Zone1 The Spirit Realm: Demons, Possession, Black Magick, and the End Times

Yes! I recall reading the book of Revelation at around age 10 and when I saw that people on earth in the last days would literally curse and blaspheme the God of heaven, even after suffering several horrific plagues, I simply couldn't understand how that could be true. Today, I sometimes see it around me, especially in discussion forums.

I we began witnessing, especially since 2016, the influence of demonic spirits loose in the world. Hate and degeneracy are everywhere. Some will say it has always been like this but I know better. The increase in violence like mass shootings and the day to day descent into chaos that's occurring in our nation, all of that has been rapidly increased over the last 10 years or so. Now, America has fallen to an internal coup and will never rise again as a free nation except possibly on the other side of Civil War :(
Yes! I recall reading the book of Revelation at around age 10 and when I saw that people on earth in the last days would literally curse and blaspheme the God of heaven, even after suffering several horrific plagues, I simply couldn't understand how that could be true. Today, I sometimes see it around me, especially in discussion forums.

I we began witnessing, especially since 2016, the influence of demonic spirits loose in the world. Hate and degeneracy are everywhere. Some will say it has always been like this but I know better. The increase in violence like mass shootings and the day to day descent into chaos that's occurring in our nation, all of that has been rapidly increased over the last 10 years or so. Now, America has fallen to an internal coup and will never rise again as a free nation except possibly on the other side of Civil War :(
How could anyone understand the Book of Revelations at age 10?

Like it or not it's real

Mankind has been living in the LAST DAYS since Jesus was made both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36). And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God....." Acts 2:16-17 The scriptures declare that Joel's prophecy concerning the LAST has come to pass......on the day of Pentecost after the ascension of our Lord Christ Jesus.

Those who study the dark arts is nothing new........There was a sorcerer by the name of Simon (not Simon Peter) who attempted to purchase the power of the Holy Spirit with money. (Acts 8).
Everyone on this board is possessed, and they're all going to spend an eternity in hell vomiting blood and scratching symbols into their flesh.
Normalcy Bias can keep rational beings from ever seeing , let alone facing these kinds of things. It's all quite real unfortunately. I do have some experience with, the man in the Video spent his life on it. Look at this closely, "panda eyes" occur when children our sodomized. Why would Gaga make light of this?

Normalcy Bias can keep rational beings from ever seeing , let alone facing these kinds of things. It's all quite real unfortunately. I do have some experience with, the man in the Video spent his life on it. Look at this closely, "panda eyes" occur when children our sodomized. Why would Gaga make light of this?

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Evil is created by the free will decisions of mankind, as mankind has the ability to discern evil from righteousness. (Genesis 3:22, 6:6-7). The god of this world (Satan 2 Cor. 4:4) has only the power that man allows him. God will always give man a method to escape evil (Acts 26:18) in their free will decisions. All one has to do is submit him/herself to the Laws of God. "Submit therefore to God. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you." -- James 4:7

Evil things occur every day in this plane of the reality (the natural) because this world is under the rule of its god (Satan). The Christian has been called out from the world.....we are commanded to come out from among them (2 Cor. 6:17).

"If the world hates you, know that it hated Me (Jesus) before it hated you. If you were of the world; the world would love its own, but because you are not of this world, but I have chosen you out of the world; therefore the world hates you." -- John 15:18-19.

The Christian resides not in this world but in a Spiritual Kingdom of God protected from the god of this world.

The kingdom/church established by the Christ (Matt. 16) is not of this world (John 18:33-37) This kingdom did not exist until the church was called out from the world. When you accept the conditions of the N.T. (perfect law of liberty -- James 1:25) are transferred into the spiritual kingdom of Christ...i.e, the N.T. church (Col. 1:13-14)

The Kingdom of God: "The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation; Neither shall they say, Lo here! or Lo there!, for behold the kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU." -- Luke 17:20-21 Thus.......the natural can't overcome the Spiritual except through the free will decision to allow it the power over you. (in your free will decisions). No one can control the free will decisions of others or acts of nature. Man can control his thoughts only....and his thoughts should be in compliance with the will of God as defined in His Laws. Laws simply define evil and righteousness, man has the capacity to follow either.

The Mark for any Christian should be the consideration of man's eternal Spirit......not the flesh, as everything natural will decay and pass away. The Christian should not fear those who can take his life, but He that can that can destory both body and soul. (Matthew 10:28)
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