The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct

And the noose tightens aroud the Comrade' neck.
  • The document includes one particularly explosive allegation - that the Trump campaign agreed to minimize US opposition to Russia's incursions into Ukraine in exchange for the Kremlin releasing negative information about Trump's opponent, Hillary Clinton. The timing of events supporting this allegation also lines up.

    I guess the Comrade will be putting pressure on on intelligence agencies to stop the investigation.
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct

Sorry, my friend, Natasha Bertrand is a fabian socialist and most likely a CIA plant. I did a background check on her before I ever started reading the article and I only had to read a paragraph before I could debunk it as pure bullshit and fiction.

Most people have no idea about the E.U/ Soros led (and funded) overthrow of the government of Ukraine which was really an attack on Russia and this happened when word leaked that Putin as going to nationalize the central bank of Russia and kick out the Rothschilds. Crimea was the sweetest plum that these globalists wanted because of the peninsula and they were denied it when Crimea wanted no part of the E.U puppet "gubermint" and sided with Russia....which led to the fake news story that Russia had "INVADED" the Ukraine which was 100 percent bullshit. You can't trust a fucking thing that comes out of the state department even now or anything that comes off the wire of the lamestream media.....not one fucking thing. It's a very sad state of affairs but it is what it is. The dinosaur media is dying a very slow death.
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct
And when the sun rises tomorrow; Trump will still be President....
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct
And when the sun rises tomorrow; Trump will still be President....
hopefully not
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct

Sorry, my friend, Natasha Bertrand is a fabian socialist and most likely a CIA plant. I did a background check on her before I ever started reading the article and I only had to read a paragraph before I could debunk it as pure bullshit and fiction.

Most people have no idea about the E.U/ Soros led (and funded) overthrow of the government of Ukraine which was really an attack on Russia and this happened when word leaked that Putin as going to nationalize the central bank of Russia and kick out the Rothschilds. Crimea was the sweetest plum that these globalists wanted because of the peninsula and they were denied it when Crimea wanted no part of the E.U puppet "gubermint" and sided with Russia....which led to the fake news story that Russia had "INVADED" the Ukraine which was 100 percent bullshit. You can't trust a fucking thing that comes out of the state department even now or anything that comes off the wire of the lamestream media.....not one fucking thing. It's a very sad state of affairs but it is what it is. The dinosaur media is dying a very slow death.

You could've just said "don't believe anyone but trumpet" and you would've saved yourself all that typing
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct

Sorry, my friend, Natasha Bertrand is a fabian socialist and most likely a CIA plant. I did a background check on her before I ever started reading the article and I only had to read a paragraph before I could debunk it as pure bullshit and fiction.

Most people have no idea about the E.U/ Soros led (and funded) overthrow of the government of Ukraine which was really an attack on Russia and this happened when word leaked that Putin as going to nationalize the central bank of Russia and kick out the Rothschilds. Crimea was the sweetest plum that these globalists wanted because of the peninsula and they were denied it when Crimea wanted no part of the E.U puppet "gubermint" and sided with Russia....which led to the fake news story that Russia had "INVADED" the Ukraine which was 100 percent bullshit. You can't trust a fucking thing that comes out of the state department even now or anything that comes off the wire of the lamestream media.....not one fucking thing. It's a very sad state of affairs but it is what it is. The dinosaur media is dying a very slow death.

You could've just said "don't believe anyone but trumpet" and you would've saved yourself all that typing

Spare me the angst, dude....if Trump turns out to be a globalist puppet, I will be busting on him like there is no tomorrow and all of the sudden you and your leftard pals will be hailing me and wanting to be my bestest friend and the ones that like my postings now will probably shun me. I'm about truth....not political sides. This is what I do and I am damn good at it. I have been there, done that....I have the commemorative T-shirt and coffee cup as parting gifts when I was a shill for the neocons. I can never take enough showers to wash the stench off of me and I did this daily for 11 friggin' years. Ask edward37...he was on the old Yahoo message board and we warred many times but he is an incredibly great friend. He has seen me evolve. I know of what I speak because I am serious about this shit. I don't like seeing us divided but I will never bow to socialism/communism...that's never gonna happen.
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct

Sorry, my friend, Natasha Bertrand is a fabian socialist and most likely a CIA plant. I did a background check on her before I ever started reading the article and I only had to read a paragraph before I could debunk it as pure bullshit and fiction.

