The Tax Case Against Donald Trump

Yep. I've owned five businesses. It's perfectly normal to keep a separate spreadsheet. There is nothing wrong with agreeing with your employee that certain expenses will be paid by the company in lieu of salary. And many of those expenses are deductible.
Except expenses like $50,000 in private school tuition are NOT deductible. Not even close.

They didn't deduct it
Yes they did. Read the damn indictment or quit wasting our time and the bandwidth.

The indictment says that they paid tuition. It does not say Trump wrote off those tuition payments as expenses. Trump payed taxes on those payments. The biggest problem is if no one paid taxes on that money and that didn't happen.

You're just reading and flinging shit at the wall hoping some of it sticks
God but you are one stupid asshole. Seriously, find something better to do with your time because you are really bad at this. It does not matter if Trump paid taxes on that money or not. Are you claiming it was a "gift"? The amounted easily exceeded the gift exclusion, taxes would have been due. Those taxes were not paid. What about the Medicare tax, there is no income limit to the Medicare tax, this was part of Weisselberg's compensation, it was not listed on his W2 even though it was listed as part of his compensation in internal records of the Trump organization. (Two sets of books). Another tax not paid. What about New York City income taxes? Those were not paid as well. So even if Trump stroked a check out of his own personal account with aftertax money, either the gift tax, or the Medicare tax, WERE NOT PAID. Pick you poison.

I am not reading in flinging shit at the wall. The difference between you and I is I know what I am talking about and you are just a bumbling fool.

I like how you call me stupid then prove you can't read.

I said they were wrong to pay the tuition without declaring as income but that the normal punishment for that is back interest and a penalty. No one has ever been charged with a criminal offense. You have this high bar for taxes, then no bar for Democrats. It's pathetic. You're stupid and a racist.

How stupid are you? Seriously, how stupid?
Neato! Which would bring me down to your level then. Does that comfort you to believe we are all as ignorant as you? Now i see why you won't read the thread.

You made the ignorant claim.....still no backup?
The prosecutors made the claim. Poor todd doesn't understand it. Sounds like a todd problem. Good luck.

Democrats were desperate with this one considering how little came out of an investigation that took so many years and wasted so much money and still didn't even personally get Trump? All this time you kept screaming the whole time wait until the NY investigation comes in! Ouch, lol. Sucks to be you.

$10K in underpayment of taxes per year? Wow, you guys flamed out on this one
Where did you come up with that ten grand a year number. Pulling numbers out of your ass doesn't amount to much, just saying. The number is higher than that for New York City income taxes alone, let alone federal and state income taxes. It is all listed in the indictment.

The underreporting was just over $100K a year. The charges were by the State of New York. Their tax rate is 8%. I rounded it up to about $10K a year in actual tax revenue.

I like how you asked me, then rather than allowing me to answer, you started talking about pulling shit out of asses. Note that's what you just did. You're not going to own up to that, are you? You're not a man
God but you are one stupid asshole. Seriously, find something better to do with your time because you are really bad at this. It does not matter if Trump paid taxes on that money or not. Are you claiming it was a "gift"? The amounted easily exceeded the gift exclusion, taxes would have been due. Those taxes were not paid. What about the Medicare tax, there is no income limit to the Medicare tax, this was part of Weisselberg's compensation, it was not listed on his W2 even though it was listed as part of his compensation in internal records of the Trump organization. (Two sets of books). Another tax not paid. What about New York City income taxes? Those were not paid as well. So even if Trump stroked a check out of his own personal account with aftertax money, either the gift tax, or the Medicare tax, WERE NOT PAID. Pick you poison.

I am not reading in flinging shit at the wall. The difference between you and I is I know what I am talking about and you are just a bumbling fool.
and what about this?

Same thing?
Neato! Which would bring me down to your level then. Does that comfort you to believe we are all as ignorant as you? Now i see why you won't read the thread.

You made the ignorant claim.....still no backup?
The prosecutors made the claim. Poor todd doesn't understand it. Sounds like a todd problem. Good luck.

