The solution - Term limits, fucking A.

Judicial review

Gold Member
Oct 18, 2014
Then Pelosi, Reid, Boner, McConnel, Rubio, Paul, Bachmann, dumbass dem from Ney York, and every other problem in congress will be eradicated.

The only way this will happen is through a state convention to amend the constitution. Another words Levin will hvae to be right once in his life, which will never fucking happen.
There should be a combined 8-year lifetime limit in any and all Federal elected offices.

Yep. Combine term limits with a Balanced Budget Amendment and you immediately change the behavior of these liars, thieves and thugs.

Yep. Combine term limits with a Balanced Budget Amendment and you immediately change the behavior of these liars, thieves and thugs.

Guy, they aren't the problem, we are.

The last time a politician was honest with us was Walter Mondale telling us straight up, taxes would have to go up if we wanted to control the deficit.

He went on to lose 49 states to Reagan.

Reagan then turned around and raised taxes anyway under the guise of "Reform", and still didn't control the deficit.

Term limits aren't the problem, gerrymandering is. You can limit Michelle Bachmann two three terms, I guess, but when her district is drawn the way it is, you end up with someone just as crazy.

Here's the guy who succeded Michelle Bachmann.

Tom Emmer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He's just as nuts.
As with all simple solutions term limits have a downside proponents rarely consider. They are not a solution to corruption if the freshman congressman is corrupt on day one. We have this vision where the new idealistic congressman starts out pure and is then corrupted by Washington but the reality is more like this; a dishonest opportunist finally gets to congress where he can really start making some bread.
A term limit will just mean that people who are less competent, and just as willing to take the money. It doesn't solve much, other than Tea Partiers who are good at making themselves known for a year or two would start filling up Congress.
As with all simple solutions term limits have a downside proponents rarely consider. They are not a solution to corruption if the freshman congressman is corrupt on day one. We have this vision where the new idealistic congressman starts out pure and is then corrupted by Washington but the reality is more like this; a dishonest opportunist finally gets to congress where he can really start making some bread.

I think it's worse than that. I think that Gerrymandering that creates politicians with a certain idealogy, and a primary system where very few people vote sticking us with some absolute nutjobs is part of the problem.

Let's take this last midterm, the one that's going to make sure the next two years, nothing gets accomplished.

Lowest turnout in 72 years, only really 6 senate seats were in play. Only about 30 or so house seats out of 435.
There should be a combined 8-year lifetime limit in any and all Federal elected offices.

The amount of faith in, and affection for, the federal bureaucracy held by so many remains a mystery to me.

An improved system would attract improved people, those whose motivations are unlike current professional politicians.

Anyway, we shouldn't hold our breath.

As with all simple solutions term limits have a downside proponents rarely consider. They are not a solution to corruption if the freshman congressman is corrupt on day one. We have this vision where the new idealistic congressman starts out pure and is then corrupted by Washington but the reality is more like this; a dishonest opportunist finally gets to congress where he can really start making some bread.

I think it's worse than that. I think that Gerrymandering that creates politicians with a certain idealogy, and a primary system where very few people vote sticking us with some absolute nutjobs is part of the problem.

Let's take this last midterm, the one that's going to make sure the next two years, nothing gets accomplished.

Lowest turnout in 72 years, only really 6 senate seats were in play. Only about 30 or so house seats out of 435.
Things are always worse than they seem in the world of human governance. The system we have is so disgusting to decent, honest people that they do not even think about running for office.

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