THE TITANIC IS SINKING! This is your last chance to jump ship and save some of your dignity.

Do you still believe in Impeachment with regard to Ukraine?

  • I never supported it

  • I supported it but now see I was misled

  • I want Trump our regardless of the facts so impeach away

  • I STILL believe there was a QUID PRO QUO

Results are only viewable after voting.
1. The impeachment process is imploding.
2. The new IG reports on the FBI are explosive.
3. Hunter/Joe Biden have been implicated in crimes by Ukrainian officials.
4. The media is running false gotcha headlines after Shifty Shitts lies to them.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.

This is the last port of entry for the Titanics maiden and doomed voyage.
Are you smart enough to disembark now or are you going down with this ship?

1. The impeachment process is moving along just fine. It has proven that Trump abused his power as President to try to improve is chances of getting re-elected in 2020.

2. & 3. Fiona Hill testified today that FICTIONS pushed by TRUMP help Russia.

4. The media is simply reporting the truth. The only one defending Trump our Republicans who put PARTY above COUNTRY. Sadly it appears nearly every Republican in the House and probably most in the Senate, care more about their PARTY and political POWER than they do the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

5. Ambassodor Sodland claimed on ONE OCCASION that the President said he wanted nothing. On several other occassions, he made clear that the President wanted investigations into the BIDENS and for those investigations to be announced in order for there to be meetings between the two Presidents, for military aid to be released that was already promised, etc.

6. IT IS A FACT THAT $400 million dollars in aid related to Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles was held up on July 18, 2019. It is a FACT that the aid was only allowed to move foward on September 11, 2019, TWO DAYS AFTER IT BECAME KNOWN that there was a WISTLEBLOWER investigation into SERIOUS misconduct regarding TRUMP's dealings with the Ukrainians.
The aid deadline was 2 weeks AFTER it was delivered, so explain how it was held up again?
1. The impeachment process is imploding.
2. The new IG reports on the FBI are explosive.
3. Hunter/Joe Biden have been implicated in crimes by Ukrainian officials.
4. The media is running false gotcha headlines after Shifty Shitts lies to them.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.

This is the last port of entry for the Titanics maiden and doomed voyage.
Are you smart enough to disembark now or are you going down with this ship?

1. The impeachment process is moving along just fine. It has proven that Trump abused his power as President to try to improve is chances of getting re-elected in 2020.

2. & 3. Fiona Hill testified today that FICTIONS pushed by TRUMP help Russia.

4. The media is simply reporting the truth. The only one defending Trump our Republicans who put PARTY above COUNTRY. Sadly it appears nearly every Republican in the House and probably most in the Senate, care more about their PARTY and political POWER than they do the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

5. Ambassodor Sodland claimed on ONE OCCASION that the President said he wanted nothing. On several other occassions, he made clear that the President wanted investigations into the BIDENS and for those investigations to be announced in order for there to be meetings between the two Presidents, for military aid to be released that was already promised, etc.

6. IT IS A FACT THAT $400 million dollars in aid related to Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles was held up on July 18, 2019. It is a FACT that the aid was only allowed to move foward on September 11, 2019, TWO DAYS AFTER IT BECAME KNOWN that there was a WISTLEBLOWER investigation into SERIOUS misconduct regarding TRUMP's dealings with the Ukrainians.
1. Your OPINION clearly isn't based on anything more than leftist propaganda and FEELINGS.

2. More propaganda and FEELINGS.

3. See #2

4. Outlandish bullshit based of the feelings of an uninformed fool.

5. That claim was based on an ACTUAL CONVERSATION. Everything else is based on his FEELINGS.

6. Coincidence or direct correlation? Search your "FEELINGS" for today's answer

Noticing any trends here? Tell me, how does that make you FEEL
Lol, if the name was Trump. You would crap yourself.

So if Trump's boy all a sudden started working over there making that kind of money. You would defend him?

