The South's Last, Desperate Stand

What threats am I making? Besides the ones you crafted in your imagination?

For one, you are on the internet, parading the arrest record of the son of Chief Justice Moore of Alabama in response to that Justice putting a halt on gay marriage in Alabama while he asks SCOTUS for clarification on Obergefell. That is factually a form of blackmail. The implied message is "Justice Moore, if you continue on the path you're on, questioning for clarity on Obergefell (a clarification you obviously don't want the public to see or be aware of), we are going to libel the shit out of your son publicly." Sure, you wouldn't call it libel because after all "the boy's arrest record is public". But what it is, is blackmail. Your message to the Justice is "stop or we'll keep beating up your son; publicly destroying the rest of his life..".

And my position is that you are a fool for doing that to a red state southern Chief Justice, just after you tore away the rebel flag from the South because one of your beta boys shot up 9 Christians at Bible study after he told his black boyfriend that he was going on a killing rampage...the day after a southern church announced it wouldn't support gay marriage ever. You think people in the South can't connect the dots. I'm saying they're not that dumb. You're skating on thin ice and you'd do well to shut yer yapper with the blackmail.
Got anything more to say about Alabama's Chief Justice Moore's son's arrest record online? Or is your blackmail over for now? Gonna pass it on to a surrogate so you can slip off the hook for libeling him? It is also tiptoeing on the outskirts of extortion. "Drop the request for clarity from SCOTUS, Justice Moore, or we'll drag your son's legitimate arrest record through the public streets". You're lucky you're not being sued or thrown in the clink. Extortion is a felony.
What threats am I making? Besides the ones you crafted in your imagination?

For one, you are on the internet, parading the arrest record of the son of Chief Justice Moore of Alabama in response to that Justice putting a halt on gay marriage in Alabama while he asks SCOTUS for clarification on Obergefell. That is factually a form of blackmail. The implied message is "Justice Moore, if you continue on the path you're on, questioning for clarity on Obergefell (a clarification you obviously don't want the public to see or be aware of), we are going to libel the shit out of your son publicly." Sure, you wouldn't call it libel because after all "the boy's arrest record is public". But what it is, is blackmail. Your message to the Justice is "stop or we'll keep beating up your son; publicly destroying the rest of his life..".

And my position is that you are a fool for doing that to a red state southern Chief Justice, just after you tore away the rebel flag from the South because one of your beta boys shot up 9 Christians at Bible study after he told his black boyfriend that he was going on a killing rampage...the day after a southern church announced it wouldn't support gay marriage ever. You think people in the South can't connect the dots. I'm saying they're not that dumb. You're skating on thin ice and you'd do well to shut yer yapper with the blackmail.

You can add blackmail to the increasing list of things you know jack shit about. I am not too worried about Caleb Moore's life being destroyed since he has a cushy job at Foundation For Moral Law. lol

Oh, dear another trip to Imaginationland where Roof wasn't a racist but an angry fag that killed all those people b/c an unaffiliated church won't support gay marriage.

Here is a photo of another person you claimed to be a murderous homo:

Got anything more to say about Alabama's Chief Justice Moore's son's arrest record online? Or is your blackmail over for now? Gonna pass it on to a surrogate so you can slip off the hook for libeling him? It is also tiptoeing on the outskirts of extortion. "Drop the request for clarity from SCOTUS, Justice Moore, or we'll drag your son's legitimate arrest record through the public streets". You're lucky you're not being sued or thrown in the clink. Extortion is a felony.

Moore being arrested 7 times in 4 years is a fact, ending your 'libel' bullshit in one fell swoop. :itsok:
Moore being arrested 7 times in 4 years is a fact, ending your 'libel' bullshit in one fell swoop.

Which is why I brought up extortion. Extortion is a threat of using perhaps a legitimate arrest record or some other crime a person may have committed in order to keep a person from doing another legitimate action they are legally entitled to do. And, extortion is a felony. :itsok:

An example would be if say a person stole a pack of gum from a store, witnesses by someone else, and then that person decided to sue that witness for t-boning his car minutes later and the t-boning driver said to the injured party "if you sue me, I'll turn you into the cops for stealing gum which I caught you doing on my iphone". That's extortion.

