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The Solution to the Mideast Crisis: Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Israel

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Global Human Rights Groups Protest Slaughter in Gaza

On June 16, 2008, noted Israeli historian Ilan Pappe explained "The Israeli Recipe for 2008: Genocide in Gaza, Ethnic Cleaning in the West Bank." He wrote:

"Not long ago, I claimed that Israel is employing genocidal policies in the Gaza Strip." After re-thinking this highly-charged term, he "concluded with even stronger conviction: it is the only appropriate way to describe what the Israeli army is doing in Gaza" because of its repeated atrocities now greater than ever.

In his January 3 "Israel's Righteous Fury and Its Victims in Gaza" article, Pappe updates his outrage:

Once again, "Israel is engulfed....with righteous fury that translates into destructive policy in the Gaza Strip. This appalling self-justification for the inhumanity and impunity....is based first and foremost on sheer lies transmitted with a newspeak reminiscent of (Nazi Germany). Every half an hour," radio and TV bulletins call Gaza victims "terrorists and Israel's massive (slaughter) self-defense."

Israel is the righteous victim. Gazan men, women, and children "a great evil....There are no boundaries to the hypocrisy....It seems that even the most horrendous crimes, such as the genocide in Gaza, are treated as discrete events, unconnected to anything (from the past) and not associated with any ideology or system."

Today, as Israel slaughters Gazans, "world outrage continues to resonate - on city streets, by solidarity activists, and by human rights groups globally....By connecting Zionist ideology and the policies of the past with the present atrocities, we will be able to provide a clear and logical explanation (to galvanize) public opinion not only against the present genocidal policies in Gaza, but hopefully (to) prevent future atrocities."

Most important is to "puncture the balloon of self-righteous fury that suffocates the Palestinians every time it inflates (and) end Western immunity to Israel's impunity." Without it, "more people in Israel (America and everywhere) will see the real nature of (these) crimes" so their fury will be directed where it belongs.

The Global BDS Movement

The BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions for Palestine) Movement demands: "Stop the Massacre in Gaza - Boycott Israel Now." From Occupied Ramallah, it reported on the bloodbath, "far more ruthless than all its predecessors," the slaughter of innocent civilians, young children going to and from school, "an act of genocide against the 1.5 million Palestinians in the occupied coastal strip. Israel seems intent to mark the end of its 60th (anniversary year) the same way it established itself - perpetuating massacres against the Palestinian people."

More than ever, the BDS Movement calls on international civil society to condemn the massacre, join its efforts to end Israel's impunity, and hold it accountable for its persistent crimes of war and against humanity.

UN General Assembly President, Miguel D'Escoto Brockman agrees, and in a recent address before the Assembly said:

"More than twenty years ago we in the United Nations took the lead from civil society when we agreed that sanctions were required to provide a nonviolent means of pressuring South Africa to end its violations. Today, perhaps we....should consider following the lead of a new generation of civil society, who are calling for a similar campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions to pressure Israel to end its violations."

Israeli writer/activist Uri Avnery founded Gush Shalom ("The Peace Bloc") in 1993 "to influence Israeli public opinion and lead it towards peace and conciliation with the Palestinian people." He calls the killing and destruction in Gaza "a vicious folly of a bankrupt government (that) let itself be dragged by adventurous officers and cheap nationalist demagoguery (into a futile conflict that) will bring no solution to any problem" - either to Israel or "besieged Gaza."

He says Israel, not Hamas, broke the truce, and the IDF followed up with "calculated raids and killings....The war in Gaza is (Ehud) Barak's elections campaign, a cynical attempt to buy votes with the blood and suffering" of Gazans.

-- more at link
OpEdNews » Global Human Rights Groups Protest Slaughter in Gaza

Anti-Israel Protests Target US Firms, Jewish Businesses

UK company boycotts Israeli consumers

Israeli computer engineer discovers he cannot order scarf online from London-based Pashmina company because it has joined Muslim consumer boycott against IDF operation in Gaza

-- more at link
UK company boycotts Israeli consumers - Israel Money, Ynetnews

British telecom firm severs ties with Israeli counterparts

UK's FreedomCall informs Israeli company of decision via email, blames Gaza operation

British telecommunications firm FreedomCall has terminated its cooperation with Israel's MobileMax due to the IDF operation in Gaza.

"We received an email from the British company informing us that it is severing all ties with us and any other Israeli company following Israel's strike in Gaza," said CEO Raanan Cohen.

"We weren't expecting this from them and there was no prior warning. I don't intend to appeal to them or answer the letter."

The email from FreedomCall said, "As a result of the Israeli government action in the last few days we will no longer be in a position to consider doing business with yourself or any other Israeli company."

MobileMax, established in 2004, produces a program providing cellular phones with inexpensive international service.
British telecom firm severs ties with Israeli counterparts - Israel Money, Ynetnews

With rising unemployment in the US, the timing is perfect to boycott US made products as well.
No, I didn't miss that.

Then why would you suggest that they are in suchdire shape?

"NO Major Problems" .. says the Jewish PM.

