The Tax Case Against Donald Trump

I agree. There are so many judgements in accounting. If you don't press then you are WAY overpaying taxes. It's a stupid system.

One question every business owner has with our accountant is how aggressive we want to be. I told my accountant that my standard is if worse case is back interest, then I want to take it. If it could be a fine then I don't. Back interest is what the IRS charges you when even they admit it's a judgement call. They charge fines they are saying you should have known better. My accountant agreed with that standard.

I do believe that Trump is more aggressive, he pushes into the fine territory. Paying the tuition is a you should have known better choice, definite fine territory. But it's the Trump rules. It's not about consistency, it's just get Trump at any cost.

In the past it has not been criminal prosecution EVER. This is the first time. And of course that happens with Trump. It's absurd
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.

Note how you conflated not reporting income with not properly reporting the value of benefits as income, two completely different things. Reject ...

Says the poor, hapless soul that;

1) refuses to read the indictment and thus has no clue what he's talking about

2) has yet to factually establish that no one has ever been charged with the crimes that Weisselberg and the Trump org have been charged with.

Given that you have no ide what you're talking about, why would we accept your unfounded assumption as anything more than the same ignorant babble you've offered up to this point?

Um ... when did I "refuse" to read the indictment? You haven't given me a reason to since you aren't raising any facts that change anything of what I said.

When you made claims that were explicitly and obviously contradicted by the indictment. For example, that our mention of the 'two sets of books' was a lie.

It wasn't. There was the general ledger and the internal spreadsheet....which gave completely different categorization for the payments in question. One taxable, the other not.

So you either read the indictment and then lied your ass off about it. Or you never read it and were babbling ignorantly about a topic you know jackshit about.

Your options are 'liar' or 'rube'.
Whoa, I said $160K and it was $210K. Holy shit, batman, that's a totally different! Now I get why they spent years and millions of dollars going after it!

Got you're stupid, racist
so I post the info on Al Sharpton, and they treat the link like it's invisible. amazing.
Neato! Which would bring me down to your level then. Does that comfort you to believe we are all as ignorant as you? Now i see why you won't read the thread.

You made the ignorant claim.....still no backup?
The prosecutors made the claim. Poor todd doesn't understand it. Sounds like a todd problem. Good luck.

Democrats were desperate with this one considering how little came out of an investigation that took so many years and wasted so much money and still didn't even personally get Trump? All this time you kept screaming the whole time wait until the NY investigation comes in! Ouch, lol. Sucks to be you.

$10K in underpayment of taxes per year? Wow, you guys flamed out on this one

Trump cultist excusing felonies, as expected
ProgBot cultists always assuming that anyone who disagrees with them belongs to a cult.
In fairness, you did mechanically ape whatever an online Occultist told you to think for a couple of months.

Your Ginger Messiah did have a very culty vibe.
You should read your posts that are consistently Orange Man Bad and TrumpBot.
You really are boring.
Try posting a fact once in a while.

Or....actual citations of the indictment in question with specific quotes regarding the two sets of books.

"These payments were not booked in the Trump Corporation’s general ledger as employee compensation, but were instead labeled and deducted as "rent expense" in the general ledger. However, for certain ‘years, the Trump Organization maintained internal spreadsheets that tracked the amounts it paid for Weisselberg’s rent, utility, and garage expenses."

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Two sets of books.

And again, the 'holiday entertainment'.

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Again, the two sets of books.

But you keep babbling about 'orange man bad'. I'll keep quoting the actual indictment, citing the actual evidence.

I read the entire indictment.
If what it says proves to be factual and the law so requires recompense then I am fully in favor of a lawful judgement.

I agree. There are so many judgements in accounting. If you don't press then you are WAY overpaying taxes. It's a stupid system.

One question every business owner has with our accountant is how aggressive we want to be. I told my accountant that my standard is if worse case is back interest, then I want to take it. If it could be a fine then I don't. Back interest is what the IRS charges you when even they admit it's a judgement call. They charge fines they are saying you should have known better. My accountant agreed with that standard.

I do believe that Trump is more aggressive, he pushes into the fine territory. Paying the tuition is a you should have known better choice, definite fine territory. But it's the Trump rules. It's not about consistency, it's just get Trump at any cost.