What you've been up to here the last couple of pages is "saying" to Justice Moore (through the internet) "If you keep up with this motion for clarity on Obergefell, I'm going to parade your son's arrest record on the intenet, where PLENTY more people will become aware of it than in just the small town or hamlet he lives in.." That's extortion. You should probably talk to a defense lawyer, especially if you live in Alabama..

I wouldn't in my wildest dreams think of attempting extortion on a Chief Justice of a state.
Well see what's legal after Obergefell is clarified for Justice Moore...

The court said in Obergefell "The Court, in this decision, holds same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry in all States."

Seems pretty clear to me, no clarification needed. Delaying tactic ya, clarification no.

Moore being arrested 7 times in 4 years is a fact, ending your 'libel' bullshit in one fell swoop.

Which is why I brought up extortion. Extortion is a threat of using perhaps a legitimate arrest record or some other crime a person may have committed in order to keep a person from doing another legitimate action they are legally entitled to do. And, extortion is a felony. :itsok:

An example would be if say a person stole a pack of gum from a store, witnesses by someone else, and then that person decided to sue that witness for t-boning his car minutes later and the t-boning driver said to the injured party "if you sue me, I'll turn you into the cops for stealing gum which I caught you doing on my iphone". That's extortion.

What you've been up to here the last couple of pages is "saying" to Justice Moore (through the internet) "If you keep up with this motion for clarity on Obergefell, I'm going to parade your son's arrest record on the intenet, where PLENTY more people will become aware of it than in just the small town or hamlet he lives in.." That's extortion. You should probably talk to a defense lawyer, especially if you live in Alabama..

I wouldn't in my wildest dreams think of attempting extortion on a Chief Justice of a state.

Oh, dear! All those newspapers are going to get sued for extortion in Alabama for reporting on matters of pubic record. lol.

The day I accept any legal advice from you, is the day they serve Sno-Cones in Hell. :thup:
And how is Moore being 'threatened' and 'blackmailed'? Or is this just another one of your irrelevant little fantasies? Like when you made the same batshit accusation regarding Justice Kennedy.
Well a page turned over mdk. Did you forget this conversation?
In typical fashion, Caleb Moore, whose been arrested 7 times in four years, blames the police and the media for him getting caught smoking dope in public. Too funny.

I'm not too concerned about Moore. Gay marriage and adoption is legal in Alabama and Moore isn't able to run for Chief Justice anymore due to his age.

A man's sons or daughter's young adult carousing behaviors do not necessarily reflect upon the man, but instead perhaps upon their peer group. Since your cult has had a large hand in influencing young adults of today to all manner of debaucherous behavior, perhaps the finger should be pointed at you LGBT cult members and not Justice Roy Moore.

None of what you described is 'blackmail' or 'threatening'.

So I ask again, how is more being 'threatened' and 'blackmailed'. Remembering of course your history of hopeless paranoid delusion on the topic, having already lobbed up such insane batshit as Kennedy being 'blackmailed' and 'threatened' into the Obergefell ruling.
Moore being arrested 7 times in 4 years is a fact, ending your 'libel' bullshit in one fell swoop.

Which is why I brought up extortion. Extortion is a threat of using perhaps a legitimate arrest record or some other crime a person may have committed in order to keep a person from doing another legitimate action they are legally entitled to do. And, extortion is a felony. :itsok:

An example would be if say a person stole a pack of gum from a store, witnesses by someone else, and then that person decided to sue that witness for t-boning his car minutes later and the t-boning driver said to the injured party "if you sue me, I'll turn you into the cops for stealing gum which I caught you doing on my iphone". That's extortion.

