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The Fact The Democratic Party Can't Pass a Bill Condemning Anti-Semitism' Shows They Support It!

And g5000 gets it wrong again. No surprise there. This was no rebuke of the bigot Omar. Not even enough guts to rebuke her personally. Never mind actually punish her. So again you show that YOU are the piss drinker. Keep supporting ignorant bigots like Omar. Your tears when Trump wins in 2020 should be epic.
Read the topic title, retard. :lol:

Epic fail.
Their objections are well founded. We should also discuss the anti-Muslim attitudes of Republicans as shown by the display in West Virginia. It was unconscionable. You don't seem to object to that.
You're saying it's bad to be anti-Muslim ? So you are saying Americans should support Islam ?

That makes you 100% guilty of treason. Get out of the US, you filthy traitor.

1. AOC now runs the House / DNC, NOT Nancy Pelosi.

It was revealed that one of the main groups targeting Moderate Democrats is actually controlled by AOC (*Separate Thread), and AOC was able to lead an Inner-Party / Inner-House Rebellion against Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. In a Democrat-Only meeting, it was reported that Pelosi became so upset because none of the Democrats were listening to her that she walked out of the room.

In the defense of her Anti-Semitic sister Socialist Democrats, AOC lead the revolt of the new Left Extremists against Pelosi in derailing the bill Pelosi intended to be a 2nd rebuke of D-Omar for her latest anti-Semitic remarks as well as a display of 'Political Theatrics' meant to show that Democrats are NOT Anti-Semitic and do not tolerate such bigotry. In fact, AOC completely hijacked the bill altogether, forcing Pelosi to abandon ownership / control of the bill and allowing the new Leftist Extremists to have their way with it, completely re-making it into something it was never meant to be. Amazingly enough, D-Omar, who the bill was intended to rebuke without calling mentioning her by name, was allowed to amend the bill. :p

2. 'The Democratic Party IS Anti-Semitic, & We DO Tolerate anti-Semitism.'

Again, Speaker of the House Pelosi sought to pass a simple bill to serve several purposes...and FAILED

-- Rebuke Omar for Her 2nd Incident of Anti-Semitic Speech w/Out Calling Her By Name & Stop Anyone Else From Doing It

A MASSIVE failure leading to an un-official coup against Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi sought to send another message to Omar - and other like Democrats - that anti-Semitic remarks that make that 'DAMAGE' the brand, reputation, and image of the Democratic Party will not be tolerated. Instead, Pelosi got 'shot in the face'...or 'stabbed in the back'. Instead of getting fellow Democrats to join her in the rebuke, as she did the 1st time, Pelosi found herself staring at a wall of Democrats standing up to defend Omar and her anti-Semitism. To add insult to injury, as the saying goes, her fellow Democrats did not just refuse to vote for the bill, her bill was ripped from her grasp, and the very woman who inspired the Bill, who was the one who was supposed to be getting rebuked, ended up re-writing, re-making the bill into something it was not intended while Pelosi helplessly watched.

The Bill was intended to be a rebuke of specific anti-Semitism perpetrated, a 2nd time, by a Democrat, and instead the anti-Semites in the Democratic Party turned it into a lecture to everyone else about offensive speech, how to behave, and what should not be tolerated, Basically it was like allowing a burglar to lecture others on how it is wrong to break the law, allowing the bully at school who calls the other kids 'fat', 'ugly', etc... lecture the other kids on how they should be nice to each other.


-- Show 'the world' the Democratic Party Is NOT Anti-Semitic & Does Not Allow It
The Democrats have had a 'Perception' problem since 2016 when DNC emails were leaked, exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content. The Democratic Party leadership, with help from the Liberal media, was able to contain this story and spin it by playing the 'victim' card, focusing on the fact that they were the victims of hacking while ignoring the disturbing offensive content of their e-mails.

With the election of the NEW Socialist Democrat Extremists - like Omar, Tlaib, & AOC - 'Perception' has become 'REALITY'. The new Liberal class is no longer trying to hide the FACT that they are anti-Semitic. Despite one public rebuke by her party, Omar ignored the warning / rebuke and continued to engage in open, public anti-Semitic speech. When 'Old Guard' / Establishment Democrats - led by Pelosi - attempted to do 'damage control' and nip in the bud a 2nd time, not only Omar but Democrats across the board, young and old - from newbie AOC to old Establishment Democrat James Clyburn, slapped Pelosi down, rejecting her attempt to deny / reject what was happening but also coming to Omar's defense and that of Anti-Semitism. In Clyburn's case, not only did he defend Omar's anti-Semitism, he did so by invoking and minimizing to an extent the Holocaust.