Democrats were desperate with this one considering how little came out of an investigation that took so many years and wasted so much money and still didn't even personally get Trump? All this time you kept screaming the whole time wait until the NY investigation comes in! Ouch, lol. Sucks to be you.

$10K in underpayment of taxes per year? Wow, you guys flamed out on this one

Trump cultist excusing felonies, as expected
ProgBot cultists always assuming that anyone who disagrees with them belongs to a cult.
In fairness, you did mechanically ape whatever an online Occultist told you to think for a couple of months.

Your Ginger Messiah did have a very culty vibe.
You should read your posts that are consistently Orange Man Bad and TrumpBot.
You really are boring.
Try posting a fact once in a while.

Or....actual citations of the indictment in question with specific quotes regarding the two sets of books.

"These payments were not booked in the Trump Corporation’s general ledger as employee compensation, but were instead labeled and deducted as "rent expense" in the general ledger. However, for certain ‘years, the Trump Organization maintained internal spreadsheets that tracked the amounts it paid for Weisselberg’s rent, utility, and garage expenses."

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Two sets of books.

And again, the 'holiday entertainment'.

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Again, the two sets of books.

But you keep babbling about 'orange man bad'. I'll keep quoting the actual indictment, citing the actual evidence.

I read the entire indictment.
If what it says proves to be factual and the law so requires recompense then I am fully in favor of a lawful judgement.

I agree. There are so many judgements in accounting. If you don't press then you are WAY overpaying taxes. It's a stupid system.

One question every business owner has with our accountant is how aggressive we want to be. I told my accountant that my standard is if worse case is back interest, then I want to take it. If it could be a fine then I don't. Back interest is what the IRS charges you when even they admit it's a judgement call. They charge fines they are saying you should have known better. My accountant agreed with that standard.

I do believe that Trump is more aggressive, he pushes into the fine territory. Paying the tuition is a you should have known better choice, definite fine territory. But it's the Trump rules. It's not about consistency, it's just get Trump at any cost.

In the past it has not been criminal prosecution EVER. This is the first time. And of course that happens with Trump. It's absurd
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.

Trump cultist excusing felonies, as expected
ProgBot cultists always assuming that anyone who disagrees with them belongs to a cult.
In fairness, you did mechanically ape whatever an online Occultist told you to think for a couple of months.

Your Ginger Messiah did have a very culty vibe.
You should read your posts that are consistently Orange Man Bad and TrumpBot.
You really are boring.
Try posting a fact once in a while.

Or....actual citations of the indictment in question with specific quotes regarding the two sets of books.

"These payments were not booked in the Trump Corporation’s general ledger as employee compensation, but were instead labeled and deducted as "rent expense" in the general ledger. However, for certain ‘years, the Trump Organization maintained internal spreadsheets that tracked the amounts it paid for Weisselberg’s rent, utility, and garage expenses."

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Two sets of books.

And again, the 'holiday entertainment'.

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Again, the two sets of books.

But you keep babbling about 'orange man bad'. I'll keep quoting the actual indictment, citing the actual evidence.

I read the entire indictment.
If what it says proves to be factual and the law so requires recompense then I am fully in favor of a lawful judgement.

I agree. There are so many judgements in accounting. If you don't press then you are WAY overpaying taxes. It's a stupid system.

One question every business owner has with our accountant is how aggressive we want to be. I told my accountant that my standard is if worse case is back interest, then I want to take it. If it could be a fine then I don't. Back interest is what the IRS charges you when even they admit it's a judgement call. They charge fines they are saying you should have known better. My accountant agreed with that standard.

I do believe that Trump is more aggressive, he pushes into the fine territory. Paying the tuition is a you should have known better choice, definite fine territory. But it's the Trump rules. It's not about consistency, it's just get Trump at any cost.

In the past it has not been criminal prosecution EVER. This is the first time. And of course that happens with Trump. It's absurd
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.

Note how you conflated not reporting income with not properly reporting the value of benefits as income, two completely different things. Reject ...
Neato! Which would bring me down to your level then. Does that comfort you to believe we are all as ignorant as you? Now i see why you won't read the thread.

