The Super Bowl A$$-Time Report: Exploitation of Women / Young Girls

I thought it was fine, because j-lo and Shakira were running the show ….. literally. Hillary and Franken were punished for involvement in harssasment, but white evangelical parents support … Trump. It's true that the Clintons bear some responsibility for a blow job becoming expected in gaining popularity at least in the 90s. Fortunately both W's and Obama's families raised the bar. But it is what it is now. Imo the most we can hope for is our young women demanding the right to control their own space.

Way to spin the Super Bowl Halftime Show Thread (about Shakira and J-Lo) into an attack on Trump, snowflake. I didn't think it was possible, but once again I underestimated a snowflake.

Well, speaking seriously..the show..or at least parts of it..were an attack on Trump..or at least his policies. Or did you miss the children in cages of light? The Spanish narrative? The PR flag? The irony of the 'Born in the USA' segment?

What I saw was a clear depiction of the Kenyans "cage the beaners" policy that Trump has perfected.
I also saw LefTarded fools push the same tired "multiculturalism is so great" bullshit they always push.
What is the "spanish narrative"? Some sort of warning that they are soon coming to ruin a neighborhood near you?
"Born in the USA" on a stolen citizenship thanks to my criminal parents and grandparents?

Look dude, you missed this one by a mile...all LefTarded producers did was work for Trump and further charge his base of 30 states and 2,623 counties. Thanks for that, keep up the good work....much appreciated!
Whatever dude--way to change the focus from your assertion that there was no anti-trump narrative in the show..which is all i was pointing out...that you were, again, wrong.
While Homeland Security / the Feds attempted to target Sex / Child Trafficking, the illegal sexual exploitation of women and girls, the Half-Time Show did its best to promote the sexual objectivity and exploitation of women:

"On Sunday, the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs will play in the 54th Super Bowl at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, where an estimated 150,000 visitors will come for the football game and other activities. While human trafficking and other risks are not new to the Super Bowl, human trafficking is pervasive in Florida, especially in Miami-Dade County where the stadium is located, the Miami Herald reported. Additionally, the Homeland Security Department has experienced a 400% increase in counterfeit goods seizures nationwide since last Super Bowl.

To combat human trafficking, DHS deployed personnel from the Homeland Security Investigations unit of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to Miami to work alongside state and local law enforcement. The Miami Herald
reported that 33 people were arrested in relation to sex trafficking in the lead up to last year’s game in Atlanta and that this year’s location might pose a heighted threat.

“The Super Bowl in a beautiful, partying place like Miami is a bonanza for traffickers,” Theresa Flores, a trafficking survivor,
told the Miami Herald. “You lock four girls in a room, barely feed them, threaten them, beat them, force them to have sex with men who are charged inflated rates, knowing you are at very low risk of getting caught. You can sell a human being over and over again. Your Super Bowl experience could easily net $50,000 in profit.”

Homeland Security Kicks Off Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking, Other Risks at the Super Bowl


Franklin Graham: Super Bowl halftime show was 'showing young girls that sexual exploitation of women is okay' ... It was demonstrated tonight in the Pepsi Super Bowl Halftime Show—with millions of children watching. This exhibition was Pepsi showing young girls that sexual exploitation of women is okay."
-- Franklin Graham: Super Bowl halftime show was ‘showing young girls that sexual exploitation of women is okay’

Thank you, NFL, for the wholesome family entertainment at half-time of Super Bowl LIV of the 100th season of the NFL, a game that is supposed to be for the entire family, not just pre-pubescent teenaged boys, dirty-minded women-exploiting men, human / sex traffickers, and their clients.

There is so much of that still out there in our society, and people don't even notice it. I don't wear long skirts and a bonnet or anything, and I'm pretty sure I don't agree with Franklin Graham about much, but he's right.
What was wrong with Up With People? The Beach Boys?
Shania grinding her pelvis and spreading those legs as far as they will go is NOT a very healthy role model for young girls. I don't care WHO says it's just popular.
Well, speaking seriously..the show..or at least parts of it..were an attack on Trump..or at least his policies. Or did you miss the children in cages of light? The Spanish narrative? The PR flag? The irony of the 'Born in the USA' segment?
Bwuhahahaha....damn, you are SERIOUSLY F*ed up from severe TDS. Did this retarded thought process come natural or did you torture yourself to come up with all that BS?

'Children in Cages': mean the light show....or actual 'Cages', as in the policy OBAMA started? Or maybe you were referring to the accommodations for sex-trafficked children at Epstein's Pedo-Island where Slick Willy frequented.

'Spanish Narrative':
This had nothing to do with the Latino population, culture down in just HAD to be an attack on Trump for opposing Obama's and the Democrats Open Border agenda, facilitating illegal immigration, supporting violent-illegal-protecting Sanctuary Cities, or the 2020 Dem agenda of taxing the shit out of Americans to give illegals 'free' medical care, education, housing, food, etc....?

