The Stormy CASE. Michael Cohen filing an emergency Stay. As he will be pleading the 5th! FFS!

You know, the more that Cohen jumps around, the tighter the noose gets.

Bad thing for Trump? Cohen knows where all the bodies are buried and more than likely will roll over on Trump if given a decent enough deal.
You know, the more that Cohen jumps around, the tighter the noose gets.

Bad thing for Trump? Cohen knows where all the bodies are buried and more than likely will roll over on Trump if given a decent enough deal.
You know, the more that Cohen jumps around, the tighter the noose gets.

Bad thing for Trump? Cohen knows where all the bodies are buried and more than likely will roll over on Trump if given a decent enough deal.
View attachment 187550

The evangelicals would simply tell you that Trump is a man, and as such, is subject to the temptations of sin, and therefore deserves to be forgiven.


If it's a Democrat that acts like Trump has? They would consign them to the deepest pits of hell.
LOL Forget the Watergate Tape.

We may have Orange DoucheGate Tapes!


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