In the past it has not been criminal prosecution EVER. This is the first time. And of course that happens with Trump. It's absurd
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.
So why isn’t Al Sharpton in jail?
Hee bee iz Darhk!
Neato! Which would bring me down to your level then. Does that comfort you to believe we are all as ignorant as you? Now i see why you won't read the thread.

You made the ignorant claim.....still no backup?
The prosecutors made the claim. Poor todd doesn't understand it. Sounds like a todd problem. Good luck.

Democrats were desperate with this one considering how little came out of an investigation that took so many years and wasted so much money and still didn't even personally get Trump? All this time you kept screaming the whole time wait until the NY investigation comes in! Ouch, lol. Sucks to be you.

$10K in underpayment of taxes per year? Wow, you guys flamed out on this one

Trump cultist excusing felonies, as expected
ProgBot cultists always assuming that anyone who disagrees with them belongs to a cult.
In fairness, you did mechanically ape whatever an online Occultist told you to think for a couple of months.

Your Ginger Messiah did have a very culty vibe.
You should read your posts that are consistently Orange Man Bad and TrumpBot.
You really are boring.
Try posting a fact once in a while.

Or....actual citations of the indictment in question with specific quotes regarding the two sets of books.

"These payments were not booked in the Trump Corporation’s general ledger as employee compensation, but were instead labeled and deducted as "rent expense" in the general ledger. However, for certain ‘years, the Trump Organization maintained internal spreadsheets that tracked the amounts it paid for Weisselberg’s rent, utility, and garage expenses."

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Two sets of books.

And again, the 'holiday entertainment'.

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Again, the two sets of books.

But you keep babbling about 'orange man bad'. I'll keep quoting the actual indictment, citing the actual evidence.

I read the entire indictment.
If what it says proves to be factual and the law so requires recompense then I am fully in favor of a lawful judgement.

I agree. There are so many judgements in accounting. If you don't press then you are WAY overpaying taxes. It's a stupid system.

One question every business owner has with our accountant is how aggressive we want to be. I told my accountant that my standard is if worse case is back interest, then I want to take it. If it could be a fine then I don't. Back interest is what the IRS charges you when even they admit it's a judgement call. They charge fines they are saying you should have known better. My accountant agreed with that standard.

I do believe that Trump is more aggressive, he pushes into the fine territory. Paying the tuition is a you should have known better choice, definite fine territory. But it's the Trump rules. It's not about consistency, it's just get Trump at any cost.

In the past it has not been criminal prosecution EVER. This is the first time. And of course that happens with Trump. It's absurd
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.
So why isn’t Al Sharpton in jail?
Read the indictment and tell us how they're different than what you believe Al Sharpton did.
Al Sharpton simply said he would start a riot.
I read the entire indictment.
If what it says proves to be factual and the law so requires recompense then I am fully in favor of a lawful judgement.

I agree. There are so many judgements in accounting. If you don't press then you are WAY overpaying taxes. It's a stupid system.

One question every business owner has with our accountant is how aggressive we want to be. I told my accountant that my standard is if worse case is back interest, then I want to take it. If it could be a fine then I don't. Back interest is what the IRS charges you when even they admit it's a judgement call. They charge fines they are saying you should have known better. My accountant agreed with that standard.

I do believe that Trump is more aggressive, he pushes into the fine territory. Paying the tuition is a you should have known better choice, definite fine territory. But it's the Trump rules. It's not about consistency, it's just get Trump at any cost.

In the past it has not been criminal prosecution EVER. This is the first time. And of course that happens with Trump. It's absurd
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.
So why isn’t Al Sharpton in jail?
Read the indictment and tell us how they're different than what you believe Al Sharpton did.


That was the sound of your incredibly high standard for making sure Republicans pay every dollar the IRS thinks they owe fully with zero tolerance hitting the floor when we changed the discussion to a Democrat.

You fucking racist Democrats are so shallow and obvious
Neato! Which would bring me down to your level then. Does that comfort you to believe we are all as ignorant as you? Now i see why you won't read the thread.

You made the ignorant claim.....still no backup?
The prosecutors made the claim. Poor todd doesn't understand it. Sounds like a todd problem. Good luck.

Democrats were desperate with this one considering how little came out of an investigation that took so many years and wasted so much money and still didn't even personally get Trump? All this time you kept screaming the whole time wait until the NY investigation comes in! Ouch, lol. Sucks to be you.