Most people have no idea about the E.U/ Soros led (and funded) overthrow of the government of Ukraine which was really an attack on Russia and this happened when word leaked that Putin as going to nationalize the central bank of Russia and kick out the Rothschilds. Crimea was the sweetest plum that these globalists wanted because of the peninsula and they were denied it when Crimea wanted no part of the E.U puppet "gubermint" and sided with Russia....which led to the fake news story that Russia had "INVADED" the Ukraine which was 100 percent bullshit. You can't trust a fucking thing that comes out of the state department even now or anything that comes off the wire of the lamestream media.....not one fucking thing. It's a very sad state of affairs but it is what it is. The dinosaur media is dying a very slow death.

You could've just said "don't believe anyone but trumpet" and you would've saved yourself all that typing

Spare me the angst, dude....if Trump turns out to be a globalist puppet, I will be busting on him like there is no tomorrow and all of the sudden you and your leftard pals will be hailing me and wanting to be my bestest friend and the ones that like my postings now will probably shun me. I'm about truth....not political sides. This is what I do and I am damn good at it. I have been there, done that....I have the commemorative T-shirt and coffee cup as parting gifts when I was a shill for the neocons. I can never take enough showers to wash the stench off of me and I did this daily for 11 friggin' years. Ask edward37...he was on the old Yahoo message board and we warred many times but he is an incredibly great friend. He has seen me evolve. I know of what I speak because I am serious about this shit. I don't like seeing us divided but I will never bow to socialism/communism...that's never gonna happen.

Here is your problem. You can find conspiracies in everything everywhere...but you're "waiting" to see if Trump is a puppet? Because defending Russia against interfering with our election, attacking the US Intel agencies to defend Russia, nominating several idiots with close ties to Russia, Flynn negotiating with Russia behind Obama back and lying about it...

All of those flat out in your face xonext ions and you're still "waiting"? What are you waiting for? A letter signed by Trump saying "I am a puppet - signed ME" to be discovered?

Even if it was you've already baked in your next don't believe any of the media or the US Intel agencies.

So what evidence are you waiting for? And where will you find it repored that is credible?

Well to answer those questions would mean you're open to accepting info..but youre not...unless you can answer of course.
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct

Sorry, my friend, Natasha Bertrand is a fabian socialist and most likely a CIA plant. I did a background check on her before I ever started reading the article and I only had to read a paragraph before I could debunk it as pure bullshit and fiction.

Most people have no idea about the E.U/ Soros led (and funded) overthrow of the government of Ukraine which was really an attack on Russia and this happened when word leaked that Putin as going to nationalize the central bank of Russia and kick out the Rothschilds. Crimea was the sweetest plum that these globalists wanted because of the peninsula and they were denied it when Crimea wanted no part of the E.U puppet "gubermint" and sided with Russia....which led to the fake news story that Russia had "INVADED" the Ukraine which was 100 percent bullshit. You can't trust a fucking thing that comes out of the state department even now or anything that comes off the wire of the lamestream media.....not one fucking thing. It's a very sad state of affairs but it is what it is. The dinosaur media is dying a very slow death.

You could've just said "don't believe anyone but trumpet" and you would've saved yourself all that typing

Spare me the angst, dude....if Trump turns out to be a globalist puppet, I will be busting on him like there is no tomorrow and all of the sudden you and your leftard pals will be hailing me and wanting to be my bestest friend and the ones that like my postings now will probably shun me. I'm about truth....not political sides. This is what I do and I am damn good at it. I have been there, done that....I have the commemorative T-shirt and coffee cup as parting gifts when I was a shill for the neocons. I can never take enough showers to wash the stench off of me and I did this daily for 11 friggin' years. Ask edward37...he was on the old Yahoo message board and we warred many times but he is an incredibly great friend. He has seen me evolve. I know of what I speak because I am serious about this shit. I don't like seeing us divided but I will never bow to socialism/communism...that's never gonna happen.

Here is your problem. You can find conspiracies in everything everywhere...but you're "waiting" to see if Trump is a puppet? Because defending Russia against interfering with our election, attacking the US Intel agencies to defend Russia, nominating several idiots with close ties to Russia, Flynn negotiating with Russia behind Obama back and lying about it...

