The Stuff You Will NEVER Hear About at Trump's Pressers ---NEVER

For saving over a million people some "pep" rallies are warranted.

Trump saved NO ONE. Only idiots and Russian bots believe his lies. 58,000 dead, over 1,000,000 sick -more than 1/3 of all the cases in the world, 800,000 active cases and still rising.

Way too early to reopen anything.
Now some people say that you shouldn't tempt fate
And for them I would not disagree
But I never learned nothing from playing it safe
I say fate should not tempt me
For saving over a million people some "pep" rallies are warranted.

Trump saved NO ONE. Only idiots and Russian bots believe his lies. 58,000 dead, over 1,000,000 sick -more than 1/3 of all the cases in the world, 800,000 active cases and still rising.

Way too early to reopen anything.
Experts told us 2.2 Million would die. Trump saved over 2 million lives. Suck it!
Trump's COVID pressers are nothing but pep rallies with lots of back-slapping and self-congratulation, more lies about forthcoming testing capabilities and then he fights with the reporters before walking away from the podium.

But looks what is really happening now because of the pandemic: CDC has upped its list of COVID-19 symptoms to look out for and the farmers are killing off their livestock because the meat plants are closing.

BUT WAIT....."""The 3rd and 4th quarters of 2020 are going to be JUST GREAT!"""" FUCKING LIAR.

APRIL 27, 2020 / 5:41 PM / UPDATED 7 HOURS AGO
Piglets aborted, chickens gassed as pandemic slams meat sector

Where did you hear farmers were killing off their livestock, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, THE NEW YORK TIMES?
What a load of horse manure.
You really are crazy. Did you think just because you like to eat that those things would be safe? We have increasingly allowed big corporations to buy up a large potion of farms, processing plants, the system needed for transportation and distribution. Why is that? Because a large corporation can do all those things cheaper then small little companies.
How have you helped? By buying cheap. By wanting high pay, paid time off, insurance coverage for workers.
If some had their way everything would have been moved to China or Mexico.
So you are blaming the farm going corporate on who now?
I guess English is hard for you. Tell me your native language and I could try to translate for you.
But if you don't see that people that bought cheap and those that wanted the high life for everyone is not the problem then you maybe a part of the reason that corporations have taken over.
blah,blah,blah whos fault dumb fuck ?
Congratulations you have at least learned the standard English used by most of the left.
Lets see dumb fuck You are a gunnary sargent right. I low life fucking grunt. What you score a 2 on the old a ASVAB You support a clown lying press that tells people to drink cleaners and want us to take any thing about you seriously? Are fucking kidding me you peice of shit moron grunt. You know the military sees you as cannon fauder. We use to laugh when we march past you idiot gruunts. about how fucking stupid you fucking idiot are. pieces of shit stuck aat E4 for ever. How lonng it take you to make sarge dumb fuck. Heres to the one you will not here that takes you out and makes the world a smarter place. I can not wait.

Dude? What is wrong with you?
For saving over a million people some "pep" rallies are warranted.

Trump saved NO ONE. Only idiots and Russian bots believe his lies. 58,000 dead, over 1,000,000 sick -more than 1/3 of all the cases in the world, 800,000 active cases and still rising.

Way too early to reopen anything.

Put your mask on and get under you bed chicken little.
This is a great mistake. Trump should tell the people that the democrats are engineering a famine like every other communist has.
For saving over a million people some "pep" rallies are warranted.
Tramp saved no one and murdered 57,113 and counting!

Wrong, president Trump saved millions, the Chinese attack was deflected.
Tramp saved no one, he ignored multiple warnings from our USA intelligence dept while praising China 15 times. The lying murderer has the blood of 57,132 Americans on his tint hands.
Poor Blainey........losing his shit.

Trump's COVID pressers are nothing but pep rallies with lots of back-slapping and self-congratulation, more lies about forthcoming testing capabilities and then he fights with the reporters before walking away from the podium.

But looks what is really happening now because of the pandemic: CDC has upped its list of COVID-19 symptoms to look out for and the farmers are killing off their livestock because the meat plants are closing.

BUT WAIT....."""The 3rd and 4th quarters of 2020 are going to be JUST GREAT!"""" FUCKING LIAR.