You made the ignorant claim.....still no backup?
The prosecutors made the claim. Poor todd doesn't understand it. Sounds like a todd problem. Good luck.

Democrats were desperate with this one considering how little came out of an investigation that took so many years and wasted so much money and still didn't even personally get Trump? All this time you kept screaming the whole time wait until the NY investigation comes in! Ouch, lol. Sucks to be you.

$10K in underpayment of taxes per year? Wow, you guys flamed out on this one
Where did you come up with that ten grand a year number. Pulling numbers out of your ass doesn't amount to much, just saying. The number is higher than that for New York City income taxes alone, let alone federal and state income taxes. It is all listed in the indictment.

The underreporting was just over $100K a year. The charges were by the State of New York. Their tax rate is 8%. I rounded it up to about $10K a year in actual tax revenue.

I like how you asked me, then rather than allowing me to answer, you started talking about pulling shit out of asses. Note that's what you just did. You're not going to own up to that, are you? You're not a man
I can flippin read. Section 8 of the indictment specifies $210,923 in New York City income taxes avoided for the years 2005 to 2013 for the apartment alone, that is not even considering the car leases and tuition payments. And we still have carpet and improvements to that Florida condo.

Trump cultist excusing felonies, as expected
ProgBot cultists always assuming that anyone who disagrees with them belongs to a cult.
In fairness, you did mechanically ape whatever an online Occultist told you to think for a couple of months.

Your Ginger Messiah did have a very culty vibe.
You should read your posts that are consistently Orange Man Bad and TrumpBot.
You really are boring.
Try posting a fact once in a while.

Or....actual citations of the indictment in question with specific quotes regarding the two sets of books.

"These payments were not booked in the Trump Corporation’s general ledger as employee compensation, but were instead labeled and deducted as "rent expense" in the general ledger. However, for certain ‘years, the Trump Organization maintained internal spreadsheets that tracked the amounts it paid for Weisselberg’s rent, utility, and garage expenses."

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Two sets of books.

And again, the 'holiday entertainment'.

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Again, the two sets of books.

But you keep babbling about 'orange man bad'. I'll keep quoting the actual indictment, citing the actual evidence.

I read the entire indictment.
If what it says proves to be factual and the law so requires recompense then I am fully in favor of a lawful judgement.

I agree. There are so many judgements in accounting. If you don't press then you are WAY overpaying taxes. It's a stupid system.

One question every business owner has with our accountant is how aggressive we want to be. I told my accountant that my standard is if worse case is back interest, then I want to take it. If it could be a fine then I don't. Back interest is what the IRS charges you when even they admit it's a judgement call. They charge fines they are saying you should have known better. My accountant agreed with that standard.

I do believe that Trump is more aggressive, he pushes into the fine territory. Paying the tuition is a you should have known better choice, definite fine territory. But it's the Trump rules. It's not about consistency, it's just get Trump at any cost.

In the past it has not been criminal prosecution EVER. This is the first time. And of course that happens with Trump. It's absurd
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.

Note how you conflated not reporting income with not properly reporting the value of benefits as income, two completely different things. Reject ...
To the IRS it is the same thing. See how ignorant you are. Go cook supper, I hope you are better at that than you are at finances and taxes.

Trump cultist excusing felonies, as expected
ProgBot cultists always assuming that anyone who disagrees with them belongs to a cult.
In fairness, you did mechanically ape whatever an online Occultist told you to think for a couple of months.

Your Ginger Messiah did have a very culty vibe.
You should read your posts that are consistently Orange Man Bad and TrumpBot.
You really are boring.
Try posting a fact once in a while.

Or....actual citations of the indictment in question with specific quotes regarding the two sets of books.

"These payments were not booked in the Trump Corporation’s general ledger as employee compensation, but were instead labeled and deducted as "rent expense" in the general ledger. However, for certain ‘years, the Trump Organization maintained internal spreadsheets that tracked the amounts it paid for Weisselberg’s rent, utility, and garage expenses."

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Two sets of books.