Dude. I am not defending Biden on this. It's shitty optics and the Ukranian gas company probably thought they'd get their palms greased. But.....they didn't. So....we can collectively say that it sucks but this idea that Biden did anything illegal or even committed abuse of power here is fucking stupid.

So....check yourself. Trump abused his power and he's going to be impeached for it. Along with bribery and obstruction. It's his doing.

LOL!!! What a tard!!! Of course they got their palms greased in the form of Biden getting the prosecutor that was investigating Barisma fired.
No. That didn't happen. Stop lying.

I'm sure this is a fake video right?'re a tard alright.
1. The impeachment process is imploding.
2. The new IG reports on the FBI are explosive.
3. Hunter/Joe Biden have been implicated in crimes by Ukrainian officials.
4. The media is running false gotcha headlines after Shifty Shitts lies to them.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.

This is the last port of entry for the Titanics maiden and doomed voyage.
Are you smart enough to disembark now or are you going down with this ship?

1. The impeachment process is moving along just fine. It has proven that Trump abused his power as President to try to improve is chances of getting re-elected in 2020.

2. & 3. Fiona Hill testified today that FICTIONS pushed by TRUMP help Russia.

4. The media is simply reporting the truth. The only one defending Trump our Republicans who put PARTY above COUNTRY. Sadly it appears nearly every Republican in the House and probably most in the Senate, care more about their PARTY and political POWER than they do the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

5. Ambassodor Sodland claimed on ONE OCCASION that the President said he wanted nothing. On several other occassions, he made clear that the President wanted investigations into the BIDENS and for those investigations to be announced in order for there to be meetings between the two Presidents, for military aid to be released that was already promised, etc.

6. IT IS A FACT THAT $400 million dollars in aid related to Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles was held up on July 18, 2019. It is a FACT that the aid was only allowed to move foward on September 11, 2019, TWO DAYS AFTER IT BECAME KNOWN that there was a WISTLEBLOWER investigation into SERIOUS misconduct regarding TRUMP's dealings with the Ukrainians.
1. Your OPINION clearly isn't based on anything more than leftist propaganda and FEELINGS.

2. More propaganda and FEELINGS.

3. See #2

4. Outlandish bullshit based of the feelings of an uninformed fool.

5. That claim was based on an ACTUAL CONVERSATION. Everything else is based on his FEELINGS.

6. Coincidence or direct correlation? Search your "FEELINGS" for today's answer

Noticing any trends here? Tell me, how does that make you FEEL

1. No that would be your conclusions and what the supporters of Trump have to say. Getting a foreign power to investigate an American citizen in order to improve ones electoral prospects is exactly what TRUMP did. A PROVEN FACT. IT IS ALSO ILLEGAL ACCORDING TO THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION!

2. and 3. Nope, FACTS coming from non-partisan official working for the United States government on U.S. policy towards Russia and Ukraine.

4. Name someone who is NOT a registered Republican that is defending Trump. Name them, what is their position. What have they said.


6. DIRECT CORRELATION BECAUSE OF ALL THE OTHER FACTS KNOWN. Why is TRUMP preventing Pompeo, BOLTON and others from testifying as well as the release of documents. IF THEY DID NOTHING WRONG, WHY ARE THEY HIDING THESE PEOPLE AND THIS INFORMATION. This is in fact and obstruction of justice and in of itself, grounds for impeachment.
1. The impeachment process is imploding.
2. The new IG reports on the FBI are explosive.
3. Hunter/Joe Biden have been implicated in crimes by Ukrainian officials.
4. The media is running false gotcha headlines after Shifty Shitts lies to them.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.

This is the last port of entry for the Titanics maiden and doomed voyage.
Are you smart enough to disembark now or are you going down with this ship?

1. The impeachment process is moving along just fine. It has proven that Trump abused his power as President to try to improve is chances of getting re-elected in 2020.

2. & 3. Fiona Hill testified today that FICTIONS pushed by TRUMP help Russia.

