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The Fact The Democratic Party Can't Pass a Bill Condemning Anti-Semitism' Shows They Support It!

The FACT That The Democratic Party Can Not Even Pass A Simple Bill CONDEMNING ANTI-SIMITISM Shows Just How Far The Extremists Have Hijacked And Taken The Party To The Left!



Despite having gone along with Speaker of the House's public condemnation of D-Rep Omar for her anti-Semitic remarks, there is a revolt against Omar's latest, continuing anti-Semitic comments.

"Nancy Pelosi represents the 'Old Guard' Democrats / Democratic Party, and despite brow-beating enough House Democrats to take back her old Speaker of the House position, it is OBVIOUS she is no longer firmly in control! Her leadership is being challenged by the new far Leftist Socialist Democrats.

House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi is "taken aback" by the growing dissent and anger among rank-and-file Democrats over a possible resolution to formally condemn anti-Semitism, a Democratic source told Fox News on Wednesday -- highlighting Pelosi's tenuous grip on control over the House and underscoring the growing power of the party's nascent far-left progressive wing.

Pelosi even
reportedly walked out of a meeting Wednesday with Democrat House members, setting down her microphone and telling attendees, “Well if you're not going to listen to me, I’m done talking."

When you no longer control the respect of those you are trying to lead, when those you lead no longer listen to you, you are no longer the 'leader', except perhaps in title only. Nancy Pelosi having to walk out on her own Democrats due to the fact that they refuse to listen and are turning on her is a sign her numbers as not only Speaker of the House but also as a Party are NUMBERED. That's Nancy Pelosi's problem, though.

The bigger problem for not only the Democratic Party but for America is that there is a growing number of bigots / anti-Semites representing the United States. That is NOT who we are...or who we are supposed to be. The words on the Status of Liberty state, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" ... NOT "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...except the Jews. NOT the JEWS!"

In 2016 hacked DNC e-mails were released to the public, exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content, exposing the Democratic Party was actually filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...despite what the Democratic Party tried to claim in denial. Their game plan on dealing with this revelation was to say nothing about the content of their exposed e-mails and to focus the media on the narrative of how they were victims because their systems / e-mails were hacked.

Failing to address the problem - the omen of things to come, it seems - did not take care of the problem the Democrats had beneath the surface.

Now here we are in 2019, and the Democrats can not pass a simple 'Political Theatrical' Bill condemning anti-Semitism in an attempt to show the world the Democratic Party does not support anti-Semitism ... because, as it turns out, the NEW Socialist Democratic Party DOES openly support and defend Anti-Semitism, as Pelosi has suddenly discovered from the growing rebellion against her and the simple resolution that has been proposed.

The fact that they can not pass this simple bill condemning anti-Semitism ... and a growing number of new-blood Socialist Democrats like Omar, Tlaib, and AOC are openly supporting and defending it ... shows exactly what the Democratic Party is today and where they are headed.

Rank-and-file Dems revolt against Pelosi over resolution to condemn anti-Semitism

"Jews Won't Replace Us!" "Some good people..."
The FACT That The Democratic Party Can Not Even Pass A Simple Bill CONDEMNING ANTI-SIMITISM Shows Just How Far The Extremists Have Hijacked And Taken The Party To The Left!



Despite having gone along with Speaker of the House's public condemnation of D-Rep Omar for her anti-Semitic remarks, there is a revolt against Omar's latest, continuing anti-Semitic comments.

"Nancy Pelosi represents the 'Old Guard' Democrats / Democratic Party, and despite brow-beating enough House Democrats to take back her old Speaker of the House position, it is OBVIOUS she is no longer firmly in control! Her leadership is being challenged by the new far Leftist Socialist Democrats.

House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi is "taken aback" by the growing dissent and anger among rank-and-file Democrats over a possible resolution to formally condemn anti-Semitism, a Democratic source told Fox News on Wednesday -- highlighting Pelosi's tenuous grip on control over the House and underscoring the growing power of the party's nascent far-left progressive wing.

