The Tax Case Against Donald Trump

You want proof the NY tax case against Trump is political? It's run by the New York politicians, not the state tax agency.
Nothingburger is a gross understatement.

Should be summarily tossed the minute it comes before a judge.
I underpaid my income taxes one year by mistake. The IRS sent me a letter. The DA did not arrest me. There is all the proof you need. Why did they wait 15 years to notify Trump???? The whole thing smells.
Tax evasion is when you knowingly engage in fraudulent activities in order to avoid taxes. Making a mistake is a common occurrence but the things the Trump organization did cannot be portrayed as anything other than willful, knowing tax fraud.
The Trump organization obviously did nothing actionable. An individual was charged as a result of personal income taxes.
You want proof the NY tax case against Trump is political? It's run by the New York politicians, not the state tax agency.
Nothingburger is a gross understatement.

Should be summarily tossed the minute it comes before a judge.
I underpaid my income taxes one year by mistake. The IRS sent me a letter. The DA did not arrest me. There is all the proof you need. Why did they wait 15 years to notify Trump???? The whole thing smells.
Tax evasion is when you knowingly engage in fraudulent activities in order to avoid taxes. Making a mistake is a common occurrence but the things the Trump organization did cannot be portrayed as anything other than willful, knowing tax fraud.
The Trump organization obviously did nothing actionable. An individual was charged as a result of personal income taxes.
The Democrats in NY state want to pressure a Trump employee to tell lies about Trump just like they did with Michael Cohen. Cohen lied to Congress twice and went to prison.
The IRS had what the Trump organization sent them.

And then New York State got them from the IRS.
It was in all the papers.

Tell me, how could the IRS know, from the documentation they received, like the W2, about compensation that was not listed within that documentation?

How can you write off compensation that you don't report as compensation?
Take your time.
Good god, don't waste my time if you haven't bother to read the indictment. The Trump Organization did not report the compensation as compensation. Nor did they report it to the IRS. From the indictment

At all relevant times , the payments of Weisselberg's rent, utility, and garage expenses constituted employee compensation and taxable income to Weisselberg. These payments were not booked inthe Trump Corporation's general ledger as employee compensation , but were insteadlabeledand deducted as “rent expense ” in the general ledger. However, for certain years, the Trump Organization maintained internal spreadsheets that tracked the amounts it paid for Weisselberg's rent,utility, and garage expenses. Simultaneously , the Trump Organization reduced the amount of direct compensation that Weisselberg received in the form ofchecks or direct deposits to account for the indirect compensation that he received inthe form ofpayments ofrent,utility bills, and garageexpenses. Theindirectcompensationwas notincludedon Weisselberg'sW -2 forms or otherwise reported to federal, , or local tax authorities, and no income taxes were withheld by the corporatedefendantsin connectionwiththe indirect compensation

I mean what the hell, you think this investigation is based on tax forms? They need a fawking warrant to get tax forms? Come on man. Maybe you aren't smart enough to use google, the link to the indictment is there. But you are quickly sinking to troll status.
Why am I under the impression that neither one of us has a CPA.
I am a CPA
I mean what the hell, you think this investigation is based on tax forms?

You twats have been whining about his tax forms, for 6 years.
NY state just got the federal tax documents in February.
They didn't need them? Weird.
Any audit goes beyond the tax return to the underlying documents. That's how they find ommissions and mistakes.
You want proof the NY tax case against Trump is political? It's run by the New York politicians, not the state tax agency.
Nothingburger is a gross understatement.

Should be summarily tossed the minute it comes before a judge.
I underpaid my income taxes one year by mistake. The IRS sent me a letter. The DA did not arrest me. There is all the proof you need. Why did they wait 15 years to notify Trump???? The whole thing smells.
Tax evasion is when you knowingly engage in fraudulent activities in order to avoid taxes. Making a mistake is a common occurrence but the things the Trump organization did cannot be portrayed as anything other than willful, knowing tax fraud.
The Trump organization obviously did nothing actionable. An individual was charged as a result of personal income taxes.
The Democrats in NY state want to pressure a Trump employee to tell lies about Trump just like they did with Michael Cohen. Cohen lied to Congress twice and went to prison.
Cohen went to prison over fraudulent taxi medallions with a company he owned with his father in law.
You want proof the NY tax case against Trump is political? It's run by the New York politicians, not the state tax agency.
Nothingburger is a gross understatement.