And again, the 'holiday entertainment'.

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Again, the two sets of books.

But you keep babbling about 'orange man bad'. I'll keep quoting the actual indictment, citing the actual evidence.

I read the entire indictment.
If what it says proves to be factual and the law so requires recompense then I am fully in favor of a lawful judgement.

I agree. There are so many judgements in accounting. If you don't press then you are WAY overpaying taxes. It's a stupid system.

One question every business owner has with our accountant is how aggressive we want to be. I told my accountant that my standard is if worse case is back interest, then I want to take it. If it could be a fine then I don't. Back interest is what the IRS charges you when even they admit it's a judgement call. They charge fines they are saying you should have known better. My accountant agreed with that standard.

I do believe that Trump is more aggressive, he pushes into the fine territory. Paying the tuition is a you should have known better choice, definite fine territory. But it's the Trump rules. It's not about consistency, it's just get Trump at any cost.

In the past it has not been criminal prosecution EVER. This is the first time. And of course that happens with Trump. It's absurd
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.

Note how you conflated not reporting income with not properly reporting the value of benefits as income, two completely different things. Reject ...

Says the poor, hapless soul that;

1) refuses to read the indictment and thus has no clue what he's talking about

2) has yet to factually establish that no one has ever been charged with the crimes that Weisselberg and the Trump org have been charged with.

Given that you have no ide what you're talking about, why would we accept your unfounded assumption as anything more than the same ignorant babble you've offered up to this point?
You are not and never worked with an attorney, yet Trump is guilty.
I never worked for an attorney, yet I can read an indictment. And from what is laid out in the speaking indictment, it clearly shows a very high probability of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
I am sure you are also aware that assets can be placed into 15,000 different categories.

Indeed. But if you classify them in two different categories depending on if you're talking to the IRS or a lender......or give wildly different values for those same assets depending on if you're talking to the IRS or a lender, you could have a problem.

Maybe there's an Occultist on youtube who could explain this to you.
you could have a problem

being the keyword.
I know tax accountants who won't touch the tax returns of certain Rs or Ds.
But only Rs bad.
I'd consider an indictment a problem. As would most people.
It's obvious you don't know any people who own businesses.
90% of the people in my community who own businesses always have their attorneys either filing or responding to lawsuits.
the US is lawsuit happy.
The problem is that the cost is passed to the customers.

Yep. I've owned five businesses. It's perfectly normal to keep a separate spreadsheet. There is nothing wrong with agreeing with your employee that certain expenses will be paid by the company in lieu of salary. And many of those expenses are deductible.

When you see things spun this hard with no mention that some things are and some are not deductible, but they just made it sounds like it all wasn't, you know it's another Democrat just lying.

The guy in the video I showed clearly has the knowledge to know that many expenses would be deductible for the company, and yet he didn't mention that at all
Bullshit. It is not normal to keep two sets of books. And yes, there are many companies that pay employee expenses. Of course those are deductible to the company, hell, salaries are deductible. But those paid expenses must be included in an employee's income reported to the IRS, except for a very few limited exceptions.

This violation is exceptional in the sheer brazenness of it. Two sets of books with one claiming the items as a business expense and not linking it to the employee compensation, and the other actually deducting it from the stated compensation package. It is a clear tax avoidance strategy, and yes, the IRS seeks criminal indictments for such behavior. They issued 1,3330 indictments in 2015, the majority of them for tax avoidance.

Two sets of books is still just the way you liars are calling it to make it sound bad.

Democrats are liars. You lie all the time. You lie about everything. Vulcans can't lie, you morons can't tell the truth
Or....we've actually read the indictment.

"These payments were not booked in the Trump Corporation’s general ledger as employee compensation, but were instead labeled and deducted as "rent expense" in the general ledger. However, for certain ‘years, the Trump Organization maintained internal spreadsheets that tracked the amounts it paid for Weisselberg’s rent, utility, and garage expenses."

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Two sets of books.

And again, the 'holiday entertainment'.

View attachment 510695

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Again, the two sets of books.