Pelosi even
reportedly walked out of a meeting Wednesday with Democrat House members, setting down her microphone and telling attendees, “Well if you're not going to listen to me, I’m done talking."

When you no longer control the respect of those you are trying to lead, when those you lead no longer listen to you, you are no longer the 'leader', except perhaps in title only. Nancy Pelosi having to walk out on her own Democrats due to the fact that they refuse to listen and are turning on her is a sign her numbers as not only Speaker of the House but also as a Party are NUMBERED. That's Nancy Pelosi's problem, though.

The bigger problem for not only the Democratic Party but for America is that there is a growing number of bigots / anti-Semites representing the United States. That is NOT who we are...or who we are supposed to be. The words on the Status of Liberty state, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" ... NOT "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...except the Jews. NOT the JEWS!"

In 2016 hacked DNC e-mails were released to the public, exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content, exposing the Democratic Party was actually filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...despite what the Democratic Party tried to claim in denial. Their game plan on dealing with this revelation was to say nothing about the content of their exposed e-mails and to focus the media on the narrative of how they were victims because their systems / e-mails were hacked.

Failing to address the problem - the omen of things to come, it seems - did not take care of the problem the Democrats had beneath the surface.

Now here we are in 2019, and the Democrats can not pass a simple 'Political Theatrical' Bill condemning anti-Semitism in an attempt to show the world the Democratic Party does not support anti-Semitism ... because, as it turns out, the NEW Socialist Democratic Party DOES openly support and defend Anti-Semitism, as Pelosi has suddenly discovered from the growing rebellion against her and the simple resolution that has been proposed.

The fact that they can not pass this simple bill condemning anti-Semitism ... and a growing number of new-blood Socialist Democrats like Omar, Tlaib, and AOC are openly supporting and defending it ... shows exactly what the Democratic Party is today and where they are headed.

Rank-and-file Dems revolt against Pelosi over resolution to condemn anti-Semitism


Their objections are well founded. We should also discuss the anti-Muslim attitudes of Republicans as shown by the display in West Virginia. It was unconscionable. You don't seem to object to that.

Who have we been at war with since 2001? Who flew two airliners into two of the largest buildings in NYC, killing over 3,000 Americans? Who slit the throats of American aid workers and journalists while filming the deed? Who has been responsible for the deaths of 7,065 American soldiers between Desert Storm and today?

I'll give you a little hint: It wasn't "white supremacists", it wasn't the Klan, it wasn't Nazis, it wasn't communists, it wasn't Mexicans, and it wasn't even the fucking Amish.

Take a guess here. Go right ahead.
The FACT That The Democratic Party Can Not Even Pass A Simple Bill CONDEMNING ANTI-SIMITISM Shows Just How Far The Extremists Have Hijacked And Taken The Party To The Left!



Despite having gone along with Speaker of the House's public condemnation of D-Rep Omar for her anti-Semitic remarks, there is a revolt against Omar's latest, continuing anti-Semitic comments.

"Nancy Pelosi represents the 'Old Guard' Democrats / Democratic Party, and despite brow-beating enough House Democrats to take back her old Speaker of the House position, it is OBVIOUS she is no longer firmly in control! Her leadership is being challenged by the new far Leftist Socialist Democrats.

House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi is "taken aback" by the growing dissent and anger among rank-and-file Democrats over a possible resolution to formally condemn anti-Semitism, a Democratic source told Fox News on Wednesday -- highlighting Pelosi's tenuous grip on control over the House and underscoring the growing power of the party's nascent far-left progressive wing.

Pelosi even
reportedly walked out of a meeting Wednesday with Democrat House members, setting down her microphone and telling attendees, “Well if you're not going to listen to me, I’m done talking."

