THE TITANIC IS SINKING! This is your last chance to jump ship and save some of your dignity.

Do you still believe in Impeachment with regard to Ukraine?

  • I never supported it

  • I supported it but now see I was misled

  • I want Trump our regardless of the facts so impeach away

  • I STILL believe there was a QUID PRO QUO

Results are only viewable after voting.
If this thing crashes and burns, it's hard to see how the political careers of Pelosi and other senior Democrats will survive.
There is no depth which Dem stupidity doesn't reach or as Pelosi noted, the party's MORONS would elect a "glass of water" in some districts. For the most part they don't even realize they've been lied to for 3 full years. Three minutes of must-watch TV:

Three minutes of must-watch TV:

So your point is that since you wee fooled by dumb propaganda video, everyone else should be fooled too?

It's amusing when the Trump cultists try to act smart. They can never pull it off, but they don't understand that, so they keep trying.
So if Trump's boy all a sudden started working over there making that kind of money. You would defend him?


Remember, just because you're a mindless party hack who doesn't possess a single standard that isn't a double standard, it doesn't mean that we're like you. We're not. To be a liberal is to have to have consistent standards. If you just make up standards on the fly, then conservatism will have sucked you in.
So if Trump's boy all a sudden started working over there making that kind of money. You would defend him?


Remember, just because you're a mindless party hack who doesn't possess a single standard that isn't a double standard, it doesn't mean that we're like you. We're not. To be a liberal is to have to have consistent standards. If you just make up standards on the fly, then conservatism will have sucked you in.
Coming from somebody that states Trump is guilty, but cannot tell us. What he did.
Obviously Adam Schiff is reigning Rearrangement Officer!

Three minutes of must-watch TV:
So your point is that since you wee fooled by dumb propaganda video, everyone else should be fooled too? It's amusing when the Trump cultists try to act smart. They can never pull it off, but they don't understand that, so they keep trying.

So you say you get the impression that any of that leftarded media silliness fooled me for even a nanosecond or can it be you are so dim you still believe it and anything else they tell you to think and say?

It's amazing just how rarely leftarded not-too-brights comprehend the discourse and its significance but thanks for trying. :lol:
So you say you get the impression that any of that leftarded media silliness fooled me for even a nanosecond or can it be you are so dim you still believe it and anything else they tell you to think and say?

It's funny. You actually think you're making sense, as opposed to just yammering cult buzzwords.
So you say you get the impression that any of that leftarded media silliness fooled me for even a nanosecond or can it be you are so dim you still believe it and anything else they tell you to think and say?

It's funny. You actually think you're making sense, as opposed to just yammering cult buzzwords.
like "quid pro quo"?
So you say you get the impression that any of that leftarded media silliness fooled me for even a nanosecond or can it be you are so dim you still believe it and anything else they tell you to think and say?
It's funny. You actually think you're making sense, as opposed to just yammering cult buzzwords.
I take your response to mean you are so dim you still believe your media and anything else they tell you to think and say.

Impeachment Hearing Day 4 Transcript - Gordon Sondland Testifies - Rev

Dan Goldman: (33:41)
So, let me break this down with you. By this time you, and many top officials, knew that that coveted White House meeting for President Zelensky was conditioned on these investigations, right?

Gordon Sondland: (33:55)
The announcement of the investigations, correct.

Dan Goldman: (33:56)
Thank you. And that includes Secretary Pompeo right?

Gordon Sondland: (34:01)
Many, many people.

Dan Goldman: (34:03)
And well, Secretary Pompeo?

Gordon Sondland: (34:04)

Dan Goldman: (34:05)
And acting chief of staff Mulvaney.

Gordon Sondland: (34:06)

Dan Goldman: (34:08)
And you testified that this was a quid pro quo, is that right?

Gordon Sondland: (34:11)
I did.

Dan Goldman: (34:12)
And you, at this point by the end of August, knew that the aide had been held up for at least six weeks. Is that correct?

Gordon Sondland: (34:19)
I believe I found out through Ambassador Taylor that the aid had been held up around July 18th, is when I heard originally.

Dan Goldman: (34:28)
And even though you searched for reasons, you were never given a credible explanation, is that right?

Gordon Sondland: (34:34)
That’s right.

Dan Goldman: (34:35)
And no one you spoke to thought that the aid should be held to your knowledge, is that right?

Gordon Sondland: (34:41)
I never heard anyone advocate for holding the aid.

Dan Goldman: (34:45)
And now, by this point, at the end of August it went public and the Ukrainians knew about it. Right?

Gordon Sondland: (34:51)
I believe there was some press reports, you know, presuming or who knows, but I think at that point it became sort of common knowledge that everything might be tied together.

