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The 'Taliban' in Our Midst

Do radical prog idiots really really think members of the Military who might be devout Christians are as dangerous as the jihad maniacs who are so delusional that they think they live in the 6th century? After members of the Military and Veterans have given so much for the Country the radical prog idiots think it's appropriate to insult their religious beliefs on Memorial Day. Try this lefties, travel to an Islamic dominated country and insult Mohammed. If you live you might come back and thank the members of the Military and even Christian members of the Military and Veterans for the freedom you enjoy in the greatest Country on earth.

U.S. soldiers of all faiths have fought and died to protect our freedoms - including Muslims and Atheists.
Now, when you can honestly say that soldiers of all faiths fought and died protecting the freedoms of a country founded on the "VALUES" as prescibed by the pedophile murderer, you know the so called "prophet" who along with his acolytes are so weak and insecure and stupid that they have no sense of humor and or reality, your post might have some credibility.
Do radical prog idiots really really think members of the Military who might be devout Christians are as dangerous as the jihad maniacs who are so delusional that they think they live in the 6th century? After members of the Military and Veterans have given so much for the Country the radical prog idiots think it's appropriate to insult their religious beliefs on Memorial Day. Try this lefties, travel to an Islamic dominated country and insult Mohammed. If you live you might come back and thank the members of the Military and even Christian members of the Military and Veterans for the freedom you enjoy in the greatest Country on earth.

U.S. soldiers of all faiths have fought and died to protect our freedoms - including Muslims and Atheists.
That's OK...

The vast majority of them are/were Christian, either by practice or by upbringing and tradition...

Being on the outside, looking in, creates all kinds of angst, doesn't it?
Beyond bona fide Taliban Folk, laying low here in the US, the only 'Taliban' on our shores that I'm familiar with, are the type that try to bamboozle their fellow countrymen into believing that Islam - militant or otherwise - is harmless - and that everything is America's fault... and White, Male, Christian America's fault, no less.

You know... the kind of gutter trash that nobody takes seriously.

Military officers who wear their religion on their sleeve are a danger to our country at any time, but especially after the terrorists attacks of September 11, 2001.

Whether it's US Army Lieutenant General William G. Boykin telling his audience that "My God is bigger than his" in the close aftermath of that tragedy, or the more recent example of US Air Force Major General Craig Olson saying in uniform and in public -- and speaking in tones far more like a preacher than a military officer -- "I am a redeemed believer in Christ," these are dangerous men, making dangerous displays of religion.

Moreover, such displays occur in an environment where they are strictly prohibited by secular rules. These rules -- and in the case of the US Air Force, written regulations -- are in place for a reason.

First, they protect the Constitutional separation of church and state. No government representative should be seen advocating for any religion, period. We officers, when we take the oath of office, surrender for the duration of our service the privilege of publicly professing our religion, of "wearing it on our sleeve."

Second, these rules protect the good order and discipline of the military. Many religions -- and no religion at all -- exist throughout the ranks. To profess a particular religion from a leadership position is detrimental to that order and discipline. How might, for example, a Jewish soldier feel when his lieutenant professes his belief in Jesus before his platoon? A Muslim soldier? An atheist?

In addition, a flag officer (a general or admiral) must be doubly careful because so many men and women are influenced by or fall under the sway and power of his or her every word and deed. Sometimes it might be thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, as was the case when I served then-chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, General Colin Powell -- who, incidentally, would never have worn his religion on his sleeve.

Third, and becoming increasingly relevant every day that passes, public professions of religion by military officers give groups such as al-Qaeda, ISIS, al-Nusra and other religious fanatics superb propaganda to use against our soldiers in the field and against us, as a nation. We, in effect, become no better than they, some sort of American taliban. As such, we excite more recruits, more followers, more zealots to their banners. We also grievously undermine our own cause, just as we undermine our own Constitution.

What US Air Force Major General Craig Olson did was particularly egregious. Not only does he display by his remarks the naivete of a twelve-year-old Boy Scout -- and thus call into immediate, serious question the billions of dollars and hundreds of young lives entrusted to his care and leadership -- he also repeatedly calls on a single religion, indeed seems almost entranced by that religion, in uniform, in public, and on, of all things, God TV, an international broadcast. As a soldier of 31 years myself, I found his exhortations discomfiting, dismaying, and dangerous. Frankly, I also found them flatly incredible: I had never heard such words uttered by a general officer in my life.