The message that was sent out by the Democrats by their defense of Omar, her anti-Semitic speech, and the fact that they could not pass a simple bill condemning offensive Anti-Semitism is that the new Socialist Democratic Party, under new management and populated by a new breed of Socialist Democrats IS Anti-Semitic and will not only tolerate it but will aggressively justify it.

What was supposed to be a simple bill to show Democrats are NOT Anti-Semitic and to issue another rebuke of one of their own turned into 1) a public display of how Democrats ARE Anti-Semites and how they not only tolerate it but also justify it, and 2) it turned into a complete coup against Nancy Pelosi with her power being usurped by the new Leftists Extremist freshmen.

I don't think Pelosi saw any of that coming when she decided to push this bill.
The House passed the resolution 407-23.

The 23 "No" votes were all REPUBLICANS.

Another easyt topic explodes in spectacular catastrophic self-destruction. :lol:
At the political parties can we serve pork products?
It's pretty obvious what the Democrat are doing: They're denying their own antisemitism by trying to push the blame off on everyone else.

Classic case of projection, denial, and blame-shifting, with a little socialist "share the misery" thrown in.
You're saying it's bad to be anti-Muslim ? So you are saying Americans should support Islam ?

Yes anti-Muslim is bad you friggin bigot. In my mind it is NO DIFFERENT than Anti-Semitism.

That makes you 100% guilty of treason. Get out of the US, you filthy traitor.

You are a right wing nut job.

Oh and nice fail on this thread nutters.

SInce when is passing something NOT passing it.

g5000: The House passed the resolution 407-23. The 23 "No" votes were all REPUBLICANS. Another easyt topic explodes in spectacular catastrophic self-destruction.

:th_spinspin: :abgg2q.jpg:

What was intended by Pelosi to be simple political theater in a bill that meant absolutely NOTHING and accomplishes NOTHING exploded in HER face, as it was hijacked and turned into a watered down POS while her fellow Democrats - especially the ones who led the rebellion against her - defended and justified Omar's continued offensive anti-Semitic remarks, proving the NEW Democratic Party is very much tolerant of the anti-Semitism now within its ranks.

And you call that a 'victory' for the Democratic Party.

Americans sat back and watched the Democrats go to war with each other, unable to pass a simple bill condemning Anti-Semitism.
g5000: The House passed the resolution 407-23. The 23 "No" votes were all REPUBLICANS. Another easyt topic explodes in spectacular catastrophic self-destruction.

:th_spinspin: :abgg2q.jpg:

What was intended by Pelosi to be simple political theater in a bill that meant absolutely NOTHING and accomplishes NOTHING exploded in HER face, as it was hijacked and turned into a watered down POS while her fellow Democrats - especially the ones who led the rebellion against her - defended and justified Omar's continued offensive anti-Semitic remarks, proving the NEW Democratic Party is very much tolerant of the anti-Semitism now within its ranks.

And you call that a 'victory' for the Democratic Party.

Americans sat back and watched the Democrats go to war with each other, unable to pass a simple bill condemning Anti-Semitism.

Republicans would have been smarter to vote unanimously no. I cannot figure out why they are collectively so politically stupid at times where the best action is obvious.
UN-PHASED: Again, the newly passed Dem POS does nothing to curb the new Socialist Democrat disdain for the Jews and our relationship as allies with them...

Ocasio-Cortez Fundraising Email: 'Let's End The U.S.-Israeli Relationship'

'Well, if you thought there would be a day where the far left wing of the House Democratic caucus would quiet down a bit, given their anti-Semitism issues, you’d be wrong. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) sent a fundraising email last night suggesting that AIPAC was coming after her and that the U.S.-Israeli relationship should be severed.

AOC has been one of the few defenders of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who once again was accused of anti-Semitism for suggesting those who support Israel are exhibiting dual loyalty. The latter is a common anti-Semitic smear.

AOC was targeted stupidly for what she wore during orientation and her inability to pay for a D.C. apartment. But on policy, she’s fair game. And recently, she’s been peddling some straight up idiocy on policy.'