Remember, you've never read the indictment. It hinders your capacity to speak intelligently on the topic.
Someone kept a spread sheet?


Someone kept a spreadsheet that outlines the crimes it has a different classification for the compensation given Weisselberg. One lists them as taxable, one non-taxable.

With Weisselberg not paying taxes on the compensation outlined in the internal memo.

None of which you know as you too refuse to actually read the indictment.

Trump cultist excusing felonies, as expected
ProgBot cultists always assuming that anyone who disagrees with them belongs to a cult.
In fairness, you did mechanically ape whatever an online Occultist told you to think for a couple of months.

Your Ginger Messiah did have a very culty vibe.
You should read your posts that are consistently Orange Man Bad and TrumpBot.
You really are boring.
Try posting a fact once in a while.

Or....actual citations of the indictment in question with specific quotes regarding the two sets of books.

"These payments were not booked in the Trump Corporation’s general ledger as employee compensation, but were instead labeled and deducted as "rent expense" in the general ledger. However, for certain ‘years, the Trump Organization maintained internal spreadsheets that tracked the amounts it paid for Weisselberg’s rent, utility, and garage expenses."

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Two sets of books.

And again, the 'holiday entertainment'.

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Again, the two sets of books.

But you keep babbling about 'orange man bad'. I'll keep quoting the actual indictment, citing the actual evidence.

I read the entire indictment.
If what it says proves to be factual and the law so requires recompense then I am fully in favor of a lawful judgement.

I agree. There are so many judgements in accounting. If you don't press then you are WAY overpaying taxes. It's a stupid system.

One question every business owner has with our accountant is how aggressive we want to be. I told my accountant that my standard is if worse case is back interest, then I want to take it. If it could be a fine then I don't. Back interest is what the IRS charges you when even they admit it's a judgement call. They charge fines they are saying you should have known better. My accountant agreed with that standard.

I do believe that Trump is more aggressive, he pushes into the fine territory. Paying the tuition is a you should have known better choice, definite fine territory. But it's the Trump rules. It's not about consistency, it's just get Trump at any cost.

In the past it has not been criminal prosecution EVER. This is the first time. And of course that happens with Trump. It's absurd
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.

Note how you conflated not reporting income with not properly reporting the value of benefits as income, two completely different things. Reject ...
To the IRS it is the same thing. See how ignorant you are. Go cook supper, I hope you are better at that than you are at finances and taxes.

Its the same on every should have heard the pseudo-legal nonsense these poor souls had to offer about the various failed lawsuits filed about the 2020 election by Trump and his cronies.

A magic 8 ball would be a better indication of actual legal outcomes than the 'legal expertise' our little arm chair lawyers.
surada let hunter biden do trumps taxes the government would stay far far away

Dude, even Trump's justice department couldn't find shit on Hunter Biden.

He's just the latest boogeyman for conservatives. Guess its time for another mindless chant of 'Lock her up!'.....for something.

Trump cultist excusing felonies, as expected
ProgBot cultists always assuming that anyone who disagrees with them belongs to a cult.
In fairness, you did mechanically ape whatever an online Occultist told you to think for a couple of months.

Your Ginger Messiah did have a very culty vibe.
You should read your posts that are consistently Orange Man Bad and TrumpBot.
You really are boring.
Try posting a fact once in a while.

Or....actual citations of the indictment in question with specific quotes regarding the two sets of books.

"These payments were not booked in the Trump Corporation’s general ledger as employee compensation, but were instead labeled and deducted as "rent expense" in the general ledger. However, for certain ‘years, the Trump Organization maintained internal spreadsheets that tracked the amounts it paid for Weisselberg’s rent, utility, and garage expenses."

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Two sets of books.

And again, the 'holiday entertainment'.

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Again, the two sets of books.

But you keep babbling about 'orange man bad'. I'll keep quoting the actual indictment, citing the actual evidence.

I read the entire indictment.
If what it says proves to be factual and the law so requires recompense then I am fully in favor of a lawful judgement.

I agree. There are so many judgements in accounting. If you don't press then you are WAY overpaying taxes. It's a stupid system.