When you no longer control the respect of those you are trying to lead, when those you lead no longer listen to you, you are no longer the 'leader', except perhaps in title only. Nancy Pelosi having to walk out on her own Democrats due to the fact that they refuse to listen and are turning on her is a sign her numbers as not only Speaker of the House but also as a Party are NUMBERED. That's Nancy Pelosi's problem, though.

The bigger problem for not only the Democratic Party but for America is that there is a growing number of bigots / anti-Semites representing the United States. That is NOT who we are...or who we are supposed to be. The words on the Status of Liberty state, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" ... NOT "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...except the Jews. NOT the JEWS!"

In 2016 hacked DNC e-mails were released to the public, exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content, exposing the Democratic Party was actually filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...despite what the Democratic Party tried to claim in denial. Their game plan on dealing with this revelation was to say nothing about the content of their exposed e-mails and to focus the media on the narrative of how they were victims because their systems / e-mails were hacked.

Failing to address the problem - the omen of things to come, it seems - did not take care of the problem the Democrats had beneath the surface.

Now here we are in 2019, and the Democrats can not pass a simple 'Political Theatrical' Bill condemning anti-Semitism in an attempt to show the world the Democratic Party does not support anti-Semitism ... because, as it turns out, the NEW Socialist Democratic Party DOES openly support and defend Anti-Semitism, as Pelosi has suddenly discovered from the growing rebellion against her and the simple resolution that has been proposed.

The fact that they can not pass this simple bill condemning anti-Semitism ... and a growing number of new-blood Socialist Democrats like Omar, Tlaib, and AOC are openly supporting and defending it ... shows exactly what the Democratic Party is today and where they are headed.

Rank-and-file Dems revolt against Pelosi over resolution to condemn anti-Semitism


Their objections are well founded. We should also discuss the anti-Muslim attitudes of Republicans as shown by the display in West Virginia. It was unconscionable. You don't seem to object to that.

Why object to it? Omar's ties to and support of terror orgs is quite clear.
That's very strange. They just unanimously passed an anti semitism legislation last month.

....Yet here we are a month later, and D-Omar has ignored her earlier rebuke by her own party, has again engaged in anti-Semitic speech forcing her party's hand of having to officially pas a new bill (apparently falsely) claiming the Democrat Party is NOT anti-Semitic, and this time the new Anti-Semites are rebelling against Pelosi's call to condemn Anti-Semitism......

Why do they need to pass another one less than a month later?

Because the public rebuke the Democratic party gave D-Omar did nothing to change her / stop her from continuing to engage in anti-Semitic speech again.
Their objections are well founded. We should also discuss the anti-Muslim attitudes of Republicans.....
No, we should stay on topic and not try to derail the thread by crying and whining, 'B...b..b...but Republicans...'

You did bring up a good point in your attempt to hijack the thread, though. The anti-Semitics and their Democrat defenders reportedly want to add 'anti-Muslim' to the bill - the reason is OBVIOUS:

So the next time Omar spews her pathetic anti-Semitism and a Republican says one word about it the Democrats can then falsely accuse the GOP of 'anti-Muslim' behavior.
Within two months of these new house members. It brings us democrat leaders who hate Jews and cow farts.
Ilhan Omar's experience 'more personal' than Jews whose parents survived the Holocaust: Dem congressman

And the anti-Semites and apologists keep pushing back, justifying NOT supporting bill to condemn anti-Semitism.

Again, it is a simple bill condemning anti-Semitic Hate Speech....and Democrats can not even bring themselves to condemn it.....as man of them embrace it while running to defend Omar.

Welcome to the new Far Left Extremist Socialist Democratic Part.

(To make it clear for everyone, are they going to put out some official statement informing people of which hate groups / bigots are welcome in the Democratic Party and which are not? :p )
Within two months of these new house members. It brings us democrat leaders who hate Jews and cow farts.
Cow Farts still remain a higher priority to the Democrats - they are seriously discussing ideas on how to get rid of cow farts - they're still at the 'talking / complaining' stage regarding the Jews. No plans to get rid of them yet......
Add D-James Clyburn, a useless POS SC Rep, to the Omar Defense Team and Anti-Semitic Aologist Team.

