The Statement That Won President Trump the Election

The statement that lost President Trump the election

"In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed."

I wouldn't pin my hopes on that disputed crap.

I think you are underestimating just how damaging this might become for him, true or not.

I'm not apt to change my vote on unfounded, not proven claims.

Let's get real, it'sa demoquack far left rag claiming it and given demoquacks lies the past four years? Nah.... besides why is it just now coming to light?

Something stinks

It's all politics. As soon as Trump makes some ground in the unreliable polls, they drop this. Coordinated to such a degree that Canadian and British state news pick up the "story".

I don't know if he said it or not. Why should anyone care if it doesn't match his policy decisions? Obama gutted the U.S military. Why in the hell would someone do that while China is expanding rapidly? So if Obama praised the U.S military while cutting them sharply, that's more important to Americans than someone increasing funding even if he said something that was (unproven and most likely false) second hand and distasteful?

This election won't be won via these rumour releases. They are generally fake news, and/or taken out of context. I've heard some of the weird things Biden has says, I don't even repeat them as they mean little compared to policy. Policies, policies, policies.
The statement that lost President Trump the election

"In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed."

I wouldn't pin my hopes on that disputed crap.

I think you are underestimating just how damaging this might become for him, true or not.

I think you are underestimating how damaging this might become to your ilk.

You are talking about fabricating and spreading a false story in order to hurt someone's reputation, you do realize this has historically warranted death sentences in many places. I expect a lot better from a USMB mod. Especially considering it has nothing to do with the thread.

The false snark propaganda will likely have zero impact, the "news" has lost all credibility by now.
I think you are underestimating just how damaging this might become for him, true or not.

I'm not apt to change my vote on unfounded, not proven claims.

You aren't because you are part of the faithful, but a lot of the undecideds out there won't necessarily share your sentiment.
If there are undecideds at this point, do they care enough to even vote at all?

The way democrats have lied again will motivate them to vote for president Trump. Liars do not generally get voted into offices.
The Statement That Won President Trump the Election

The statement that lost President Trump the election

"In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed."
Are we electing Presidents now based on He Said/She Said?
Biden ceded the issue of violence to Trump giving Trump the win. All Biden has is covid the Chinese flu and that is faded to nothing. He will not find support for another lockdown. Nor a federal law mandating masks. Parents are not clamoring to keep schools closed. Whoever gave Biden this issue to hammer should be fired.
Biden ceded the issue of violence to Trump giving Trump the win. All Biden has is covid the Chinese flu and that is faded to nothing. He will not find support for another lockdown. Nor a federal law mandating masks. Parents are not clamoring to keep schools closed. Whoever gave Biden this issue to hammer should be fired.
Not even seeing how Biden can claim victory over the covid thing. Trump was the person to shut down travel in late January. Biden and the Dems were calling him a xenophobe over it, and some acting like all was well.

Trump was a bit too positive about covid since, but at least positive is better than oblivious or fetal.

I don't think voters should be hard on Trump over covid. Not even health experts were clear on things, and Trump worked hard to provide equipment and financial aid to people.
In 2016, there was a legendary speech by president Trump that "won the election for him".

Similar winning statement for 2020 has now arrived.

Nope, here are statements that helped in win election. It allowed the right to come out of the closet and vote for one of theirs,
  • He attacked Muslim Gold Star parents. Trump’s retaliation against the parents of a Muslim …
  • He claimed a judge was biased because “he’s a Mexican.” In May, Trump implied that Gonzalo …
  • The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people. When …
  • In fact, discrimination against black people has been a pattern in his career. Workers at …
"You'd be in jail!" won the election for Trump in 2016. Half the country got the proverbial 4-hour viagra boner when they realized he's willing to take on the clinton and obama cartels.

This year, during the 1st debate, Plugs will probably end up in the fetal position in a puddle of piss and shit, crying for Jill. Game set and match.
Biden ceded the issue of violence to Trump giving Trump the win. All Biden has is covid the Chinese flu and that is faded to nothing. He will not find support for another lockdown. Nor a federal law mandating masks. Parents are not clamoring to keep schools closed. Whoever gave Biden this issue to hammer should be fired.
I can't believe Biden's handlers insist on the narrative of Trump not taking the virus seriously enough in January when EVERYONE including the Democrats were on the same page in January. Democrats truly believe Americans are morons.
In 2016, there was a legendary speech by president Trump that "won the election for him".

Similar winning statement for 2020 has now arrived.

"The Statement That Won President Trump the Election"""

Mexico is going to pay for the wall?
We will repeal and replace Obamacare?
Muslims will be banned from coming to the U.S.?
In 2016, there was a legendary speech by president Trump that "won the election for him".

Similar winning statement for 2020 has now arrived.

"The Statement That Won President Trump the Election"""

Mexico is going to pay for the wall?
We will repeal and replace Obamacare?
Muslims will be banned from coming to the U.S.?

The worthless leftist traitors have obstructed everything Trump has tried to do. To be honest, The democratic party should be deemed unlawful and abolished.
After the Kavanaugh fiasco, there is no doubt that the worthless leftist traitors will stoop under whale shit to gain control over the citizens of this country.
You’re right, cry baby Kavanaugh must have a tough time keeping his composure... We can Impeach the little whiner when the president and Congress changes.
After the Kavanaugh fiasco, there is no doubt that the worthless leftist traitors will stoop under whale shit to gain control over the citizens of this country.
You’re right, cry baby Kavanaugh must have a tough time keeping his composure... We can Impeach the little whiner when the president and Congress changes.
Case rested.
In 2016, there was a legendary speech by president Trump that "won him the election for him".

Similar winning statement for 2020 has now arrived.

Yeah..except for this one little thing called...reality. He isn't the outsider running anymore. He isn't running against an unpopular opposition candidate. He's been President for 3.5+ years and it's been a complete disaster. He has a record to run on. And that record includes over 6.5 million virus infections, 190K+ deaths, 8.4% unemployment currently, and an economy in shambles (something that didn't have to largely happen if he had been worried about doing his job instead of campaigning). This is just right wing desperation. Hoping against hope they can pull a miracle from the absolute shellacking that's coming on November 3rd.

Come on, man! Practically every TV program is anti Trump. The Bible has been replaced. Decades ago!
In 2016, there was a legendary speech by president Trump that "won the election for him".

Similar winning statement for 2020 has now arrived.

"The Statement That Won President Trump the Election"""

Mexico is going to pay for the wall?
We will repeal and replace Obamacare?
Muslims will be banned from coming to the U.S.?

And he’s saying the same things again because the deep state kept Him from doing anything but being an arse for four years.

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