What you've been up to here the last couple of pages is "saying" to Justice Moore (through the internet) "If you keep up with this motion for clarity on Obergefell, I'm going to parade your son's arrest record on the intenet, where PLENTY more people will become aware of it than in just the small town or hamlet he lives in.." That's extortion. You should probably talk to a defense lawyer, especially if you live in Alabama..

I wouldn't in my wildest dreams think of attempting extortion on a Chief Justice of a state.

Oh, dear! All those newspapers are going to get sued for extortion in Alabama for reporting on matters of pubic record. lol.

The day I accept any legal advice from you, is the day they serve Sno-Cones in Hell. :thup:

Laughing....Sil's the pseudo-legal genius that insisted that unless 'all children' had a 'representative' in a Supreme Court hearing, that the hearing was a 'mistrial'.

So take her jibber jabbering about the law with a truck sized grain of salt. She genuinely has no idea what she's talking about.
Laughing....Sil's the pseudo-legal genius that insisted that unless 'all children' had a 'representative' in a Supreme Court hearing, that the hearing was a 'mistrial'.

So take her jibber jabbering about the law with a truck sized grain of salt. She genuinely has no idea what she's talking about.

I wouldn't say that. Everybody knows that Caleb Moore would have never got arrest 7 times in 4 years if queers in England didn't do drugs and fuck each other. :lol:
What threats am I making? Besides the ones you crafted in your imagination?

For one, you are on the internet, parading the arrest record of the son of Chief Justice Moore of Alabama in response to that Justice putting a halt on gay marriage in Alabama while he asks SCOTUS for clarification on Obergefell.

The Obergefell ruling is clear as a bell. Moore just ignored it.......less than 48 hours after his son was arraigned. Moore is abusing his position, using the Chief Justice role as a way of drawing attention away from his son.

And even the overwhelming majority of probate judges he was addressing told Moore to go fuck himself. With 54 of 67 simply ignoring Moore's inane prattle and instead abiding the Supreme Court ruling.

That is factually a form of blackmail.

Nope. You don't know what 'blackmail' is. Nor apparently what 'factually' means. You're making up more pseudo-legal gibberish, citing yourself. And you have no idea what you're talking about.

'That', 'is' 'a', and 'of' were the part of that sentenced you managed to use correctly.
I wouldn't say that. Everybody knows that Caleb Moore would have never got arrest 7 times in 4 years if queers in England didn't do drugs and fuck each other. :lol:

Right, because rampant gay drug orgies don't happen as a routine within the American gay male subculture..only in England...

Keep on about Caleb Moore. See where it gets you.
I wouldn't say that. Everybody knows that Caleb Moore would have never got arrest 7 times in 4 years if queers in England didn't do drugs and fuck each other. :lol:

Right, because rampant gay drug orgies don't happen as a routine within the American gay male subculture..only in England...

Keep on about Caleb Moore. See where it gets you.

Poor Caleb, he would have never been arrested 7 times in 4 years if gays were sober and celibate. Stop blaming other people for his mistakes, dunce.

The only it is getting me is you endlessly whining/foolishly tossing around words like libel and extortion.
Supporters asked for 50 people to step forward and file judicial complaints against Moore, attaching legal guidance to the documents. A notary was in attendance to sign the paperwork before supporters left...“It's important that the nation knows that not everyone stands with Roy Moore," Hard said. “It's important that people understand we are a nation of law not of men.”....Those who support Moore gathered at a nearby church, taking last minute instructions before walking across the street to join the crowd. Longtime supporter Dean Young fired up the crowd....“It's the only judge on the planet that's stood up.....That's why all these people are here, we are thankful for Judge Moore.”Moore supporters joined hands in prayer, feet from equally passionate people with polarizing beliefs.....“We weren't in front of the Supreme Court either, Alabama wasn't," Dean explained of the U.S. Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage. “So it doesn't affect us according to the 8th Circuit.”
Both crowds assure, the fight is far from over. Dueling rallies clash over Justice Moore at Alabama Supreme Court building


"beliefs"...polarized beliefs. Indeed the LGBT litigant is a litigant promoting a system of beliefs and not an actual member of any class of people...not until they make their belief system a legitimate federally-recognized religion..

