...all products of slave wealth.

Your stupidity is astounding.
Don't look now, but yours is.

Really? That the best you can do? No I'm not you are! HAHAHAHAHAHA you're as lame as your comebacks.
I know you're not really laughing.

The truth hurts, and I don't expect you to do anything but languish in your lack of self awareness and denial

I am laughing, literally!

None of the men you mentioned garnered their wealth via slavery. I showed your stupid ass how they acquired their wealth. You haven't produced any evidence to prove your claim.

So put up some evidence or admit you're a liar.
These people on pedestals are the people that helped shape this country. Morons like you refuse to accept the fact that the racist party was the Democrats not the Republicans.

The political enforcement of Jim Crow was entirely in Democratic hands. The Ku Klux Klan functioned as the paramilitary wing of the Democratic party, and it was used to drive Republicans out of the South after the Civil War.

While Richard Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” is constantly referenced in the media as a tool to attract white voters, less well remembered are Woodrow Wilson’s segregation of the entire federal civil service; FDR’s appointment of a member of the KKK to the Supreme Court; John F. Kennedy’s apathy toward civil-rights legislation; and the rise of Robert Byrd, a former member of the KKK, to the post of Democratic leader in the Senate in the 1980s.

Is it fair to remind people of the awful historical antecedents that can lurk within a political party? The study quotes author Bruce Bartlett as asking, “If the Republican party is to bear responsibility for Joe McCarthy through all time, why doesn’t the Democratic party have to bear responsibility for a century of racist leaders?”

Read more at: Setting the Record Straight on Jim Crow National Review Online

The Truth About Jim Crow The American Civil Rights Union

FFS, they picked cotton. That is not building a country.

(sigh).....uh, the wealth that these plantation owners achieved are the direct result of generations being able to pass on this wealth to future innovators of this nation, like the Vanderbuilts, Morgans, etc....please educate yourself before you send for me, I'm busy!!

Shipping and railroad tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794-1877) was a self-made multi-millionaire who became one of the wealthiest Americans of the 19th century. As a boy, he worked with his father, who operated a boat that ferried cargo between Staten Island, New York, where they lived, and Manhattan. After working as a steamship captain, Vanderbilt went into business for himself in the late 1820s, and eventually became one of the country’s largest steamship operators. In the process, the Commodore, as he was publicly nicknamed, gained a reputation for being fiercely competitive and ruthless. In the 1860s, he shifted his focus to the railroad industry, where he built another empire and helped make railroad transportation more efficient. When Vanderbilt died, he was worth more than $100 million.

John Pierpont "J.P." Morgan (April 17, 1837 – March 31, 1913) was an American financier, banker, philanthropist and art collector who dominated corporate finance and industrial consolidation during his time. In 1892, Morgan arranged the merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company to form General Electric. After financing the creation of the Federal Steel Company, he merged it in 1901 with the Carnegie Steel Company and several other steel and iron businesses, including Consolidated Steel and Wire Company, owned by William Edenborn, to form the United States Steel Corporation.

Connecting these two to slavery is quite a stretch.
JP Morgan was cruel bastard, and not one person who knew him ever saw him express happiness with anything in life... except when he indulged his sadistic side when he beat someone, at something

What has that got to do with the claim that he garnered his wealth through slavery?

Oh, nothing. It's just another attempt at pettifogging.
Oh, shut up and stop your whining.

Tell you what, the day I listen to you, or give a rats f*** about you, will be the day I shut up, dig?
Eventually. your posts will get the same attention as a tree falling in a forest far from the nearest person....You screech "racist".....You become insignificant.
Posters will marginalize you.
Oh no!!! Not the dreaded social insignificance prediction. White boys crack me up! :laugh:
What the GOP-igs, the racist bastards that they are, what they are attempting to do is snowball and once again create divide in this country with this obsurbness of now wanting to remove everything that's racist in this country, but WHITE PEOPLE themselves...(now that's a problem solved)!! Mitch McConnell the biggest racist in Ky, is now calling for the removal of Jefferson Davis from the state capital. Now, just about every damned thing in Ky. is named after the man and now this boozo, this clown this useless turkey neck white fuck is trying to bring chaos and mayham to a state of redneck ignorant hillbillies who live and breath confederate shit.

I am sooooo convinced that white people in this country, despite all the gains of electing our first black president are slowly becoming unglued and desperate. And if ever the mental health industry needed a boost, its now, because this country is on the brink of becoming one big cesspool of nuts!!

This country just needs to get rid of all the white people.

No, what this country needs to do is get real with white people and stop placing these people on pedestals of superiority and judge them for what they are. Not all white people are racist, but I will tell you this, if you support the GOP-igs, chances are your a damned racist, own it and keep it moving!!
That is your opinion....BTW, who told you all GOP voters are racist?.
Where did your hate and racism start?....You have become the very same person you hate.
Are by any chance "the fake Black chick"?

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