The South's Last, Desperate Stand

They reflect poorly enough that Moore found it necessary to draw attention away from his son's arraignment by dropping a judicial deuce.....that even the overwhelming majority of the State's probabe judges treated with the disdain it deserved.

Sonny gets arraigned Monday afternoon. And Wednesday morning on the sharp.....Daddy desperately tries to draw attention to himself.

Sil is already blaming gays for Caleb's seven arrests in two years. lol
They reflect poorly enough that Moore found it necessary to draw attention away from his son's arraignment by dropping a judicial deuce.....that even the overwhelming majority of the State's probabe judges treated with the disdain it deserved.

Sonny gets arraigned Monday afternoon. And Wednesday morning on the sharp.....Daddy desperately tries to draw attention to himself.

Sil is already blaming gays for Caleb's seven arrests in two years. lol

But....but good same sex role models! The Prince's Trust!
In typical fashion, Caleb Moore, whose been arrested 7 times in four years, blames the police and the media for him getting caught smoking dope in public. Too funny.

I'm not too concerned about Moore. Gay marriage and adoption is legal in Alabama and Moore isn't able to run for Chief Justice anymore due to his age.

A man's sons or daughter's young adult carousing behaviors do not necessarily reflect upon the man, but instead perhaps upon their peer group. Since your cult has had a large hand in influencing young adults of today to all manner of debaucherous behavior, perhaps the finger should be pointed at you LGBT cult members and not Justice Roy Moore.

And like I said, those who pet the fur of a southern tomcat the wrong way are going to have a bloody hard time on their hands getting what they want..

Sonny gets arraigned Monday afternoon. And Wednesday morning on the sharp.....Daddy desperately tries to draw attention to himself.

Hmmm... So you switched from petting the tomcat's fur the wrong way to pulling on it's tail. Do you think your mafioso tactics are going to win you any favors from Moore? "To the mattresses" eh? Threatening the family? Think you'll scare him with veiled threats of "throwing the book at his son for smoking a joint"?

Better watch your step LGBT fascists. This tomcat has CLAWS he sharpens regularly.
In typical fashion, Caleb Moore, whose been arrested 7 times in four years, blames the police and the media for him getting caught smoking dope in public. Too funny.

I'm not too concerned about Moore. Gay marriage and adoption is legal in Alabama and Moore isn't able to run for Chief Justice anymore due to his age.

A man's sons or daughter's young adult carousing behaviors do not necessarily reflect upon the man, but instead perhaps upon their peer group.

So all your claims about the Prince's Trust study and good outcomes for sons with fathers was just horseshit?
A man's sons or daughter's young adult carousing behaviors do not necessarily reflect upon the man, but instead perhaps upon their peer group. Since your cult has had a large hand in influencing young adults of today to all manner of debaucherous behavior, perhaps the finger should be pointed at you LGBT cult members and not Justice Roy Moore.

And like I said, those who pet the fur of a southern tomcat the wrong way are going to have a bloody hard time on their hands getting what they want..

In typical fashion, Caleb Moore, whose been arrested 7 times in four years, blames the police and the media for him getting caught smoking dope in public. Too funny.

I'm not too concerned about Moore. Gay marriage and adoption is legal in Alabama and Moore isn't able to run for Chief Justice anymore due to his age.

A man's sons or daughter's young adult carousing behaviors do not necessarily reflect upon the man, but instead perhaps upon their peer group.

So all your claims about the Prince's Trust study and good outcomes for sons with fathers was just horseshit?

Caleb works for The Foundation for Moral Law that his father founded. lol
In typical fashion, Caleb Moore, whose been arrested 7 times in four years, blames the police and the media for him getting caught smoking dope in public. Too funny.

I'm not too concerned about Moore. Gay marriage and adoption is legal in Alabama and Moore isn't able to run for Chief Justice anymore due to his age.

A man's sons or daughter's young adult carousing behaviors do not necessarily reflect upon the man, but instead perhaps upon their peer group.

So all your claims about the Prince's Trust study and good outcomes for sons with fathers was just horseshit?