$10K in underpayment of taxes per year? Wow, you guys flamed out on this one
Where did you come up with that ten grand a year number. Pulling numbers out of your ass doesn't amount to much, just saying. The number is higher than that for New York City income taxes alone, let alone federal and state income taxes. It is all listed in the indictment.

The underreporting was just over $100K a year. The charges were by the State of New York. Their tax rate is 8%. I rounded it up to about $10K a year in actual tax revenue.

I like how you asked me, then rather than allowing me to answer, you started talking about pulling shit out of asses. Note that's what you just did. You're not going to own up to that, are you? You're not a man
I can flippin read. Section 8 of the indictment specifies $210,923 in New York City income taxes avoided for the years 2005 to 2013 for the apartment alone, that is not even considering the car leases and tuition payments. And we still have carpet and improvements to that Florida condo.
He may owe taxes to New York City on ALL of his income, from 2005 to 2013, per the prosecution. They say he lied and did not claim NYC as his residence.
Neato! Which would bring me down to your level then. Does that comfort you to believe we are all as ignorant as you? Now i see why you won't read the thread.

You made the ignorant claim.....still no backup?
The prosecutors made the claim. Poor todd doesn't understand it. Sounds like a todd problem. Good luck.

Democrats were desperate with this one considering how little came out of an investigation that took so many years and wasted so much money and still didn't even personally get Trump? All this time you kept screaming the whole time wait until the NY investigation comes in! Ouch, lol. Sucks to be you.

$10K in underpayment of taxes per year? Wow, you guys flamed out on this one
Where did you come up with that ten grand a year number. Pulling numbers out of your ass doesn't amount to much, just saying. The number is higher than that for New York City income taxes alone, let alone federal and state income taxes. It is all listed in the indictment.

The underreporting was just over $100K a year. The charges were by the State of New York. Their tax rate is 8%. I rounded it up to about $10K a year in actual tax revenue.

I like how you asked me, then rather than allowing me to answer, you started talking about pulling shit out of asses. Note that's what you just did. You're not going to own up to that, are you? You're not a man
I can flippin read. Section 8 of the indictment specifies $210,923 in New York City income taxes avoided for the years 2005 to 2013 for the apartment alone, that is not even considering the car leases and tuition payments. And we still have carpet and improvements to that Florida condo.
He may owe taxes to New York City on ALL of his income, from 2005 to 2013, per the prosecution. They say he lied and did not claim NYC as his residence.

It still wouldn't be all his income because you pay NYC taxes whether you live there or not
Neato! Which would bring me down to your level then. Does that comfort you to believe we are all as ignorant as you? Now i see why you won't read the thread.

You made the ignorant claim.....still no backup?
The prosecutors made the claim. Poor todd doesn't understand it. Sounds like a todd problem. Good luck.

Democrats were desperate with this one considering how little came out of an investigation that took so many years and wasted so much money and still didn't even personally get Trump? All this time you kept screaming the whole time wait until the NY investigation comes in! Ouch, lol. Sucks to be you.

$10K in underpayment of taxes per year? Wow, you guys flamed out on this one
Where did you come up with that ten grand a year number. Pulling numbers out of your ass doesn't amount to much, just saying. The number is higher than that for New York City income taxes alone, let alone federal and state income taxes. It is all listed in the indictment.

The underreporting was just over $100K a year. The charges were by the State of New York. Their tax rate is 8%. I rounded it up to about $10K a year in actual tax revenue.

I like how you asked me, then rather than allowing me to answer, you started talking about pulling shit out of asses. Note that's what you just did. You're not going to own up to that, are you? You're not a man
I can flippin read. Section 8 of the indictment specifies $210,923 in New York City income taxes avoided for the years 2005 to 2013 for the apartment alone, that is not even considering the car leases and tuition payments. And we still have carpet and improvements to that Florida condo.

Whoa, I said $160K and it was $210K. Holy shit, batman, that's a totally different! Now I get why they spent years and millions of dollars going after it!

Got you're stupid, racist
Keep revealing that ignorance, that was city taxes alone, and only in regards to the apartment. And where did you get that ten million dollar figure, another number you pulled out of your ass.

Trump cultist excusing felonies, as expected
ProgBot cultists always assuming that anyone who disagrees with them belongs to a cult.
In fairness, you did mechanically ape whatever an online Occultist told you to think for a couple of months.

Your Ginger Messiah did have a very culty vibe.
You should read your posts that are consistently Orange Man Bad and TrumpBot.
You really are boring.
Try posting a fact once in a while.