One question every business owner has with our accountant is how aggressive we want to be. I told my accountant that my standard is if worse case is back interest, then I want to take it. If it could be a fine then I don't. Back interest is what the IRS charges you when even they admit it's a judgement call. They charge fines they are saying you should have known better. My accountant agreed with that standard.

I do believe that Trump is more aggressive, he pushes into the fine territory. Paying the tuition is a you should have known better choice, definite fine territory. But it's the Trump rules. It's not about consistency, it's just get Trump at any cost.

In the past it has not been criminal prosecution EVER. This is the first time. And of course that happens with Trump. It's absurd
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.

Note how you conflated not reporting income with not properly reporting the value of benefits as income, two completely different things. Reject ...

Says the poor, hapless soul that;

1) refuses to read the indictment and thus has no clue what he's talking about

2) has yet to factually establish that no one has ever been charged with the crimes that Weisselberg and the Trump org have been charged with.

Given that you have no ide what you're talking about, why would we accept your unfounded assumption as anything more than the same ignorant babble you've offered up to this point?
No one has ever done the same thing?’
Are you on drugs?!
Neato! Which would bring me down to your level then. Does that comfort you to believe we are all as ignorant as you? Now i see why you won't read the thread.

You made the ignorant claim.....still no backup?
The prosecutors made the claim. Poor todd doesn't understand it. Sounds like a todd problem. Good luck.

Democrats were desperate with this one considering how little came out of an investigation that took so many years and wasted so much money and still didn't even personally get Trump? All this time you kept screaming the whole time wait until the NY investigation comes in! Ouch, lol. Sucks to be you.

$10K in underpayment of taxes per year? Wow, you guys flamed out on this one

Trump cultist excusing felonies, as expected
ProgBot cultists always assuming that anyone who disagrees with them belongs to a cult.
In fairness, you did mechanically ape whatever an online Occultist told you to think for a couple of months.

Your Ginger Messiah did have a very culty vibe.
You should read your posts that are consistently Orange Man Bad and TrumpBot.
You really are boring.
Try posting a fact once in a while.

Or....actual citations of the indictment in question with specific quotes regarding the two sets of books.

"These payments were not booked in the Trump Corporation’s general ledger as employee compensation, but were instead labeled and deducted as "rent expense" in the general ledger. However, for certain ‘years, the Trump Organization maintained internal spreadsheets that tracked the amounts it paid for Weisselberg’s rent, utility, and garage expenses."

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Two sets of books.

And again, the 'holiday entertainment'.

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Again, the two sets of books.

But you keep babbling about 'orange man bad'. I'll keep quoting the actual indictment, citing the actual evidence.

I read the entire indictment.
If what it says proves to be factual and the law so requires recompense then I am fully in favor of a lawful judgement.

I agree. There are so many judgements in accounting. If you don't press then you are WAY overpaying taxes. It's a stupid system.

One question every business owner has with our accountant is how aggressive we want to be. I told my accountant that my standard is if worse case is back interest, then I want to take it. If it could be a fine then I don't. Back interest is what the IRS charges you when even they admit it's a judgement call. They charge fines they are saying you should have known better. My accountant agreed with that standard.

I do believe that Trump is more aggressive, he pushes into the fine territory. Paying the tuition is a you should have known better choice, definite fine territory. But it's the Trump rules. It's not about consistency, it's just get Trump at any cost.

In the past it has not been criminal prosecution EVER. This is the first time. And of course that happens with Trump. It's absurd
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.
So why isn’t Al Sharpton in jail?
Neato! Which would bring me down to your level then. Does that comfort you to believe we are all as ignorant as you? Now i see why you won't read the thread.

You made the ignorant claim.....still no backup?
The prosecutors made the claim. Poor todd doesn't understand it. Sounds like a todd problem. Good luck.

Democrats were desperate with this one considering how little came out of an investigation that took so many years and wasted so much money and still didn't even personally get Trump? All this time you kept screaming the whole time wait until the NY investigation comes in! Ouch, lol. Sucks to be you.

