The Threat Destroying American Civilization - Illustrated


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
American Civilization as we understand it from modernity and history is currently under relentless attack from an enemy assaulting it on three main fronts.


Across our nation the Media, Hollywood, the Music Industry, Institutions of Higher Learning and the Public School System are 24/7 broadcasting the same message to American boys and young men: "The state of being a strong, responsible, honest, take charge male is inherently poisoning our civilization, even physically polluting the Earth." In all forms of entertainment these days traditional and new fictional male heroes are being or have been replaced with female, trans or gay imitations. The overt motivation: to invade and destroy every last bastion of the representation of masculinity in all genres and forms of fiction and other artforms. The final message: no stone a strong male hero, or antihero for that matter, might hide under from whom a boy or young man can learn to be a man or believe in and model himself after, will be left unturned, replaced, erased.

The same is true of male heroes and role models from throughout American History. While the process is taking much longer than Hollywood's attack on masculinity, the revision of our history for the purpose of removing great men and replacing them with women is progressing steadily onward. Soon enough, George Washington will be renamed Georgina, and Abe Lincoln will be forever known as Abby.

What then is the true motivation for the destruction and replacement of men in fiction and history and the erasure of all icons of masculinity from the American public space? Men are the anchors of the ancient human family unit. Men have always been the protectors, providers; the founders, the builders and the maintainers of all the great civilizations in human history going back to the first. Men are supposed to be, according to eons of human biological development, the strong foundation of any family; fathers who are responsible enough, self-sacrificing enough to lead the families they start into survival and bounty. Fathers are supposed to be unsung heroes who stop at nothing to keep the family fed, clothed, alive and flourishing.

In essence, fathers are the foundation of the basic human family unit, and that basic human family unit is one of the most fundamental pillars of Western and American Civilization. Thus, if the masculinity is removed from the man, so it is also removed from the father, and the father is removed as the foundation of the family; and civilization then loses a key pillar and comes crashing down on all our heads.

Radical feminism, being a pillar of radical leftism, must destroy all allure of masculinity; all appeal of being a strong, responsible, capable man and father, or its own spread will halt forever. Radical leftism celebrates radical feminism as a broader means of contributing to the takedown of what it calls 'The Ancient Hierarchical Patriarchy' which it blames for essentially all of man's woes these last three centuries give or take, and which is also a key target that must be destroyed in order to end democracy and capitalism. Thus, if masculinity is destroyed, the true Marxists among us move one step closer to realizing their communist Utopia of collectivist unicorns farting rainbows in never ending peace and harmony for all. True story.


This is the "Big One" of the three pronged attack on our civilization. While corrupt men have always ruled masses of weaker men content with wielding no power or wealth, all civilizations since time out of mind have been raised on indelible codes of moral conduct. Sure, the leaders of those civilizations might have broken such moral codes on a daily basis, but without those "golden rules" upon which all laws are founded, every last kingdom, empire, city-state, republic and dynasty would have crumbled immediately into chaos.

American Civilization is no exception. In fact, one could make a great argument for America's founding on a code of moral conduct more meaningful and benevolent for the freedom of the individual than any other nation in history. But these codes of moral conduct go much deeper than the national level, straight into the minds and hearts of every last citizen. We depend on our laws and the enforcement of them to provide us with a safe, free and fair place to live out our lives. But what happens when the law cannot keep up with the relentless demands of everyday "real" life?

That's exactly where our individual behaviors; our personal moral codes of conduct come into play as both vital to our own day to day existence, and the continued existence of our nation. All the laws in the universe couldn't keep our civilization up and running if a majority of American Citizens suddenly jettisoned their sense of personal responsibility, mercy, compassion and knowledge of the differences between ancient right and wrong. No number of police or soldiers could ever be enough to counter a tide of tens of millions of Americans suddenly devoid of all sense of right and wrong, nor that many citizens who decided to create or redefine, for their own self-pleasure, what everyone deep inside their hearts understands as right and wrong; good and bad for the common good and the human race.

But that is exactly what the radical American left has been doing for many decades: recreating the most ancient definitions of right and wrong and broadcasting into young American minds that there are no absolute concepts of good and evil, just and unjust, right and wrong. The radical leftists among us have been effectively convincing us and our children for quite some time that we can ignore doing the right thing in most if not all situations, as long as we can justify doing so for our own pleasure or persona gain.

Through the same means as its attack on masculinity, the radical left has attacked and seemingly almost destroyed all function of our moral compasses. We see this plague slither deeper and deeper into our society on a daily basis in every facet of our personal lives. We have national and online discussions about whether or not murdering our unborn children is a "good" thing. We watch as mothers and fathers lead their children into all manner of perversion, including marching them to the feet of predatory men dressed as women who indoctrinate them into an ideology which encourages them to mutilate their body and become men and women who either will never or can never reproduce. Our teachers stand by as males violate the privacy of our young girls in public schools. We ridicule anyone who dares to identify as Christian, as some kind of freak to be stoned in the public square. And we allow our children access to endless pornography, violent forms of fiction and video games in which mass murder, graphically depicted, is the expected and celebrated norm.

In order to destroy our American Civilization, all ancient sense of right and wrong must first be burned down or drowned. Surf the web, visit a local university or sit in on almost any public school sex education class and you will soon realize that the moral code our nation was founded on, the very same code which has kept our nation out of chaos for centuries, is now just about dead, gone, buried.


Our ancient political machinery and the geopolitical borders defining the limits of our nation still exist, but for how much longer? In at least twenty cities across America the local and/or state governments above them have been in open defiance of local, state and federal laws for several years. Everyone talks about "state powers this, state rights that" and while that's all fine and good, "state rights" do not and never shall hold all lower forty-eight states together in one Union.

The seat of our federal government lies in Washington D.C. period. All our federal elected lawmakers meet there to legislate the nationwide laws of our land. Everyone last one of us complains sometime in our lives about those politicians and the laws they pass, but without the federal government America would quickly become fifty individual warring city-states at minimum.

How then can our nation continue on as wholly sovereign and defined by borders, when so many of Her cities and states have openly rebelled against our federal government no more obviously and grievously than on the matter of immigration? One half, if even that much, of our government is still playing by an "official" book of rules regarding immigration, while the rest of our government breaks those laws on a daily basis?

Further, what kind of sovereign nation puts the individual human day to day plight of the foreigner above the needs of the generational citizen? The radical left does this without mercy or consideration, and has made it clear the foreign born person who arrives on our shores illegally or seeking legal asylum matters more than we lifetime or new Americans do.

Without respect for our generational cultures, common good, use of public infrastructure or the likely threat to our individual safety, the radical American left has made it clear we do not matter so much as the people they have "inspired" to mass wave immigrate to our shores these last few years.

If we do not combat the radical American left with election results in particular, America will no longer be a nation of enforced borders. Without borders, America will soon lose its centuries of sovereignty. And when that has come to pass, so too will our civilization sink beneath the dark waters of history.

American Civilization is no exception. In fact, one could make a great argument for America's founding on a code of moral conduct more meaningful and benevolent for the freedom of the individual than any other nation in history.


We couldn't agree more!

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