Should be summarily tossed the minute it comes before a judge.
I underpaid my income taxes one year by mistake. The IRS sent me a letter. The DA did not arrest me. There is all the proof you need. Why did they wait 15 years to notify Trump???? The whole thing smells.
Tax evasion is when you knowingly engage in fraudulent activities in order to avoid taxes. Making a mistake is a common occurrence but the things the Trump organization did cannot be portrayed as anything other than willful, knowing tax fraud.
The Trump organization obviously did nothing actionable. An individual was charged as a result of personal income taxes.
The Democrats in NY state want to pressure a Trump employee to tell lies about Trump just like they did with Michael Cohen. Cohen lied to Congress twice and went to prison.
Cohen went to prison over fraudulent taxi medallions with a company he owned with his father in law.
Here is proof he lied to Congress

Now, Cohen is telling lies about Trump in the media.
Heard it on the news and it also makes sense....

Why do you feel it makes sense?
It would not always be if the employee of an accounting firm was paid as a consultant for painting the building, after hours...

But my understanding of what was known so far, is that Ivanka, an employee and PART OWNER of the company, is paying herself extra money as a consultant for new a hotel they acquired, that she was already working on as an employee and PART of her job duties.

My understanding is the IRS will flag a tax return if a person has a w2 and a 1099 from the same corporation....and give it much more scrutiny....

I'm uncertain on why it would even be done by Trump org for Ivanka.... What was in it, for Trump or Ivanka? Allegedly, that is being looked at, closely.
My understanding is the IRS will flag a tax return if a person has a w2 and a 1099 from the same corporation....and give it much more scrutiny....

They'll flag it?
That doesn't sounds like your original claim,
"Legally she can't be paid as a consultant by the company she gets paid a salary at...."
Let Vance try RICO charges. He’ll get laughed at harder than usual as the judge throws him out on his ass.
Nobody gets laughed at harder than Trump and all his Li'l Turds

"'The RICO statute is brought all the time in cases which do not involve physical violence, but which involve financial criminality, so it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that, among the things, that prosecutors are looking at whether there's a basis to charge the organization with racketeering..'

"While they're complex and vary by state, RICO laws typically involve a person engaging in a 'pattern of criminal behavior' through an 'enterprise' over a certain period of time for their financial gain...":auiqs.jpg:

Trump 'acts like a mafioso': Why NY's AG may treat the Trump Organization like a mob racket in its criminal inquiry, according to legal experts
Let Vance try RICO charges. He’ll get laughed at harder than usual as the judge throws him out on his ass.
Nobody gets laughed at harder than Trump and all his Li'l Turds

"'The RICO statute is brought all the time in cases which do not involve physical violence, but which involve financial criminality, so it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that, among the things, that prosecutors are looking at whether there's a basis to charge the organization with racketeering..'

"While they're complex and vary by state, RICO laws typically involve a person engaging in a 'pattern of criminal behavior' through an 'enterprise' over a certain period of time for their financial gain...":auiqs.jpg:

Trump 'acts like a mafioso': Why NY's AG may treat the Trump Organization like a mob racket in its criminal inquiry, according to legal experts
So go ahead and try it. I’ll be happy to laugh at you some more.
It's run by one of the few jurisdictions that has ever successfully prosecuted white collar crime.
Rudy Guilliani did that. Thanks for pointing that out. Great lawyer that Rudy.
He used to have a great reputation but now look at him. Would you sacrifice your professional reputation for Trump like so many others have?
Rudy has sacrificed nothing. Why can't you get that through your head? The action against Trump associates by the New York State isn't being done by the IRS or any governing body but by POLITICIANS, because the witch hunt IS PURELY POLITICAL.

It's just the same continuation of the lefts attacks since 2016:
  1. Smear Trump in the media with every conceivable lie and false attack.
  2. Lay accusations and charges on him you know won't stick in the long run.
  3. Keep trying to drain Trump of money costing him as much as possible in legal costs.
  4. Long after the public has lost interest after having dragged Trump's family through the mud with bogus accusations, drop the charges as necessary having kept Trump's name on the front page while BSing the public on talk shows and in news until you think enough damage has been done to Trump's reelection chances.
  5. Assemble an army of leftwing organizations to bolster, legally and illegally, his opponent, giving him every advantage humanly possible over Trump.
  6. When Trump loses the election, declare it the most fair and honest election in history pushing to move on before anyone can give anything a second look.
It's run by one of the few jurisdictions that has ever successfully prosecuted white collar crime.
Rudy Guilliani did that. Thanks for pointing that out. Great lawyer that Rudy.
He used to have a great reputation but now look at him. Would you sacrifice your professional reputation for Trump like so many others have?
Rudy has sacrificed nothing. Why can't you get that through your head? The action against Trump associates by the New York State isn't being done by the IRS or any governing body but by POLITICIANS, because the witch hunt IS PURELY POLITICAL.

