The sooner we can get these globalist ANTI-SEMITES out of office the better

Kerry threatens support for UN action against Israel - Hot Air

"When it comes to the chapter on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the newspaper suggests a title based on his latest speech at the Saban Forum in Washington: It’s Bibi’s Fault."

This is a great time to remind people how the DNC's own hacked and released e-mails exposed them as a bunch or racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic ANTI-SEMITES!
Don't commit war crimes and genocide and won't have to worry about this. Now pack your bags Anti American and move to kikeville
Don't commit war crimes and genocide and won't have to worry about this.
Don't tell me, tell...

Hillary and Obama who financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and dragged the US into 2 personal Un-Constututional wars to help Al Qaeida - murderers of 3,000 Americans, and ISIS, both of whom murdered, slaughtered, and beheaded thousands with the weapons they acquired from Barry and Hillary.

Barry who ran his own personal drone assassination program with which he acted as judge, jury, and executioner...of foreign terrorists and American citizens, whom he stripped of their Constitutional right to a fair trial.
Jews are funny. Half of them think it's always about them, the other half asks "But is it good for the Jews?"
What religion do you tarnish, heathen?
Culturally, I am a product of Christiandom. But your question doesn't make sense, even if I substitute in the word you meant to use, "which", for "what". It's like asking which science I tarnish.
Damned if I know. I only speak Jawga.
No, it isn't a language problem. It's a religious problem. Your and SteakJerky's religious understanding is too primitive. Neither you nor SteakJerky even realize why your question makes no sense. But your question is tantamount to asking "which science are you"?
Whatever, Spanky. Maybe I should have asked why you're an anti-Semitic Jew basher. Does that penetrate your pointy little head?
As I said. Too primitive. And now, it appears, mediocre IQ as well. Not only do you express no intellectual curiosity about an unfamiliar concept, assuming you have the capacity even to recognize it as such, you resort to name-calling instead.
Trump supporters are funny. Half of them think he's going to stick it to the Jews, the other half think he's going to save them.
You are right. There is an anti-semite group of Trump supporters.

They see him as the modern incarnation of Hitler. The thungvia, the Democrat Party has become the home of the Jew hater.

This group misunderstands Trump and I expect will turn on him soon enough when they learn he is a friend to our ally Israel.
We have no room or tolerance for those who hate Jews, or blacks, or browns, or other minorities, or women, or religionists, or atheists.

No room for that crap anymore.
Because multiculturalism has worked so well wherever it he been tried.
We have no room or tolerance for those who hate Jews, or blacks, or browns, or other minorities, or women, or religionists, or atheists.

No room for that crap anymore.
Because multiculturalism has worked so well wherever it he been tried.
All democrats can see is blinds then from seeing a persons character and allows them to put people on their plantation.....

Democrats are pure evil.....
Now pack your bags Anti American and move to kikeville

But you're not an antisemite, right?
You are an anti-Semite if you know the answer to this question:

Don't commit war crimes and genocide and won't have to worry about this.
Don't tell me, tell...

Hillary and Obama who financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and dragged the US into 2 personal Un-Constututional wars to help Al Qaeida - murderers of 3,000 Americans, and ISIS, both of whom murdered, slaughtered, and beheaded thousands with the weapons they acquired from Barry and Hillary.

Barry who ran his own personal drone assassination program with which he acted as judge, jury, and executioner...of foreign terrorists and American citizens, whom he stripped of their Constitutional right to a fair trial.
Missing Bush,Also missing that the US CREATED and FINANCED and ARMED and TRAINED Al Qaeda to fight against the Russians in the 80's. Sucks when shit boomerangs back at ya! ISIS was founded,funded,armed and trained by Israel and the US AGAIN to keep causing problems in the Middle East so Israel will one day get their Greater Israel. Israel has been found in violation of UN crimes over and over and over and over. Now zip it,denounce your citizenship since you care for Israel and not the US and get your plane ticket. I will take MUCH MUCH pleasure from trying and convicting traitors like you when our day finally comes.
Missing Bush,Also missing that the US CREATED and FINANCED and ARMED and TRAINED Al Qaeda to fight against the Russians in the 80's. Sucks when shit boomerangs back at ya!
1. I agree that NO ONE should be doing it, but bush is almost a decade away. Stop dwelling in the past and try to address the 'NOW' and the President whose mess this is NOW!

Thank you for agreeing that Hillary and Barry aided terrorists The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida - murderers of 3,000 Americans and has helped them AFTER THAT FACT, and ISIS.

Hillary and Barry supplied, financed, armed, protected, facilitated, enabled, and supported Al Qaeida and ISIS while they slaughtered THOUSANDS of innocent people, overthrew and took 1 sovereign government for their own, protected their financial capability to fund 50% of their terrorist activities - like the historic attack in Paris, warned them when coalition attacks were coming, helped assassinate a foreign leader who was HELPING the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa...

The war for Mosul should not be even happening because Obama allowed ISIS to freely waltz into Iraq in mile-long convoys un-opposed. American soldiers have died as a result.

THIS CURRENT administration has aided an abetted terrorists. Yeah, Bush was bad a DECADE ago, but where is the liberal condemnation at a level this deserves for Barry, the CURRENT PRESIDENT?!

2. You have serious issues with and conspiracy theories regarding Israel that I do not subscribe to. Sorry.

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