The Story of The Talking Fish

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Miracle? Dream? Prank? Fish Talks, Town Buzzes -

......and now the story of the "talking fish". This story is from 2003. It has been ten years since this happened. This afternoon this story was brought back to my remembrance and I realized that perhaps some of you have never heard of this story before. It happened in New York. The only two witnesses to hear this "talking fish" were a holy Jew and a born again Christian.

To this day neither man has ever recanted their story. Some say it is a whopper of a fish tale. Others believe it was a warning from G-d that America is under judgment and our days are numbered. The reader can decide for themselves. Could G-d speak through a fish to warn the world?

Here is a clip from the article:

And so it came to pass that a talking carp, shouting in Hebrew, shattered the calm of the New Square Fish Market and created what many here are calling a miracle.

Of course, others are calling it a Purim trick, a loopy tale worthy of Isaac Bashevis Singer or just a whopping fish story concocted by a couple of meshugenehs.

Whatever one calls it, the tale of the talking fish has spread in recent weeks throughout this tight-knit Rockland County community, populated by about 7,000 members of the Skver sect of Hasidim, and throughout the Hasidic world, inspiring heated debate, Talmudic discussions and derisive jokes.

The story goes that a 20-pound carp about to be slaughtered and made into gefilte fish for Sabbath dinner began speaking in Hebrew, shouting apocalyptic warnings and claiming to be the troubled soul of a revered community elder who recently died.

Many people here believe that it was God revealing himself that day to two fish cutters in the fish market, Zalmen Rosen, a 57-year-old Hasid with 11 children, and his co-worker Luis Nivelo, a 30-year-old Ecuadorean immigrant.

Some people say the story is as credible as the Bible's account of the burning bush. Others compare it to a U.F.O. sighting. But the story rapidly spread around the world from this town about 30 miles northwest of Manhattan, first through word of mouth, then through the Jewish press.

The two men say they have each gotten hundreds of phone calls from Jews all over the world.

''Ah, enough already about the fish,'' Mr. Rosen said today at the shop, as he skinned a large carp. ''I wish I never said anything about it. I'm getting so many calls every day, I've stopped answering. Israel, London, Miami, Brooklyn. They all want to hear about the talking fish.''

Here then is the story, according to the two men, the only witnesses. Mr. Rosen, whose family owns the store, and Mr. Nivelo, who has worked at the shop for seven years, say that on Jan. 28 at 4 p.m. they were carving up carp.

Mr. Nivelo, who is not Jewish, lifted a live carp out of a box of iced-down fish and was about to club it in the head.

But the fish began speaking in Hebrew, according to the two men. Mr. Nivelo does not understand Hebrew, but the shock of a fish speaking any language, he said, forced him against the wall and down to the slimy wooden packing crates that cover the floor.

He looked around to see if the voice had come from the slop sink, the other room or the shop's cat. Then he ran into the front of the store screaming, ''The fish is talking!'' and pulled Mr. Rosen away from the phone.

''I screamed, 'It's the devil! The devil is here!' '' he recalled. ''But Zalmen said to me, 'You crazy, you a meshugeneh.' ''

But Mr. Rosen said that when he approached the fish he heard it uttering warnings and commands in Hebrew.

''It said 'Tzaruch shemirah' and 'Hasof bah,' '' he said, ''which essentially means that everyone needs to account for themselves because the end is near.''
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I'm wondering though, Vandalshandle, what would be the motive of a holy Jew and a born again Christian to lie & make up a story about a talking fish when both men resisted the publicity it brought them from around the globe? Ten years later? Neither of them have recanted their story. I checked.

- Jeri
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I can't imagine what it's like to have hundreds of Jews calling every day.
Why doesn't he change his phone number?
Next time I fly to New York I am going to visit Rockland County and ask these guys to tell me the story first hand. Neither of them have ever recanted and the news articles were from BBC and many other news sources. This is just one of them.

Every single news report gave the same story: The fish was speaking in Hebrew... 'Tzaruch shemirah' and 'Hasof bah,' - which translated into english means: everyone needs to account for themselves because the end is near.''
I can't imagine what it's like to have hundreds of Jews calling every day.
Why doesn't he change his phone number?

lol. He couldn't! It is his place of business! I feel sorry for the owner, Mr. Rosen. I can only imagine what people have put that poor man through. It wasn't only Jews calling him. I remember hearing it was all kinds of people, Christians, non - Christians - people from all over the world that continued to call his store and ask questions about the fish story.
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I have proof...

[ame=]Billy... Take Me to The River - YouTube[/ame]
There was a talking snake way back when, why not a talking fish?

Good point, Mr. Clean. If the devil can speak through a serpent than G-d could speak through a fish. There is a story about G-d speaking through a donkey - it is the story of Baalam in the Torah - or Old Testament. So I suppose we can say there is "precedent" for it. I've just never heard of it happening in my lifetime. Until I heard this story about ten years ago.

It just came back to me today so I thought why not? I'll post it.


Here is the fish talking Hebrew

[ame=]The Fish is Talking - YouTube[/ame]
Here is the fish talking Hebrew

The Fish is Talking - YouTube

Wrong fish, RW. It was a 20 lb carp and it wasn't recorded. The only two people in the world who heard it were the two men. That's it. No video tape of it. It is one of those stories you either believe it or you don't. Trouble is Mr. Rosen has 11 children and I find it hard to believe he would not have told them it was a joke. Especially after 10 yrs had gone by. Same for the Christian man who was his employee. He never recanted his story.

I did look up the meanings of the numbers involved. It happened at 4 p.m. 4 is the number of rulers in the Bible. It is a number that represents authority. I'm pretty sure 10 is the number of judgment and 10 x 2 would be a greater level of judgment perhaps. (20) Not sure. I am not sure what a carp represents. I would think if this was a warning from G-d then everything about it is significant somehow. If it was a warning from G-d.
So what did they do with the fish? Kill it anyway?

Yes, Gracie. Years ago when I first read the story I thought they said there were customers in the front part of the store that heard both men screaming in the back of the store trying to kill the fish. ( that is why I'd like to hear this story directly from them ) They tried to club it to death and could not. Then Mr. Rosen took a knife and tried to kill it but the fish was flopping around violently and shouting in Hebrew, and Mr. Rosen cut his own hand with the knife. Then Mr. Rosen had to be taken to the hospital for his injuries and somehow they finally killed the fish! Then Mr. Rosens employee, cut the fish up and sold it. So some customers evidently bought the fish and ate it. Wild, eh?
Don't need a warning....I think most believers, including myself, already know the end is near.
I don't think I believe God would speak thru a fish fixing to be slaughtered. But I believe the end IS near, yes.
No question it is one whopper of a fish story but that doesn't mean it couldn't be true. I have tried to figure out a motive for them making it up, Mr. Rosen cutting his hand and having to go to the hospital, the christian employee freaking out and screaming, It's the devil! It's the devil! The fact Mr. Rosen admits hearing the fish speaking in Hebrew confirming both men heard the fish - that he had 11 children, was a Jew who believed in G-d, seems like he would not be a likely person to tell a lie of this proportion and not come clean after 10 yrs. His kids are probably grown now. I'm sure they know their father and someone would have spoken up and said, Ah! He was joking! But none of them have done that. So there's that too. - Jeri
G-d is Hebrew. Hello? His message? His language! - Jeri

IF it was G-d. Anything is possible. That is my 2 cents on the story.

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