All of those flat out in your face xonext ions and you're still "waiting"? What are you waiting for? A letter signed by Trump saying "I am a puppet - signed ME" to be discovered?

Even if it was you've already baked in your next don't believe any of the media or the US Intel agencies.

So what evidence are you waiting for? And where will you find it repored that is credible?

Well to answer those questions would mean you're open to accepting info..but youre not...unless you can answer of course.

I don't have any problems at all....what I do is judge someone's merits by whom his enemies are rather than his allies. I don't like the fact at all that Trump has some neocons touting him but it could be because they wish to curry favor....I need more time because it hasn't even been a fucking month since he took office but I like what he has proposed thus far. The repudiation of the TPP was HUGE. The building of the wall has been needed for decades and the influx of muslims into this country has been utterly ridiculously stupid and to top it off? The vetting process is utterly pathetic. It is insane to bring in people that have no fucking clue what this country is all about, can't speak the language and have no respect for our culture and then we pay for their existence while we have homeless people and veterans on our own streets. Call me a "racist", I donb't give a flying fuck but this is beyond ridiculous.

As far as Russia goes? They were not involved in the hacking because it was a LEAK but even if they did hack the DNC and then passed that information off to Julian Assange? Why would anyone that wants to know the truth have a problem with that? The RNC certainly didn't want Trump so you think that DNC and RNC operatives don't have muckrakers? The lamestream media certainly isn't protecting Trump and attack him every chance they get. You don';t think things through. Why do you consider Russia an enemy when it has been NATO that has been prodding him and trying to provoke a reaction so a war can start? Do you know how insane that is? The elites have underground bunkers to scurry to while the rest of us would be faced with mutually assured destruction. Kudos to Flynn and by the way, if Russia was such a threat, why did the Hildebeast ok a huge uranium deal to Russia in exchange for a hefty donation to her foundation cleverly disguised as a charitable;e foundation??? Does that make any sense to you? How to you spin that very salient fact???
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct

Sorry, my friend, Natasha Bertrand is a fabian socialist and most likely a CIA plant. I did a background check on her before I ever started reading the article and I only had to read a paragraph before I could debunk it as pure bullshit and fiction.

Most people have no idea about the E.U/ Soros led (and funded) overthrow of the government of Ukraine which was really an attack on Russia and this happened when word leaked that Putin as going to nationalize the central bank of Russia and kick out the Rothschilds. Crimea was the sweetest plum that these globalists wanted because of the peninsula and they were denied it when Crimea wanted no part of the E.U puppet "gubermint" and sided with Russia....which led to the fake news story that Russia had "INVADED" the Ukraine which was 100 percent bullshit. You can't trust a fucking thing that comes out of the state department even now or anything that comes off the wire of the lamestream media.....not one fucking thing. It's a very sad state of affairs but it is what it is. The dinosaur media is dying a very slow death.

You could've just said "don't believe anyone but trumpet" and you would've saved yourself all that typing

Spare me the angst, dude....if Trump turns out to be a globalist puppet, I will be busting on him like there is no tomorrow and all of the sudden you and your leftard pals will be hailing me and wanting to be my bestest friend and the ones that like my postings now will probably shun me. I'm about truth....not political sides. This is what I do and I am damn good at it. I have been there, done that....I have the commemorative T-shirt and coffee cup as parting gifts when I was a shill for the neocons. I can never take enough showers to wash the stench off of me and I did this daily for 11 friggin' years. Ask edward37...he was on the old Yahoo message board and we warred many times but he is an incredibly great friend. He has seen me evolve. I know of what I speak because I am serious about this shit. I don't like seeing us divided but I will never bow to socialism/communism...that's never gonna happen.

Here is your problem. You can find conspiracies in everything everywhere...but you're "waiting" to see if Trump is a puppet? Because defending Russia against interfering with our election, attacking the US Intel agencies to defend Russia, nominating several idiots with close ties to Russia, Flynn negotiating with Russia behind Obama back and lying about it...

All of those flat out in your face xonext ions and you're still "waiting"? What are you waiting for? A letter signed by Trump saying "I am a puppet - signed ME" to be discovered?

Even if it was you've already baked in your next don't believe any of the media or the US Intel agencies.

So what evidence are you waiting for? And where will you find it repored that is credible?

Well to answer those questions would mean you're open to accepting info..but youre not...unless you can answer of course.