4. The media is simply reporting the truth. The only one defending Trump our Republicans who put PARTY above COUNTRY. Sadly it appears nearly every Republican in the House and probably most in the Senate, care more about their PARTY and political POWER than they do the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

5. Ambassodor Sodland claimed on ONE OCCASION that the President said he wanted nothing. On several other occassions, he made clear that the President wanted investigations into the BIDENS and for those investigations to be announced in order for there to be meetings between the two Presidents, for military aid to be released that was already promised, etc.

6. IT IS A FACT THAT $400 million dollars in aid related to Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles was held up on July 18, 2019. It is a FACT that the aid was only allowed to move foward on September 11, 2019, TWO DAYS AFTER IT BECAME KNOWN that there was a WISTLEBLOWER investigation into SERIOUS misconduct regarding TRUMP's dealings with the Ukrainians.
The aid deadline was 2 weeks AFTER it was delivered, so explain how it was held up again?

It was held up July 18, 2019. It was released September 11, 2019, two days after learning about the whistleblower.
1. The impeachment process is imploding.
2. The new IG reports on the FBI are explosive.
3. Hunter/Joe Biden have been implicated in crimes by Ukrainian officials.
4. The media is running false gotcha headlines after Shifty Shitts lies to them.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.

This is the last port of entry for the Titanics maiden and doomed voyage.
Are you smart enough to disembark now or are you going down with this ship?

1. The impeachment process is moving along just fine. It has proven that Trump abused his power as President to try to improve is chances of getting re-elected in 2020.

2. & 3. Fiona Hill testified today that FICTIONS pushed by TRUMP help Russia.

4. The media is simply reporting the truth. The only one defending Trump our Republicans who put PARTY above COUNTRY. Sadly it appears nearly every Republican in the House and probably most in the Senate, care more about their PARTY and political POWER than they do the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

5. Ambassodor Sodland claimed on ONE OCCASION that the President said he wanted nothing. On several other occassions, he made clear that the President wanted investigations into the BIDENS and for those investigations to be announced in order for there to be meetings between the two Presidents, for military aid to be released that was already promised, etc.

6. IT IS A FACT THAT $400 million dollars in aid related to Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles was held up on July 18, 2019. It is a FACT that the aid was only allowed to move foward on September 11, 2019, TWO DAYS AFTER IT BECAME KNOWN that there was a WISTLEBLOWER investigation into SERIOUS misconduct regarding TRUMP's dealings with the Ukrainians.
The aid deadline was 2 weeks AFTER it was delivered, so explain how it was held up again?

It was held up July 18, 2019. It was released September 11, 2019, two days after learning about the whistleblower.
It was NOT due to be released until the END of September DUMB ASS.
So if Trump's boy all a sudden started working over there making that kind of money. You would defend him?

Dude. I am not defending Biden on this. It's shitty optics and the Ukranian gas company probably thought they'd get their palms greased. But.....they didn't. So....we can collectively say that it sucks but this idea that Biden did anything illegal or even committed abuse of power here is fucking stupid.

So....check yourself. Trump abused his power and he's going to be impeached for it. Along with bribery and obstruction. It's his doing.

LOL!!! What a tard!!! Of course they got their palms greased in the form of Biden getting the prosecutor that was investigating Barisma fired.
No. That didn't happen. Stop lying.

I'm sure this is a fake video right?'re a tard alright.

That had nothing to do with Burisma and it had nothing to do with Biden's son.

You are a dupe or a liar.

That action was detrimental to corrupt companies in Ukraine. It did not help Burisma in any way.

Be honest. For once.
How does a guy who was kicked out of the military for drug use and has zero experience in the oil and gas industry get a job paying 80k a month?

That gas company gave it to him because his name is Biden. Duh!
Lol, if the name was Trump. You would crap yourself.

So if Trump's boy all a sudden started working over there making that kind of money. You would defend him?

Dude. I am not defending Biden on this. It's shitty optics and the Ukranian gas company probably thought they'd get their palms greased. But.....they didn't. So....we can collectively say that it sucks but this idea that Biden did anything illegal or even committed abuse of power here is fucking stupid.