Caleb works for The Foundation for Moral Law that his father founded. lol

Nothing says 'foundation of moral law' like getting arrested 7 times in 4 years. And then blaming the media.

No wonder Daddy Moore tried to draw attention away from Sonny.
Caleb works for The Foundation for Moral Law that his father founded. lol

So you're making no bones about it eh? Out to ruin the parent by the actions of his son....Duggar style. Keep it up. Let's see what happens.. :popcorn: Bear in mind this one isn't a reality TV star. He is a longstanding Chief Justice of a very very deep red southern state.. He is the embodiment of the People of Alabama. So when you're fucking with him, you're fucking with all of Alabama, or, rather, democracy itself.

..Good luck! (and wear welder's gloves when handling that cat..) His son will weather the pot smoking charge. You may not weather the repercussions of your threats as well though...
Nothing says 'foundation of moral law' like getting arrested 7 times in 4 years. And then blaming the media.

No wonder Daddy Moore tried to draw attention away from Sonny.

And the police. It is there fault as well because...personal responsibility.
The son may have done what he did. But for you to use the son's actions as blackmail and threats to ruin yet ANOTHER political or professional career for not handing your cult everything it a deep red southern state...may be an action you'll live to regret.
The son may have done what he did. But for you to use the son's actions as blackmail and threats to ruin yet ANOTHER political or professional career for not handing your cult everything it a deep red southern state...may be an action you'll live to regret.

And how is Moore being 'threatened' and 'blackmailed'? Or is this just another one of your irrelevant little fantasies? Like when you made the same batshit accusation regarding Justice Kennedy.
Nothing says 'foundation of moral law' like getting arrested 7 times in 4 years. And then blaming the media.

No wonder Daddy Moore tried to draw attention away from Sonny.

And the police. It is there fault as well because...personal responsibility.

Ah yes. In the party of personal responsibility....its always someone else's fault.

Though it does beg the question, how many times do you have to get arrested before you lose your job at the Foundation of Moral Law?

More than 7 if the founder is your Daddy, it seems.
The son may have done what he did. But for you to use the son's actions as blackmail and threats to ruin yet ANOTHER political or professional career for not handing your cult everything it a deep red southern state...may be an action you'll live to regret.

Oh, please. Who is blackmailing or threatening Roy Moore in this thread? Or are you taking us on another one of your trips to Imaginationland? As suspected, all your bullshit about roles models and The Prince Trust doesn't matter if the people hate queers.
The son may have done what he did. But for you to use the son's actions as blackmail and threats to ruin yet ANOTHER political or professional career for not handing your cult everything it a deep red southern state...may be an action you'll live to regret.

Oh, please. Who is blackmailing or threatening Roy Moore in this thread? Or are you taking us on another one of your trips to Imaginationland? As suspected, all your bullshit about roles models and The Prince Trust doesn't matter if the people hate queers.

The same people that are 'blackmailing Justice Kennedy' and have 'infiltrated Gallup', perhaps?

As Sil always says, 'Go Batshit or Go Home.'
And how is Moore being 'threatened' and 'blackmailed'? Or is this just another one of your irrelevant little fantasies? Like when you made the same batshit accusation regarding Justice Kennedy.
Well a page turned over mdk. Did you forget this conversation?
In typical fashion, Caleb Moore, whose been arrested 7 times in four years, blames the police and the media for him getting caught smoking dope in public. Too funny.

I'm not too concerned about Moore. Gay marriage and adoption is legal in Alabama and Moore isn't able to run for Chief Justice anymore due to his age.

A man's sons or daughter's young adult carousing behaviors do not necessarily reflect upon the man, but instead perhaps upon their peer group. Since your cult has had a large hand in influencing young adults of today to all manner of debaucherous behavior, perhaps the finger should be pointed at you LGBT cult members and not Justice Roy Moore.

And like I said, those who pet the fur of a southern tomcat the wrong way are going to have a bloody hard time on their hands getting what they want..

Sonny gets arraigned Monday afternoon. And Wednesday morning on the sharp.....Daddy desperately tries to draw attention to himself.