Haven't you heard? The Comrade can do no wrong and even if he does, it is "fake news."
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct
And when the sun rises tomorrow; Trump will still be President....
Trump will remain an illegitmate president in the eyes of millions both domestically and globally......when the sun rises tomorrow!!!! Thanks for playing.
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct

Sorry, my friend, Natasha Bertrand is a fabian socialist and most likely a CIA plant. I did a background check on her before I ever started reading the article and I only had to read a paragraph before I could debunk it as pure bullshit and fiction.

Most people have no idea about the E.U/ Soros led (and funded) overthrow of the government of Ukraine which was really an attack on Russia and this happened when word leaked that Putin as going to nationalize the central bank of Russia and kick out the Rothschilds. Crimea was the sweetest plum that these globalists wanted because of the peninsula and they were denied it when Crimea wanted no part of the E.U puppet "gubermint" and sided with Russia....which led to the fake news story that Russia had "INVADED" the Ukraine which was 100 percent bullshit. You can't trust a fucking thing that comes out of the state department even now or anything that comes off the wire of the lamestream media.....not one fucking thing. It's a very sad state of affairs but it is what it is. The dinosaur media is dying a very slow death.

You could've just said "don't believe anyone but trumpet" and you would've saved yourself all that typing

Spare me the angst, dude....if Trump turns out to be a globalist puppet, I will be busting on him like there is no tomorrow and all of the sudden you and your leftard pals will be hailing me and wanting to be my bestest friend and the ones that like my postings now will probably shun me. I'm about truth....not political sides. This is what I do and I am damn good at it. I have been there, done that....I have the commemorative T-shirt and coffee cup as parting gifts when I was a shill for the neocons. I can never take enough showers to wash the stench off of me and I did this daily for 11 friggin' years. Ask edward37...he was on the old Yahoo message board and we warred many times but he is an incredibly great friend. He has seen me evolve. I know of what I speak because I am serious about this shit. I don't like seeing us divided but I will never bow to socialism/communism...that's never gonna happen.
those were the days my friend
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct
And when the sun rises tomorrow; Trump will still be President....
Trump will remain an illegitmate president in the eyes of millions both domestically and globally......when the sun rises tomorrow!!!! Thanks for playing.
Only in the few remaining Democrat enclaves. Certainly not globally. And rest assured the authority he wields over both; is as legitimate as it gets. Thanks for playing.;)
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct

Sorry, my friend, Natasha Bertrand is a fabian socialist and most likely a CIA plant. I did a background check on her before I ever started reading the article and I only had to read a paragraph before I could debunk it as pure bullshit and fiction.

Most people have no idea about the E.U/ Soros led (and funded) overthrow of the government of Ukraine which was really an attack on Russia and this happened when word leaked that Putin as going to nationalize the central bank of Russia and kick out the Rothschilds. Crimea was the sweetest plum that these globalists wanted because of the peninsula and they were denied it when Crimea wanted no part of the E.U puppet "gubermint" and sided with Russia....which led to the fake news story that Russia had "INVADED" the Ukraine which was 100 percent bullshit. You can't trust a fucking thing that comes out of the state department even now or anything that comes off the wire of the lamestream media.....not one fucking thing. It's a very sad state of affairs but it is what it is. The dinosaur media is dying a very slow death.

You could've just said "don't believe anyone but trumpet" and you would've saved yourself all that typing

Spare me the angst, dude....if Trump turns out to be a globalist puppet, I will be busting on him like there is no tomorrow and all of the sudden you and your leftard pals will be hailing me and wanting to be my bestest friend and the ones that like my postings now will probably shun me. I'm about truth....not political sides. This is what I do and I am damn good at it. I have been there, done that....I have the commemorative T-shirt and coffee cup as parting gifts when I was a shill for the neocons. I can never take enough showers to wash the stench off of me and I did this daily for 11 friggin' years. Ask edward37...he was on the old Yahoo message board and we warred many times but he is an incredibly great friend. He has seen me evolve. I know of what I speak because I am serious about this shit. I don't like seeing us divided but I will never bow to socialism/communism...that's never gonna happen.

Here is your problem. You can find conspiracies in everything everywhere...but you're "waiting" to see if Trump is a puppet? Because defending Russia against interfering with our election, attacking the US Intel agencies to defend Russia, nominating several idiots with close ties to Russia, Flynn negotiating with Russia behind Obama back and lying about it...

