The top 10 cities people are looking to put in their rearview mirrors

ok so those couple of thousand out vote the millions who live there?.....i dont buy that.....if things change its because of the people who live there let it...

For the most part a red state isn't 75% Republican like a blue state isn't 75% Democrat. All it takes is a few thousand people and it's enough to turn a state the opposite color. Mind you this isn't happening in states like Florida or Texas yet, but the more blue state people that move there, the bigger chance they have at destroying that state. Even AOC didn't vacation in Commiefornia. She vacationed in Florida while there were still mask mandates in many of the blue states.
Because. They're. Expensive.

Your link: "Crazy house prices have upended the market in the last two years, triggering what the real estate brokerage firm Redfin labels unprecedented levels of relocation. Specifically, prospective home buyers seem to be leaving cities where prices are too high in favor of more affordable locales."
That and the burro drawn wagons they have in red state "cities" don't have rearview mirrors.

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