Or....actual citations of the indictment in question with specific quotes regarding the two sets of books.

"These payments were not booked in the Trump Corporation’s general ledger as employee compensation, but were instead labeled and deducted as "rent expense" in the general ledger. However, for certain ‘years, the Trump Organization maintained internal spreadsheets that tracked the amounts it paid for Weisselberg’s rent, utility, and garage expenses."

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Two sets of books.

And again, the 'holiday entertainment'.

So the general ledger....and an internal spreadsheets. Again, the two sets of books.

But you keep babbling about 'orange man bad'. I'll keep quoting the actual indictment, citing the actual evidence.

I read the entire indictment.
If what it says proves to be factual and the law so requires recompense then I am fully in favor of a lawful judgement.

I agree. There are so many judgements in accounting. If you don't press then you are WAY overpaying taxes. It's a stupid system.

One question every business owner has with our accountant is how aggressive we want to be. I told my accountant that my standard is if worse case is back interest, then I want to take it. If it could be a fine then I don't. Back interest is what the IRS charges you when even they admit it's a judgement call. They charge fines they are saying you should have known better. My accountant agreed with that standard.

I do believe that Trump is more aggressive, he pushes into the fine territory. Paying the tuition is a you should have known better choice, definite fine territory. But it's the Trump rules. It's not about consistency, it's just get Trump at any cost.

In the past it has not been criminal prosecution EVER. This is the first time. And of course that happens with Trump. It's absurd
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.

Note how you conflated not reporting income with not properly reporting the value of benefits as income, two completely different things. Reject ...
To the IRS it is the same thing. See how ignorant you are. Go cook supper, I hope you are better at that than you are at finances and taxes.

Yeah it's just not. Which is why in every other case in history underreporting the cash value of benefits was a fine and not a criminal charge. You're just a racist and a liar
Underreporting the cash value of benefits, and not reported the benefits AT ALL, is two very different things. You are just plain STUPID.
It must hurt when you get taken to task. Out come the nasty bile dripping from your gob because you were r reminded of your hatreds and stupidity. I love it.
Neato! Which would bring me down to your level then. Does that comfort you to believe we are all as ignorant as you? Now i see why you won't read the thread.

You made the ignorant claim.....still no backup?
The prosecutors made the claim. Poor todd doesn't understand it. Sounds like a todd problem. Good luck.

Democrats were desperate with this one considering how little came out of an investigation that took so many years and wasted so much money and still didn't even personally get Trump? All this time you kept screaming the whole time wait until the NY investigation comes in! Ouch, lol. Sucks to be you.

$10K in underpayment of taxes per year? Wow, you guys flamed out on this one
Where did you come up with that ten grand a year number. Pulling numbers out of your ass doesn't amount to much, just saying. The number is higher than that for New York City income taxes alone, let alone federal and state income taxes. It is all listed in the indictment.

The underreporting was just over $100K a year. The charges were by the State of New York. Their tax rate is 8%. I rounded it up to about $10K a year in actual tax revenue.

I like how you asked me, then rather than allowing me to answer, you started talking about pulling shit out of asses. Note that's what you just did. You're not going to own up to that, are you? You're not a man
I can flippin read. Section 8 of the indictment specifies $210,923 in New York City income taxes avoided for the years 2005 to 2013 for the apartment alone, that is not even considering the car leases and tuition payments. And we still have carpet and improvements to that Florida condo.
He may owe taxes to New York City on ALL of his income, from 2005 to 2013, per the prosecution. They say he lied and did not claim NYC as his residence.

It still wouldn't be all his income because you pay NYC taxes whether you live there or not
Only those that work for the city pay the city income tax even if they don't live there. Damn, STFU. Obviously you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
Neato! Which would bring me down to your level then. Does that comfort you to believe we are all as ignorant as you? Now i see why you won't read the thread.

You made the ignorant claim.....still no backup?
The prosecutors made the claim. Poor todd doesn't understand it. Sounds like a todd problem. Good luck.

Democrats were desperate with this one considering how little came out of an investigation that took so many years and wasted so much money and still didn't even personally get Trump? All this time you kept screaming the whole time wait until the NY investigation comes in! Ouch, lol. Sucks to be you.