Ocasio-Cortez Fundraising Email: Let's End The US-Israeli Relationship

Republicans would have been smarter to vote unanimously no. I cannot figure out why they are collectively so politically stupid at times where the best action is obvious.
Perhaps they should have done what the Democrats plan to do on AOC's insane Green New Fantasy Bullshit' plan - 'PRESENT'. :p

Actually, seriously, rejecting this FARCE that served no purpose other than wasting more of the House's time was appropriate.
The FACT That The Democratic Party Can Not Even Pass A Simple Bill CONDEMNING ANTI-SIMITISM Shows Just How Far The Extremists Have Hijacked And Taken The Party To The Left!



Despite having gone along with Speaker of the House's public condemnation of D-Rep Omar for her anti-Semitic remarks, there is a revolt against Omar's latest, continuing anti-Semitic comments.

"Nancy Pelosi represents the 'Old Guard' Democrats / Democratic Party, and despite brow-beating enough House Democrats to take back her old Speaker of the House position, it is OBVIOUS she is no longer firmly in control! Her leadership is being challenged by the new far Leftist Socialist Democrats.

House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi is "taken aback" by the growing dissent and anger among rank-and-file Democrats over a possible resolution to formally condemn anti-Semitism, a Democratic source told Fox News on Wednesday -- highlighting Pelosi's tenuous grip on control over the House and underscoring the growing power of the party's nascent far-left progressive wing.

Pelosi even
reportedly walked out of a meeting Wednesday with Democrat House members, setting down her microphone and telling attendees, “Well if you're not going to listen to me, I’m done talking."

When you no longer control the respect of those you are trying to lead, when those you lead no longer listen to you, you are no longer the 'leader', except perhaps in title only. Nancy Pelosi having to walk out on her own Democrats due to the fact that they refuse to listen and are turning on her is a sign her numbers as not only Speaker of the House but also as a Party are NUMBERED. That's Nancy Pelosi's problem, though.

The bigger problem for not only the Democratic Party but for America is that there is a growing number of bigots / anti-Semites representing the United States. That is NOT who we are...or who we are supposed to be. The words on the Status of Liberty state, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" ... NOT "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...except the Jews. NOT the JEWS!"

In 2016 hacked DNC e-mails were released to the public, exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content, exposing the Democratic Party was actually filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...despite what the Democratic Party tried to claim in denial. Their game plan on dealing with this revelation was to say nothing about the content of their exposed e-mails and to focus the media on the narrative of how they were victims because their systems / e-mails were hacked.

Failing to address the problem - the omen of things to come, it seems - did not take care of the problem the Democrats had beneath the surface.

Now here we are in 2019, and the Democrats can not pass a simple 'Political Theatrical' Bill condemning anti-Semitism in an attempt to show the world the Democratic Party does not support anti-Semitism ... because, as it turns out, the NEW Socialist Democratic Party DOES openly support and defend Anti-Semitism, as Pelosi has suddenly discovered from the growing rebellion against her and the simple resolution that has been proposed.

The fact that they can not pass this simple bill condemning anti-Semitism ... and a growing number of new-blood Socialist Democrats like Omar, Tlaib, and AOC are openly supporting and defending it ... shows exactly what the Democratic Party is today and where they are headed.

Rank-and-file Dems revolt against Pelosi over resolution to condemn anti-Semitism


It's not a simple bill, only people like you go all hysterical with false pathos as you seize in hate for the left, a group you hate and yet cannot define.

Two members of the Democratic Caucus, both in the first couple of months on the big stage, prove nothing about what millions of Democrats think and support.

Speaker Pelosi will mentor those two and others with the Big Picture; and people like me will continue to mock you and other trolls who are not worthy to be called American Patriots.
Too stupid to know what she was doing / saying? Move over, Hillary - 'you have company'! :p

"Omar is being slammed, not because she’s black or a Muslim, but because she’d peddling outright anti-Semitic trash. And the fact that Pelosi can’t get her side under control over this just shows how weak of a speaker she has become. It took less than six months for the far left rodeo to overwhelm her. As Cortney wrote, she also defended Omar, pretty much saying that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about."

"REPORTER: She hasn't apologized? Does she need to apologize?

She may need to explain that she did not -- It's up to her to explain. But I do not believe she understood the full weight of the words."


Nancy Pelosi Just Showed She's A Helluva Weak Speaker Over Ilhan Omar's Anti-Semitism Fiasco

It's not a simple bill, only people like you go all hysterical with false pathos as you seize in hate for the left, a group you hate and yet cannot define.

Only a bill that simply denounces anti-Semitism in response to a Newly elected Muslim Democrat engaging in anti-Semitic hate speech is too 'complicated' for the Democrats / snowflakes to comprehend and either vote 'yes' or 'no'.

