The Tea Party vs a $70 million HS Football Stadium

The strength of America`s military lies in the fact that its members are volunteers, who WANT to be there.

If there was military draft and you were 18 years old and just received your draft notice, you would probably burn it and bolt to Canada as your fellow liberals did a generation ago.

Just my 2 cents.

We'd still have an all volunteer miliatry. But they would be supported by a national guard that is predicated on 2 years mandatory cumpulsory service...whether your name is Jane Doe or Sasha Obama.

As for bolting to Canada, I know you guys don't like details so I won't bore you with them but when your nation is at war that it's leaders are deeming unwinnable and are suing for peace, you think twice about going into battle.

Secondarily, this isn't a draft; it's part of the turn 18 and you spend 2 years on patrol supporting the standing army. Do we really need active duty MP's guarding Luke AFB?

No matter how you try to sugarcoat it, it is still SLAVERY! If you support it, you are evil.

man that weak from the week

nothing new for them

unless you live there how does this take any skin off your asses? this is the non important crap you get off that site

losers any petty thing to bitch about

at least it's not over a Duel or potatoes on football teams helmets
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The stadium plan should be broomed. The existing stadium should be sufficient for all schools in the area for at least thirty years.

The current stadium is overbooked and they are building more schools as we speak.
A new stadium is needed.

Then I guess they need to adjust the sports schedules! Is there a game in the stadium every day during the school year? If not, it's not overbooked!

Games are played on Friday and Saturday. Unless you plan on having kids travel to other districts for away games during the school week you really dont have a choice.
If I remember correctly there are seven high schools using the current stadium with two more opening next year and more in the works.
This area is growing and everyone likes football.
And when the economy improves they will build it.
School sports should be abolished. Period.

If the residents of Katy, Texas, want to support a local football team, they should do so with private funds.

This is insanity on steroids.

I don't grasp the liberal logic that government builds schools, then somehow building a big stadium for the football team in a State that gets big attendance is somehow out of bounds. I totally get rethinking public school funding, but picking on this appears at best arbitrary and at worst complete political partisanship. How much money does the stadium raise for the school? In Texas, it could be substantial. Do you even know?
$70 million

Would pay for 175,000 laptop computers
Would pay a years tuition at a Texas University for 14,000 students

Where does the educational dollar go in Texas?

and money via corporate sponsorships help bring back money into the coffers. while i think 70 million for a HS football stadium is ridiculous, the voters approved it. it is not your money, so why are you bitching about it?

I am a USMB poster......I get to bitch about anything I please

In this case, Texans bitching about taxes while they waste money on a 70 million stadium for teenagers

It was a local issue in Katy Texas, a far west suburb of Houston. Not a state wide bond issue.
Guess which state?

The Tea Party vs. the $70 million high school football stadium - The Week

In Texas, pretty much the only thing more popular than low taxes is football. Hence the awkward battle in Katy, Texas, over a proposal to build the most expensive high school football stadium in the United States.

The 14,000-seat stadium would be built next to the 10,000-seat stadium the school already has. Improvements would include state-of-the-art lighting, concourses to provide shelter during storms, bigger bathrooms, and adjacent field houses to hold weight rooms and offices for the staff. The proposed price tag is $69.5 million.

Every other stadium that even comes close is located in, you guessed it, Texas. That includes the $49 million Woodforest Bank Stadium near Houston and the Alamo Stadium in San Antonio, a 23,000-seat facility that is currently undergoing a $35 million renovation.

Of course, it's not Jerry Jones who is footing the nearly $70 million bill for Katy's new football stadium; it's the taxpayers, as part of a $100 million bond package. And that has some local Tea Party members, like Cyndi Lawrence, angry, according to the Houston Chronicle:

A $69 million price tag for a second stadium is excessive on the backs of the taxpayers … Just a few years ago, the housing market crashed. Who's to say this market is stable? If something happens again, they will be forced to raise taxes. I think it's just bad planning, putting that much debt on future generations.

Let me guess, since the stadium is infrastructure and/or education, and the Tea Party is against it, it is good.

Or are you just being stupid?

Mama always says.......Stupid is as stupid does

Paying $70 million on a HS Football Stadium would even have Forrest laughing at ya
School sports should be abolished. Period.

If the residents of Katy, Texas, want to support a local football team, they should do so with private funds.

This is insanity on steroids.

