The stimulus package


Apr 1, 2011
The Stimulus package

Today we hear people arguing that the stimulus package has not helped the economy. I personally think that one has to be brain dead to argue that the stimulus package has not helped to boost the economy. The problem is that one also has to be foolish if we think we are going to get away with the looming debt that the stimulus package has help cause. Trying to argue that the stimulus package did not help is foolish. The real argument is that it is the wrong choice.

This is not a debt that our children are going to be faced with. This is a debt that we are faced with and most likely will not be able to overcome.

With a 17 trillion debt and growing at an alarming rate there is not a single suggestion, much less an understanding as how to overcome it. That means the nation has to fall to bankruptcy with internal collapse while every person loses just about everything we have and we become much like third world countries. Thinking a devaluation of the dollar is what is coming is simply naive. The total collapse of the dollar is more likely with a military style martial law nation wide. We got a glimpse of what a military rule is like in Boston just a few weeks ago and more important to see is how the people will eagerly embrace it.

Most people have no clue to the amount we are in debt and few if any are really explaining it in terms that can be understood. We are about to top 17 trillion on the books, much more off the books. One trillion is a million dollars a day, every single day, for 2739 years. We are 17 times that in debt. There is just no fix for this and remain the nation we are or have been so be prepared for what is coming. I said there is no fix. I say that because I do not believe for a minute that the people are willing to do what it would take because of our covetous hearts so we will send ourselves down the tunnel into financial destruction with a government take over because the politicians are not going to suffer with the people. Wall Street knows it's coming. That is why we see the daily wild rides. Everyone is trying to guess when the fall will hit even if they do not think it will be as bad as it will be. The problem is that when it hits the great depression will seem like a small dent to what we will experience financially and the short military take over of Boston will be like parking ticket.
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