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The Solution to the Mideast Crisis: Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Israel

Bigot... meaning devoted to your prejudices.... said nothing about the Jewish religion as a race... but nice try asshole

As for your racism... you are racist against the people not of color... you have shown this time and time again... you are indeed, and have shown to be ever more with every fucking statement, a racist

I can find homosexuals against gay marriage... I can find parents of children in support of abortion as birth control... you can always find a contradictory stance within any group of people.... but nice try again, asshole... does not validate that Jews, a majority of Jews, or even a good # of Jews support your position of supporting terrorist actions against the sovereign nation of Israel....

You are indeed a moron, blinded by your prejudice and hatred

Same question you dumb motherfucker .. do the JEWS whose opiniuons I've posted want to see the destruction of Israel and are they racist?
Oh really ... No surprise that you wouldn't be able to think of any.

1. Our blind and biased support for Israel continues to put us at odds with the rest of the world .. a world that we are increasingly dependent on. Around the world, including the United States, loathing of Israel is widespread and steadily mounting. In Asia and Europe, political and business leaders increasingly regard Israel and its policies as harmful to global order and stability.

2. Our biased support for Israel continues to pour billions of dwindling and badly needed US TAXPAYER dollars into this shithole without any return. The monetary costs were estimated to be about THREE TRILLION dollars back in 2002. Not only is the burden realized in billion dollar giveaways to Israel that they never pay back, but also in increased fuel costs due to interuptions in supply, oil embargoes, and decreased trade. Israel has never been self-supporting, nor will it be anytime in the near future. It has always required massive subsidies from the outside

How long can American taxpayers be asked to shoulder the financial burden of Israel, particularly when we teeter on the edge of finacial disaster ourselves?

3. Our biased support of Israel further endangers US troops stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan and it continues to empower Iran, Al Queda, and the Taliban. It not only adds to the "war on terror" being a total failure, but also highlights the absurdity and hypocrisy of it.

4. Our biased support of Israel creates tremendous opportunities for China, Russia, and the entire Shanghai Cooperation Organization to make gains and inroads into the arab world and gives them greater access to their resources. This would include Iran, Pakistan, and Venezuela.

5. Our biased support of Israel endangers so-called moderate arab regimes like Egypt, Saudia Arabia, and Turkey. It puts them at odds with their own population and empowers more radical elements within.

6. Our biased support of Israel mutes global American influence, leadership, and power and makes it less likely other nations will follow .. Afghanistan and Iraq are prime examples. It even alienates our traditional partners like Britian.

7. Israel is not a democracy and our support of it makes the "democracy" argument false and hypocritical. Contrary to claims made by American and Israeli political leaders, US support for Israel has never been in America’s authentic national interest, nor has it been based on a commitment to democracy and freedom.

America’s pro-Israel policy has proven terribly costly to the United States in wasted billions of dollars, in lost international credibility and standing, and in lives squandered for the interests of a foreign state. In the years ahead, the price paid by Americans for our biased commitment to Israel will undoubtedly rise and the relative global power of the US will continue to steadily decline.

8. Our biased support of Israel effectively destroys the argument against nuclear proliferation. If Israel can have an arsenal of nuclear weapons, then surely so can anyother nation in the world.

However .. there is good news.

Israel cannot continue to exist as it stands today. America cannot afford to prop up this demonic state forever. Given its artificial character and built-in problems, as well as global political-economic and regional demographic trends, Israel’s future is not bright.

Even as a jewish sanctuary, Isreal is a failure as jews are less safe in Israel than they are anywhere else in the world.

Given the low birth rate of Israelis and the fact that the arab population within Israel is growing at a much faster rate, within 20 years non-jews will most certainly be the majority .. blowback is coming.

I'd like to hear what the advantages are to the American people that outweigh the massive disadvantages that comes from our undeniably blind and biased support for this rogue nation.

So many false statements made in an attempt to sneak something by... to possibly fool someone who does not pay attention

1) Israel is indeed a government of democratic rule... there is NO pure democracy in this world, no will there ever be a total democracy of any significant size in this world...
2) Loathing of Israel is growing in the Arab and Islamic world.. and you see more as Arabs and Islamic people become more vocal in areas they have immigrated to... for the most part, Israel is respected as a free country, not much different than Germany, the US, or South Africa...
3) Many people do not support the wholesale giving of billions of dollars to Israel on a continual basis... this does not add to the argument of them rightfully battling back against these sick terrorist fucks that you openly support
4) Our troops would be in danger from terrorists, insurgents, extremist militants, and other various nutbags REGARDLESS of our support for Israel overall... this is a not-so-clever ruse often put forth by terrorist sympathizers and anti-American nutbags such as yourself
5) If China or someone else decides to profit by selling arms to terrorist or hardline Islamic countries/factions... or try and play the anti-American game in trying to secure their resources... nothing is really going to be done about it... because we WILL NOT coddle to these sick regimes and factions... NO SHOULD WE... the only thing we should support is their destruction...