All of those flat out in your face xonext ions and you're still "waiting"? What are you waiting for? A letter signed by Trump saying "I am a puppet - signed ME" to be discovered?

Even if it was you've already baked in your next don't believe any of the media or the US Intel agencies.

So what evidence are you waiting for? And where will you find it repored that is credible?

Well to answer those questions would mean you're open to accepting info..but youre not...unless you can answer of course.

I don't have any problems at all....what I do is judge someone's merits by whom his enemies are rather than his allies. I don't like the fact at all that Trump has some neocons touting him but it could be because they wish to curry favor....I need more time because it hasn't even been a fucking month since he took office but I like what he has proposed thus far. The repudiation of the TPP was HUGE. The building of the wall has been needed for decades and the influx of muslims into this country has been utterly ridiculously stupid and to top it off? The vetting process is utterly pathetic. It is insane to bring in people that have no fucking clue what this country is all about, can't speak the language and have no respect for our culture and then we pay for their existence while we have homeless people and veterans on our own streets. Call me a "racist", I donb't give a flying fuck but this is beyond ridiculous.

As far as Russia goes? They were not involved in the hacking because it was a LEAK but even if they did hack the DNC and then passed that information off to Julian Assange? Why would anyone that wants to know the truth have a problem with that? The RNC certainly didn't want Trump so you think that DNC and RNC operatives don't have muckrakers? The lamestream media certainly isn't protecting Trump and attack him every chance they get. You don';t think things through. Why do you consider Russia an enemy when it has been NATO that has been prodding him and trying to provoke a reaction so a war can start? Do you know how insane that is? The elites have underground bunkers to scurry to while the rest of us would be faced with mutually assured destruction. Kudos to Flynn and by the way, if Russia was such a threat, why did the Hildebeast ok a huge uranium deal to Russia in exchange for a hefty donation to her foundation cleverly disguised as a charitable;e foundation??? Does that make any sense to you? How to you spin that very salient fact???

So in summation. Trump isn't a puppet because you don't consider his actions when making a judgement. And you have the ability to ask deflecting questions so that also shows he's not a puppet. And Russia didn't hack us despite what our Intel agenies found...and even if they did did it for Trump that doesn't mean anything either. Trump defending Russia and instead choosing to call us killers doesn't mean anything. Trump being in contact with Russia DURING THE CAMPAIGN doesn't mean anything. And Trump putting in Paul Manaforthe (fired for Russian ties), Carter Page (fired for Russian ties and Trump said he's never heard of him), Rex Tillesson (best friend to Russia award winner) and Michael Flynn who has just been busted by our Intel agencies for lying.

All those connections and you still can't make a determination od what is going on? Naw, one believe's that. Even a 5 year old would come to at least ask the question "how does he just so happen to have all these connections?"

Not you're still wondering.
Last edited:
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct
And when the sun rises tomorrow; Trump will still be President....
Trump will remain an illegitmate president in the eyes of millions both domestically and globally......when the sun rises tomorrow!!!! Thanks for playing.
Only in the few remaining Democrat enclaves. Certainly not globally. And rest assured the authority he wields over both; is as legitimate as it gets. Thanks for playing.;)

He lost the popular vote, even if he tries to deny it. He has malignant narscism.
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct
And when the sun rises tomorrow; Trump will still be President....
Trump will remain an illegitmate president in the eyes of millions both domestically and globally......when the sun rises tomorrow!!!! Thanks for playing.
Only in the few remaining Democrat enclaves. Certainly not globally. And rest assured the authority he wields over both; is as legitimate as it gets. Thanks for playing.;)

He lost the popular vote, even if he tries to deny it. He has malignant narscism.
It would make no difference even if he did. He's in charge. He has the power. He is the President. How the losers feel about it is inconsequential, and makes no difference...
When will Putin throw the drumpf under the bus?

Trump and his inner circle have condemned the dossier as "fake and fictitious."

But US investigators, who have opened investigations into several members of Trump's inner circle and their ties to Russia over the past year, say they have been able to corroborate some of the details in the dossier by intercepting some of the conversations between some senior Russian officials and other Russians

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct

I tried to find a way to communicate with you. This the best I could find. I hope this makes sense to you.


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