The tragedy of Alexandria Hill

Whoa, social services discovered them smoking pot? That means they were already being investigated for their care of the child. That means it wasn't just about the pot.

Was social services peeking in their window? And it's just the parents they quote saying they only smoked when she was sleeping, none of the articles had any corroboration of that
And again...if it doesn't come from, it didn't happen...
Come back with a reliable source instead of foaming over because people don't hold up lefty websites as the gospels.
Refer to my previous statement...
Still nothing? I'll ignore the story for what it is then, bullshit.
Of course you will. It didn't come from so it didn't happen. Typical partisan bullshit.

Thanks for stopping by.
No one is interested in your bullshit pal.
Permanent Ignore.
Returning the favour. Buh bye.
Come back when you have some facts. Cobbling together a story to fit an agenda is lame. I doubt very seriously the child was taken for pot smoking in the house.

The cops were cool with the body parts in the freezer, no, it was the pot ...

No body parts, just a little pot and a mother with a medical condition that caused seizures.

"Mr. Hill admitted to smoking marijuana in the house when his daughter has been upstairs sleeping," the caseworker representing the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services noted in court records.

The CPS caseworker ultimately determined that Alex's mother's frequent seizures (a medical condition), coupled with that pesky marijuana use, warranted removal from the home, and Alex was placed with a foster family.


Texas Girl Was Taken Away From Parents Because They Smoked Pot, Only to Be Killed in Foster Care
Come back when you have some facts. Cobbling together a story to fit an agenda is lame. I doubt very seriously the child was taken for pot smoking in the house.
And again...if it doesn't come from, it didn't happen...
Come back with a reliable source instead of foaming over because people don't hold up lefty websites as the gospels.
Refer to my previous statement...
Still nothing? I'll ignore the story for what it is then, bullshit.
Of course you will. It didn't come from so it didn't happen. Typical partisan bullshit.

Thanks for stopping by.
Still nothing but spittle on your "I hate the right" baby bib, I see.

Whoa, social services discovered them smoking pot? That means they were already being investigated for their care of the child. That means it wasn't just about the pot

I think it's time for you to fuck off and go some place else. You doubted the story, made a big stink about and and now without the remotest notion of humility you want to argue the facts of the story. You were wrong, kind of a dick about too.
Come back when you have some facts. Cobbling together a story to fit an agenda is lame. I doubt very seriously the child was taken for pot smoking in the house.

The cops were cool with the body parts in the freezer, no, it was the pot ...

No body parts, just a little pot and a mother with a medical condition that caused seizures.

"Mr. Hill admitted to smoking marijuana in the house when his daughter has been upstairs sleeping," the caseworker representing the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services noted in court records.

The CPS caseworker ultimately determined that Alex's mother's frequent seizures (a medical condition), coupled with that pesky marijuana use, warranted removal from the home, and Alex was placed with a foster family.


Texas Girl Was Taken Away From Parents Because They Smoked Pot, Only to Be Killed in Foster Care
"The CPS caseworker ultimately determined that Alex's mother's frequent seizures (a medical condition), coupled with that pesky marijuana use, warranted removal from the home, and Alex was placed with a foster family."

"Pesky marijuana use" doesn't look biased to you? LOL

Whoa, social services discovered them smoking pot? That means they were already being investigated for their care of the child. That means it wasn't just about the pot

I think it's time for you to fuck off and go some place else. You doubted the story, made a big stink about and and now without the remotest notion of humility you want to argue the facts of the story. You were wrong, kind of a dick about too.
Post the facts instead of slinging your dirty diaper around.
Another source. And, another one. How many different sources would you guys like, before you consider this to be a story worth talking about?
And again...if it doesn't come from, it didn't happen...
Come back with a reliable source instead of foaming over because people don't hold up lefty websites as the gospels.
Refer to my previous statement...
Still nothing? I'll ignore the story for what it is then, bullshit.
Of course you will. It didn't come from so it didn't happen. Typical partisan bullshit.