Fuck your terrorist buddies... the more active they get the more support for Israel to battle them.. eliminate them... kill them by the thousands... hell.. no quarter for terrorists sounds better and better all the time..

And nice try to throw in the "demonic state" comment.... sheds even more of a light on your complete bigotry and support of sick fuck terrorists over a legit nation that is more peace-loving than your supported factions ever will be

oh... and right back at you...

Same question you dumb motherfucker .. do the JEWS whose opiniuons I've posted want to see the destruction of Israel and are they racist?

As already answered.. you bigot...

You can find small numbers of individuals in ANY group that are angry and disturbed motherfuckers (much like you) who will be against the will of the rest of the group...

They're not 'racist'... just as ignorant, and warped as you.... you terrorist supporting waste of carbon and oxygen

I can find pictures of black people sporting confederate flags. I guess that means that supporting slavery is a good thing.
So many false statements made in an attempt to sneak something by... to possibly fool someone who does not pay attention

1) Israel is indeed a government of democratic rule... there is NO pure democracy in this world, no will there ever be a total democracy of any significant size in this world...
2) Loathing of Israel is growing in the Arab and Islamic world.. and you see more as Arabs and Islamic people become more vocal in areas they have immigrated to... for the most part, Israel is respected as a free country, not much different than Germany, the US, or South Africa...
3) Many people do not support the wholesale giving of billions of dollars to Israel on a continual basis... this does not add to the argument of them rightfully battling back against these sick terrorist fucks that you openly support
4) Our troops would be in danger from terrorists, insurgents, extremist militants, and other various nutbags REGARDLESS of our support for Israel overall... this is a not-so-clever ruse often put forth by terrorist sympathizers and anti-American nutbags such as yourself
5) If China or someone else decides to profit by selling arms to terrorist or hardline Islamic countries/factions... or try and play the anti-American game in trying to secure their resources... nothing is really going to be done about it... because we WILL NOT coddle to these sick regimes and factions... NO SHOULD WE... the only thing we should support is their destruction...

Fuck your terrorist buddies... the more active they get the more support for Israel to battle them.. eliminate them... kill them by the thousands... hell.. no quarter for terrorists sounds better and better all the time..

And nice try to throw in the "demonic state" comment.... sheds even more of a light on your complete bigotry and support of sick fuck terrorists over a legit nation that is more peace-loving than your supported factions ever will be

oh... and right back at you...


Same question you dumb motherfucker .. do the JEWS whose opinions I've posted want to see the destruction of Israel and are they racist?

Almost every opinion I've posted come from Jews.
You're very intellectually dishonest, BAC. We as a country give more to Muslim countries as a whole than we do to Israel.

Admit you support terrorism, you coward.
Same question you dumb motherfucker .. do the JEWS whose opinions I've posted want to see the destruction of Israel and are they racist?

Almost every opinion I've posted come from Jews.

Already answered.. you stupid, bigoted, whack-job motherfucker...

Go get anally stimulated by a grenade with the pin pulled
Already answered.. you stupid, bigoted, whack-job motherfucker...

Go get anally stimulated by a grenade with the pin pulled

No you didn't answer .. because you can't .. and I'm cool with that.

Wouldn't my parroting their comments also make them "stupid, bigoted, whack-job motherfuckers?"
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No you didn't answer .. because you can't .. and I'm cool with that.

As already answered.. you bigot...

You can find small numbers of individuals in ANY group that are angry and disturbed motherfuckers (much like you) who will be against the will of the rest of the group...

They're not 'racist'... just as ignorant, and warped as you.... you terrorist supporting waste of carbon and oxygen

Bigot... meaning devoted to your prejudices.... said nothing about the Jewish religion as a race... but nice try asshole

As for your racism... you are racist against the people not of color... you have shown this time and time again... you are indeed, and have shown to be ever more with every fucking statement, a racist

I can find homosexuals against gay marriage... I can find parents of children in support of abortion as birth control... you can always find a contradictory stance within any group of people.... but nice try again, asshole... does not validate that Jews, a majority of Jews, or even a good # of Jews support your position of supporting terrorist actions against the sovereign nation of Israel....

