The Tax Case Against Donald Trump

It's true that it's a lot easier to get an indictment than a conviction, so it should be interesting.
I am not sure that applies as well when the defendants literally wrote down all their crimes, heh heh
We haven't seen the defense's strategy yet. Who knows what they'll come up with? It all looks so nice, neat, and inevitable out in armchair lawyer world, where all we see are the carefully selected bits the prosecution wants to release, not so neat in court.
haven't seen the defense's strategy yet.
Uh...yes we have. They asserted the facts in the indictment. If true, the charges are true. The only strategy needed is to produce the documents that demonstrate the asserted facts. Which is a very safe bet. The defense is the only party that needs a strategy, and that strategy will have to rely on Weisselberg flipping and cooperating or pleading retardation.
Seriously? You believe that? The IRS had what the Trump organization sent them. I mean have you bothered to read the indictment? Tell me, how could the IRS know, from the documentation they received, like the W2, about compensation that was not listed within that documentation? They got a crystal ball or something?

Look, I have admitted that the Trump organization can mount a defense. The apartment, they might be able to get it to fly. Although it is problematic that Weisselberg eventually listed it as his residence, and his kids went to school in the area. But the leases for the Mercedes, tuition for the private school for Weisselberg's kids, carpet for his apartment--that shit ain't going to fly.

And here is the really good one. You know, most companies hand out a Christmas bonus they just add it to your check. In Weisselberg's case the Trump organization stroked a check payable to a different employee, that employee then cashed the check, and handed the money to Weisselberg. That is some shady ass shit right there. Imagine being that employee, which if you think about it, that employee just might be where this investigation started, because I know I sure as hell wouldn't have laid back and took it. And how, in the name of all that is holy, could the IRS have known about that? And how stupid was the Trump organization, leaving a paper trail documenting all that shit. Like I said, pure amateurs.

So this is a great description of that accusation.

Calling that keeping two sets of books is absurd and done intentionally to make it sound like something it isn't. Even according to his own description is was just a list of things the company paid for, it wasn't a "set of books," which would mean a sperate accounting. That is totally misleading and intended to be prejudicial.

And it really depends what was on the list because a lot of things ARE deductible. For example, internet, phones, home computer and network equipment, cars and many other expenses can legitimately be deducted.

Note he didn't even mention that in the clip. He makes it sound like he's just investigating, but everything he says is spun left which means you have to question everything he says. I would love to interview him and ask those questions since he was spinning a case, not giving a balanced assessment
The defense at the trial will have the opportunity to present their case and question the prosecution's. It's true that it's a lot easier to get an indictment than a conviction, so it should be interesting.

It's incredible that they investigated for years and spent millions of dollars and only came up with a couple hundred thousand in taxes due. This is so politically motivated. They had to have realized long ago there is no there there. And they kept going. Not to mention even they didn't get Trump and they had to charge a crime for something that was just a fine before this. That while Democrats are just let off the hook. Democrats are fascists
haven't seen the defense's strategy yet.
Uh...yes we have. They asserted the facts in the indictment. If true, the charges are true. The only strategy needed is to produce the documents that demonstrate the asserted facts. Which is a very safe bet. The defense is the only party that needs a strategy, and that strategy will have to rely on Weisselberg flipping and cooperating or pleading retardation.

So do you admit that after years of investigation and millions of dollars and not even getting Trump this is a total flameout?

A couple hundred K ... if they win ... in return for millions in investigation? Are you man enough to admit that?
haven't seen the defense's strategy yet.
Uh...yes we have. They asserted the facts in the indictment. If true, the charges are true. The only strategy needed is to produce the documents that demonstrate the asserted facts. Which is a very safe bet. The defense is the only party that needs a strategy, and that strategy will have to rely on Weisselberg flipping and cooperating or pleading retardation.

So do you admit that after years of investigation and millions of dollars and not even getting Trump this is a total flameout?

A couple hundred K ... if they win ... in return for millions in investigation? Are you man enough to admit that?
First, I have yet to see any documentation as to the cost of this investigation.