$10K in underpayment of taxes per year? Wow, you guys flamed out on this one
Where did you come up with that ten grand a year number. Pulling numbers out of your ass doesn't amount to much, just saying. The number is higher than that for New York City income taxes alone, let alone federal and state income taxes. It is all listed in the indictment.

The underreporting was just over $100K a year. The charges were by the State of New York. Their tax rate is 8%. I rounded it up to about $10K a year in actual tax revenue.

I like how you asked me, then rather than allowing me to answer, you started talking about pulling shit out of asses. Note that's what you just did. You're not going to own up to that, are you? You're not a man
I can flippin read. Section 8 of the indictment specifies $210,923 in New York City income taxes avoided for the years 2005 to 2013 for the apartment alone, that is not even considering the car leases and tuition payments. And we still have carpet and improvements to that Florida condo.

Whoa, I said $160K and it was $210K. Holy shit, batman, that's a totally different! Now I get why they spent years and millions of dollars going after it!

Got you're stupid, racist

Trump cultist excusing felonies, as expected
ProgBot cultists always assuming that anyone who disagrees with them belongs to a cult.
In fairness, you did mechanically ape whatever an online Occultist told you to think for a couple of months.

Your Ginger Messiah did have a very culty vibe.
You should read your posts that are consistently Orange Man Bad and TrumpBot.
You really are boring.
Try posting a fact once in a while.

Or....actual citations of the indictment in question with specific quotes regarding the two sets of books.

"These payments were not booked in the Trump Corporation’s general ledger as employee compensation, but were instead labeled and deducted as "rent expense" in the general ledger. However, for certain ‘years, the Trump Organization maintained internal spreadsheets that tracked the amounts it paid for Weisselberg’s rent, utility, and garage expenses."

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Two sets of books.

And again, the 'holiday entertainment'.

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Again, the two sets of books.

But you keep babbling about 'orange man bad'. I'll keep quoting the actual indictment, citing the actual evidence.

I read the entire indictment.
If what it says proves to be factual and the law so requires recompense then I am fully in favor of a lawful judgement.

I agree. There are so many judgements in accounting. If you don't press then you are WAY overpaying taxes. It's a stupid system.

One question every business owner has with our accountant is how aggressive we want to be. I told my accountant that my standard is if worse case is back interest, then I want to take it. If it could be a fine then I don't. Back interest is what the IRS charges you when even they admit it's a judgement call. They charge fines they are saying you should have known better. My accountant agreed with that standard.

I do believe that Trump is more aggressive, he pushes into the fine territory. Paying the tuition is a you should have known better choice, definite fine territory. But it's the Trump rules. It's not about consistency, it's just get Trump at any cost.

In the past it has not been criminal prosecution EVER. This is the first time. And of course that happens with Trump. It's absurd
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.

Note how you conflated not reporting income with not properly reporting the value of benefits as income, two completely different things. Reject ...
To the IRS it is the same thing. See how ignorant you are. Go cook supper, I hope you are better at that than you are at finances and taxes.

Yeah it's just not. Which is why in every other case in history underreporting the cash value of benefits was a fine and not a criminal charge. You're just a racist and a liar
Neato! Which would bring me down to your level then. Does that comfort you to believe we are all as ignorant as you? Now i see why you won't read the thread.

You made the ignorant claim.....still no backup?
The prosecutors made the claim. Poor todd doesn't understand it. Sounds like a todd problem. Good luck.

Democrats were desperate with this one considering how little came out of an investigation that took so many years and wasted so much money and still didn't even personally get Trump? All this time you kept screaming the whole time wait until the NY investigation comes in! Ouch, lol. Sucks to be you.

$10K in underpayment of taxes per year? Wow, you guys flamed out on this one

Trump cultist excusing felonies, as expected
ProgBot cultists always assuming that anyone who disagrees with them belongs to a cult.
In fairness, you did mechanically ape whatever an online Occultist told you to think for a couple of months.

Your Ginger Messiah did have a very culty vibe.
You should read your posts that are consistently Orange Man Bad and TrumpBot.
You really are boring.
Try posting a fact once in a while.