It seems D-Clyburn just declared that Omar having to flee her homeland, spend time in a refugee camp, and finally coming to the US is / was worse than the Jews who were captured, herded together, branded, experimented on, and gassed by the Nazis....that this somehow fives her the right to spew anti-Semitic filth.

Clyburn says since she can tell her 1st-hand account and the children of Holocaust Survivors can only tell stories of what their parents went through as survivors of Nazi-attempted genocide she can spew as much Anti-Semitism as she wants.


“Clyburn came to Omar’s defense Wednesday, lamenting that many of the media reports surrounding the recent controversy have omitted mentioning that Omar, who was born in Somalia, had to flee the country to escape violence and spent four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before coming to the United States.”

The article then quoted him saying, “I’m serious about that. There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her. I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”


Sorry, her - a MUSLIM - having to flee Somalia because of Al-Shabab, a MUSLIM jihadist fundamentalist group based in East Africa that pledged allegiance to the militant Islamist organization Al-Qaeda and who is now causing mass death and destruction in their fight against Somali government forces and militia, African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) troops, and other foreign forces - is NOT JUSTIFICATION for her to engage in offensive anti-Semitic speech! IT'S NOT!

Omar and her people were NOT driven out of Somalia by violent, jihadist JEWISH extremists - she went through all of that because of a pro-Al Qaeda MUSLIM / ISLAMIC jihadist group...but her vile words spewed so far has been against JEWS, not Islamic extremists who have ravaged her home and driven her out.

Clyburn's attempt to claim Omar's 1st-hand account / perspective of her own forced exodus from her country to escape the death and destruction by Islamic Extremists gives her the RIGHT / a PASS to spew Anti-Semitic CRAP is BULLSHIT!

I can not believe how far the Democrats are now going to defend anti-Semitism and Omar's repeated engagement in anti-Semitism despite being rebuked publicly already for doing so.


Clyburn: Omar’s Experiences Are ‘More Personal’ Than Children Of Holocaust Survivors
The FACT That The Democratic Party Can Not Even Pass A Simple Bill CONDEMNING ANTI-SIMITISM Shows Just How Far The Extremists Have Hijacked And Taken The Party To The Left!



Despite having gone along with Speaker of the House's public condemnation of D-Rep Omar for her anti-Semitic remarks, there is a revolt against Omar's latest, continuing anti-Semitic comments.

"Nancy Pelosi represents the 'Old Guard' Democrats / Democratic Party, and despite brow-beating enough House Democrats to take back her old Speaker of the House position, it is OBVIOUS she is no longer firmly in control! Her leadership is being challenged by the new far Leftist Socialist Democrats.

House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi is "taken aback" by the growing dissent and anger among rank-and-file Democrats over a possible resolution to formally condemn anti-Semitism, a Democratic source told Fox News on Wednesday -- highlighting Pelosi's tenuous grip on control over the House and underscoring the growing power of the party's nascent far-left progressive wing.

Pelosi even
reportedly walked out of a meeting Wednesday with Democrat House members, setting down her microphone and telling attendees, “Well if you're not going to listen to me, I’m done talking."

When you no longer control the respect of those you are trying to lead, when those you lead no longer listen to you, you are no longer the 'leader', except perhaps in title only. Nancy Pelosi having to walk out on her own Democrats due to the fact that they refuse to listen and are turning on her is a sign her numbers as not only Speaker of the House but also as a Party are NUMBERED. That's Nancy Pelosi's problem, though.

The bigger problem for not only the Democratic Party but for America is that there is a growing number of bigots / anti-Semites representing the United States. That is NOT who we are...or who we are supposed to be. The words on the Status of Liberty state, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" ... NOT "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...except the Jews. NOT the JEWS!"