Second, any cost/benefit analysis has to incorporate the deterrent effect of any prosecution. A high profile prosecution, such as this one, with a criminal penalty, would go a long way in deterring such action in the future. It appears you have claimed it happens rather often, although from my professional experience I see most corporations going to great lengths to protect themselves from this particular area of IRS enforcement.

Third, I am glad to see you are so supportive of a financial calculus when it comes to law enforcement actions. I am sure that you must now be opposed to the death penalty since there is no demonstratable deterrent effect and it costs over a million dollars per death row inmate.
haven't seen the defense's strategy yet.
Uh...yes we have. They asserted the facts in the indictment. If true, the charges are true. The only strategy needed is to produce the documents that demonstrate the asserted facts. Which is a very safe bet. The defense is the only party that needs a strategy, and that strategy will have to rely on Weisselberg flipping and cooperating or pleading retardation.

So do you admit that after years of investigation and millions of dollars and not even getting Trump this is a total flameout?

A couple hundred K ... if they win ... in return for millions in investigation? Are you man enough to admit that?
First, I have yet to see any documentation as to the cost of this investigation.

Second, any cost/benefit analysis has to incorporate the deterrent effect of any prosecution. A high profile prosecution, such as this one, with a criminal penalty, would go a long way in deterring such action in the future. It appears you have claimed it happens rather often, although from my professional experience I see most corporations going to great lengths to protect themselves from this particular area of IRS enforcement.

Third, I am glad to see you are so supportive of a financial calculus when it comes to law enforcement actions. I am sure that you must now be opposed to the death penalty since there is no demonstratable deterrent effect and it costs over a million dollars per death row inmate.

Given how long it has gone on and the depth of the investigation, there is no doubt it's in the millions just in salaries.

$200K is at most two people for one year with no expenses. That's not even one lawyer for one year.

You know that just by basic math it's in the millions giving how long it's gone on and all the people involved
haven't seen the defense's strategy yet.
Uh...yes we have. They asserted the facts in the indictment. If true, the charges are true. The only strategy needed is to produce the documents that demonstrate the asserted facts. Which is a very safe bet. The defense is the only party that needs a strategy, and that strategy will have to rely on Weisselberg flipping and cooperating or pleading retardation.

So do you admit that after years of investigation and millions of dollars and not even getting Trump this is a total flameout?

A couple hundred K ... if they win ... in return for millions in investigation? Are you man enough to admit that?
First, I have yet to see any documentation as to the cost of this investigation.

Second, any cost/benefit analysis has to incorporate the deterrent effect of any prosecution. A high profile prosecution, such as this one, with a criminal penalty, would go a long way in deterring such action in the future. It appears you have claimed it happens rather often, although from my professional experience I see most corporations going to great lengths to protect themselves from this particular area of IRS enforcement.

Third, I am glad to see you are so supportive of a financial calculus when it comes to law enforcement actions. I am sure that you must now be opposed to the death penalty since there is no demonstratable deterrent effect and it costs over a million dollars per death row inmate.
The same people that would roll our military on BLM protests and see people jailed for life for nonviolent crimes are the frauds contriving this stupid complaint about the cost of the investigation. These are not serious or rational people. They are stuck in a constant state of backwards think, where all new information is twisted to meet preconceived notions (in this case: Trump's collection of felons should be above the law, because the orange lard and master is more important than laws or country).

In such a handicapped intellectual state, the things they say are not and cannot be expected to be consistent with each other from one moment to the next. It only matters to them that each new bit of stimulus be reflexively characterized in light of the preconceived notions (and thus made consistent with those).sSuch an amoeba-like intellectual existence precludes any possibility of learning, nuance, sound logic, ethics, or morality. The outcomes of their reactions to new information are as predictable and as programmed as an amoeba's response to salt water or high temperatures.

So that is how you get an idiot that complains about the cost of investigating white collar felonies that results in 15 felony indictments, then moments later wants Hunter Biden investigated and prosecuted with the full force of the DOJ based on fantasies they heard on AM radio.