And, last time I checked, any judicial commission sits with and below chief justices of any state. So, complaints may file in with their LGBT psuedo-legal gibberish... but gay psuedo-legal gibberish is exactly the reason Justice Moore did what he did. The Supreme Court's five dispensed psuedo-legal gibberish last June...gibberish so ill-thought out that it is creating legal havoc in Moore's state. His own underlings would have to find how just some deviant sex behaviors and beliefs are legally dominant to all others...and...legally dominant to a Christian practicing their 1st Amendment rights to reject those behaviors and beliefs..

Good luck gay-complainers (and extortion practitioners). This one ain't gonna be so easy.. God help your cult if Moore figures out about necessities, infants and contract law being violated by stripping kids of any hope of either a mother or father for the "new contractual provisions of marriage"...a contract developed to.... *irony drum roll*......... make sure children had a hope of both a mother and father for life... *cymbal crash*!
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Supporters asked for 50 people to step forward and file judicial complaints against Moore, attaching legal guidance to the documents. A notary was in attendance to sign the paperwork before supporters left...“It's important that the nation knows that not everyone stands with Roy Moore," Hard said. “It's important that people understand we are a nation of law not of men.”....Those who support Moore gathered at a nearby church, taking last minute instructions before walking across the street to join the crowd. Longtime supporter Dean Young fired up the crowd....“It's the only judge on the planet that's stood up.....That's why all these people are here, we are thankful for Judge Moore.”Moore supporters joined hands in prayer, feet from equally passionate people with polarizing beliefs.....“We weren't in front of the Supreme Court either, Alabama wasn't," Dean explained of the U.S. Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage. “So it doesn't affect us according to the 8th Circuit.”
Both crowds assure, the fight is far from over. Dueling rallies clash over Justice Moore at Alabama Supreme Court building


"beliefs"...polarized beliefs. Indeed the LGBT litigant is a litigant promoting a system of beliefs and not an actual member of any class of people...not until they make their belief system a legitimate federally-recognized religion..

And, last time I checked, any judicial commission sits with and below chief justices of any state. So, complaints may file in with their LGBT psuedo-legal gibberish... but gay psuedo-legal gibberish is exactly the reason Justice Moore did what he did. The Supreme Court's five dispensed psuedo-legal gibberish last June...gibberish so ill-thought out that it is creating legal havoc in Moore's state. His own underlings would have to find how just some deviant sex behaviors and beliefs are legally dominant to all others...and...legally dominant to a Christian practicing their 1st Amendment rights to reject those behaviors and beliefs..

Good luck gay-complainers (and extortion practitioners). This one ain't gonna be so easy..

Moore's edict was so compelling that the vast and overwhelming majority of probate judges ignored his bullshit and are still issuing marriage licenses to gay couples. Boy...that was a close one. lol
Is Alabama on a collision course with the U.S. Supreme Court?

Charlie Butts – OneNewsNow (January 7, 2015)
After five lawyers on the Supreme Court decided last summer that homosexuals have a constitutional right to marry, Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore dispatched an administrative order to state probate judges instructing them not to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples....
udge Moore has now sent them a reminder. "He has clarified again that the probate judges must comply with the Alabama law," he explains. "And that is: they are not authorized to issue licenses to same-sex couples for marriage."
Now, U.S. attorneys in Alabama have issued a statement saying the issue was decided by the Supreme Court and Judge Moore's instruction raises "grave concerns." Staver says they are welcome to their opinion – but that's all it is: their opinion....
"You know, at some point in time we have to draw the line," says Staver. "When are we going to stop playing the game of charades and pretend that five people on the Supreme Court can just simply invent whatever they want to? It's not their Constitution, it's the people's Constitution – and their job is to interpret it, not to rewrite it."
Staver suggests doing away with the notion that a majority of court justices can make up law as they go "no matter how disconnected it is from the Constitution."...