$10K in underpayment of taxes per year? Wow, you guys flamed out on this one
Where did you come up with that ten grand a year number. Pulling numbers out of your ass doesn't amount to much, just saying. The number is higher than that for New York City income taxes alone, let alone federal and state income taxes. It is all listed in the indictment.

The underreporting was just over $100K a year. The charges were by the State of New York. Their tax rate is 8%. I rounded it up to about $10K a year in actual tax revenue.

I like how you asked me, then rather than allowing me to answer, you started talking about pulling shit out of asses. Note that's what you just did. You're not going to own up to that, are you? You're not a man
I can flippin read. Section 8 of the indictment specifies $210,923 in New York City income taxes avoided for the years 2005 to 2013 for the apartment alone, that is not even considering the car leases and tuition payments. And we still have carpet and improvements to that Florida condo.
He may owe taxes to New York City on ALL of his income, from 2005 to 2013, per the prosecution. They say he lied and did not claim NYC as his residence.

It still wouldn't be all his income because you pay NYC taxes whether you live there or not
Do you ever get tired of just making stuff up and embarrassing yourself because it is ass backwards wrong?
Where did you come up with that ten grand a year number. Pulling numbers out of your ass doesn't amount to much, just saying. The number is higher than that for New York City income taxes alone, let alone federal and state income taxes. It is all listed in the indictment.

The underreporting was just over $100K a year. The charges were by the State of New York. Their tax rate is 8%. I rounded it up to about $10K a year in actual tax revenue.

I like how you asked me, then rather than allowing me to answer, you started talking about pulling shit out of asses. Note that's what you just did. You're not going to own up to that, are you? You're not a man
I can flippin read. Section 8 of the indictment specifies $210,923 in New York City income taxes avoided for the years 2005 to 2013 for the apartment alone, that is not even considering the car leases and tuition payments. And we still have carpet and improvements to that Florida condo.

Whoa, I said $160K and it was $210K. Holy shit, batman, that's a totally different! Now I get why they spent years and millions of dollars going after it!

Got you're stupid, racist
Keep revealing that ignorance, that was city taxes alone, and only in regards to the apartment. And where did you get that ten million dollar figure, another number you pulled out of your ass.

So do you at least have the integrity to admit that if this is all there is to it that the investigation was a total bust? If all they get is a couple hundred thousands for millions they spent investigating and that doesn't even count the upcoming trial, then it should never have happened?
You continually make the claim that nobody has been charged for failing to report employee compensation properly, and yet thousands of indictments are handed out every year by the IRS and almost all involve the non-reporting of income. You are just spouting off what Trump's lawyers said, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. While I will agree, most of the time it is just a fine, but in this particular case it was particular egregious. There very well be some jail time involved, and rightfully so. I mean there are simple solutions to every one of the scenarios listed, from the rental property, the car leases, and even the grandkid's tuition to private school. If a simple ass redneck hillbilly like myself knows what those solutions are, why does not a super badass businessman like Trump know them. If nothing else, this is a reflection of Trump's sheer ineptness as a businessman. I mean I would love to see his grades in college. Not likely that is ever going to be revealed.

Note how you conflated not reporting income with not properly reporting the value of benefits as income, two completely different things. Reject ...
To the IRS it is the same thing. See how ignorant you are. Go cook supper, I hope you are better at that than you are at finances and taxes.

Yeah it's just not. Which is why in every other case in history underreporting the cash value of benefits was a fine and not a criminal charge. You're just a racist and a liar
Underreporting the cash value of benefits, and not reported the benefits AT ALL, is two very different things. You are just plain STUPID.

We need to see more how this plays out and not just go by flagrantly politically motivated prosecution
Neato! Which would bring me down to your level then. Does that comfort you to believe we are all as ignorant as you? Now i see why you won't read the thread.

You made the ignorant claim.....still no backup?
The prosecutors made the claim. Poor todd doesn't understand it. Sounds like a todd problem. Good luck.

Democrats were desperate with this one considering how little came out of an investigation that took so many years and wasted so much money and still didn't even personally get Trump? All this time you kept screaming the whole time wait until the NY investigation comes in! Ouch, lol. Sucks to be you.

$10K in underpayment of taxes per year? Wow, you guys flamed out on this one
Where did you come up with that ten grand a year number. Pulling numbers out of your ass doesn't amount to much, just saying. The number is higher than that for New York City income taxes alone, let alone federal and state income taxes. It is all listed in the indictment.