Singing 'Born In the USA:
...was an attack against Trump? The guy who promised and has been delivering on 'MAGA' ... while Dems spend 4 years wasting time / tax dollars just to fall flat on their face in the Senate and produce the Iowa DIASTER?

Just about every other member who has posted in this thread saw two beautiful, sexy, talented women performing at halftime, despite having differences in opinion about the appropriateness of what they were wearing....

But the whole time you were struck and obviously tortured by (or celebrating) the secret underlying political attack against Trump that was carefully planned out and executed (and existed only in your deranged mind)

Based on your comments, you are either an off-the-charts TDS-suffering, butt-hurt Trump-hater....or you're BUTIGIEG.

Damn..I'm again struck by what a stupid MF you really are. I called you out on your ignorance..not hard to do..and away you go! As for what i saw..well..if you had a brain..well anyway...LOL!

Intelligent people are able to observe everything that is going on..without being invested in whatever narrative bolsters their fears.

I'm particularly amused at how you managed to work in all those tired dog whistles you prattle on about day after day..kudos for being the partisan hack that we all knew you to be!

the entire show was a slap in the face to such as yourself..that you are too ignorant to see just that much more amusing.
Whatever dude--way to change the focus from your assertion that there was no anti-trump narrative in the show..which is all i was pointing out...that you were, again, wrong.

Life as a Trump-hating snowflake must be absolute HELL. They can't watch a football game....or THIS...

View attachment 304488

...without thinking the whole time, 'I hate Trump...EVERYTHING is about hating Trump'.

You must have missed Collin Kaepernick taking a knee on the sideline.....

Wow..three posts? Triggered much? Actually, I was thinking about the game..and enjoying the show..all of it. Smart people who see nuance can do that. sorry you were born..blind to that. the TDS thing really the best you got/ Seems to be getting a bit ..worn.

I don't hate Trump..and have said as much many times..I hate those of your ilk..that will lie..and cheat..and misrepresent what America is about...those he has empowered..for the moment..but Trump? He's just a hustler who is a genius at winning..but has no idea of what comes next.
Damn..I'm again struck by what a stupid MF you really are.

Hey, lil' twisted, TDS-suffering snowflake, don't blame be just because...

YOU are the one who looked at THIS:


And saw THIS in your head:


It just leads me to believe YOU are either THIS:







  • upload_2020-2-4_13-21-57.jpeg
    9 KB · Views: 27
Too bad they didn't have a 3-D image of Epstein or Bill Clinton slunk over a chair wearing a blue dress floating above the stage....

Maybe next year the Democrats can arrange a live post-birth abortion as entertainment.
Well, that was a very telling take on the Half-time show.
While Homeland Security / the Feds attempted to target Sex / Child Trafficking, the illegal sexual exploitation of women and girls, the Half-Time Show did its best to promote the sexual objectivity and exploitation of women:

"On Sunday, the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs will play in the 54th Super Bowl at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, where an estimated 150,000 visitors will come for the football game and other activities. While human trafficking and other risks are not new to the Super Bowl, human trafficking is pervasive in Florida, especially in Miami-Dade County where the stadium is located, the Miami Herald reported. Additionally, the Homeland Security Department has experienced a 400% increase in counterfeit goods seizures nationwide since last Super Bowl.

To combat human trafficking, DHS deployed personnel from the Homeland Security Investigations unit of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to Miami to work alongside state and local law enforcement. The Miami Herald
reported that 33 people were arrested in relation to sex trafficking in the lead up to last year’s game in Atlanta and that this year’s location might pose a heighted threat.

“The Super Bowl in a beautiful, partying place like Miami is a bonanza for traffickers,” Theresa Flores, a trafficking survivor,
told the Miami Herald. “You lock four girls in a room, barely feed them, threaten them, beat them, force them to have sex with men who are charged inflated rates, knowing you are at very low risk of getting caught. You can sell a human being over and over again. Your Super Bowl experience could easily net $50,000 in profit.”

Homeland Security Kicks Off Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking, Other Risks at the Super Bowl


Franklin Graham: Super Bowl halftime show was 'showing young girls that sexual exploitation of women is okay' ... It was demonstrated tonight in the Pepsi Super Bowl Halftime Show—with millions of children watching. This exhibition was Pepsi showing young girls that sexual exploitation of women is okay."
-- Franklin Graham: Super Bowl halftime show was ‘showing young girls that sexual exploitation of women is okay’

Thank you, NFL, for the wholesome family entertainment at half-time of Super Bowl LIV of the 100th season of the NFL, a game that is supposed to be for the entire family, not just pre-pubescent teenaged boys, dirty-minded women-exploiting men, human / sex traffickers, and their clients.