No, they had to defend Omar, defend anti-Semitism, publicly slight the Holocaust, stage a public rebellion / coup against Pelosi, and water down the bill by lecturing everyone else on proper behavior when it was their party member's actions / hate speech that started this whole thing.

there’s a faction of Republicans that don’t like Jews. A majority of democrats don’t like them
Yeah, that's why every Democrat voted for the resolution and 23 REPUBLICANS voted against it. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Because they said it was useless and watered down. They wanted that raghead bitches name in there and when it was taken out, they voted against it. Good for them.
The FACT That The Democratic Party Can Not Even Pass A Simple Bill CONDEMNING ANTI-SIMITISM Shows Just How Far The Extremists Have Hijacked And Taken The Party To The Left!



Despite having gone along with Speaker of the House's public condemnation of D-Rep Omar for her anti-Semitic remarks, there is a revolt against Omar's latest, continuing anti-Semitic comments.

"Nancy Pelosi represents the 'Old Guard' Democrats / Democratic Party, and despite brow-beating enough House Democrats to take back her old Speaker of the House position, it is OBVIOUS she is no longer firmly in control! Her leadership is being challenged by the new far Leftist Socialist Democrats.

House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi is "taken aback" by the growing dissent and anger among rank-and-file Democrats over a possible resolution to formally condemn anti-Semitism, a Democratic source told Fox News on Wednesday -- highlighting Pelosi's tenuous grip on control over the House and underscoring the growing power of the party's nascent far-left progressive wing.

Pelosi even
reportedly walked out of a meeting Wednesday with Democrat House members, setting down her microphone and telling attendees, “Well if you're not going to listen to me, I’m done talking."

When you no longer control the respect of those you are trying to lead, when those you lead no longer listen to you, you are no longer the 'leader', except perhaps in title only. Nancy Pelosi having to walk out on her own Democrats due to the fact that they refuse to listen and are turning on her is a sign her numbers as not only Speaker of the House but also as a Party are NUMBERED. That's Nancy Pelosi's problem, though.

The bigger problem for not only the Democratic Party but for America is that there is a growing number of bigots / anti-Semites representing the United States. That is NOT who we are...or who we are supposed to be. The words on the Status of Liberty state, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" ... NOT "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...except the Jews. NOT the JEWS!"

In 2016 hacked DNC e-mails were released to the public, exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content, exposing the Democratic Party was actually filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...despite what the Democratic Party tried to claim in denial. Their game plan on dealing with this revelation was to say nothing about the content of their exposed e-mails and to focus the media on the narrative of how they were victims because their systems / e-mails were hacked.

Failing to address the problem - the omen of things to come, it seems - did not take care of the problem the Democrats had beneath the surface.

Now here we are in 2019, and the Democrats can not pass a simple 'Political Theatrical' Bill condemning anti-Semitism in an attempt to show the world the Democratic Party does not support anti-Semitism ... because, as it turns out, the NEW Socialist Democratic Party DOES openly support and defend Anti-Semitism, as Pelosi has suddenly discovered from the growing rebellion against her and the simple resolution that has been proposed.

The fact that they can not pass this simple bill condemning anti-Semitism ... and a growing number of new-blood Socialist Democrats like Omar, Tlaib, and AOC are openly supporting and defending it ... shows exactly what the Democratic Party is today and where they are headed.

Rank-and-file Dems revolt against Pelosi over resolution to condemn anti-Semitism

Omar is a member of a protected class.....she can never be racist or a bigot.
However if the member of congress was a Republican, Democrats would unleash Hell.

The only decent thing to do is show this Neo-Islamic/Nazi the door.
What AOC and Omar successfully managed to turn a Bill rebuking anti-Semitism and Omar's continuously engaging in it into:


If the bill was meant to take the 'heat' off of Omar and the Democratic Party, IT FAILED MISERABLY:

Anti-Defamation League Leader Blasts
Omar, Dems for Watered Down Resolution

"All Democrats voted in favor of it, while 23 Republicans voted against it, arguing it was too watered down. Some pro-Jewish leaders agree and say the final draft of the resolution was offensive because it failed to address the matter at hand. "We are offended by this anti-Semitism," Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said about Omar's sentiments on CNN Thursday. The dual loyalty charge, he said is an especially anti-Semitic charge that has been used for hundreds of years. At its core it is "an un-American thing to say"


Anti-Defamation League Leader Blasts Omar, Dems for Watered Down Resolution


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