I don't grasp the liberal logic that government builds schools, then somehow building a big stadium for the football team in a State that gets big attendance is somehow out of bounds. I totally get rethinking public school funding, but picking on this appears at best arbitrary and at worst complete political partisanship. How much money does the stadium raise for the school? In Texas, it could be substantial. Do you even know?

A lot of liberal weenies don't like football anyway ("Oooh, it's too rough! They should all be playing soccer with helmets on, or memorizing the collected wisdom of the obama."), so it fits their larger agenda.
and money via corporate sponsorships help bring back money into the coffers. while i think 70 million for a HS football stadium is ridiculous, the voters approved it. it is not your money, so why are you bitching about it?

I am a USMB poster......I get to bitch about anything I please

In this case, Texans bitching about taxes while they waste money on a 70 million stadium for teenagers

It was a local issue in Katy Texas, a far west suburb of Houston. Not a state wide bond issue.

Houston also voted down $250 million to rebuild the Astrodome
I am a USMB poster......I get to bitch about anything I please

In this case, Texans bitching about taxes while they waste money on a 70 million stadium for teenagers

It was a local issue in Katy Texas, a far west suburb of Houston. Not a state wide bond issue.

Houston also voted down $250 million to rebuild the Astrodome

And you don't get the difference between funding a stadium for a private business and a government school, do you, big guy?
I am a USMB poster......I get to bitch about anything I please

In this case, Texans bitching about taxes while they waste money on a 70 million stadium for teenagers

It was a local issue in Katy Texas, a far west suburb of Houston. Not a state wide bond issue.

Houston also voted down $250 million to rebuild the Astrodome

While I hate to see it torn down thats what needs to happen.
It'd end up being a colossal waste of money just like light rail.
Even as a libertarian, I have a hard time viewing land ownership as extending miles under ground much less calling it "on their land." BTW, even the liberal EPA has not been able to back up your claim that they are being affected by horizontal fracking. So far only liberal land owners who want to block progress for their political ideology are making that claim.

Kaz, there are mineral ownership rights and lots of times those aren't transferred to the next landowner. There can be shallow or deep rights also.

What I am aware of recently is the horizontal fracking where government is granting the rights miles under ground. It's like a development where if landowners had to sign off, one landowner could block the project because it's not practical to avoid a random property. Government OK'd the drilling, but the landowners are actually getting royalty checks. A handful of liberals want to stop them for their political ideology and keep us dependent on foreign oil so we load tankers up and float them across oceans to protect the environment while sending checks to prop up despotic governments. Yes, liberals are morons.

If manifold is referring to something else, maybe he could be more specific.
The royalty checks go the owner of the mineral rights which may or may not be land owner. I don't think the concern is political ideology but rather potential damage particularly to Aquifers. In this case, I think the reward is worth the risk. However, if this turns into an ecological disaster, the cleanup costs will be huge.
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and money via corporate sponsorships help bring back money into the coffers. while i think 70 million for a HS football stadium is ridiculous, the voters approved it. it is not your money, so why are you bitching about it?

I am a USMB poster......I get to bitch about anything I please

In this case, Texans bitching about taxes while they waste money on a 70 million stadium for teenagers

All that bitching for nothing, the bond proposal failed. Next subject.

If it failed, I'd say "all the bitching" was not for nothing. Apparently the "bitching" worked.
It was a local issue in Katy Texas, a far west suburb of Houston. Not a state wide bond issue.

Houston also voted down $250 million to rebuild the Astrodome

And you don't get the difference between funding a stadium for a private business and a government school, do you, big guy?

I understand the difference in a $100 million "education" expenditure where $70 million is on a football stadium
$70 million

Would pay for 175,000 laptop computers
Would pay a years tuition at a Texas University for 14,000 students

Would pay a month's supply of condoms for Sandra Fluke.

You know she wasn't testifying about herself don't you? She was talking about someone else that needed birth control for a health condition, not to prevent pregnancy.
$70 million

Would pay for 175,000 laptop computers
Would pay a years tuition at a Texas University for 14,000 students

Would pay a month's supply of condoms for Sandra Fluke.

You know she wasn't testifying about herself don't you? She was talking about someone else that needed birth control for a health condition, not to prevent pregnancy.

She was asking for free birth control for all, not just for those with medical conditions. She was using a cancer lady as a human shield.

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