These people cannot be reasoned out of their obviously absurd and fraudulent positions, as they did not arrive at them by reason in the first place.
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haven't seen the defense's strategy yet.
Uh...yes we have. They asserted the facts in the indictment. If true, the charges are true. The only strategy needed is to produce the documents that demonstrate the asserted facts. Which is a very safe bet. The defense is the only party that needs a strategy, and that strategy will have to rely on Weisselberg flipping and cooperating or pleading retardation.

So do you admit that after years of investigation and millions of dollars and not even getting Trump this is a total flameout?

A couple hundred K ... if they win ... in return for millions in investigation? Are you man enough to admit that?
First, I have yet to see any documentation as to the cost of this investigation.

Second, any cost/benefit analysis has to incorporate the deterrent effect of any prosecution. A high profile prosecution, such as this one, with a criminal penalty, would go a long way in deterring such action in the future. It appears you have claimed it happens rather often, although from my professional experience I see most corporations going to great lengths to protect themselves from this particular area of IRS enforcement.

Third, I am glad to see you are so supportive of a financial calculus when it comes to law enforcement actions. I am sure that you must now be opposed to the death penalty since there is no demonstratable deterrent effect and it costs over a million dollars per death row inmate.
The same people that would roll our military on BLM protests and see people jailed for life for nonviolent crimes are the frauds contriving this stupid complaint about the cost of the investigation. These are not serious or rational people. They are stuck in a constant state of backwards think, where all new information is twisted to meet preconceived notions (in this case: Trump's collection of felons should be above the law, because the orange lard and master is more important than laws or country).

In such a handicapped intellectual state, the things they say are not and cannot be expected to be consistent with each other from one moment to the next. It only matters to them that each new bit of stimulus be reflexively characterized in light of the preconceived notions. Such an amoeba-like intellectual existence precludes any possibility of learning, nuance, sound logic, ethics, or morality. The outcomes of their reaction to new information are as predictable and as programmed as an amoeba's response to salt water or high temperatures.

So that is how you get an idiot that complains about the cost of investigating white collar felonies, then moments later wants Hunter Biden investigated and prosecuted with the full force of the DOJ based on fantasies they heard on AM radio.

These people cannot be reasoned out of their obviously absurd and fraudulent positions, as they did not arrive at them by reason in the first place.

Speaking of Democrat liars.

Anyone in BLM protesting peacefully is fine. The military would be there to address the looters and rioters. Not anyone demonstrating peacefully.

Democrats, you just lie and lie and lie, you lie more, keep liyng and then lie again. That's what you are, liars
haven't seen the defense's strategy yet.
Uh...yes we have. They asserted the facts in the indictment. If true, the charges are true. The only strategy needed is to produce the documents that demonstrate the asserted facts. Which is a very safe bet. The defense is the only party that needs a strategy, and that strategy will have to rely on Weisselberg flipping and cooperating or pleading retardation.

So do you admit that after years of investigation and millions of dollars and not even getting Trump this is a total flameout?

A couple hundred K ... if they win ... in return for millions in investigation? Are you man enough to admit that?
First, I have yet to see any documentation as to the cost of this investigation.

Second, any cost/benefit analysis has to incorporate the deterrent effect of any prosecution. A high profile prosecution, such as this one, with a criminal penalty, would go a long way in deterring such action in the future. It appears you have claimed it happens rather often, although from my professional experience I see most corporations going to great lengths to protect themselves from this particular area of IRS enforcement.

Third, I am glad to see you are so supportive of a financial calculus when it comes to law enforcement actions. I am sure that you must now be opposed to the death penalty since there is no demonstratable deterrent effect and it costs over a million dollars per death row inmate.
The same people that would roll our military on BLM protests and see people jailed for life for nonviolent crimes are the frauds contriving this stupid complaint about the cost of the investigation. These are not serious or rational people. They are stuck in a constant state of backwards think, where all new information is twisted to meet preconceived notions (in this case: Trump's collection of felons should be above the law, because the orange lard and master is more important than laws or country).