You voted for someone who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, didn't you?
Wow, talk about a “get off My lawn” old white dude reply!
You perfected it!

Just your hedonistic, liberal perception.
Actually, I said nothing about making anyone do anything.

There seems to be a comprehension issue on your part. Maybe try again

PS...never said I was white....or a dude.....oops.
(getting older as in past 40's...I will concede)
Damn..I'm again struck by what a stupid MF you really are.

Hey, lil' twisted, TDS-suffering snowflake, don't blame be just because...

YOU are the one who looked at THIS:

View attachment 304490

And saw THIS in your head:


It just leads me to believe YOU are either THIS:


View attachment 304493


ROTFLMAO! Too funny!

You are such a think you are making a cutting post....and you miss the mark every-time!

How does it be so you occasionally come to that hard fact..and repress it? That you must lie..and misrepresent..just to bolster the false sense of affirmation you get on this site? Have you ever had a straight up debate..without opinion..just facts? If you did..did you ever win?
I think not...the internet was built just for marginal types such as yourself. Pity it almost came too late for such as you , eh?

Love him or hate him..I do neither..he will soon be gone. You, OTH, will be the stupid POS you've always been..forever!
ROTFLMAO! Too funny!
You are such a think you are making a cutting post....and you miss the mark every-time!
How does it be so you occasionally come to that hard fact..and repress it? That you must lie..and misrepresent..just to bolster the false sense of affirmation you get on this site? Have you ever had a straight up debate..without opinion..just facts? If you did..did you ever win?
I think not...the internet was built just for marginal types such as yourself. Pity it almost came too late for such as you , eh?
Love him or hate him..I do neither..he will soon be gone. You, OTH, will be the stupid POS you've always been..forever!

Snowflake melt down in progress.

Trump for 4.7 more years.....get used to it :113:

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Wow, talk about a “get off My lawn” old white dude reply!
You perfected it!

Just your hedonistic, liberal perception.
Actually, I said nothing about making anyone do anything.

There seems to be a comprehension issue on your part. Maybe try again

PS...never said I was white....or a dude.....oops.
(getting older as in past 40's...I will concede)

If you mean by enjoying life and not walking around with a stick up my ass, I guess I am guilty.

As for your race and sex...something are self evident and do not need to be said
You voted for someone who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, didn't you?

But I never recall Mr. Trump bragging about grabbing Barack.....linky or it's another lib lie.
Bo is either too stupid to know its a lie or is willingly lying again. If the former, she is proving the ignorance of Trump-haters. if the latter, she is proving the dishonesty of Trump-haters.

The actual comment was made during an appearance on a talk show before running for President. The context of his remarks were this: Trump was talking about how their are some women who will allow men of great wealth do anything to them just to be around / with those men of great wealth.

If Bo was ignorant of this fact she will apologize for her misleading comment. If she is simply a Trump-hating snowflake who is deliberately lying she will refuse to.
If you mean by enjoying life and not walking around with a stick up my ass, I guess I am guilty.
As for your race and sex...something are self evident and do not need to be said

As for what you put up your ass....frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. You doing the "Gator Strut".
lol. right. because you say so and you can't be wrong. Got it.

Let me throw another word your way......."altruistic". It goes beyond hedonism.

PS...try to keep your road rage in check ;)
If you mean by enjoying life and not walking around with a stick up my ass, I guess I am guilty.
As for your race and sex...something are self evident and do not need to be said

As for what you put up your ass....frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. You doing the "Gator Strut".
lol. right. because you say so and you can't be wrong. Got it.
Walking around hating someone for 4 years just because they beat Hillary in the 2016 election, willingly being easily emotionally manipulated, being lied to, parroting such sedition and defending proven criminal lying POSes like Schiff, and putting your faith - and votes - in the hands of the criminal buffoons who spent 4 years on a failed Impeachment based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses...who stole the 2016 Primaries and just gave them the IOWA Caucus Disaster is no way to live your life, either...

:p made a good point about the left and the NFL pretending it cares about child exploitation.....then having such a sexually charged half time show.

Who was the NFL official caught in a Florida sex shop recently? Seems they made that disappear?

I'm not saying anyone has to live like a Saint, but don't claim to be one if you're not.

I'm not.
Walking around hating someone for 4 years just because they beat Hillary in the 2016 election, willingly being easily emotionally manipulated, being lied to, parroting such sedition and defending proven criminal lying POSes like Schiff, and putting your faith - and votes - in the hands of the criminal buffoons who spent 4 years on a failed Impeachment based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses...who stole the 2016 Primaries and just gave them the IOWA Caucus Disaster is no way to live your life, either...


The Iowa caucuses are a reflection of their lives......panda moan ium

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