In 2016 hacked DNC e-mails were released to the public, exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content, exposing the Democratic Party was actually filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...despite what the Democratic Party tried to claim in denial. Their game plan on dealing with this revelation was to say nothing about the content of their exposed e-mails and to focus the media on the narrative of how they were victims because their systems / e-mails were hacked.

Failing to address the problem - the omen of things to come, it seems - did not take care of the problem the Democrats had beneath the surface.

Now here we are in 2019, and the Democrats can not pass a simple 'Political Theatrical' Bill condemning anti-Semitism in an attempt to show the world the Democratic Party does not support anti-Semitism ... because, as it turns out, the NEW Socialist Democratic Party DOES openly support and defend Anti-Semitism, as Pelosi has suddenly discovered from the growing rebellion against her and the simple resolution that has been proposed.

The fact that they can not pass this simple bill condemning anti-Semitism ... and a growing number of new-blood Socialist Democrats like Omar, Tlaib, and AOC are openly supporting and defending it ... shows exactly what the Democratic Party is today and where they are headed.

Rank-and-file Dems revolt against Pelosi over resolution to condemn anti-Semitism


That's very strange.

They just unanimously passed an anti semitism bill last month.

You do know what unanimously means don't you?

Why do they need to pass another one less than a month later?

House Unanimously Passes Motion Condemning Anti-Semitism

House Sends Message To Ilhan Omar, Unanimously Passes Language Condemning Anti-Semitism

In the Wake of Ilhan Omar's Controversy, House Passes Unanimous Resolution to Condemn Anti-Semitism

House Passes Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitism

So what are you saying, they just choose to ignore the bills they pass?

Yes just like they only obey the laws they feel like obeying. Too much Power breeds contempt for the Rule of Law. As we have all had to witness in the Russia Probe . Where is the investigation into fake Dossier and DNC payment for it if they believe in the rule of law . I'd like to see everything declassified so the American People can see what their Highest levels of Govt was doing to Influence the Election and then to Obstruct the Duly Elected President.
Yet not one peep from the dimbos here on the FACT that this racist has yet to be punished. When Congressman King made his comments, he immediately LOST his committee assignments and was rebuked by his party. Repeat offender Omar deserves to be drummed right out of Congress. Yet nothing but crickets. Don't even use that lie about Islamophobia. This is calling out an ignorant bigot as what she is. Keep it up dimbos. Just driving more and more voters to Trump.
The FACT That The Democratic Party Can Not Even Pass A Simple Bill CONDEMNING ANTI-SIMITISM Shows Just How Far The Extremists Have Hijacked And Taken The Party To The Left!

The House just passed the resolution 407-23, dipshit.

You prematurely spunked all over your shoes.


You really need to stop drinking your propagandists' piss.
The House passed the resolution 407-23.

The 23 "No" votes were all REPUBLICANS.

Another easyt topic explodes in spectacular catastrophic self-destruction. :lol:
there’s a faction of Republicans that don’t like Jews. A majority of democrats don’t like them
Yeah, that's why every Democrat voted for the resolution and 23 REPUBLICANS voted against it. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
Within two months of these new house members. It brings us democrat leaders who hate Jews and cow farts.
Cow Farts still remain a higher priority to the Democrats - they are seriously discussing ideas on how to get rid of cow farts - they're still at the 'talking / complaining' stage regarding the Jews. No plans to get rid of them yet......
What is disheartening is Jewish people seem to be hurting themselves. We are bringing the venom in the middle east to our shores now.What stupidity!
And g5000 gets it wrong again. No surprise there. This was no rebuke of the bigot Omar. Not even enough guts to rebuke her personally. Never mind actually punish her. So again you show that YOU are the piss drinker. Keep supporting ignorant bigots like Omar. Your tears when Trump wins in 2020 should be epic.

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