In such a handicapped intellectual state, the things they say are not and cannot be expected to be consistent with each other from one moment to the next. It only matters to them that each new bit of stimulus be reflexively characterized in light of the preconceived notions. Such an amoeba-like intellectual existence precludes any possibility of learning, nuance, sound logic, ethics, or morality. The outcomes of their reaction to new information are as predictable and as programmed as an amoeba's response to salt water or high temperatures.

So that is how you get an idiot that complains about the cost of investigating white collar felonies, then moments later wants Hunter Biden investigated and prosecuted with the full force of the DOJ based on fantasies they heard on AM radio.

These people cannot be reasoned out of their obviously absurd and fraudulent positions, as they did not arrive at them by reason in the first place.

Speaking of Democrat liars.

Anyone in BLM protesting peacefully is fine. The military would be there to address the looters and rioters. Not anyone demonstrating peacefully.

Democrats, you just lie and lie and lie, you lie more, keep liyng and then lie again. That's what you are, liars
^^ Exhibit A

Watch as he proves what I said over and over and over. He couldn't NOT do it if he tried, just as an amoeba is not the conscious agent of its responses to new stimulus.
The same people that would roll our military on BLM protests and see people jailed for life for nonviolent crimes are the frauds contriving this stupid complaint about the cost of the investigation. These are not serious or rational people. They are stuck in a constant state of backwards think, where all new information is twisted to meet preconceived notions (in this case: Trump's collection of felons should be above the law, because the orange lard and master is more important than laws or country).

In such a handicapped intellectual state, the things they say are not and cannot be expected to be consistent with each other from one moment to the next. It only matters to them that each new bit of stimulus be reflexively characterized in light of the preconceived notions. Such an amoeba-like intellectual existence precludes any possibility of learning, nuance, sound logic, ethics, or morality. The outcomes of their reaction to new information are as predictable and as programmed as an amoeba's response to salt water or high temperatures.

So that is how you get an idiot that complains about the cost of investigating white collar felonies, then moments later wants Hunter Biden investigated and prosecuted with the full force of the DOJ based on fantasies they heard on AM radio.

These people cannot be reasoned out of their obviously absurd and fraudulent positions, as they did not arrive at them by reason in the first place.

Speaking of Democrat liars.

Anyone in BLM protesting peacefully is fine. The military would be there to address the looters and rioters. Not anyone demonstrating peacefully.

Democrats, you just lie and lie and lie, you lie more, keep liyng and then lie again. That's what you are, liars
^^ Exhibit A

Watch as he proves what I said over and over and over. He couldn't NOT do it if he tried, just as an amoeba is not the conscious agent of its responses to new stimulus.

You lie, lie, lie and lie. It's what you are, it's the essence of your being. It's because what you want is evil and can't be defended without lying. Just like Hitler, Mao, Castro and all the other leftists who wanted to rule with hate and oppression. It's what the left is
The same people that would roll our military on BLM protests and see people jailed for life for nonviolent crimes are the frauds contriving this stupid complaint about the cost of the investigation. These are not serious or rational people. They are stuck in a constant state of backwards think, where all new information is twisted to meet preconceived notions (in this case: Trump's collection of felons should be above the law, because the orange lard and master is more important than laws or country).

In such a handicapped intellectual state, the things they say are not and cannot be expected to be consistent with each other from one moment to the next. It only matters to them that each new bit of stimulus be reflexively characterized in light of the preconceived notions. Such an amoeba-like intellectual existence precludes any possibility of learning, nuance, sound logic, ethics, or morality. The outcomes of their reaction to new information are as predictable and as programmed as an amoeba's response to salt water or high temperatures.

So that is how you get an idiot that complains about the cost of investigating white collar felonies, then moments later wants Hunter Biden investigated and prosecuted with the full force of the DOJ based on fantasies they heard on AM radio.

These people cannot be reasoned out of their obviously absurd and fraudulent positions, as they did not arrive at them by reason in the first place.

Speaking of Democrat liars.

Anyone in BLM protesting peacefully is fine. The military would be there to address the looters and rioters. Not anyone demonstrating peacefully.

