Trump lawyer Cohen says will take 5th in Stormy Daniels case

DANG! The Former Hooker must be so happy today! Doing Stormy as she was pregnant!


WELL! So most all of Cohen raid materials are not protected under any ACP claims!

Come on DOPers! This is your Guy, the Great Douche?
Don't you want IT to go to NK and take political asylum with Kim Dong?
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LOL! All the stuff on these! FFS! I see many others getting very nerves.
Will Cohen be the First Russain Mob hit in the Great Douche Family?

Why should he testify..............He has no reason to.

Cause he's guilty as he'll....wait until the feds come down with their charges.
Tried and convicted by MSM............hmmmm

Ride your broom.
Were you not saying Clinton was guilty. Got rammed by your own broom.
Put in front of a REAL JURY and see what happens..........not the Mickey Mouse Club Show that wasn't a real court.
Trump lawyer Cohen says will take 5th in Stormy Daniels case

Not a surprise:

"President Donald Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen said on Wednesday he will assert his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in connection with a lawsuit filed by adult-film star Stormy Daniels.

In a filing in a California federal court, Cohen said he decided to invoke his constitutional right after the FBI raided his home, office and hotel room two weeks ago."

Funny it was a GOOD thing and OK when Lois Lerner took the Fifth.

No one cares about Lois Lerner....trump is a living....breathing....hypocrite.
427 conservative groups cared what she did..................They sued the IRS over it.
Hmm? You know what?

The Great Douche can just keep lying about everythang in the federal system as can be convictable..
As IT can resign at some point offering VP Dence the Job for Pardons for everythang IT and others
have done, dating from the Great Douche Birth still IT dies sometime in the future. A Full Blanket Pardon.
Or the Great Douche can Pardon everybody but himself. VP Dence just needs to do IT, as IT got dirt on the VP. Dence.
DOPers will love THAT! And Claim Victory.

As for civil cases, it's just money, DrumpF is stealing and making YUGE amounts from holding the WH. as a
profitable hostage at this time. He could also make a Deal for money ($$$M) with the GOP to go away
and stop tweeting to the GOP base etc. To stay away from any spews in public not approved first by the GOP after resigning.

As for State Criminal Charges? Most of ITs Business crimes have a 6 year time limited to files.
Anythang older would be hard to charge. I'm not fully sure, but in NY State Money Laundering
conviction can just be a fine. Rental landlord crimes that are monetary can also to fines.
What state crime charge in the last say 6 ears can the Great Douche serve jail time?
I can't think of any.!? Not that the two listed above can't be charged at higher levels
requiring a few years in jail..IMO.
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POTUS apologists and all their Hannity backed deep state BS conspiracy arguments abound on this thread. Not the OP fault I know. Based on the multitude of these comments it looks like that USMB has been overrun by these brainwashed zombies. Good grief.'s a certain clique here...about 6 people and 12 socks. One mocks...the rest applaud.
You are so full of hate! You have my pity!

Not hate...pity....I have pity for the orange clown. His mental state is deteriorating on an hourly basis.

He said on FIX news that Cohen did very little legal work for him. He is claiming the man that fixed numerous adulterous affairs a nobody. He called the man who set up the collusion with Russia a business partner.

That is nice....cause the FBI has all his business records. This is like having the Mafia in the Oval Office.
Nope! You are definitely a hater and an asshole!
You just spew whatever crosses your reptilian brain.

"You just spew whatever crosses your reptilian brain."

Now what orange clown does that all the time?

Every time he speaks without a teleprompter...he shoots himself in the foot. Take as an example his latest nominee for VA head. He just threw his name out there with no did that turn out?
It turned out predictably. With the left wing haters destroying the reputation of a man who was good enough to serve under Bush and Obama! Haters gonna hate!
The Democratic Party is basically a lie. No surprise. They should change their name to the Demagoguery Party...
ROTFLMFAO! Did I just hear a Trump supporter use the term 'demagoguery'??? In reference to anyone other than Trump..who defines the word?

Thanks for the laugh...
Not hate...pity....I have pity for the orange clown. His mental state is deteriorating on an hourly basis.

He said on FIX news that Cohen did very little legal work for him. He is claiming the man that fixed numerous adulterous affairs a nobody. He called the man who set up the collusion with Russia a business partner.

That is nice....cause the FBI has all his business records. This is like having the Mafia in the Oval Office.
Nope! You are definitely a hater and an asshole!
You just spew whatever crosses your reptilian brain.

"You just spew whatever crosses your reptilian brain."

Now what orange clown does that all the time?

Every time he speaks without a teleprompter...he shoots himself in the foot. Take as an example his latest nominee for VA head. He just threw his name out there with no did that turn out?
It turned out predictably. With the left wing haters destroying the reputation of a man who was good enough to serve under Bush and Obama! Haters gonna hate!
The Democratic Party is basically a lie. No surprise. They should change their name to the Demagoguery Party...
ROTFLMFAO! Did I just hear a Trump supporter use the term 'demagoguery'??? In reference to anyone other than Trump..who defines the word?

Thanks for the laugh...
Considering the fact that you dirtbags pull the same act with every Republican leader....yes...Demagoguery is an accurate description. Apparently you Democrats can't run fucking shit without fucking it up. However, you are experts at making shit up about your opposition and using your corrupt media to sell it.

The list of targets is long and well documented:

  • Ronald Reagan
  • George W. Bush
  • Sarah Palin
  • Rush Limbaugh
  • Sean Hannity
  • George H. W. Bush
  • Joe The Plumber
  • Milo Yiannopoulos
  • Ann Coulter
  • Alex Jones
  • Pam Geller
  • Laura Ingraham
  • Glenn Beck
  • Eric Bolling
  • Bill O'Reilly
  • Mitt Romney
  • Jesus Of Nazareth
  • Donald J. Trump
Good. Patriots shouldn't play into the deep states game of bringing down President Trump or his allies. They are gonna have to actually WORK at it....Amazing they can harass everyone related to or associated with President Trump but couldn't even PROPERLY investigate a real criminal like Clinton. Ah its hilarious how when these witch hunts start they ALWAYS boomerang back in the left's face.
8 Benghazi investigations wasn`t a witch hunt? Unlike that one, this one is finding a lot of witches.
Trump lawyer Cohen says will take 5th in Stormy Daniels case

Not a surprise:

"President Donald Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen said on Wednesday he will assert his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in connection with a lawsuit filed by adult-film star Stormy Daniels.

In a filing in a California federal court, Cohen said he decided to invoke his constitutional right after the FBI raided his home, office and hotel room two weeks ago."

Funny it was a GOOD thing and OK when Lois Lerner took the Fifth.

No one cares about Lois Lerner....trump is a living....breathing....hypocrite.

Isn't it always funny to see the Hypocrites in action! The same people that JUMP at every slight nuance to every chance of a hint of a suggestion of wrongdoing alleged elsewhere magnified to mountainous proportions becomes the most disinterested person when its someone that they want flown under their personal radar. I can't believe I missed adding you to my list of hopeless partisans! First you deny, evade, and delay until finally then you can claim it is "old news" and to "move on." Whadda joke.

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