Or....actual citations of the indictment in question with specific quotes regarding the two sets of books.

"These payments were not booked in the Trump Corporation’s general ledger as employee compensation, but were instead labeled and deducted as "rent expense" in the general ledger. However, for certain ‘years, the Trump Organization maintained internal spreadsheets that tracked the amounts it paid for Weisselberg’s rent, utility, and garage expenses."

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Two sets of books.

And again, the 'holiday entertainment'.

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Again, the two sets of books.

But you keep babbling about 'orange man bad'. I'll keep quoting the actual indictment, citing the actual evidence.

I read the entire indictment.
If what it says proves to be factual and the law so requires recompense then I am fully in favor of a lawful judgement.

I agree. There are so many judgements in accounting. If you don't press then you are WAY overpaying taxes. It's a stupid system.

One question every business owner has with our accountant is how aggressive we want to be. I told my accountant that my standard is if worse case is back interest, then I want to take it. If it could be a fine then I don't. Back interest is what the IRS charges you when even they admit it's a judgement call. They charge fines they are saying you should have known better. My accountant agreed with that standard.

I do believe that Trump is more aggressive, he pushes into the fine territory. Paying the tuition is a you should have known better choice, definite fine territory. But it's the Trump rules. It's not about consistency, it's just get Trump at any cost.

In the past it has not been criminal prosecution EVER. This is the first time. And of course that happens with Trump. It's absurd
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.
So why isn’t Al Sharpton in jail?
Read the indictment and tell us how they're different than what you believe Al Sharpton did.

I agree. There are so many judgements in accounting. If you don't press then you are WAY overpaying taxes. It's a stupid system.

One question every business owner has with our accountant is how aggressive we want to be. I told my accountant that my standard is if worse case is back interest, then I want to take it. If it could be a fine then I don't. Back interest is what the IRS charges you when even they admit it's a judgement call. They charge fines they are saying you should have known better. My accountant agreed with that standard.

I do believe that Trump is more aggressive, he pushes into the fine territory. Paying the tuition is a you should have known better choice, definite fine territory. But it's the Trump rules. It's not about consistency, it's just get Trump at any cost.

In the past it has not been criminal prosecution EVER. This is the first time. And of course that happens with Trump. It's absurd
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.

Note how you conflated not reporting income with not properly reporting the value of benefits as income, two completely different things. Reject ...

Says the poor, hapless soul that;

1) refuses to read the indictment and thus has no clue what he's talking about

2) has yet to factually establish that no one has ever been charged with the crimes that Weisselberg and the Trump org have been charged with.

Given that you have no ide what you're talking about, why would we accept your unfounded assumption as anything more than the same ignorant babble you've offered up to this point?

Um ... when did I "refuse" to read the indictment? You haven't given me a reason to since you aren't raising any facts that change anything of what I said.

Note that you try to make it sound like I'm the one who's biased when you are totally political and speaking of every line in hyperbole while I actually thought they should get fined in addition to back taxes which is the maximum that ever happened before.

You're such a racist partisan air head. The world to you revolves around your political party
Or....we've actually read the indictment.

"These payments were not booked in the Trump Corporation’s general ledger as employee compensation, but were instead labeled and deducted as "rent expense" in the general ledger. However, for certain ‘years, the Trump Organization maintained internal spreadsheets that tracked the amounts it paid for Weisselberg’s rent, utility, and garage expenses."

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Two sets of books.

And again, the 'holiday entertainment'.

View attachment 510695

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Again, the two sets of books.

Remember, you've never read the indictment. It hinders your capacity to speak intelligently on the topic.
Someone kept a spread sheet?


Someone kept a spreadsheet that outlines the crimes it has a different classification for the compensation given Weisselberg. One lists them as taxable, one non-taxable.

With Weisselberg not paying taxes on the compensation outlined in the internal memo.

None of which you know as you too refuse to actually read the indictment.

It's Captain Hyperbole!

Showing once again you are just a hate filled partisan hack. Pathetic

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