So....check yourself. Trump abused his power and he's going to be impeached for it. Along with bribery and obstruction. It's his doing.
Oops your main witness said Trump told him that he wanted nothing from Ukraine. So you have nothing, but rumor has it we are going to get the transcrips of Biden's call to the leader right before Hunter got his job.
Lol, if the name was Trump. You would crap yourself.

So if Trump's boy all a sudden started working over there making that kind of money. You would defend him?

Dude. I am not defending Biden on this. It's shitty optics and the Ukranian gas company probably thought they'd get their palms greased. But.....they didn't. So....we can collectively say that it sucks but this idea that Biden did anything illegal or even committed abuse of power here is fucking stupid.

So....check yourself. Trump abused his power and he's going to be impeached for it. Along with bribery and obstruction. It's his doing.

LOL!!! What a tard!!! Of course they got their palms greased in the form of Biden getting the prosecutor that was investigating Barisma fired.
No. That didn't happen. Stop lying.
Have you not heard Biden's tape in his own words. Bragging about strong arming Ukraine? If Trump did the same, nevermind. You're a loon.
That gas company gave it to him because his name is Biden. Duh!
Lol, if the name was Trump. You would crap yourself.

So if Trump's boy all a sudden started working over there making that kind of money. You would defend him?

Dude. I am not defending Biden on this. It's shitty optics and the Ukranian gas company probably thought they'd get their palms greased. But.....they didn't. So....we can collectively say that it sucks but this idea that Biden did anything illegal or even committed abuse of power here is fucking stupid.

So....check yourself. Trump abused his power and he's going to be impeached for it. Along with bribery and obstruction. It's his doing.
Oops your main witness said Trump told him that he wanted nothing from Ukraine. So you have nothing, but rumor has it we are going to get the transcrips of Biden's call to the leader right before Hunter got his job.

Cool. Let's have them.
So if Trump's boy all a sudden started working over there making that kind of money. You would defend him?

Dude. I am not defending Biden on this. It's shitty optics and the Ukranian gas company probably thought they'd get their palms greased. But.....they didn't. So....we can collectively say that it sucks but this idea that Biden did anything illegal or even committed abuse of power here is fucking stupid.

So....check yourself. Trump abused his power and he's going to be impeached for it. Along with bribery and obstruction. It's his doing.

LOL!!! What a tard!!! Of course they got their palms greased in the form of Biden getting the prosecutor that was investigating Barisma fired.
No. That didn't happen. Stop lying.
Have you not heard Biden's tape in his own words. Bragging about strong arming Ukraine? If Trump did the same, nevermind. You're a loon.

Sure he did. As part of the US's stated policy goals for Ukraine.

Now, if he had charged some hack lawyer and a politically appointed ambassador to somewhere other than Ukraine with getting this done...and then tried to cover it might have a point.

So if Trump's boy all a sudden started working over there making that kind of money. You would defend him?

Dude. I am not defending Biden on this. It's shitty optics and the Ukranian gas company probably thought they'd get their palms greased. But.....they didn't. So....we can collectively say that it sucks but this idea that Biden did anything illegal or even committed abuse of power here is fucking stupid.

So....check yourself. Trump abused his power and he's going to be impeached for it. Along with bribery and obstruction. It's his doing.

LOL!!! What a tard!!! Of course they got their palms greased in the form of Biden getting the prosecutor that was investigating Barisma fired.
No. That didn't happen. Stop lying.

I'm sure this is a fake video right?'re a tard alright.

That had nothing to do with Burisma and it had nothing to do with Biden's son.

You are a dupe or a liar.

That action was detrimental to corrupt companies in Ukraine. It did not help Burisma in any way.

Be honest. For once.

Okay, we need the transcripts of all Biden's calls to Ukraine. So he can prove he is innocent. Since this is the way you treat Trump.

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