Should the USAF punish him? Clearly, he has violated law and regulation. There is no doubt about that. But should he be punished?

The USAF is understandably afraid of certain members of the US Congress, as are all the Services when it comes to presenting an overt challenge to what these members of Congress believe is "every Christian's right to profess his or her religion, no matter the circumstances."

Congress' constant dalliance with such pseudo-Christian organizations as James Dobson's Focus on the Family -- whose members most remind me of the people at the famous Scopes trial in Tennessee, who for the most part were hopelessly ignorant -- exacerbates this fear.

It was Dobson's wife's organization that sponsored the event during which Olson made his stunningly impassioned remarks. The event was camouflaged under the aegis of one Alabama Republican's name -- Congressman Robert Aderholt -- but everyone with any insight into Washington knows that Dobson was behind the entire event.

More: The Taliban in Our Midst: Lawrence B. Wilkerson

The laws against religious proselytizing by U.S. military personnel should be more strongly enforced, and those who disobey should be dealt with severely. Upholding the U.S. Constitution should supersede all religious beliefs. The U.S. Constitution's separation of church and state does not give preference to any religion. The founding fathers were very wise in that regard.
Actually, the Constitution guarantees religious freedom, and freedom of speech. Since Americans know that, where are you posting from?????

Most thinking people understand that rights are conditional. It's only zealots who think otherwise.
Wilkerson is a complete fucking asshole for even attempting to compare men of faith in the military to the Taliban.

And anyone who believes the comparison is a fucking asshole as well.

What ignorance. Get back to me when you can show any one in the US military that professes their faith takes actions like these against their fellow human beings on a day to day.

Otherwise shut the fuck up. Truly. Shut the fuck up.

." Aesha, like Zarmina tried to flee an abusive husband. The Taliban tracked her down and left her to her abusive husband, who sliced off her nose and ears and abandoned her in the mountains to die as a message to any other woman who tried to do the same."


Ending Violence Against Women Why We Can t Let the Taliban Take Over Again
Wilkerson is a complete fucking asshole for even attempting to compare men of faith in the military to the Taliban.

And anyone who believes the comparison is a fucking asshole as well.

What ignorance. Get back to me when you can show any one in the US military that professes their faith takes actions like these against their fellow human beings on a day to day.

Otherwise shut the fuck up. Truly. Shut the fuck up.

." Aesha, like Zarmina tried to flee an abusive husband. The Taliban tracked her down and left her to her abusive husband, who sliced off her nose and ears and abandoned her in the mountains to die as a message to any other woman who tried to do the same."


Ending Violence Against Women Why We Can t Let the Taliban Take Over Again

Christianity is not immune to zealotry. History shows that to be unquestioningly true. It usually manifests itself in the form of a person or people who adopt an absolutist position with no compromise. That type of view of the world is the antithesis of democracy which is why it's such a threat to this country. People like that always have some kind of personal agenda and use religion as the vehicle in which to reshape the world more to their liking. If they ever managed to get real power, anyone and everyone who did not measure up what they claim are God's standards we would all be at their mercy.
There are laws and rules against religious proselytizing by U.S. military personnel.

Then Obama, as commander in chief, should not be saying that the Muslim call to prayer is the most beautiful thing ever and he shouldn't be saying that the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. In his book, he professed loyalty to Muslims and his speeches have been supportive of Islam. Is he in the wrong? He says this shit in official speeches.

And I am sick of hearing that offending the radical Muslims is what causes attacks. It's their evil mindset that causes them to attack Christians, gay and any other infidel that crosses their path.

The future does not belong to those who murder in the name of religion.

Yup and its about time our country took of the gloves and go after these shitbags just like they go after everyone they kill.

No more fighting an enemy with our hands tied behind our backs and ridiculous ROE's that hamstring our troops.

All those idiots on the left who scream and holler about the RIGHTS of the Muslim shitbags and cry crocodile tears when the see the genicide and murder they do should catch a damned clue.

These shitbags respect nothing and no one. Hell they tell their followers not to worry if they get taken by America because they will be treated well.

They all land at club med, Gitmo, where they are allowed to pray and eat foods that they deem holy. Bullshit. no way should they be treated as soldiers as they don't wear a uniform and are far from soldiers.

Until we start treating them as they would treat us we will be fighting a war against terrorism forever.

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