The underreporting was just over $100K a year. The charges were by the State of New York. Their tax rate is 8%. I rounded it up to about $10K a year in actual tax revenue.

I like how you asked me, then rather than allowing me to answer, you started talking about pulling shit out of asses. Note that's what you just did. You're not going to own up to that, are you? You're not a man
I can flippin read. Section 8 of the indictment specifies $210,923 in New York City income taxes avoided for the years 2005 to 2013 for the apartment alone, that is not even considering the car leases and tuition payments. And we still have carpet and improvements to that Florida condo.
He may owe taxes to New York City on ALL of his income, from 2005 to 2013, per the prosecution. They say he lied and did not claim NYC as his residence.

It still wouldn't be all his income because you pay NYC taxes whether you live there or not
Only those that work for the city pay the city income tax even if they don't live there. Damn, STFU. Obviously you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

Obviously I lived in New York City and you didn't.

Google the history of the commuter tax. Granted it changes over time, but that you don't even know what I'm talking about shows the stupid stick is rammed up your ass
Where did you come up with that ten grand a year number. Pulling numbers out of your ass doesn't amount to much, just saying. The number is higher than that for New York City income taxes alone, let alone federal and state income taxes. It is all listed in the indictment.

The underreporting was just over $100K a year. The charges were by the State of New York. Their tax rate is 8%. I rounded it up to about $10K a year in actual tax revenue.

I like how you asked me, then rather than allowing me to answer, you started talking about pulling shit out of asses. Note that's what you just did. You're not going to own up to that, are you? You're not a man
I can flippin read. Section 8 of the indictment specifies $210,923 in New York City income taxes avoided for the years 2005 to 2013 for the apartment alone, that is not even considering the car leases and tuition payments. And we still have carpet and improvements to that Florida condo.
He may owe taxes to New York City on ALL of his income, from 2005 to 2013, per the prosecution. They say he lied and did not claim NYC as his residence.

It still wouldn't be all his income because you pay NYC taxes whether you live there or not
Do you ever get tired of just making stuff up and embarrassing yourself because it is ass backwards wrong?
Do you ever get tired of just making stuff up and embarrassing yourself because it is ass backwards wrong?
It has been alleged that they claimed millions in personal expenses as business expenses. Things like rent, travel and tuition were written off.

Sounds horrible!
Why didn't the IRS notice?
Yeah, next time a city cop tries to give me a speeding ticket I am going to ask why the Highway Patrol didn't notice, see how that flies.

I realize you're a moron, but the IRS had these tax records for decades and didn't notice?
You're making less sense than usual.
Seriously? You believe that? The IRS had what the Trump organization sent them. I mean have you bothered to read the indictment? Tell me, how could the IRS know, from the documentation they received, like the W2, about compensation that was not listed within that documentation? They got a crystal ball or something?

Look, I have admitted that the Trump organization can mount a defense. The apartment, they might be able to get it to fly. Although it is problematic that Weisselberg eventually listed it as his residence, and his kids went to school in the area. But the leases for the Mercedes, tuition for the private school for Weisselberg's kids, carpet for his apartment--that shit ain't going to fly.

And here is the really good one. You know, most companies hand out a Christmas bonus they just add it to your check. In Weisselberg's case the Trump organization stroked a check payable to a different employee, that employee then cashed the check, and handed the money to Weisselberg. That is some shady ass shit right there. Imagine being that employee, which if you think about it, that employee just might be where this investigation started, because I know I sure as hell wouldn't have laid back and took it. And how, in the name of all that is holy, could the IRS have known about that? And how stupid was the Trump organization, leaving a paper trail documenting all that shit. Like I said, pure amateurs.

So this is a great description of that accusation.

Calling that keeping two sets of books is absurd and done intentionally to make it sound like something it isn't. Even according to his own description is was just a list of things the company paid for, it wasn't a "set of books," which would mean a sperate accounting. That is totally misleading and intended to be prejudicial.

And it really depends what was on the list because a lot of things ARE deductible. For example, internet, phones, home computer and network equipment, cars and many other expenses can legitimately be deducted.

Note he didn't even mention that in the clip. He makes it sound like he's just investigating, but everything he says is spun left which means you have to question everything he says. I would love to interview him and ask those questions since he was spinning a case, not giving a balanced assessment
The defense at the trial will have the opportunity to present their case and question the prosecution's. It's true that it's a lot easier to get an indictment than a conviction, so it should be interesting.
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