It's just the same continuation of the lefts attacks since 2016:
  1. Smear Trump in the media with every conceivable lie and false attack.
  2. Lay accusations and charges on him you know won't stick in the long run.
  3. Keep trying to drain Trump of money costing him as much as possible in legal costs.
  4. Long after the public has lost interest after having dragged Trump's family through the mud with bogus accusations, drop the charges as necessary having kept Trump's name on the front page while BSing the public on talk shows and in news until you think enough damage has been done to Trump's reelection chances.
  5. Assemble an army of leftwing organizations to bolster, legally and illegally, his opponent, giving him every advantage humanly possible over Trump.
  6. When Trump loses the election, declare it the most fair and honest election in history pushing to move on before anyone can give anything a second look.
Looks like you too would go down with the ship. At least Rudy got some money for sacrificing his credibility.
It's run by one of the few jurisdictions that has ever successfully prosecuted white collar crime.
Rudy Guilliani did that. Thanks for pointing that out. Great lawyer that Rudy.
He used to have a great reputation but now look at him. Would you sacrifice your professional reputation for Trump like so many others have?
Rudy has sacrificed nothing. Why can't you get that through your head? The action against Trump associates by the New York State isn't being done by the IRS or any governing body but by POLITICIANS, because the witch hunt IS PURELY POLITICAL.

It's just the same continuation of the lefts attacks since 2016:
  1. Smear Trump in the media with every conceivable lie and false attack.
  2. Lay accusations and charges on him you know won't stick in the long run.
  3. Keep trying to drain Trump of money costing him as much as possible in legal costs.
  4. Long after the public has lost interest after having dragged Trump's family through the mud with bogus accusations, drop the charges as necessary having kept Trump's name on the front page while BSing the public on talk shows and in news until you think enough damage has been done to Trump's reelection chances.
  5. Assemble an army of leftwing organizations to bolster, legally and illegally, his opponent, giving him every advantage humanly possible over Trump.
  6. When Trump loses the election, declare it the most fair and honest election in history pushing to move on before anyone can give anything a second look.
Looks like you too would go down with the ship. At least Rudy got some money for sacrificing his credibility.
Unlike you, at least Rudy HAD credibility. He'll have it again. You, not.
It's run by one of the few jurisdictions that has ever successfully prosecuted white collar crime.
Rudy Guilliani did that. Thanks for pointing that out. Great lawyer that Rudy.
He used to have a great reputation but now look at him. Would you sacrifice your professional reputation for Trump like so many others have?
Rudy has sacrificed nothing. Why can't you get that through your head? The action against Trump associates by the New York State isn't being done by the IRS or any governing body but by POLITICIANS, because the witch hunt IS PURELY POLITICAL.

It's just the same continuation of the lefts attacks since 2016:
  1. Smear Trump in the media with every conceivable lie and false attack.
  2. Lay accusations and charges on him you know won't stick in the long run.
  3. Keep trying to drain Trump of money costing him as much as possible in legal costs.
  4. Long after the public has lost interest after having dragged Trump's family through the mud with bogus accusations, drop the charges as necessary having kept Trump's name on the front page while BSing the public on talk shows and in news until you think enough damage has been done to Trump's reelection chances.
  5. Assemble an army of leftwing organizations to bolster, legally and illegally, his opponent, giving him every advantage humanly possible over Trump.
  6. When Trump loses the election, declare it the most fair and honest election in history pushing to move on before anyone can give anything a second look.
Looks like you too would go down with the ship. At least Rudy got some money for sacrificing his credibility.
Unlike you, at least Rudy HAD credibility. He'll have it again. You, not.
My professional reputation is stellar. There is not a politician anywhere or a pile of cash that is worth risking my future earning potential. When we look at the career wreckage in Trump's wake I don't understand why people go all in for that guy especially when he is just not that loyal to anyone.

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