APRIL 27, 2020 / 5:41 PM / UPDATED 7 HOURS AGO
Piglets aborted, chickens gassed as pandemic slams meat sector

What a crock.....nobody kills their chickens and pigs because of a slow market....they simply build new pens to anticipate the new arrivals. This is FAKE NEWS......
Trump's COVID pressers are nothing but pep rallies with lots of back-slapping and self-congratulation, more lies about forthcoming testing capabilities and then he fights with the reporters before walking away from the podium.

But looks what is really happening now because of the pandemic: CDC has upped its list of COVID-19 symptoms to look out for and the farmers are killing off their livestock because the meat plants are closing.

BUT WAIT....."""The 3rd and 4th quarters of 2020 are going to be JUST GREAT!"""" FUCKING LIAR.

APRIL 27, 2020 / 5:41 PM / UPDATED 7 HOURS AGO
Piglets aborted, chickens gassed as pandemic slams meat sector


For saving over a million people some "pep" rallies are warranted.

Trump saved NO ONE. Only idiots and Russian bots believe his lies. 58,000 dead, over 1,000,000 sick -more than 1/3 of all the cases in the world, 800,000 active cases and still rising.

Way too early to reopen anything.
Experts told us 2.2 Million would die. Trump saved over 2 million lives. Suck it!
Tramp saved no one, the quick action of Blue state governors saved the millions. Tramp's inaction murdered 57,132 and counting.
For saving over a million people some "pep" rallies are warranted.
Tramp saved no one and murdered 57,113 and counting!

Wrong, president Trump saved millions, the Chinese attack was deflected.
Tramp saved no one, he ignored multiple warnings from our USA intelligence dept while praising China 15 times. The lying murderer has the blood of 57,132 Americans on his tint hands.

and this panzy bitch gets caught lying and you believe that bs lmfao.

Giuliani: 'Fauci gave $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory'
'We paid for the damn virus that's killing us'
Trump's COVID pressers are nothing but pep rallies with lots of back-slapping and self-congratulation, more lies about forthcoming testing capabilities and then he fights with the reporters before walking away from the podium.

But looks what is really happening now because of the pandemic: CDC has upped its list of COVID-19 symptoms to look out for and the farmers are killing off their livestock because the meat plants are closing.

BUT WAIT....."""The 3rd and 4th quarters of 2020 are going to be JUST GREAT!"""" FUCKING LIAR.

APRIL 27, 2020 / 5:41 PM / UPDATED 7 HOURS AGO
Piglets aborted, chickens gassed as pandemic slams meat sector

And little Blainey's severe TDS marches on. Hilarious!

Have you had a chance to listen to this doctor. he's stating pretty much how this lock down is bs but all types of abuse are sky rocketing .....

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For saving over a million people some "pep" rallies are warranted.

Trump saved NO ONE. Only idiots and Russian bots believe his lies. 58,000 dead, over 1,000,000 sick -more than 1/3 of all the cases in the world, 800,000 active cases and still rising.

Way too early to reopen anything.
Experts told us 2.2 Million would die. Trump saved over 2 million lives. Suck it!
Tramp saved no one, the quick action of Blue state governors saved the millions. Tramp's inaction murdered 57,132 and counting.

Trump saved over 2 million Americans, and that pisses you off.
Trump's COVID pressers are nothing but pep rallies with lots of back-slapping and self-congratulation, more lies about forthcoming testing capabilities and then he fights with the reporters before walking away from the podium.

But looks what is really happening now because of the pandemic: CDC has upped its list of COVID-19 symptoms to look out for and the farmers are killing off their livestock because the meat plants are closing.

BUT WAIT....."""The 3rd and 4th quarters of 2020 are going to be JUST GREAT!"""" FUCKING LIAR.

APRIL 27, 2020 / 5:41 PM / UPDATED 7 HOURS AGO
Piglets aborted, chickens gassed as pandemic slams meat sector

It's a good thing I just became a vegetarian.
Lost 12 pounds in 1 month and I eat all day.
For saving over a million people some "pep" rallies are warranted.

Trump saved NO ONE. Only idiots and Russian bots believe his lies. 58,000 dead, over 1,000,000 sick -more than 1/3 of all the cases in the world, 800,000 active cases and still rising.

Way too early to reopen anything.
Experts told us 2.2 Million would die. Trump saved over 2 million lives. Suck it!
Tramp saved no one, the quick action of Blue state governors saved the millions. Tramp's inaction murdered 57,132 and counting.
You need to stop smoking crack. You are waaay out there, Ed.
Trump has done a pretty good job handling this Chinese virus. Ask Newsome in Ca.

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