Thanks for stopping by.

If you read the articles, they don't say how they know the child was removed for them smoking pot. One said the mother couldn't be left alone for medical reasons with the child. One said they had "limited parenting skills" but it wasn't clear if that meant the pot or something else. None really cited the court case where the child was removed. They didn't say how they knew the parents smoked pot. Were they arrested? The links you provided I read were all long on assumption and skimpy on facts. They seem to all just be various articles written on the same three talking points.
Yeah...a mysterious, unnamed "illness". And, you're right, we don't kn ow how they found out that the parents smoked pot. does it matter? Should the fact that the parents smoked pot even matter? They took care of their child. She never came to any harm. She was removed from a loving, nurturing home, and placed in foster care where she was regularly bruised, sick, and eventually died. You don't have a problem with this?

And where did the body parts in the freezer come from?
Good question. You brought it up in post #11.
Do you know how to post content? Where does it explain the reasons the child was put into foster care?

On Nov. 27, CPS filed an affidavit saying that she and Hill have “limited parenting skills.” Because of allegations of frequent marijuana use and Sweeney’s seizure disorders, Alex needed to be removed, caseworker Trina Fowler wrote.

I know how to post, can you fucking read?
I note that foster care in Texas has been privatized and that as a result, two children are dying in care every year.

The foster care system should not be a contract given to the lowest bidder.

Whoa, social services discovered them smoking pot? That means they were already being investigated for their care of the child. That means it wasn't just about the pot

I think it's time for you to fuck off and go some place else. You doubted the story, made a big stink about and and now without the remotest notion of humility you want to argue the facts of the story. You were wrong, kind of a dick about too.

Isn't it early to be smoking pot already?

Whoa, social services discovered them smoking pot? That means they were already being investigated for their care of the child. That means it wasn't just about the pot

I think it's time for you to fuck off and go some place else. You doubted the story, made a big stink about and and now without the remotest notion of humility you want to argue the facts of the story. You were wrong, kind of a dick about too.
Post the facts instead of slinging your dirty diaper around.

I did, I provided credible links that demonstrated this isn't a made up story. I have no idea what facts you presented here, apparently none, hypocrite.

Whoa, social services discovered them smoking pot? That means they were already being investigated for their care of the child. That means it wasn't just about the pot

I think it's time for you to fuck off and go some place else. You doubted the story, made a big stink about and and now without the remotest notion of humility you want to argue the facts of the story. You were wrong, kind of a dick about too.

Isn't it early to be smoking pot already?

Typical wingnut, proven wrong fails to save face.
At least one report claims the father's pot use was so bad he almost dropped the girl down a flight of stairs.

Tragic that this girl was never going to have a chance.
Do you know how to post content? Where does it explain the reasons the child was put into foster care?

On Nov. 27, CPS filed an affidavit saying that she and Hill have “limited parenting skills.” Because of allegations of frequent marijuana use and Sweeney’s seizure disorders, Alex needed to be removed, caseworker Trina Fowler wrote.

I know how to post, can you fucking read?

Why was CPS investigating the parents in the first place since it says they are the ones who discovered the pot? Are you going to have another whining hissy fit now?

Whoa, social services discovered them smoking pot? That means they were already being investigated for their care of the child. That means it wasn't just about the pot.

Was social services peeking in their window? And it's just the parents they quote saying they only smoked when she was sleeping, none of the articles had any corroboration of that
Actually, they got CPS involved over a custody dispute. The only suggestion from the records was a claim that the father "...almost dropped..." the daughter when he was high. Gee. This was a custody dispute. I wonder who might have made that accusation, and why?
At least one report claims the father's pot use was so bad he almost dropped the girl down a flight of stairs.

Tragic that this girl was never going to have a chance.
Yeah. It was a custody dispute. I wonder who might have made that accusation. The bottom line is, this kid was perfectly healthy, and cared for, until she was put in the system. Then she died. Maybe something is wrong with the system? Just a thought...

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