The suspicious relationship betweenn facebook & CIA


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Suspicious Relationship Between FACEBOOK & The CIA
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, began a total surveillance program in 2003 called LifeLog.

Interestingly, the LifeLog project was terminated at approximately the same time that Facebook was founded.


It's never a coincidence but ppl are so spaced out it's already been proven the average person has the memory of a goldfish that is a fact.
21ST CENTURY TRUSTBUSTING: It looks like Trump is making good on his threat to take on Google and Amazon.

The Washington Post then reported on Saturday that, in sorting out the details for the Google antitrust investigation, the DOJ had agreed with the Federal Trade Commission that Google would be its territory, while the FTC would focus on Amazon.

While this might seem like a dry procedural maneuver, it could also signify that the mechanics are slotting into place for a major assault on big tech. The Trump administration may be attempting to divide and conquer and, in doing so, make good on a threat the president made last year when he said Google, Amazon, and Facebook might be “very antitrust.”

The winds are in his favor, with an appetite on both sides of the political aisle for reining in big tech.

The Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren has made breaking up the tech giants a cornerstone of her campaign. She linked to The Journal’s report on Google on Sunday, tweeting: “Google has too much power, and they’re using that power to hurt small businesses, stifle innovation, and tilt the playing field against everyone else. It’s time to fight back.”​

I don’t think this would become an issue for Google/YouTube, if they had treated their users and content providers as though the company were a common carrier, rather than as a vindictive and shortsighted publisher.
21ST CENTURY TRUSTBUSTING: It looks like Trump is making good on his threat to take on Google and Amazon.

The Washington Post then reported on Saturday that, in sorting out the details for the Google antitrust investigation, the DOJ had agreed with the Federal Trade Commission that Google would be its territory, while the FTC would focus on Amazon.

While this might seem like a dry procedural maneuver, it could also signify that the mechanics are slotting into place for a major assault on big tech. The Trump administration may be attempting to divide and conquer and, in doing so, make good on a threat the president made last year when he said Google, Amazon, and Facebook might be “very antitrust.”

The winds are in his favor, with an appetite on both sides of the political aisle for reining in big tech.

The Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren has made breaking up the tech giants a cornerstone of her campaign. She linked to The Journal’s report on Google on Sunday, tweeting: “Google has too much power, and they’re using that power to hurt small businesses, stifle innovation, and tilt the playing field against everyone else. It’s time to fight back.”​

I don’t think this would become an issue for Google/YouTube, if they had treated their users and content providers as though the company were a common carrier, rather than as a vindictive and shortsighted publisher.


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