The time has come for more knife control laws.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Enough is enough, we need to pass knife control laws which require federal background checks, and mandarptory waiting periods in order to purchase any kind of knife. Any knife purchased must be registered. Between passing these laws, and having knife-free zones, it'll assure an incident like this never happens again:

Six Dead in Chicago Mass Stabbing - Breitbart
ISIS Claims Responsibility for OSU Attack
While the Left tries to blame guns for the near-massacre – even though guns weren’t used.
November 30, 2016
Matthew Vadum


Under President Obama, Somali refugee resettlement has surged by an astounding 250 percent. As Jim Stinson writes at LifeZette:

Somalia is an overwhelmingly Muslim nation. Over 99 percent of Somalians are Muslim, according to Pennsylvania State University. Mass Muslim migration to Western nations in recent years has generated major concerns about cultural assimilation, vetting procedures, and, ultimately, instances of radicalization and violence.

Somali refugees have taken up residence in communities across America, creating Little Mogadishus across the fruited plain. Somalis in Columbus have been implicated previously in Islamic terror plots.

Despite the evidence pointing to jihad as the motive, talking heads spent untold hours on cable news networks Monday handwringing as they cautioned against leaping to conclusions about the motive of the killer. This is the way it works nowadays. The Obama administration, local authorities, left-wing kooks on Twitter, and the media play a gigantic game of pretending not to notice that terrorist attacks are terrorist attacks.

Knee-jerk leftists immediately tried to change the subject from terrorism after the attack, blaming guns even though firearms were not used in the attack.


ISIS Claims Responsibility for OSU Attack
Enough is enough, we need to pass knife control laws which require federal background checks, and mandarptory waiting periods in order to purchase any kind of knife. Any knife purchased must be registered. Between passing these laws, and having knife-free zones, it'll assure an incident like this never happens again:

Six Dead in Chicago Mass Stabbing - Breitbart

But what about the cars, man? People are getting killed everyday by stupid drivers, drunk drivers and texting drivers. I am beginning to think liberals don't really care about human life. They only object to things that would allow people to fight against tyranny but say nothing about things that most often kill people on a daily basis. Yup, they want that Chicago-style gun control but don't care that you can buy knives EVERYWHERE! You can buy knives in Goodwill stores for $1.00 and they don't even ID you.
You will get nowhere trying to shame gun control advocates with facts and logical arguments. Gun control advocates are liars, start there. They lie about why they want to ban guns, that's why your logical arguments and facts have no effect on them.

Many are driven simply by the fact that gun ownership is something the right values and enjoys. Therefore they enjoy banning guns and restricting our 2nd amendment rights just for the pleasure of trying to piss off the right. Yes they are that petty.
Enough is enough, we need to pass knife control laws which require federal background checks, and mandarptory waiting periods in order to purchase any kind of knife. Any knife purchased must be registered. Between passing these laws, and having knife-free zones, it'll assure an incident like this never happens again:

Six Dead in Chicago Mass Stabbing - Breitbart
Maybe we need to pass laws to keep idiots from posting on the internet. I'm sure you'll fail the IQ test.
Enough is enough, we need to pass knife control laws which require federal background checks, and mandarptory waiting periods in order to purchase any kind of knife. Any knife purchased must be registered. Between passing these laws, and having knife-free zones, it'll assure an incident like this never happens again:

Six Dead in Chicago Mass Stabbing - Breitbart
Maybe we need to pass laws to keep idiots from posting on the internet. I'm sure you'll fail the IQ test.
So, you're not for the children? What a monster....
Enough is enough, we need to pass knife control laws which require federal background checks, and mandarptory waiting periods in order to purchase any kind of knife. Any knife purchased must be registered. Between passing these laws, and having knife-free zones, it'll assure an incident like this never happens again:

Six Dead in Chicago Mass Stabbing - Breitbart

Yeah, let's compare guns to knives. What do you do for an encore, compare Mother Teresa to Josef Stalin?
getting my knives presents a big problem .. I protect my knives with my guns.

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