Shit, that's more than can be said of African-Americans here in America TODAY .. where there are MAJOR problems with polce departments who continue to murder innocent people and with the criminal injustice system which has made America the greatest prison nation in human history .. disporportionately filled with minorities..
You have no idea how much I welcome civil conversation on this issue.

Your comments are absolutely true and appreciated.

I think the words "occupation", "zionism", and "war crimes" are inflammatory and tend to make the whole issue emotional. Just my opinion. They're not useful to engaging people in a constructive way.

I think most sane people would be willing to admit the israeli government fucks up and makes mistakes. I think a lot of people would empathize that the palestinians have been faced with a collective punishment, of sorts, even though most of them don't participate in terrorist acts. That's an issue that is worthy of consideration. There's nothing wrong with taking into consideration the policies of a government. I have no problem criticizing the death of innocent civilians in afghanistan by our military, when merited.

I also think when someone lobs a rocket at you, you have a right to try to kill or capture them.
I think the words "occupation", "zionism", and "war crimes" are inflammatory and tend to make the whole issue emotional. Just my opinion. They're not useful to engaging people in a constructive way.

I think most sane people would be willing to admit the israeli government fucks up and makes mistakes. I think a lot of people would empathize that the palestinians have been faced with a collective punishment, of sorts, even though most of them don't participate in terrorist acts. That's an issue that is worthy of consideration. There's nothing wrong with taking into consideration the policies of a government. I have no problem criticizing the death of innocent civilians in afghanistan by our military, when merited.

I also think when someone lobs a rocket at you, you have a right to try to kill or capture them.

I always appreciate your comments even when we disagree .. like now.

"Occupation" is the legal term for what Israel is doing and "Occupying Power" is defined in the Geneva Convention and international laws.

"Zionism" is a term they use ..in fact David S calls himself a "proud zionist."

"war Crimes" are appropriate for what is happening in Gaza today .. and I'd go even further with "atrocities" if the reports are true that Israel is using white phosphorus on civilians.

AND, I do not agree that most people, particularly here, would agree that Israel is ever guilty of anything.

Tip-toeing around the truth .. because it's Israel .. does not add to the discussion, in my opinion.
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That's a good point. In the long run I imagine having control of the Middle East's oil fields would make up for that. Not to mention no longer having to spend money on the GWOT.

Since I doubt we're simply going to be given control of these oil fields, don't you think our controlling them might upset a few Arabs and lead to further hatred of the United States? I see absolutely no benefit to further intervention in the Middle East.
Everyone feels that way if someone shot into your home you fight back i dont see why people take it as anything else you practically destroy their life. If you have the capacity to get the weapon what is stopping you from bringing in everything you need.
Everyone feels that way if someone shot into your home you fight back i dont see why people take it as anything else you practically destroy their life. If you have the capacity to get the weapon what is stopping you from bringing in everything you need.

The tunnels brought in food, medical supplies, and weapons. The tunnels provided a thriving enterprise that proviuded many essentials to the Palestinians.
probably not worth pointing out that th3e white supremacist, isolationist ron paul types also hate israel, but whatever floats your boat.

How in the hell are we white supremacists?

We don't advocate isolationism, but non-interventionism. I can't speak for the rest of us terrible Ron Paul types, but I don't hate Israel at all. I do, however, support ending all economic and military aid towards them. They should get no worse and no better treatment than anybody else.

I would also say that I doubt any of us support an act of total war against any population, but that is simply common sense.
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Then why would you suggest that they are in suchdire shape?

"NO Major Problems" .. says the Jewish PM.

Shit, that's more than can be said of African-Americans here in America TODAY .. where there are MAJOR problems with polce departments who continue to murder innocent people and with the criminal injustice system which has made America the greatest prison nation in human history .. disporportionately filled with minorities..

"I don't see America having problems"-President Bush


Politicians words.. :lol:
The tunnels brought in food, medical supplies, and weapons. The tunnels provided a thriving enterprise that proviuded many essentials to the Palestinians.
The one provision "weapons" means the tunnels need to go away.
Everyone feels that way if someone shot into your home you fight back i dont see why people take it as anything else you practically destroy their life. If you have the capacity to get the weapon what is stopping you from bringing in everything you need.
Obviously the ones providing and bringing in the weapons could care less about the people or the childrens needs.
I always appreciate your comments even when we disagree .. like now.

"Occupation" is the legal term for what Israel is doing and "Occupying Power" is defined in the Geneva Convention and international laws.

"Zionism" is a term they use ..in fact David S calls himself a "proud zionist."

"war Crimes" are appropriate for what is happening in Gaza today .. and I'd go even further with "atrocities" if the reports are true that Israel is using white phosphorus on civilians.

AND, I do not agree that most people, particularly here, would agree that Israel is ever guilty of anything.

Tip-toeing around the truth .. because it's Israel .. does not add to the discussion, in my opinion.

Well, quite possibly then your best option is to converse with yourself! :lol:
BAC my boy white phosphorus is the Chemical choice in the military for making persistent smoke for obscuring troop movements and concealing same from the enemy. If you are trying to kill people H.E. is far more effective and only slightly less likely to start a fire in built areas.
Originally Posted by Ravi
BAC, do you approve of what Hamas is doing?