Hmmm... So you switched from petting the tomcat's fur the wrong way to pulling on it's tail. Do you think your mafioso tactics are going to win you any favors from Moore? "To the mattresses" eh? Threatening the family? Think you'll scare him with veiled threats of "throwing the book at his son for smoking a joint"?

Better watch your step LGBT fascists. This tomcat has CLAWS he sharpens regularly.
And how is Moore being 'threatened' and 'blackmailed'? Or is this just another one of your irrelevant little fantasies? Like when you made the same batshit accusation regarding Justice Kennedy.
Well a page turned over mdk. Did you forget this conversation?
In typical fashion, Caleb Moore, whose been arrested 7 times in four years, blames the police and the media for him getting caught smoking dope in public. Too funny.

I'm not too concerned about Moore. Gay marriage and adoption is legal in Alabama and Moore isn't able to run for Chief Justice anymore due to his age.

A man's sons or daughter's young adult carousing behaviors do not necessarily reflect upon the man, but instead perhaps upon their peer group. Since your cult has had a large hand in influencing young adults of today to all manner of debaucherous behavior, perhaps the finger should be pointed at you LGBT cult members and not Justice Roy Moore.

And like I said, those who pet the fur of a southern tomcat the wrong way are going to have a bloody hard time on their hands getting what they want..

Sonny gets arraigned Monday afternoon. And Wednesday morning on the sharp.....Daddy desperately tries to draw attention to himself.

Hmmm... So you switched from petting the tomcat's fur the wrong way to pulling on it's tail. Do you think your mafioso tactics are going to win you any favors from Moore? "To the mattresses" eh? Threatening the family? Think you'll scare him with veiled threats of "throwing the book at his son for smoking a joint"?

Better watch your step LGBT fascists. This tomcat has CLAWS he sharpens regularly.

You spamming the same bullshit isn't a conversation.

Yes, yes, we get it, it's the fault of queers that Moore's son has been arrested seven times in four years.
You spamming the same bullshit isn't a conversation.

Yes, yes, we get it, it's the fault of queers that Moore's son has been arrested seven times in four years.
For smoking pot and carousing, like young stupid people do. Why aren't you being clear about what he was arrested for? Because you might offend some of your cult people who live in a culture of rampant drug use as well?...the kind they never grow out of as they "mature"...?

The point is you are making veiled threats of persecuting Moore's son in the public eye, instead of talking to the man Justice Moore himself. And I'm telling you that's a mistake. The boy will weather the youthful indiscretion/carousing charges. Your cult won't weather as well, using the son's petty indiscretions to hurt and destroy his father.

At least the kid wasn't arrested for doing this just before he and his "husband" went to adopt a little boy from a catholic orphanage in Alabama...or Mississippi... That boy may be dabbling on the onramp of the highway to hell; but your group is so far gone that you're stuck in the fast lane.

"...graphic scenes of real sex parties in which guys inject mephedrone, smoke crystal meth, and engage in bareback sex..."
Now They've Got Marriage, Gays Come Out of the Closet...Again...Chemsex
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You spamming the same bullshit isn't a conversation.

Yes, yes, we get it, it's the fault of queers that Moore's son has been arrested seven times in four years.
For smoking pot and carousing, like young stupid people do. Why aren't you being clear about what he was arrested for? Because you might offend some of your cult people who live in a culture of rampant drug use as well?...the kind they never grow out of as they "mature"...?

The point is you are making veiled threats of persecuting Moore's son in the public eye, instead of talking to the man Justice Moore himself. And I'm telling you that's a mistake. The boy will weather the youthful indiscretion/carousing charges. Your cult won't weather as well, using the son's petty indiscretions to hurt and destroy his father.

Bullshit. Caleb Moore was arrested 7 times in 4 years. Is that normal for young stupid people? Of course not. You don't care b/c it doesn't support your narrative. Sort of like when you called Duggar's sexual abuse of his sisters and babysitter as 'playing doctor' several months back. Naturally you're blaming gays for his actions instead of the person at fault which is...wait...for it...Caleb.

What threats am I making? Besides the ones you crafted in your imagination?

Either way, gay marriage is legal in Alabama despite you and Moore's foot stomping hissy.

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