Dan Goldman: (35:02)
And in fact, President Zelensky brought it up at that September 1st meeting with Vice President Pence that you were at. Right?

Gordon Sondland: (35:08)
I don’t know if he brought it up specifically, but asked where the aid was I think was more … I think he sort of asked, again, very vague recollection because I don’t have a readout of the bilateral meeting, but why don’t I have my check, essentially?

Dan Goldman: (35:25)
And you understood the Ukrainians received no credible explanation, is that right?

Gordon Sondland: (35:31)
I certainly didn’t, couldn’t give them one.

Dan Goldman: (35:33)
So, is this kind of a two plus two equals four conclusion that you reached?

Gordon Sondland: (35:39)
Pretty much.

Dan Goldman: (35:41)
Is the only logical conclusion to you that, given all of these factors, that the aid was also a part of this quid pro quo?

Gordon Sondland: (35:48)
The irony is the trumpstettes are now calling people, who signed on to work for the govt AFTER Trump was elected, Never Trumpers. But the partisanship ignores facts because it marches to a pre-ordained conclusion.

Not that this was a huge deal, imo, if Trump had just admitted to a mis-step and fixed it.
He didn't get him that job. You just lied.

How does a guy who was kicked out of the military for drug use and has zero experience in the oil and gas industry get a job paying 80k a month?

That gas company gave it to him because his name is Biden. Duh!
Lol, if the name was Trump. You would crap yourself.

So if Trump's boy all a sudden started working over there making that kind of money. You would defend him?

Dude. I am not defending Biden on this. It's shitty optics and the Ukranian gas company probably thought they'd get their palms greased. But.....they didn't. So....we can collectively say that it sucks but this idea that Biden did anything illegal or even committed abuse of power here is fucking stupid.

So....check yourself. Trump abused his power and he's going to be impeached for it. Along with bribery and obstruction. It's his doing.
How does a guy who was kicked out of the military for drug use and has zero experience in the oil and gas industry get a job paying 80k a month?

That gas company gave it to him because his name is Biden. Duh!
Lol, if the name was Trump. You would crap yourself.

So if Trump's boy all a sudden started working over there making that kind of money. You would defend him?

Dude. I am not defending Biden on this. It's shitty optics and the Ukranian gas company probably thought they'd get their palms greased. But.....they didn't. So....we can collectively say that it sucks but this idea that Biden did anything illegal or even committed abuse of power here is fucking stupid.

So....check yourself. Trump abused his power and he's going to be impeached for it. Along with bribery and obstruction. It's his doing.

LOL!!! What a tard!!! Of course they got their palms greased in the form of Biden getting the prosecutor that was investigating Barisma fired.
1. The impeachment process is imploding.
2. The new IG reports on the FBI are explosive.
3. Hunter/Joe Biden have been implicated in crimes by Ukrainian officials.
4. The media is running false gotcha headlines after Shifty Shitts lies to them.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.

This is the last port of entry for the Titanics maiden and doomed voyage.
Are you smart enough to disembark now or are you going down with this ship?

1. The impeachment process is moving along just fine. It has proven that Trump abused his power as President to try to improve is chances of getting re-elected in 2020.

2. & 3. Fiona Hill testified today that FICTIONS pushed by TRUMP help Russia.

4. The media is simply reporting the truth. The only one defending Trump our Republicans who put PARTY above COUNTRY. Sadly it appears nearly every Republican in the House and probably most in the Senate, care more about their PARTY and political POWER than they do the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

5. Ambassodor Sodland claimed on ONE OCCASION that the President said he wanted nothing. On several other occassions, he made clear that the President wanted investigations into the BIDENS and for those investigations to be announced in order for there to be meetings between the two Presidents, for military aid to be released that was already promised, etc.

6. IT IS A FACT THAT $400 million dollars in aid related to Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles was held up on July 18, 2019. It is a FACT that the aid was only allowed to move foward on September 11, 2019, TWO DAYS AFTER IT BECAME KNOWN that there was a WISTLEBLOWER investigation into SERIOUS misconduct regarding TRUMP's dealings with the Ukrainians.
That gas company gave it to him because his name is Biden. Duh!
Lol, if the name was Trump. You would crap yourself.

So if Trump's boy all a sudden started working over there making that kind of money. You would defend him?

Dude. I am not defending Biden on this. It's shitty optics and the Ukranian gas company probably thought they'd get their palms greased. But.....they didn't. So....we can collectively say that it sucks but this idea that Biden did anything illegal or even committed abuse of power here is fucking stupid.

So....check yourself. Trump abused his power and he's going to be impeached for it. Along with bribery and obstruction. It's his doing.

LOL!!! What a tard!!! Of course they got their palms greased in the form of Biden getting the prosecutor that was investigating Barisma fired.
No. That didn't happen. Stop lying.

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