Good question.

I don't approve of their attacks as much as I understand their necessity .. just as I didn't approve of the riots and violence of our own history as much as I understood their necessity.

The Palestinians are an oppressed people whose daily lives are severely impacted by an oppressive Israel. Shortages in life's basic needs are an everyday part of Palestinian life. They fight against a nuclear armed nation backed by a powerful America. In spite of Israel being in violations of maoe UN sanctions than any nation in history, the lives Palestinians and their children remain miserable. I understand the plight and I honor the willingness to fight back against such odds.

There is only one solution to the ME .. Israel will be made to conform to UN Resolutions one way or another. If at that point Israel remains under attack the world will turn it's anger towards the arabs.

Sounds like peace to me.

The question was put to me civily and I responded civily .. even though Ravi's next post accussed me of being a cowrad.

I've answered .. but my answer didn't suit what you want me to say .. so you can have a point .. because like others, you can't deal with the complexities of serious issues. It has to be either black or white for you to understand it. If I have criticisms of Israel, I must be a jew-hater.

I'm done with the "pussy" cartoon conversations and feel free to characterize me anyway you choose

Hey Mental midget? The Terrorists have no intention of stopping their attacks until Israel no longer EXISTS. All Israel does by coddling them is empower them, all they would accomplish by giving them more land would be allow more areas of Israel to be hit with rockets and missiles.

Basically you support the murder of the Jews in Israel, you support Genocide of 6 MILLION Jews. Can we name another fellow in History that actually managed to accomplish that feat?

Hamas wants all Jews dead or gone from ALL of the area called Israel. It is in their charter. They refuse to make any agreement that would indicate they have backed off that condition. And here YOU are defending the murderers of women and children, claiming you "understand" them.

You are one sick in the head moron.
The one provision "weapons" means the tunnels need to go away.

Thus leave Palestinians helpless, defenseless, foodless, medical supply-less, and completely dependent upon a brutal and oppressive regime.

I don't think that's the answer at all.
In the scheme of the whole situation I understand why you have that perspective. Yet what can another country under attack by terrorist do?

I mean that is where the problem lies. How does one nation/state insure the sanctity of life when another country has members in their leading positions that wish for them to be fully annilhated?
BAC my boy white phosphorus is the Chemical choice in the military for making persistent smoke for obscuring troop movements and concealing same from the enemy. If you are trying to kill people H.E. is far more effective and only slightly less likely to start a fire in built areas.

gary my boy white phosphorus burns/melts the skin off the people it touches and under international law it can only be used as a smokescreen but is illegal when used on civilian populations .. which is why Israel has denied its use in spite of mounting evidence AND it's why the US denied using it in Iraq until we were caught .. which is exactly what we did with napalm.

US Admits Using White Phosphorous in Falluja
US Admits Using White Phosphorous in Falluja - Security Council - Global Policy Forum

Israelis deny using phosphorus
Israelis deny using phosphorus | World news | The Guardian

Willy Peter

The U.S. is again using white phosphorus, a chemical munition known more commonly in the military as Willy Peter.

White phosphorus is a chemical weapon with two different uses. In its “conventional” use as a tool of war, white phosphorus provides illumination and smoke cover for soldiers in combat. During the battle of Fallujah in November 2004, the United States used white phosphorus in “shake and bake” missions to flush out insurgent positions. Such use potentially violates the Geneva Convention on Biological and Chemical Weapons of 1980 banning the use of incendiary weapons in civilian areas. (The U.S. has yet to sign this part of the Convention.)

While the Pentagon initially denied using white phosphorus in any capacity other than as an illumination round, reports from embedded U.S. journalists and a March 2005 Field Artillery magazine article published by the U.S. military said just the opposite. These two sources, coupled with Italian media and eyewitness accounts of civilians in Fallujah burned to the bone, forced the Pentagon to change from suggesting purity of motive (“we don’t use napalm or chemical weapons”) to a more nuanced and legalistic terminology. Now, it seems, white phosphorus was “used as an incendiary weapon against enemy combatants.”
Willy Peter - Security Council - Global Policy Forum

Being better informed .. my boy .. would go a long way in better discussions.
Hey Mental midget? The Terrorists have no intention of stopping their attacks until Israel no longer EXISTS. All Israel does by coddling them is empower them, all they would accomplish by giving them more land would be allow more areas of Israel to be hit with rockets and missiles.

Basically you support the murder of the Jews in Israel, you support Genocide of 6 MILLION Jews. Can we name another fellow in History that actually managed to accomplish that feat?

Hamas wants all Jews dead or gone from ALL of the area called Israel. It is in their charter. They refuse to make any agreement that would indicate they have backed off that condition. And here YOU are defending the murderers of women and children, claiming you "understand" them.

You are one sick in the head moron.

Fuck you .. you fucking moron.

Obviously there was a good reason why you spent your life needing someone else to tell you what to do every fucking day of your idiot life.

You never have anything civil or sane to add to any conversation.

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