You are indeed a moron, blinded by your prejudice and hatred

You refuse to acknowledge the answer.. because it goes against you 'black or white' 100% or 0% approach to people's support of Israel

Showing more and more that you are indeed an ignorant, bigoted, terrorist supporting, warped motherfucker...

Go fuck yourself
"A diller, a dollar, a ten o'clock scholar!

What makes you come so soon?

You used to come at ten o'clock,

But now you come at noon."
LOL, you're the biggest pussy here BaC. You don't have the balls to just come out and say you support Hamas.

Kind of like the very terrorists he supports...

Can't have an honorable fight.... have to hide with their 'bravery' behind children in schools, in neighborhoods of families, etc...

As if his support of terrorists and terrorism were not horrible enough... even more despicable when an assclown like this has the fear of actually coming out and stating their warped position
You refuse to acknowledge the answer.. because it goes against you 'black or white' 100% or 0% approach to people's support of Israel

Showing more and more that you are indeed an ignorant, bigoted, terrorist supporting, warped motherfucker...

Go fuck yourself

don't tell him that, you are condeming him to a life of boredom! Shame on ya! :lol:
Anybody heard from Dublin, Belfast and the 'old' IRA clan? How about the guys from Moses Lake who flew for Air America? Where is everybody? Is anything here in this world ever over with? Damn people, can't we all just get along?

LOL, you're the biggest pussy here BaC. You don't have the balls to just come out and say you support Hamas.

Originally Posted by Ravi
BAC, do you approve of what Hamas is doing?

Good question.

I don't approve of their attacks as much as I understand their necessity .. just as I didn't approve of the riots and violence of our own history as much as I understood their necessity.

The Palestinians are an oppressed people whose daily lives are severely impacted by an oppressive Israel. Shortages in life's basic needs are an everyday part of Palestinian life. They fight against a nuclear armed nation backed by a powerful America. In spite of Israel being in violations of maoe UN sanctions than any nation in history, the lives Palestinians and their children remain miserable. I understand the plight and I honor the willingness to fight back against such odds.

There is only one solution to the ME .. Israel will be made to conform to UN Resolutions one way or another. If at that point Israel remains under attack the world will turn it's anger towards the arabs.

Sounds like peace to me.

The question was put to me civily and I responded civily .. even though Ravi's next post accussed me of being a cowrad.

I've answered .. but my answer didn't suit what you want me to say .. so you can have a point .. because like others, you can't deal with the complexities of serious issues. It has to be either black or white for you to understand it. If I have criticisms of Israel, I must be a jew-hater.

I'm done with the "pussy" cartoon conversations and feel free to characterize me anyway you choose
Why should Israel conform to UN resolutions? About 99% of UN resolutions are anti Israel.
Why should Israel conform to UN resolutions? About 99% of UN resolutions are anti Israel.

Here's the civil answer .. If Israel shouldn't, why should any nation?

Why should Saddam, Iran, or any nation on the planet conform if Israel doesn't have to?
Not to mention that the UN is not an all encompassing world government.. nor SHOULD IT BE...

But this guy does throw support for terrorist actions of lobbing missiles without care into Israeli civilian areas... the willingness of the terrorists to target civilians... and also support their stance of no peace without the removal of Israel.... while condemning Israel with more surgical strikes against the terrorists that cowardly hide behind civilians and even children....

If these terrorists were so 'brave' and noble in their cause.. they would stand up and go into military and honorable battle, even if they were the underdog... because their 'cause' would mean more than their lives... but alas no... this is not the case.. they are cowards.. in support of a system based on oppression and fear and a hatred of Israel as a nation and the Jewish people... just as BaC is a coward for pussyfooting around his support

There is only one solution in the ME... and it is not Israel or the US coddling terrorists... it is to battle the terrorists and for them to be beaten to the point where they openly accept others and a true peace of living together in Israel... but with their hatred and ideology, this will not easily happen.. especially when we have assclowns who refuse to let Israel defend themselves and try to constantly hinder Israel from going whole hog, balls to the wall, to battle these terrorist assholes with everything they have
Here's the civil answer .. If Israel shouldn't, why should any nation?

Why should Saddam, Iran, or any nation on the planet conform if Israel doesn't have to?

Saddam didn't, and then you bitched cause we did something about it. Hypocrite!

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