Note that Judge Moore is not defying the Supreme Court's ruling in Obergefell. He is simply and quite correctly saying it does not apply to the state of Alabama. Alabama's natural marriage amendment remains in force because the Court has never ruled on Alabama's constitutional prohibition.
Let's not forget that the Supreme Court issues "opinions" not "rulings." And since we live in America, they are certainly entitled to their own opinions. But it is the Supreme Court, not the Supreme Branch. A Supreme Court ruling cannot possibly be "the law of the land," as the Human Rights Campaign pretends. This is because Article I, Section 1 says quite explicitly that "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States." "All" means "all," as in every last little bit....
How much "legislative power" does the Supreme Court have? Zero. None. Nada. Zilch. It is constitutionally impossible for the Supreme Court to make law. Thus not a single one of its rulings can possibly be "the law of the land." It doesn't have that kind of authority.
Thus Judge Moore "ordered and directed" that probate judges "have a ministerial duty not to issue any marriage license contrary to the Alabama Sanctity of Marriage Amendment or the Alabama Marriage Protection Act," and correctly added: "Nothing in the United States Constitution alters or overrides this duty."...

You can read the Constitution from front to back, left to right, right to left, backwards, upside down and in Sanskrit and you will find nary a mention of the word "marriage" at all. This means, according to the Tenth Amendment, it's a matter for the states to decide. And consistent with the Constitution, the people of Alabama have decided. Overwhelmingly.
The only one in this sorry mess so far who is actually upholding the Constitution is Justice Roy Moore. He is following the Constitution of the United States, which does not authorize the central government to meddle in marriage, and he is upholding the plain meaning of the Alabama state constitution, which it is his sworn duty to do.
This is not civil disobedience. It is constitutional obedience. Of the highest and most noble order.
It's not Judge Moore who is defying the law of the land. He's upholding it and defending it. No, the ones defying the law of the land would be any Alabama probate judges who defy Judge Moore's legally authorized order. Let's find out who the people are who have a genuine respect for the rule of law. ... Judge Moore only one following Constitution


So people could just as easily form-complain about those probate judges to the Alabama state judicial commission for those judges refusing to follow their oath of office. No new law was created and added to the constitution. Nowhere in the 14th does it say "gender, race, country of origin, religion....and just some deviant sex behavior practitioners but not others..."
I wouldn't say that. Everybody knows that Caleb Moore would have never got arrest 7 times in 4 years if queers in England didn't do drugs and fuck each other. :lol:

Right, because rampant gay drug orgies don't happen as a routine within the American gay male subculture..only in England...

Keep on about Caleb Moore. See where it gets you. its the 'gays' fault that Caleb Moore keeps getting arrested?

Wow. Apparently per the homophobic right, the 'Foundation of Moral Law' blaming others for your own behavior and taking no personal responsibility.

No wonder Daddy Moore tried to draw attention away from his own son's indictment with his pseudo-legal 'proclamation'.
I wouldn't say that. Everybody knows that Caleb Moore would have never got arrest 7 times in 4 years if queers in England didn't do drugs and fuck each other. :lol:

Right, because rampant gay drug orgies don't happen as a routine within the American gay male subculture..only in England...

Keep on about Caleb Moore. See where it gets you. its the 'gays' fault that Caleb Moore keeps getting arrested?

Wow. Apparently per the homophobic right, the 'Foundation of Moral Law' blaming others for your own behavior and taking no personal responsibility.

No wonder Daddy Moore tried to draw attention away from his own son's indictment with his pseudo-legal 'proclamation'.

Moore thinks it will help him climb into the governor's chair if draws attention away from his son's ever growing arrest record. His last campaign for governor was a cocktail party joke and I predict this one will be as well.
Is Alabama on a collision course with the U.S. Supreme Court?

Judge Moore can't even convince the overwhelming majority of his own probate judges to recognize his pseudo-legal prattle as having any relevance to the law. With 54 of 67 telling Moore to go fuck himself. Its unlikely Moore will do better in Federal court.

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