Democrats, you just lie and lie and lie, you lie more, keep liyng and then lie again. That's what you are, liars
^^ Exhibit A

Watch as he proves what I said over and over and over. He couldn't NOT do it if he tried, just as an amoeba is not the conscious agent of its responses to new stimulus.

You lie, lie, lie and lie. It's what you are, it's the essence of your being. It's because what you want is evil and can't be defended without lying. Just like Hitler, Mao, Castro and all the other leftists who wanted to rule with hate and oppression. It's what the left is
Are you kidding me? Rule with hate and oppression? Are you paying attention? Look, I know you want to focus on the BLM movement, and I will admit, the Democrat party is giving that movement too much attention, and to little effect I might add. Trump increased his share of the black vote, that should be a hint to the Democrat party. In fact, just like the Republican party needs to kick Trump to the curb, the Democrat party needs to kick the BLM movement to the curb.

Trump made a calculated decision, that the path to victory for his initial election was to divide the American people. When history judges his presidency it will start with that reality. Like many despotic rulers before, he carved out his position by perpetuating a class of victimhood, and created a scapegoat in immigrants. Even without the Covid pandemic, Trump was destined to leave this country in worse condition than when he took the helm, especially when it came to international standing and cohesion of the people. And the point, Trump didn't give a shit. He doesn't care if the country goes to shit in a handbasket, as long as he remain in power. I mean he was willing to accept the reins of power after a forced takeover of the capital. I mean if Mike Pence would have been hanged from the rafters of the Capital and he remained president, Trump would have called that a victory. That is the man you support.

But yes, rule with hate and oppression. Republicans perpetuate an environment of hate, against immigrants, against gays, against transgenders, against "uppity blacks", against intellectuals, against college professors, against environmentalists, the list goes on and on. And they support oppressing the votes of people that would dare disagree with their agenda, suppressing political appointments, suppressing debate on important issues in which they stand with big business. That is the party you support. I pity you. Bless your heart.
Trump made a calculated decision, that the path to victory for his initial election was to divide the American people.

After Obama did such an awesome job of uniting the American people? LOL!
Come on, do you really want to make the argument that America at the end of the Trump term was more united than at the end of the Obama term?

Do you really want to make the argument that Obama tried to unite the American people?
Trump made a calculated decision, that the path to victory for his initial election was to divide the American people.
You give the mentally ill simpleton far too much credit, here. Trump had no strategy, outside of trying to bolster his brand to make money (which isn't actually a strategy). He got grumpy with Obama for making fun of him and became a birther. He delighted in the attention he got and decided to capitalize on it by running for President in order to het more attention. He saw and heard how the applause got louder, the more stupid and hateful he behaved. And since these behaviors come so naturally to a mentally ill person like Trump, and since attention and applause are like oxygen and heroin all in one to a malignant, narcissistic simpleton lile Trump, his little one track mind just kept turning up the volume. And that's all. No strategy, and not even a real plan to win.

He shouldn't even be blamed, really. Do we blame a monkey for eating its own poo? The monkey is just being a monkey. Blame the idiots that gather to encourage him and to applaud his antics.
Do you really want to make the argument that Obama tried to unite the American people?
Desperate poster tries to derail the discussion with his idiotic non sequitur.

You're whining about dividing Americans shouldn't leave out Obama the divider.
Then it sounds like you are the one whining. The little baby who insists everyone talk the "right way", to preserve your delicate little sensibilities.

Poor Todd the Whiner, whining that others don't make his own points for him. Somebody call the waaahmbulance for this fucking crybaby.
Do you really want to make the argument that Obama tried to unite the American people?
Desperate poster tries to derail the discussion with his idiotic non sequitur.

You're whining about dividing Americans shouldn't leave out Obama the divider.
Then it sounds like you are the one whining. The little baby who insists everyone talk the "right way", to preserve your delicate little sensibilities.

Poor Todd the Whiner, whining that others don't make his own points for him. Somebody call the waaahmbulance for this fucking crybaby.

Whine any way you want........Obama was a divider.

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